True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 123 Fighting the Steel Beetle

[Text] Volume 4, Chapter 123, Fighting Steel Beetles

Volume 4, Chapter 123, Fighting Steel Beetles

"Bang" Suddenly, there was a burst of sound behind him.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz" A buzzing sound was heard. Obviously, those steel beetles broke through the siege of the illusion array and caught up with him.

"Not good, the steel beetles broke through my array" Li Xiaoya's face changed drastically, exclaimed, and then hurriedly said: "I don't have my array flags anymore, I only have this set"

"What should I do then?" Everyone looked at the one who couldn't see the top and said anxiously.

"You go first, I'll find a way to stop them" Li Xiaoya said coldly as he slowed down.


"Junior Brother Li, be careful" Everyone hurriedly replied, and continued to run forward, but the speed was obviously much slower than before. It seems that the strange downward gravity is too strong.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz" Li Xiaoya just slowed down, and found that the steel beetle group formed a whirlwind and appeared at the corner.

"Pah" Li Xiaoya slapped the storage bag on his waist, and found that the Fire Dragon Sword appeared in his hand. After a careful look, he found that there was nothing unusual, so he carefully input mana into it. After all, the strange scene of the Fire Dragon Sword just now really made him a little worried, but now using the fire python really consumes too much mana, which is not a long-term solution.

"Huh, fortunately there is nothing unusual." Slowly inputting mana, the Fire Dragon Sword instantly became larger and emitted red and yellow light, and Li Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief. In order to save mana, it is necessary to use the Fire Dragon Sword to increase the power of the spell, otherwise he will not be able to hold on for long no matter how deep his mana is.

"Swish, swish" Li Xiaoya thought in his heart, silently chanted the spell, waved the Fire Dragon Sword, and suddenly two fire blades flew out, forming a cross of fire blades in the air and flew towards the buzzing steel beetles.

"Bang" The cross fire blades scattered the steel beetle swarm with one knife, and hundreds of steel beetles were shot down.

"Hmm? No" Li Xiaoya was shocked as soon as he released this spell, and muttered: "Why does the power seem to be a little stronger? Is it affected by the roar?" Although he said so, his feet were not slow. While retreating quickly upwards, he quickly released the fire blades, forming a cross of fire blades and flying towards those steel beetles.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The cross-shaped fire blade quickly hit the insect swarm, making a series of explosions. As soon as it exploded, the steel beetles that were shot down behind it shook their wings and flew up again from the ground, rushing towards him one after another.

"Buzz" Suddenly, two lone steel beetles flew to Li Xiaoya's feet without knowing when.

"Huh?" Li Xiaoya's consciousness moved, and he quickly dodged and swung the Fire Dragon Sword.

"Ping Ping" The Fire Dragon Sword hit the two steel beetles exactly, making two metal collision sounds.

"Sure enough" Li Xiaoya saw clearly that when the Fire Dragon Sword chopped the steel beetle, only two sword marks were seen. It seemed that the sharpness of the Fire Dragon Sword could not cut it into two pieces? However, Li Xiaoya also found something wrong. When the Fire Dragon Sword chopped the steel beetle, the sword tip slid strangely.

Li Xiaoya saw the name of this steel beetle in a book of strange insects in the library of Senior Brother Liu Hang. It was ranked 18th in the list of 100 insects in the book. It was a legendary strange insect that had disappeared in the world of immortal cultivation for many years. According to the book, this insect was famous for devouring spiritual energy. What was more terrifying was that this spiritual insect was extremely tough. It was comparable to a magic weapon and was not afraid of any magic attack. Ordinary Yuanying period cultivators would hide and run away when they encountered it. Fortunately, it seemed that these steel beetles were far from reaching maturity, otherwise they would have been wiped out long ago.

However, the steel beetles had disappeared in the world of immortal cultivation for so many years, and now they could still be encountered here, and there were so many of them that he was very puzzled.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz" The steel beetle was not a good thing. After being chopped out, it rolled on the ground a few times and quickly pounced on Li Xiaoya. Unknowingly, a large group of steel beetles surrounded him.

"Boom" Li Xiaoya's feet suddenly flashed red, and a column of fire shot out, immediately spraying a large group of steel beetles that were flying towards him.

"Buzz" The steel beetles were blown away.

"Boom" Li Xiaoya took the opportunity to shoot out a flame, and suddenly his body flashed and retreated three or four feet, avoiding the encirclement of the insect swarm, and then dozens of fireballs flew out with the Fire Dragon Sword. Another burst of explosions sounded, and the steel beetle was shot down again.

In this way, Li Xiaoya fought and retreated, and forcibly delayed the advance of the insect swarm.

While Li Xiaoya and others were desperately climbing up the mountain and resisting the steel beetle swarm, the black unicorn at the foot of the mountain looked bored and actually lay on the ground to take a nap. The black panther was half-kneeling beside the black unicorn, looking loyal and guarding, and the other monsters were either half-squatting or lying down, not daring to make a sound.

