True Martial World

Chapter 1029: Desperate

When Shi Junjun unfolded his body, he soon appeared in front of Yi Yun. He could see Yi Yun here, and Shi Yujun was surprised and happy.

"Yi Yun, you have come to the gate of thirty-three days, and ... you have come to peace here safely." Shi Yujun’s face showed a hint of gratification, his previous threat to the Aoki big world was seriously estimated. Insufficient, which makes Shi Yujun have some regrets to bring Yi Yun into.

Especially after the thirty-three-day gate, it was too strange and dangerous. It was difficult to survive without being a sage. Many of the more powerful warriors than Yi Yun were degraded one by one. Yi Yun’s safety is naturally not optimistic.

But I did not expect that Yi Yun was not only alive, but also suffered nothing.

"The disciple came here because of some chances, but he was also trapped on this death plain. He couldn't walk out. I don't know what the teacher is looking for here."

"Found?" When Yu Jun smiled and shook his head, "I don't know if this is a discovery, I will show you..."

When Shi Yujun spoke, he grabbed Yi Yun’s arm, and then he took Yi Yun’s flight to the sky. In an instant, Yi Yun had already arrived at the height of the sky. In the high altitude of the death plain, Yi Yun did not dare to fly in, but For the gods, no matter the magic, the evil things, under the powerful body of the rain, you can't get close.

When I came to the sky, Yi Yun looked down on the plain, but I was shocked to see that there were nine black rivers spiraling around the hundred miles, surrounded by the plain.

The black river, like the giant python that swallowed everything, the vast expanse of land on the bank of the river collapsed...

"this is……"

"The nine rivers have completely locked this plain. Even us, it is very difficult to go out. I wanted to kill this bronze giant, but he is too strong..."

When Yu Yujun spoke, Yi Yun had been brought back again. At this time, several great gods, as well as the honorable people brought by these gods, came here.

"This kid." The magic eye **** also revealed a strange look, Shi Yujun, a disciple, the strength is low, he did not look at it at first sight, but did not expect that this junior appeared alive here.

"Hell." The ghosts themselves were injured, Yi Yun was intact, and the ghosts were really spurting out of a blood.

At this time, Yi Yun actually saw the non-flowers in the crowd!

"No flowers, he survived?"

The non-flowers naturally also saw Yi Yun. The so-called enemies met with extra-eyed eyes. The non-flowers originally thought that Yi Yun was mostly dead. I didn’t expect it to live well now.

You are not a flower because you have a special contact with the father and the lover. When you are in a desperate situation, you can contact your father. The ghosts pay a great price to save the solitude, which makes the secluded flower survive. What is Yi Yun going on?

Tianjian Shenjun from Xian Yuzong also flew down from the air.

His appearance is clear and clear, his body is straight and his body is very sharp and sharp. The sword-like eyes are swept over Yi Yun's face: "When it rains, is this your apprentice?"

"This is the Tianjian Shenjun of Xianyu Zong, when you are." Shi Yujun said only briefly, no longer said.

When I looked at Yi Yun, I suddenly asked: "Kid, I ask you, can you see my fairy rain here?"

? Yi Yun heart jump, Xian Yu Zong people?

It was naturally seen, and it was integrated into the water of the Styx, turned into bone slag, and absorbed by the bronze giant.

"This, back to the predecessors, the younger generation has not seen it."

Yi Yun replied devoutly.

"Yes..." When he frowned, he didn't fully believe Yiyun's words, but no matter how rich his imagination, he wouldn't think that his disciples and grandchildren were killed by Yi Yun. This is totally different. sense.

"These guys don't know how."

When he talked to himself, he was worried. Some of these younger generations would forget it. Wu Yunhou is very optimistic. It is a pity to die.

"Don't worry about the Master, Wu Yun, the younger brother, they may not have entered the door of thirty-three days."

At the time, a man who was a half-step sage said that he was a pro-disciple.

"I hope." Shih shook his head, just at this moment, suddenly -

clang! !

A loud bang, like Tianlei Qiming, people turned to look at the surprised, I saw that the bronze giant roared in the sky, he waved a huge axe, arrogant!

clang! clang! clang!

The giant axe slammed down, the tremor of the iron rope, the blazing fire caused by the metal impact, and the smashing of the sky!

In the end, with a louder ten times louder, the cable was broken!

There are many billions of years of iron ropes, and the years have not left traces on them, but now, by this bronze giant, lifted the axe and cut off!


When everyone saw these situations, they suddenly sank in their hearts.

This giant is getting out of trouble!

As the Aoki World is on the verge of collapse, as the world's **** trees are cut down, these iron ropes can no longer completely trap the bronze giants.

Cut a piece of iron, the bronze giant seems to consume a lot of strength, he suddenly looked up, indifferent eyes, looked at someone at the scene.

This eye makes people's blood flow accelerate, it is difficult to breathe, only in the presence of God, you can face it calmly.

So terrible mental power!

"He wants to get out of trouble."

"Through a chain of irons, it consumes a lot of power, but he is afraid that he will soon be able to accumulate strength and continue to squat."

In the presence of Shen Jun, the sage, there is a strong sense of crisis, this is not so trapped here, so simple, continue, they will die in a few days.

"We really may be dying. It is these outsiders who have touched the seal of Shen Muzong and provided a lot of blood food, which was absorbed by the bronze giant. Because of you, the world is destroyed faster."

"Who are you?" The demon **** looked at the hidden mother-in-law.

"The old man is the ancestral vein of the **** Muzhu." Now, the identity of the hidden mother-in-law is nothing to hide.

"Shen Mu Zong's veins?" The magic eye **** heard of Shen Muzong, he looked at the hidden mother-in-law and Yue Ying sand with strange eyes. "No wonder this kid can come here safely. It turns out that because you are Shen Muzong. Legacy, you are familiar with some dangerous places in the thirty-three-day gate, you can avoid it in advance."

A word in the eyes of the demon eye makes a lot of people feel stunned in their hearts, and it is not a disdainful smile. "It turns out that I have something to do with this kid. It turned out to be here by eating soft rice. It is nothing remarkable."

You are already a deadly enemy, and you can talk without any feelings.

"What do you know!" Yue Yingsha glared at the non-flowers, and the non-flowers not only insulted Yi Yun, but also married herself.

"Don't argue, now the key is how to break this Jedi." Tianjian Shenjun spoke up. He mainly looked at the hidden mother-in-law. In his opinion, the hidden mother-in-law may be able to make any valuable suggestions.

The hidden mother-in-law said: "Yi Yun, the method is what you mention, let's talk about it."


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