True Martial World

Chapter 1030: Way out

"Well? What can you do?" The magic eye **** looks at Yi Yun, the heart does not believe, the gods are powerless, what can Yi Yun do?

"Yi Yun, talk about it." Shi Yujun also looked at Yi Yundao.

For a time, everyone’s eyes were concentrated on Yi Yun’s body.

Yi Yun pointed to the side of the surplus sand said: "This month Yingsha girl, is the saint of the **** Muzong, she mentioned that in the books of the sect, the method of awakening the **** wood was recorded. This **** wood connection chain, will This bronze giant is trapped here, and now Shenmu sleeps, the bronze giants get the opportunity to cut down the Shenmu and absorb the power. If the wood can be awakened again, the bronze giant may be restrained." Yi Yun said.

After listening to Yi Yun’s words, many of the gods and saints present were a little surprised.

"How does this **** wood wake up?" asked Ice Congeal.

"To enter a secret place, the location of this secret place should be at the center of Shenmu." Yi Yun said.

The center of Shenmu is not exactly where the bronze giant cut down the **** tree? !

"How can the place arrive!"

He was only seriously injured by the bronze giant breaking the attack.

Even if it is a god, it is difficult to enter the secret land safely.

That Miriam is indeed a desperate situation in desperation. For this reason, Yi Yun just said this thing directly.

When there is no time, Yu Jun, and the help of the other three gods, with the power of Yi Yun and Yue Ying Sha, wanting to enter the secret land is tantamount to idiots and dreams.

"The secret land recorded by Shen Muzong? Little girl, can you confirm the classics in your ancestral hall and record these things?" asked the **** of the eye to look at Yueyingsha.

His eyes are like ghosts, as if he can see through the hearts of the people.

Moon Yingsha did not speak. She silently crouched down, revealing the color of piety, and the white hands were gently placed on the ground.

Gradually, from the body of the moon, there is a strange atmosphere.

This breath, as if with the **** wood, and the Aoki world have some kind of resonance.

Her long hair spreads on the ground, and green grass grows around her.

"It is the breath of the **** wood." Ice Ning Xianjun said.

In the body of Yueyingsha, there is the blood of Shenmu, and what she said should be true.

"It turns out that the old man believes in you, although it is very difficult, but if you fight hard, you may be able to do it, let the old man take you into the secret."

The magic eye **** touched the chin and said.

He is very clear in his heart. This secret land should be a treasure for Shen Muzong. There may be some chances in it. He went in and went and could search for it.

"Magic eye, what do you dream of!" When the cold snorted, "I really want to enter the dense land, and it is not your turn!"

When he said, there was a trace of glamour in his eyes, and he was very interested in this secret land.

In the presence of Shen Jun, I guess that the thirty-three-day gate is of extraordinary origin. Although it is terrible, it contains powerful power.

In particular, the last time I explored the world of Aoki, they knew that there was a mark left by a peerless powerhouse, and that the people who had observed this mark were greatly rewarded! Even when the rain is such a high-spirited figure, seeing this mark also has a sense of sigh.

The secrets contained in the thirty-three-day gate may not be related to this peerless power.

"You all want to enter the secret land, who will stop the bronze giant?" Shi Yujun said coldly, this bronze giant, even the four great gods can not stand together, if someone has a ghost, then once planned Failure, everyone will die here.

"Block the bronze giant? Hey! Let the old man block the bronze giant, others explore the secret? How can there be such a good thing!" The magic eyed a sly smile, he glanced at it again, and smiled and said: "When the old man, I know You also want to go in."

When I was not moving, I just touched my beard and said nothing, he really wanted to go in.

At this time, Yueying sand opened up, and she whispered: "Several predecessors, who is not in the dense land, want to enter, this secret, must be opened by me, want to go there, to be recognized by the Holy Father In fact, even if it is me, I have to be in the dense land. I am afraid that it is a little stubborn."

Moon Yingsha said here, looking at the scene of Yi Yun, Sheng Zu Xu Ying, and Yi Yun face-to-face, has left an indelible impression in the heart of Yue Yingsha!

"So far, I only know that Yi Yun should be the one who is most likely to enter the secret land and wake up Shenmu."


Moon Yingsha’s words are exported. No one said anything. You can’t help but laugh out with a smile: “Just rely on him? God is not recognized, but this kid can be recognized? What do you say?”

"Yes, this is a truth. God is the best person in the world. There are not many people in the whole world. This Yiyun is a bit talented, but now it is just a disciple of God, and it is far from God!"

In the demon sect, the sages dismissively said that in the presence of the sage, unless there is a big chance, almost no one can become a god.

Most of God’s pro-disciples can’t be a god, and hope is extremely embarrassing.

"I said that Yi Yun can get the recognition of your holy ancestors, but my teacher can't, but what is the reason?" At this time, Shi's pro-disciples also spoke. His name is Shi Yuheng, and he is also a disciple of God. When Yu Heng naturally had some thoughts on Yi Yun, even if his cultivation and age are far more than Yi Yun.

"You ask the truth..." Yue Yingsha looked at her invisible mother-in-law and saw her mother-in-law nodded slightly. She gritted her teeth and took out the picture in her arms. "This is a picture of the power of the Holy Father! Only those who are recognized by the Holy Father can inspire its power."

"Isn't it a painting? You said it is? How do I know that you are not in the painting?" Isn't the eyebrows raised, and with a painting, it can prove that Yi Yun is more qualified than them?

At this time, Shi Yujun flashed a sharp color in his eyes and said: "In this painting axis, there is a very powerful force sealed! The breath of this power..."

When Yu Yujun came to a calm face, suddenly there was a hint of excitement. "Really the predecessor!"

When Shi Yujun first came to the Aoki World, he had seen a trace of a mighty man. He came here again to pursue this power.

Yi Yun once heard that Yu Jun said that the power is the martial art in his mind!

"Girl, can you lend me this picture?" Shi Yujun said sincerely that he was full of admiration for the mysterious predecessor.

Moon Yingsha hesitated a little and nodded. The painting left by the ancestors can hardly be destroyed. This is confirmed by Shen Muzong. For others, Yueyingsha is not worried.

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