True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 124 Evolution (Please collect and subscribe)

[Text] Volume 4 Chapter 124 Evolution (please collect and subscribe)

Volume 4, Chapter 124: Evolution (please collect and subscribe)

I saw those downed steel beetles, after struggling on the ground for a while, suddenly retracted their wings, shrank their legs and feet into a ball, and became motionless. Provided by book friends

"Swiss, swish, swish, swish" Before Li Xiaoya could be happy, a burst of black air suddenly emerged from the motionless steel beetles. After a burst of rustling, their whole bodies began to condense into a white thing.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz" Those steel beetles that could still move were unwilling to give up and continued to fly toward Li Xiaoya.

"Boom!" Li Xiaoya shot out another fire python, almost completely defeating all the flying steel beetles, and they all fell down.

"Rust, rustle, rustle, rustle" Those steel beetles were actually the same as the previous steel beetles. After a rustling sound, they all condensed into white ball-like things.

" this a cocoon?" Li Xiaoya couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene. It looked like the cocoon made by silkworms that he had seen when he was a child.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz"

"Bear Bear" Li Xiaoya shot down the remaining steel beetles with several fireballs, and immediately the steel beetles formed into something that looked like a cocoon.

"Huh!" Li Xiaoya took a deep breath. Although he could hold on for a while, who knew what dangers lay ahead?

"But what's wrong with this steel beetle?" Li Xiaoya picked up a round cocoon on the ground with his fire dragon sword with a vigilant expression, and said curiously, but there was nothing strange about it.

"Hey" Li Xiaoya suddenly raised the Fire Dragon Sword and slashed at the round cocoon. A hole opened in the round cocoon, but the hole in the round cocoon disappeared immediately.

"Is it possible?" Li Xiaoya's heart suddenly moved. He quickly cut the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand several times, and immediately cut it into two pieces. Although it disappeared in an instant, Li Xiaoya could clearly see the situation of the steel beetle inside. The steel beetle's whole body glowed with a faint white light, and its body shape seemed to be changing.

"Oh no, this steel beetle is going to evolve." Li Xiaoya was immediately shocked by this sight, and he immediately confirmed his guess.

Evolution is the unique talent of insect monsters, and it is also the scary thing about insect monsters, because insect monsters are generally relatively weak in the early stages. When the aura or energy gathered in the insect monster reaches its ultimate peak, When insect monsters break through the limitations of their body size due to changes in the environment or pressure from external forces, their structure and size change, and then enter a more advanced stage and form stronger combat capabilities. Originally, These insect monsters have almost no intelligence, but by evolving again and again, the insect monsters not only increase in strength, but also slowly develop IQ. Legend has it that when the insect monsters advance to the ultimate stage, It can transform into human form, and can even practice magical powers. However, this is only a legend, because there has never been a precedent for insect monsters to transform into human form in the world of immortality.

And now this steel beetle has reached its peak for who knows how many years. It has been shot down countless times by Li Xiaoya's spells along the way, and was blown away by the giant roar. Although it has no intelligence, it is Instinctively, it is already at a critical point of anger. Otherwise, without the drive of the black unicorn, how could this steel beetle have been chasing everyone for so long? Finally, because of the instinctive anger and the weird ladder gravity, it finally broke through the years of Obstacles have entered an evolutionary stage.

"Roar?" When these steel beetles entered the evolutionary stage, the black unicorn, which had been napping leisurely on the head of the black panther monster, suddenly woke up with a low roar.

"My child has evolved?" The black unicorn said with unbelievable surprise. Suddenly, his body flashed and flew into the sky, flying towards the direction of the steel beetle.

"Ho ho!" Seeing the black unicorn flying away, the black panther monster roared several times and flew towards the pagoda. The other monster beasts also quickly followed.

"Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Li Xiaoya slashed hard at the cocoon-shaped steel beetle with two swords. He only heard two crisp sounds of metal collision, and it seemed that he still couldn't injure him.

"Bah! It's still so hard." Li Xiaoya cursed with a bah, pondered for a moment, and suddenly a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Looking at the bottomless cliff abyss scattered with black lightning, he laughed and said: "Hey, if that's the case, let's You guys go down”

After saying that, he moved his feet, the red and yellow light of the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand became brighter, and his figure was already in mid-air.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!" I saw the fire dragon sword in Li Xiaoya's hand rising sharply, swiping at the cliff in a dizzying manner, and then his body shape changed, like a heavy stone, and he stomped towards the stairs where the steel beetle was. .

"Boom rollery la la la la la." The cliff suddenly shook, and suddenly the stairs and the cliffs on the cliff split up, and suddenly the sand and rocks were diverse. Like a mirror, only the cliffs appear to have been shattered by a huge force.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah!" When Li Xiaoya fell down the boulder, he also fell down. With his toes a little heavier, he flew dozens of times along the edge of the mountain, and in the blink of an eye he was back on the cliff steps.

