True Martial World

Chapter 1071: Yan Tiancong

The more people who are in the business of Tianyan, the more they talk about the excitement, they can’t wait to beheaded Yiyun in public.

However, as the real helm of Tianyan Commercial Bank, Yan Pingchuan suddenly screamed coldly: "Enough! I don't know the depth of the enemy, I will rush to attack, it is tantamount to finding death, without my order, no one in Tianyan Commercial Bank. Raise this person, otherwise the family law will be disposed of!"

Yan Pingchuan suddenly said this and let all the people of Tianyan Commercial Bank hold it.

They were stepped on by the shackles and still not resisting?

"But... Yang Shiye and Yang Ping have also been cut off their hands and feet. If they are not saved, we will not only be jokes by people in Yuguang City, but also lose people's hearts. Business people will think that even for the day. If you want to sell your life, you may not have a good ending..."

An elder of Tianyan Commercial Bank said that his fears are not unreasonable.

Yan Pingchuan did not answer. After a long silence, he looked at a young man in the room. The young man was dressed in purple, tall and his eyes were deep. His skin color was not as white as the rich man, but with a The stock is full of strength in bronze.

This person is the Tianyan business line, the main owner of Yan Tiancong.

"Cong Er, what do you think?" Yan Pingchuan asked.

"I agree with Grandpa's opinion. I suggest not to act rashly for the time being. Even, we can make concessions properly, give some medicinal herbs, and connect the hands and feet of Yang Shiye and Yangping first, so as not to fall in the future, as for the rest. After planning and moving, my master is coming to Yuguang City..."

Listening to Yan Tiancong, here, Yan Pingchuan’s heart is happy. “Was Huayu’s coming to Yuguang City?”


"Yeah!" Yan Pingchuan nodded. He was very satisfied with his grandson's answer. The temporary tolerance was not a weak performance. Everything was thought twice, and it was the quality that a ruler should have, especially the Yushang people. Arriving, let Yan Pingchuan see the turning point of things, he said: "Hua Yu Shangren is coming for the vision of the buried sun sand sea..."

"Yes! In order to provide more information to Master, I have collected a lot of information about the funeral sand sea, but why did this vision appear, but I still don't know, but... I checked the **** machine company Ji father The mystery of the disappearance, when the vision occurred, he had a record of leaving Yuguang City. I suspect that the disappearance of this Ji’s father is related to the vision. It is even possible that the Shenji firm has obtained some burial. The information about the vista of the Yangsha Sea."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Yan Pingchuan's eyes lit up. This is a very valuable piece of information, because it is not only about whether Tianyan Commercial Bank can successfully annex the Shenshang Commercial Bank, but also to the vision of the Funyang Shahai. .

This vision has attracted more and more attention from the forces. It may be a superb treasure. If Tianyan Commercial Bank can get some benefits from it, even if it is just a soup, it will be used endlessly.

Yan Pingchuan is more and more satisfied with this grandson. He hasn't had time to talk yet. Yan Tiancong said: "Grandpa, according to the grandson, the current head of Tianjimen also came to the funeral sand sea, the heavenly door practice The feng shui secret technique can enlighten the natural world of the burial sun sand sea. According to the grandson’s knowledge, this day’s door is also enemies with Ji’s old man. Ji’s old man should be a deportation disciple of Tianmenmen!”

Since Yan Tiancong used his **** machine to act as an opponent and thought about annexing the **** machine business, he never gave up searching for information on the business of the **** machine.

Even if Ji’s father concealed his relationship with the Tianmen Gate, it is very difficult to conceal his origins as the Shenji Commercial Bank grows up. The red-haired old man can find the hiding place of Ji’s family, and Yan Tiancong can naturally.

"Good! Very good! This matter will be handed over to Cong Er to do it!" Yan Pingchuan laughed and was in a good mood. Tian Yan Commercial Bank had such a successor, and he was relieved.

"Yes, Grandpa." Yan Tiancong responded, his face could not show his expression, but in his eyes, he inadvertently flashed a cold light.

Although Ji Shuiyan is not his woman at all, he can't accept the betrayal of Ji Shui---he does not allow anyone to betray him.

Yan Tiancong’s ambition is great, and Tianyan’s business is just a start in his eyes. Even the entire burial sun and sand sea can not accommodate his ambition.


At this time, the **** machine business, Yi Yun broke through the middle of the condensate cultivation, lasted for three days, he used a night to break through the realm, the rest of the time is consolidating.

The pure Yang stone that Yi Yun got from Ji Shuiyan has already used most of it. Looking at the pure Yang stone that has been turned into fly ash, Yi Yun has some regrets.

This pure Yang Shenshi is undoubtedly a treasure of heaven and earth. It should be around Yangjing, and the rocks that have been roasted by Yangjing have evolved through centuries of refining and transformation, which is precious and precious.

It is a pity that if these pure Yang Shenshi, if they can match the demon bones and refine them into relics, the effect will increase several times.

Yi Yun knows the absurdity himself, and because of Amethyst, he is blessed with the practice of absurdity. It is only in these years that he has been bent on martial arts and desperately to improve his own strength, but he has been temporarily put on hold.

Even so, Yi Yun's absurdity is superb, and as long as he gives him time to improve the level of absurdity, he will progress very fast.

Because it is necessary to cultivate four Jiuye Avenue fruit, as well as Shenmu Seed, a large drug-consuming household, Yi Yun enhances the realm needed for the realm of the realm. It is far superior to the general warrior. Yi Yun is now in the middle of the condensate, but even The military martial arts of the eighty-nine in the palace can not consume so many heaven and earth spirits.

In this case, Yi Yun is considering whether it is necessary to practice the abandonment.

As long as there are relics and medicinal herbs, their cultivation speed will be thousands of miles.

However, it is not easy to collect these things. Now it’s easy to cloud and bury the desert, and it’s still easy to collect in the desert where the sand is produced. It’s easier to collect it, but if it’s after the palace, it’s getting harder. It is.

In this case, the utilization rate of Tiandi Dibao is crucial.

It takes a little time to practice the ridiculous technique, and it can be used to sharpen the knives.

If Yi Yun’s idea is known to other warriors, they are going to be violent and violent. Anyone who has Yiyun’s convenience to practice the abundance of heaven is afraid to sharpen his head and squeeze into the wilderness. The gate, no matter which day of the twelve emperors, a master class or alchemy teacher, is a status esteem, rich and oily existence.

Yi Yun was thinking, but he heard a small amount of footsteps coming. He was swept away and saw a 16-year-old girl in yellow clothes standing at the door.

She was like a cautious rabbit, knocking on the door with a light hand and said: "Yi Gongzi, Miss wants to come to see you, something to do."

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