True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 125 Bombardment (Please collect and subscribe

[Main text] Volume 4, Chapter 125, Bombardment (Please add to favorites and subscribe

Volume 4, Chapter 125, Bombardment (Please add to favorites and subscribe

"Really?" Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, and they looked up one by one. They saw the outline of the top of the giant mountain on the foggy stairs, and there seemed to be a yellow light flashing on the top of the mountain. The fog around was like flowing water, flowing quickly towards the shining place, making a faint whistling sound. Ideals|Literature Book Friends Arranged and Provided

"Uh" Ma Weiqi just ran forward a few steps, and suddenly knelt on the ground, looking overwhelmed.

"Huh?" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he saw this, and took a few steps forward, and suddenly felt this strange gravity Suddenly it increased greatly, almost like the stone tablet on the back of Lingguang Lake. Could it be that it was already tens of thousands of pounds?

"Junior Brother Li," Zhang Hong suddenly said, "Let me go, I'll go by myself, you just take Junior Sister Li with you."

"This" Li Xiaoya glanced at her, then at Li Xiangxiang, only to see that Li Xiangxiang's face was already terribly pale, as if she was about to faint.

"No, I promised Senior Brother Liu," Li Xiaoya said, and suddenly carried Li Xiangxiang behind him, holding Zhang Hong with one hand and the Donggu girl's hand with the other.

"Hmph," the Donggu girl snorted coldly, suddenly letting go of Li Xiangxiang's hand, speaking with confidence, and her whole body was shining with orange light.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh," after a flash of light, the Donggu girl had already put on a set of The glittering armor was very similar to the silver armor worn by the guards of Tiandao Sect that Li Xiaoya had seen.

"I'll walk by myself and look after Junior Sister Li," the Donggu girl said, and walked quickly forward. Every time she stepped forward, the steps seemed to be crushed.

".........." Li Xiaoya smiled bitterly, carried Li Xiangxiang on his back and climbed up step by step, holding Zhang Hong tightly by his hand.

Ma Weiqi half-knelt on the ground, struggled for a while, and his whole body was full of green light. He finally stood up, and then recited the formula. After the green light was full, his feet and shoulders were surrounded by green light. He immediately felt a lot of relief and began to move forward.

"Bang" As they moved up, everyone felt more and more the power of gravity, and at the end they could only Dragging his feet to move.

"Boom" Suddenly, a thunderclap sounded from behind in the distance.

"Roar" With a thunderclap, a dark figure burst out from the abyss of the cliff, exuding a suffocating aura, and was surrounded by a dark light shield. That thing was none other than the black unicorn.

"Boom" The black unicorn flew into the air, but stopped, and with a muffled explosion, it flew towards the direction of the pagoda.

"Crackling boom" A thunderclap sounded from the abyss of the cliff, and a huge black lightning suddenly burst out from the dark abyss, chasing the black unicorn in the distance.

"Roar" The black unicorn's figure seemed to move instantly, constantly changing its position in the air, and dodged the attack of lightning by a millimeter.

"Zizizizizizizizi" At this time, the sky of the entire southwest ancient city began to roll, and the black lightning floating in the air suddenly became agitated, making a zizi electromagnetic sound.

"What's going on???" Everyone just realized that the black unicorn had disappeared in the sky. Looking at the restlessness of the black lightning in the sky, they couldn't help but feel frightened and their scalps were numb. They had never heard of such a thing in the ancient city of the southwest.

"Boom" Just when everyone was confused, there was a thunder in the sky. It was a huge black lightning that hit the forest of the ancient demon mountain.

"Boom" The place where the deep forest was hit suddenly exploded and burned black.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom" As the first black lightning fell from the sky, countless lightnings kept roaring down from the sky. The scene was extremely terrifying. The entire ancient demon mountain and even the ancient city of the southwest were shrouded in a fierce lightning and thunder.

"Oh no, what did this black unicorn do?" Li Xiaoya shouted loudly, and his feet suddenly accelerated, but he couldn't get there fast.

"Boom" Suddenly a black lightning blasted down towards them.

"Not good!" Everyone was shocked, but under such gravity, not to mention dodging, even moving their feet would be difficult.

At this moment, something strange happened.

When the lightning suddenly reached dozens of feet above their heads, the black lightning suddenly turned 90 degrees and hit the golden mountain top.

"What...what's going on?" Everyone looked at each other, surprised and happy.

"Boom boom boom"

Several more lightnings hit near everyone, but none of them turned 90 degrees and went to the golden mountain top, as if something was attracting the lightning.

