True Martial World

Chapter 1058: Yi Yun's strength


Just listening to a soft bang, the knife on the handle ignited a pure yang flame, and the heart screamed and screamed, and soon it was burnt.

Seeing this scene, the face of the red old lady was suddenly gloomy.


She turned her head suddenly, her gaze, projected on the door of the room, the agarwood door engraved with the defensive array, penetrated by the flying knife, leaving a hole.

Obviously, the person who sent the flying knife didn't see anything in the room, but he could shoot the flying knife through the goalkeeper. The knife was fast and accurate. At the same time, he also poured the power of pure yang, killing the heart with one blow. insanity.

Being able to do this means that the other person's perception is extraordinary, who has such a big skill?


At this moment, the door was pushed open, Yi Yun wore a set of clothes from the Shenji business, stood at the door, and his own clothes were broken before.

"It's you..." The old lady of the red dress shrank and showed a trace of incredible color. She didn't even think of it. It was Yi Yun who did this.

"It seems that I have looked down on you, or you have hidden strength."

The red-clad old woman walked slowly toward Yi Yun. She was like an old nightingale, and it was creepy.

Yi Yun reached out and took a trick. The snow-knife that he had beaten out was like a spiritual one. He flew back to the hands of Yi Yun. He played with a thousand-footed flying knife. He said: "For you, I don't need to hide. Strength, but you can't see my strength."

"Good! Good!"

The red-haired old woman was full of murderous eyes. At this moment, Ji Shuiyan suddenly said to Yi Yun: "Yi Yun, she is the four-way cultivation of the Daogong, and she has raised a ghost as a killer."

Although it is a metaphorical voice, but the old woman in red, moved her hands and feet on Ji Shuiyan, plus her strong knowledge, clearly heard.

"Hey, you want to die!"

The red-haired old woman’s eyes are in the cold, and the two claws that originally caught Ji Shuiyan are one left and one right and one side is pulled!

With the repair of Ji Shuiyan, it was pulled by this claw, not pulled into two halves.

Yi Yun’s eyes are fast, he’s pointing at a shot, hehe! call out!

Two flying knives fly out like lightning, directly penetrating the pair of claws!

Hey! Hey!

The claws were burned into pure ash by pure yang flames, but at this time, the red old lady had already rushed to Yi Yun. She had expected that Yi Yun would save the Ji Shui, and her goal was not Ji Ji at the beginning. Hookah, but Yi Yun!

"Kid, you die for me!"

The red-haired old woman caught the claws of Yi Yun, and her claws, even a piece of **** iron, must be smashed.

For this sudden sneak attack, Yi Yun did not panic, his body flew back, at the same time, he pulled a broken sword in his hand.

This sword is unremarkable, and it is the wrist of the red lady.


The red-haired old lady snorted, and a black smoke suddenly appeared on the claws. In the black smoke, a rotten goblin giant mouth appeared, directly biting Yi Yun’s broken sword.

If you are bitten by this hungry ghost, even if it is a good sword, it will be immediately eroded by death.

The ghosts of the red-haired old lady still grasped the heavenly spirit of Yi Yun.

Yi Yun is just a condensed warrior. Even if he hides some strengths, can he be compared with the four-armed warriors like her?


Hungry ghosts bite the broken sword of Yi Yun, and the red lady is happy in her heart. As long as she is bitten by her ghost, she is not spiritually lost, not to mention the broken sword. How can I bear her blow?

However, her sneer was still not revealed, but it was completely solidified. The hungry ghost just bite the sword, but suddenly gave a screaming scream and quickly wanted to loosen the broken sword.

But at this time, the broken swords on the broken swords, such as the scorching sun, wrapped the hungry ghosts.

The hungry ghost screamed into a fly ash, and the broken sword suddenly crossed a short space at this moment, and suddenly appeared in front of the red lady.

Three feet of light sword, the sword of time!

Yi Yun's sword, straight thorns red lady.

The red-haired old lady’s eyes like a dead man suddenly became big, this kid!

Pure Yang Avenue, which is actually repaired, also contains the law of time in the sword?

The face of the red dress changed a little bit, but this made her give birth to the heart of Yi Yun. "How about repairing a little road, do you think that you can compete with the old body?"

The red old lady screamed coldly, and a dry mouth suddenly opened. Suddenly, a **** gas spewed out from the mouth of the red lady. As soon as this black gas came out, there was a burst of ghosts and screams.

The black gas formed a huge ghost, and the ghost screamed and slammed into the sword of Yi Yun.

“Well?” Yi Yun felt that his sword seemed to fall into a mud, a strong pull, and kept his sword down.

"Yi Yun, this is the ghost she raised, she was fed by blood for tens of thousands of years, not the same small!" Ji Shuiyan did not pass the voice, directly shouted.

"Little slut, waited to solve this kid, I must let you taste the pain of worms!" The red-haired old lady's sinful eyes swept Ji Shuiyan, and Ji Shui was on the ground, and suddenly it was cold and weak.

She was controlled by the old lady of red, unable to resist the old lady, and naturally could not help Yiyun.

Yi Yun shot her to save her, she worried that Yi Yun would be the poisoned hand of the red lady. Once you are married by the old lady, you will inevitably suffer endless torture.

"Ghost soul..." Yi Yun felt that this ghost is constantly consuming his vitality, and his meridians seem to be frozen, and the vitality is getting more and more stagnation.

Entangled by this sorrow, the warrior will soon become unable to resist, and the vitality of one body is sucked away by the ghost, only to be slaughtered by the red lady.

"If you want to **** me, you have to see if you have this ability." Yi Yun's heart snorted, the body swelled out, a black roulette appeared in the hands of Yi Yun, destroying the domain - the magical life and death wheel !


Among the eternal life and death wheels, a large number of demon gods were sealed, which symbolizes the destruction of the demon gods, and the ghosts raised by the old woman are not at all a level.

The law of the Great Destruction suppresses the law of ghosts, and it is even more thorough!


With a roar from the demon god, a huge black whirlpool was set in the void, and the ghost had just plunged into Yiyun, but it was suddenly swept in by an unmatched force of destruction. The horrible pressure from the demon **** It is even more like a bird facing the eagle, and it is impossible to resist.


The ghost is directly twisted into the whirlpool and completely blasted!

The spirit that nourishes the eternal years has already possessed wisdom. It has a roar of despair and pain. The old lady of red as the cult of this ghost has been connected with her source of life. The ghost is bursting. She is severely countered, almost equal to her. A smashing soul is wiped out, and the blow to her can be imagined.

" destroyed my life, ah, ah!"

The old lady in red was snoring, and the old body fell straight out and spit out a blood.

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