"Go ahead and evolve, haha." Li Xiaoya laughed several times and ran towards Zhang Hong and others.

"Roar" At this moment, a shocking roar suddenly came from the distant sky, and the sound was the voice of the black unicorn.

"What?" Li Xiaoya was startled when he heard the sound, and quickly looked back, only to see a black spot appearing in the sky several miles away. Who else could it be if it wasn't the black unicorn?

"Whew!" The black unicorn's whole body was full of black energy, and its escape technique was surprisingly fast. It flew several miles close in just a few breaths.

"Not good." Li Xiaoya's face changed when he saw this, and both of them came out at the same time, and a stream of fire shot out, and the speed increased rapidly and flew upwards.

"What happened to Junior Brother Li?" The Donggu woman and others naturally heard the roar of the black unicorn and asked from afar.

"Everyone, run quickly," Li Xiaoya said loudly when he had time to speak clearly. In a few flashes, they arrived behind the three of them who were lagging behind, and Ma Weiqi was already dozens of feet above.

I saw that the faces of Donggu Nu and the other three people were flushed, and there was a trace of sweat on their foreheads. Fortunately, the magic power was still very stable. It was just that Li Xiangxiang's face was a little pale. If Donggu Nu and Zhang Hong hadn't dragged her She, I guess she didn't know where she ended up.

"Give it to me quickly!" Li Xiaoya stretched his hand towards Zhang Hong and said loudly.

"..." Zhang Hong's face changed slightly, and he didn't know whether to reach out or not. Ever since the two of them had a quarrel in the cave, Zhang Hong had never spoken a word.

"You are such a troublesome woman." Li Xiaoya said dissatisfiedly when he saw this. After that, his hand flashed quickly. Before Zhang Hong could react, he grabbed Zhang Hong's wrist. Zhang Hong tried to pull his hand out, but found that his hand It's like being caught by an iron clamp, but it doesn't move at all.

" hurting me." Although Zhang Hong was a cultivator, he couldn't bear Li Xiaoya's huge strength. His face turned red and he whispered.

"Trouble!" Li Xiaoya was impatient, but inadvertently let go of his hand, turned into a soft force to grab Zhang Hong, and said to everyone: "Hold on tight, you all." Suddenly, the whole body was filled with black light, and his figure suddenly grew. Minutes, the speed exploded and flew forward.

"Roar" At this time, the black unicorn had already reached the sky above Li Xiaoya and others. With an angry roar, a black beam of light shot towards Li Xiaoya.

"Ha" Li Xiaoya's expression changed, he roared angrily, his feet flashed with black light, and he suddenly jumped up. He jumped forward more than ten feet, dodging the attack of the black beam.

"Boom!" The beam of light hit the position where Li Xiaoya was just now. There was an explosion, and a large piece of the stone steps and the cliff collapsed.

"Huh?" Li Xiaoya felt something was wrong as soon as he jumped into the air. The gravity in the air was surprisingly strong, and his whole body fell straight to the ground like a cannonball.

"Ah" Li Xiangxiang couldn't help but scream.

"Pfft!" The Donggu girl suddenly vomited a large mouthful of blood. Not long ago, she was injured by the black unicorn. The huge gravity of this jump made her injury no longer suppressable. This is why she was so injured. It's getting slower and slower, which is why it drags down Zhang Hong.

"Boom!" Li Xiaoya's figure fell down the stone steps like a cannonball. He immediately broke several steps and his feet sank deeply.

"Drink!" Li Xiaoya waved his hand, and suddenly a red light flew out. Suddenly, it circled around the waist of Zhang Hong and everyone, and then pulled. Zhang Hong and others in the air fell down for a while, and then they fell. When they landed on the ground, even if they were like this, everyone was in pain from the fall.

"Roar" When the black unicorn saw this, he roared angrily, but did not shoot the black beam again. Instead, he moved and quickly fell in the direction where the steel beetle fell.

"Huh!" This made Li Xiaoya, who was ready to fight with the Fire Dragon Sword, let out a big sigh of relief. He couldn't help but feel lucky that he had thrown the steel beetle into the abyss, and said loudly: "Let's go quickly, it will catch up soon." After that, he quickly With the fire spirit thread in one hand, he pulled everyone up towards the steps and rushed forward quickly.


"Boom boom boom boom"

Under the abyss of the cliff where the black unicorn rushed down, there was suddenly a shocking roar of the black unicorn and the roar of huge thunder. I don't know what happened below to make such a big noise.

"Junior Brother Li, I saw that we were about to hit him, huh huh huh." Na Ma Weiqi gasped for air, suddenly turned his head and shouted happily to everyone. (Book friends have compiled and uploaded the latest update of True Immortal Romance and read the full text of True Immortal Romance.

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