"Roar, roar, roar" The black unicorn suddenly opened its eyes and roared continuously. After roaring, it jumped on the head of the black panther monster.

"Roar" The black panther roared and actually ran towards the direction of the pagoda. The monsters along the way stood up and made way for it to pass.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar" The other monsters heard the roar and hurriedly climbed up one by one, just following the black panther and running quickly.

"I can't even go to that place, let alone you low-level human monks? But the aura seems to be that of the ancient one, which is a bit troublesome." The black unicorn closed his eyes, looked very serious, and moved his mouth slightly. He murmured in human language.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you getting slower and slower?" Li Xiaoya defeated the steel beetle again, and suddenly found that Li Xiangxiang was a few steps behind him.

"Li...Li...Junior brother, I can't stand it. It's too heavy." Li Xiangxiang's face was red, a faint green light emitted from his body, and he was running forward with great difficulty. He said with difficulty.

"Uh." Li Xiaoya was speechless for a while when he heard this. Looking back, he saw that the team had formed a long line. At the same time, he also saw the cultivation level of everyone. He saw that everyone had a faint mana aura coming out, and dozens of people were wearing it. It’s not surprising that Zhang Hong is his father-in-law. After all, when Li Xiaoya was still a little kid, Zhang Hong was already in the pill condensation stage. But the second one was beyond Li Xiaoya’s surprise. It was the Donggu girl. , the third one is Na Ma Wei Qi. Based on his sense of consciousness, Na Ma Wei Qi should be stronger. After thinking about it, I understand that Dong Gu Nu is majoring in earth attribute skills, and her strength is It is the strongest among the five elements techniques, and although the wind attribute technique is the fastest, it cannot be used under the interference of this strange gravity.

However, the long staircase still seemed to have no end. Seeing this situation, Li Xiaoya couldn't help but become anxious.

"Buzz buzz buzz" before he could think of a countermeasure. The swarm of steel beetles caught up again.

"Go to hell!" Li Xiaoya cursed angrily in his heart. He yanked the fire dragon sword in his hand and stabbed it, and the fire dragon spit out pearls immediately.

"Boom!" There was a sudden explosion, which defeated a large area of ​​the insect swarm, and many even fell to the bottom of the cliff.

"Buzzing buzzing" was useless. After a while, the insect swarm gathered again and swarmed in together. Li Xiaoya was so angry that he flew into a rage. However, this was the characteristic of gregarious insect monsters, massive tactics. The fatigue attacks come one after another.

"Junior sister Li, let me help you." Suddenly, the Donggu girl slowed down and immediately fell behind. She stretched out her hand and pulled Li Xiangxiang over.

"Senior Sister Donggu" Li Xiangxiang was so excited that her beautiful eyes burst into tears, and he hurriedly grabbed her.

"Let's go!" Donggu Nu shouted, dragging Li Xiangxiang forward and speeding up immediately.

"Huh!" Li Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief. It was really troublesome to have so many people together, but he missed those times when he went to dangerous places alone to look for opportunities.

The mention of Li Xiangxiangdu allowed Li Xiaoya to concentrate more on dealing with the swarm of steel beetles.

"Huh?" After fighting for a while, Li Xiaoya suddenly got a clue. He saw the downed steel beetles falling to the ground. They had to roll a few times on the ground and push hard to fly up. Moreover, the flying height of the insect swarm was Getting lower and lower, the speed suddenly dropped.

"Could this weird gravity also be effective on this steel beetle?" Li Xiaoya was very happy when he saw this and guessed. At the same time, he was also wondering: "Then why doesn't the black unicorn come up? With its magical power, we shouldn't be able to run away. ?" When I thought about this, I suddenly felt uneasy.

As time went by, Li Xiangxiang almost collapsed, and the Donggu girl became more and more difficult to pull. Fortunately, Zhang Hong extended a helping hand in time, and the three of them flew together, but their shooting range was almost only the first three seconds. One percent, and that Ma Weiqi had deep cultivation, so he ran at the front. Even though Li Xiaoya had been fighting for so long, and with the weird gravity on the ground, he also had a faint red light on his body. The gravity made His speed has also dropped. Although his mana consumption is not as fast as others, because he has to constantly block those steel beetles, his mana consumption is huge.

Fortunately, however, the steel beetle was flying lower and slower, which made him less stressed. I took the time to pour a few pills and threw them into my mouth to restore my mana.

"Bang" Finally, a fire python came out from Li Xiaoya, and a large number of steel beetles were swept in. There was a muffled sound, and a large number of steel beetles were shot down. They lay on the ground and struggled for a while, but they couldn't fly.

"Can't fly? Haha" Li Xiaoya was overjoyed when he saw this, and shouted excitedly, bursting into laughter.


Those steel beetles had strange changes, which surprised Li Xiaoya, and his laughter stopped. (Book friends have compiled and uploaded the latest update of True Immortal Romance and read the full text of True Immortal Romance.

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