True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 107 Black Qilin King

The scene of the beasts galloping was really horrifying. Wherever they went, the trees that could be hugged by several people were knocked down, and the monsters following behind trampled on them, even the tree trunks were trampled to pieces.

"Roar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The black unicorn roared again, as if it was the king of all beasts.

"Roar!! Roar! Roar!" All the beasts roared in unison, and their speed increased immediately, and they flew in the direction where Sun Xing and others fled.

"Roar!!!" The black unicorn roared twice more.

"Hualala!!!" Suddenly, countless black beetles flew out from the huge group of monsters, and they were still emitting black air. The insects were covered with black armor and covered with spikes. Under their fiery red eyes, there was a pair of fangs larger than their bodies, which looked ferocious and terrifying.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz!" All of the black beetles gathered together and turned into a black torrent, making a deafening buzzing sound. Their speed was much faster than that of all the beasts. In an instant, they flew dozens of feet away and ran in front of all the beasts.

"Roar!" The black unicorn roared like excitement, and a black shadow flashed, jumping to a huge monster that looked like a black panther and had a pair of flesh wings. If Li Xiaoya was here, he would definitely recognize the origin of this monster. It was the flying leopard monster, but the flying leopard monster had golden spots on its skin and was not that big. The monster was surrounded by green light and bursts of black air. It stared hard at its feet, flapped its flesh wings, and caught up with it at a speed not faster than the beetle torrent.........

At the end of Sun Xing and others' escape, a Fire Dragon Palace monk emitted bursts of green light and was supporting another monk to run forward quickly. Although the speed was very fast, it was very limited because he was supporting a person.

"Brother Li! What monster is that sound? Such a loud sound!?" The monk who was supported asked with a pale face. If Donggu Nu was here, she would definitely know that this monk was the monk who was injured by her cymbals.

"I don't know! It sounds really scary! It can actually make such a loud roar!" The monk surnamed Li shook his head and said.

"Brother Li! This time I really need you. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't be able to escape!" The injured monk seemed very grateful and said.

"Brother Lang, you are polite. We have been good brothers for many years since we entered the Fire Dragon Palace. Brothers will not abandon you!" The monk surnamed Li smiled.

"Yes! Brothers who have been through life and death!" The injured monk surnamed Lang said lightly with a gleam of fierceness in his eyes. After that! The hand behind his back flashed with a cold light, and a dagger with green light appeared in his hand. Suddenly, he stabbed the back of the monk surnamed Li's head fiercely. This monk was so vicious? ? Killing his friend who had been through life and death for many years! ?

"You!!!" The dagger in the monk surnamed Lang's hand was about to stab the back of the monk surnamed Li's head, but his body suddenly stiffened and he couldn't stab it anymore. His body softened and he fell down.

"Hehe!" The monk surnamed Li threw the monk surnamed Lang to the ground. He saw that his chest was stabbed with a dagger similar to the one in the monk surnamed Lang's hand.

"Don't blame me! Brother! We can't escape if we carry you!" The monk surnamed Li squatted beside the corpse and began to search his body. He first put all the storage bags into his clothes, and then continued to search the monk's body.

"Haha! Found it!" The monk surnamed Li searched for a while and suddenly pulled off the sleeve of the corpse excitedly. He saw a hidden pocket on it. The monk surnamed Li was very happy. He opened the hidden pocket and took out a piece of leather made of something unknown.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz!!!" Before the monk surnamed Li had time to be happy, he suddenly heard a buzzing sound from behind and looked back.

"What?" The monk surnamed Li was shocked when he saw the scene behind him. He saw a black torrent had reached him.

"Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The torrent of beetles hit him all of a sudden, and spun around the monk surnamed Li for several circles like a whirlwind.

"Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The monk surnamed Li only had time to scream, and the beetles flew away, re-forming into a torrent and continued to fly forward.

"Huh!" The monk surnamed Li was already dead, and a piece of leather-like thing was seen falling from the air. In an instant, the monk surnamed Li was eaten up by the beetles, and seven or eight storage bags and the leather-like thing fell to the ground.

"Roar!" Before the leather fell to the ground, a black whirlwind suddenly roared and whistled. In an instant, the leather was swallowed by the giant black panther monster carrying the black unicorn. Then the huge panther head seemed to stretch its head to the ground, and the target was exactly the place where the storage bag was. Then the purple-red tongue stretched out like lightning, rolled up the storage bag on the ground, turned its head and handed it to the black unicorn monster. This black panther monster is so psychic? It seems that its wisdom is low.

"Roar!" The black unicorn's action was even more surprising. It roared, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed all the storage bags and the leather-like thing into its stomach in one gulp.

"Roar!" After the black unicorn swallowed all the storage bags in one gulp, it roared again, as if urging the black panther to continue chasing forward.

"Huh!!!" The black panther made a sound, flapped its two flesh wings vigorously, and turned into a black hurricane and flew out like lightning...

"Fellow Daoist Jin! Did you hear that!" Although Sun Xing was injured, he gradually caught up with Jinzhan with the help of the talisman, and asked Jinzhan in a deep voice, and Li Yu'er had disappeared long ago, presumably turning into an illusion and running away.

"Yes! Of course I heard it, the only one who can emit such momentum is the legendary king of the Ancient Demon Mountain, the Black Kirin King!" Jinzhan said with a sullen face, nodding repeatedly.

"Is there really a Black Kirin King?" Sun Xing exclaimed when he heard it. Although he had heard of it, his nickname was Fire Kirin, which surprised him a little.

"Of course it really happened! When you came out, your elders should have explained to you about the thousand-year beast chaos?"

"Of course there was... eh?" Sun Xing just said halfway, and suddenly his face changed drastically and he exclaimed.

"What's wrong? Fellow Daoist Sun!" Jinzhan asked curiously when she saw that his face looked strange.

{Piaotia Literature

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