True Martial World

Chapter 1059: Kill the old woman

This red-haired old lady, originally a ghost warrior, is a very important thing for her, just like the second soul. She is usually willing to sacrifice her life to kill people, because she can swallow a lot of blood, especially the genius. Qi and blood are even more important things.

In the past, as long as the life of the sinister shot, even if you can not kill the enemy, but it can definitely hit the enemy, and let the sinister soul retreat.

Even if she encounters a few strangers who are taller than the red dresses, her life is not lost, but she can also recover from injury. She has never encountered such a situation, and her life is not even struggling. Being swallowed up, along with her body, has been hit hard!

"This is... the law of destruction? Are you still ignoring the avenue?"

The old lady wiped the blood from her mouth. She was extremely angry after the destruction of her ghetto, but now she calms down.

Pure Yang Avenue! Time and space avenue! Destruction Avenue!

How can a person know so many avenues? And what exactly is the other party doing? What age is it?

The red-haired old lady does not believe that Yiyun will only be a condensed person, and the condensed road is full of wars and is unheard of.

"Kid, you ruin my life, and the old man will die with you!!"

The red-haired old lady suddenly screamed and rushed to Yiyun! Her entire flesh and blood are tumbling, and energy is flowing wildly in her body, seeming to explode at any time.

Explode! ?

Yi Yun was shocked. Some of the warriors, special practice, can let themselves explode on the dying, and die with the enemy. This red dress seems to be such a situation!

Yi Yun’s heart was in a hurry, and he was about to take measures to deal with it. At this moment, the red-haired old lady who had already rushed to Yi Yun suddenly turned up, like an arrow flying up!


The dome of the room was directly hit by the red lady!

This sand boat has two floors, and the red-haired old lady wears two layers of sand boats in an instant and flies to the sky!

Escape! ?

Yi Yun brows a pick, the red-haired old lady's self-destruction is just a sham shot, in fact, she is trying to escape when she gathers energy defense!

Yi Yun didn't want to think about it. When the body flew out, how could he let the red-haired old lady escape? Once she escaped, she would endless trouble!


Yi Yun also rushed out of the sand boat, and two people rushed out of the sand boat. The powerful impact made the roof of the sand boat burst.

The members of the nearby Shenji Chamber of Commerce suddenly saw the explosion of the sand boat, and they all frightened a big jump. Then they watched the speed of the two men rushing out, and they all held their breath.

what happened?

"Protect Miss! Protect Miss!"

The old-time old man panicked, and now the old president has not seen anyone for a long time, and the lady has nothing to lose, the **** machine business can be finished.

"Kid, don't force me!"

The red-haired old lady struggled to escape. She forced a sigh of relief, even at the expense of burning blood, and the speed soared. "I have the secret of escaping. Using this secret method requires burning blood. You have to chase me unless you also burn Blood, that's not worth it for you!"

The red-haired old lady decided that Yi Yun would not sacrifice such a big deal. After all, they are not **** and vengeful, burning blood to kill her, it would be too much.

Seeing the old lady in the red dress quickly away, Yi Yun sneered, the space under his feet suddenly twisted, and the flow rate around him suddenly increased.

Time is like an arrow, heaven is like a bow!

Yi Yun stepped out step by step, and the space was shrunk in his feet. It wasn’t that he caught up with the red lady, but the space and time scale between him and the red lady was shortened. It felt like the red lady. Pulled back by time and space.

These means, before the condensed nine leaves of the empty fruit, Yi Yun can not be used, but now, has been handed.


But this time, Yi Yun has been prepared, where will the opportunity for the old lady?

The pure Yang broken sword in his hand flew directly!

The old days, a sword is eternal!

call out!

The sword light shines on the heavens and the earth, time and space lose their meaning in this moment. A sword of time and time, through the time and space, piercing the red dress of the old lady.

The red-haired lady’s body trembled, and a blood was spit out by him. She looked at the wound in her lower abdomen, her face full of pain and despair.

"I really should... kill the little monk first..."

The red lady said the last sentence of vitality. The next moment, her destroyed Dan Tian, ​​can no longer restrain the energy that was originally squeezed to the extreme.


The energy burst, the body of the red lady was blown apart!

However, the explosion of this level is much smaller than that of the red-haired old lady. Yi Yun holds up the shield and easily blocks it.

His body naturally receded under the impact of energy waves, and finally flew back into the sand boat.

From Yi Yun chasing, to killing the red lady, because the use of the law of time, in the eyes of everyone is only two or three breathing time, they only saw two people flying at an incredible speed, but they saw The dazzling explosion in the sky!

The power of the explosion may not be terrible, but the breath of energy that escapes makes everyone feel awkward.

Some well-informed people, including the grandson and old man, can fully feel what this breath represents.

Taoist court warrior?

The person who was killed and killed is a Taoist warrior? And it seems that it is not yet in the first place, but it must be repaired.

A warrior in the middle of a palace, is it killed by people like this?

The old man and the old man immediately realized this, and the whole person was a little embarrassed.

At this time, the things that made the grandson and the old man dumbfounded. When Yi Yun came back, because he did not use the law of time and space again, he used the eyes of the great-grandson to practice medicine for many years. He naturally saw the appearance of Yi Yun.

No way! It's him?

The young lady who was saved by the lady in the desert, actually... killed a Taoist warrior?

And where did the palace warriors come from, they should travel without this road to the military, is it an assassin?

Thinking of this, the grandson's forehead is cold sweat.

If they are targeted by an assassin in a palace, their end can be imagined.

As for Yi Yun, the old long-haired old man always thought that Miss took out those precious elixir to save him as a violent thing, but now look at it, the other party is actually a presence that can easily kill the Taoist court!

What exactly is he coming to, and what is it?

The old grandson and the old man were somewhat afraid that the hostility that he had exposed before was noticed by Yi Yun. As far as his status is concerned, people can disappear.

"After all, Miss saved him, he will not be bad for the lady."

The old grandson thought this way and quickly converge on the sand boat.

The guards of many other Shenji firms have also been on the sand boat, and they are all cautious, lest they should be angered by such a killing.

"You don't come in first, I'm fine."

At this moment, the sound of Ji Shuiyan came, and everyone had to stop.

At this time, Yi Yun has already come to the front of Ji Shuiyan. He looks at Ji Shuiyan and asks casually: "What is the old woman? Can you tell me?"


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