"Don't stop, let's keep going. It's too dangerous down there," Li Xiaoya suddenly shouted loudly, and continued to walk forward.

"Okay." Everyone was stunned, and they all replied in agreement, and continued to slowly and laboriously walk forward. Indeed, now they only have a hope of survival if they go up, because this is not only because there is a demon behind them. The beast pursued, but because the bottom was completely bombarded by the black lightning, even the black unicorn with such cultivation and magical power could only run away. It was obvious that the power of the black lightning, everyone could only stay far away. They escaped. Fortunately, the lightning seemed to be sucked by something on the top of the mountain. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to go there.

The top of the mountain in the distance was becoming clearer and clearer, but the golden light was too bright, and everyone could not see the specific situation clearly. They could only vaguely see the appearance of some pillars.

However, the black lightning bombardment continued to hit the entire southwest ancient city. However, the monsters in the ancient monster mountain suffered a great disaster. The black lightning continued to fall from the sky.

"Ho ho ho" "boom" "boom"

Black lightning was constantly attacking the group of monster beasts. With the sound of lightning strikes and the screams and roars of the monster beasts, the entire ancient monster mountain was in chaos, and the monster beasts were even more chaotic, flying madly towards the location of the pagoda. .

"Roar" I don't know when the black unicorn flew down from the sky, roaring from a distance.

"Boom!" The black unicorn was like a boulder falling to the ground, hitting the ground hard and creating a big crater.

"Bang!" The black unicorn jumped out of the pit and landed at the front of the group of monster beasts.


The black unicorn looked up to the sky and let out a long roar. While roaring, it flew towards the pagoda.

"Roar" The other monster beasts also let out a long roar and flew towards the pagoda.

"Roar" The black unicorn ran, opened its huge mouth, and suddenly looked up to the sky. Suddenly, a dark ball-like ball shot out and flew dozens of feet into the sky.


As soon as the black ball came out, a burst of black flames suddenly appeared.

"Boom, boom, boom" the black lightning seemed to be attracted by the ball, and the lightnings for miles around flew towards the ball.

"Roar" Immediately, the monster beasts roared loudly.

In this way, the black ball on the top of the black unicorn's head continued to attract the black lightning, and suddenly the black panther flew from one side.

"Roar" the black unicorn immediately jumped on the head of the black panther beast, letting it carry it and fly forward.

While the southwest ancient city was constantly being ravaged by black lightning, the outskirts of the southwest ancient city were also very lively.

I saw that the ancient city in the distance was constantly bombarded by black lightning. With the bombardment of lightning, huge tornadoes continued to sweep out from the direction of the southwest ancient city.

Fortunately, basically the monks went in and walked around, and there was no appearance of the monks being here.

"Whoops!" Suddenly there was a flash of green light in the sky, a tenacious sound of breaking through the air, and then a flash of green light, and actually reached the place in front of him in an instant.

"Pa" Suddenly, the escaping light suddenly stopped when it reached the outskirts of the ancient southwest city, and an old man with a gray beard appeared in mid-air.

"Oops!" The old man couldn't help but shouted anxiously when he saw the scene here.

This person was none other than the old man from Tiandao Sect.

"I didn't expect that my wind-attributed escape was a step too late. No wonder I'm seventeen years younger," the old man said with a frown.

Although the name Shao Shiqi is ordinary, he is a famous monk among the high-level monks of the Liang Kingdom. He is famous for his wind magic escape skills. He is one of the elders of Tiandao Sect. No wonder Li Xiaoya flew away. After more than ten days of journey, he arrived so quickly.

"Forget it, let's wait until this purgatory lightning passes." After Shao Shiqi said this, he flashed and arrived in front of a mountain. With a casual flick of his sleeves, there was a roar on the cliff, and there was an additional cave several feet deep. .

"Hey!" Shao Shiqi's figure flashed again, and in a blink of an eye he was inside the cave, sitting cross-legged and waiting quietly.

At the same time, Li Xiaoya and others finally had dozens of steps to reach the top of the mountain. However, at this time, everyone seemed to be unable to move. It took them a long time to move a step. The difference was that Li Xiaoya was already at the front.

"What should we do? Do we still want to go up?" Li Xiaoya said suddenly. Looking at the situation at the golden light, Li Xiaoya said hesitantly. (Book friends have compiled and uploaded the latest updates of True Immortal Romance and the full text of True Immortal Romance.

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