True Martial World

Chapter 1072: Treasure hunt

In the past few days, because Yi Yun has retired and practiced, Ji Shuiyan has nothing to do. It is decided that he will not bother Yiyun. If he wants to see Yi Yun, she will also send a question and then come over.

Today's Ji Shuiyan, wearing a beautiful water blue dress, looks slim and slim.

"Yi Gongzi, Tianyan Commercial Bank has sent Tiandan..."

“Entering Tiandan?” Yi Yun stunned. “Does Tianyan Commercial Bank really use Tiandan to exchange their people?”

Although Yi Yun feels that he is not afraid of Tianyan Commercial Bank, the performance of Tianyan Commercial Bank is too embarrassing.

"Yes, but..." Ji Shuiyan said that he was slightly frowning here. "Tian Yan Shanghang sent an invitation and wanted Yi Zizi to participate in the treasure hunt meeting two days later. He said that it is necessary to discuss the clues about the previous vision of the buried sand sea. , common treasure hunt, the interests are all."

“Hunting treasure meeting?” Yi Yun heard this feeling funny. “They are sick, why should I go to this treasure hunt conference?”

Yi Yun has a sub-day disk, and there is a deduction of Ji Shuiyan grandfather. He naturally has no interest in this treasure hunt conference.

Jishui flue: "The treasure hunt conference was organized by Tianyan Commercial Bank and the Seven Star Commercial Bank. There are many people participating. These people are almost all coming to Yang Jing."

"At the treasure hunt conference, there will be a trade fair, which can be traded to get a lot of talents and treasures, as well as information about the vision. However, the hookah got the news, this time Tianyan Shangxing Cong Tiancong’s master, Yu Yu, also came. Yuguang City, he is one of the backers of Tianyan Commercial Bank. Naturally, he will not miss the treasure hunt conference. If Yizi goes, it may conflict with Huayu....

Ji Shuiyan said that there was some concern here. She did not know how strong Yiyun’s strength was. The rams and the red-haired old ladies did not reflect the limit of Yiyun’s strength.

However, for the master of Shanghua Yushang, Yi Yun may not be able to find it cheap.

"What about the trade fair..."

Yi Yun hesitated a bit, and had some interest in this treasure hunt conference. If you can buy some suitable Tiandi treasures, you can further cultivate the seeds of Shenmu. His current repairs are actually lower.

Moreover, participating in the treasure hunt conference, knowing in advance what kind of people are going to the funeral Yangsha sea to find Yang Jing, it is also very helpful for Yi Yun to formulate future plans.

Seeing Yi Yun’s indifference, Ji Shuiyan did not speak. She knew that Yi Yun stayed behind to find Yang Jing and Tian Ti Di Bao. Such a trade fair would not help Yin Yun.

"If this is the case, then I will go and see." Yi Yun said.

Although Tianyan Commercial Bank has a chemical person, the trade fair is not only a Tianyan business. Although Yiyun is vigilant, it is not afraid to be afraid.

Moreover, if Tianyan Commercial Bank really wants to start with itself, he will not go to the trade fair, there is no difference, it will not be safe to hide in the Shenji business house.

"Then I will go with Yi Gongzi." Ji Shuiyan said.

Shenji Commercial Bank has been forbearing for a while, and now Ji Shuiyan wants to reinvigorate Shenshang Commercial Bank, and she will not miss such a trade fair.

"Good." Yi Yun nodded.

Funeral Shahai is rich in Tiancai Dibao. For the trade fair here, Yiyun has some expectations.

Yi Yun quietly practiced for two days in the backyard of Shenji Commercial Bank. On this day, Yi Yun was lying on the bed with a sheet of gold paper in his hand. This is the "Swan Demon" that Shi Yujun left for Yi Yun. 》The residual page.

The remnant pages of the "Wan Yao Sheng Dian" belong to the top refining exercises, which is the treasure book naturally formed by the rules of the Wan Yao Emperor. According to the records in the "The Demon of the Wan Yao", when the "The Demon of the Wan Yao" is cultivated to The ultimate, can really achieve the body of immortality.

Unfortunately, Yi Yun found that with his current realm, he couldn't grasp the mystery. He estimated that he would try to practice the "Wan Yao Sheng Dian" after he had to go to the palace at least half a step.

This makes Yi Yun somewhat regrettable.

If you can really achieve the undead body, Yi Yun is still looking forward to it. He has been practicing until now, and the physical body and defense are always weak.

At this moment, the knocking on the door sounded, and Ji Shuiyan prepared the car and horse, ready to go.

"Yi Gongzi, the time of the fair is here." Ji Shuiyan is wearing a tight red dress today, and the hair is high and elegant. It is very popular with the hostess.

Yi Yun put away the broken pages and stood up and said, "Let's go."

Ji Shuiyan looked at Yi Yun from the inside of the house, his eyes flashed slightly.

After these days of cultivation, Yi Yun's eyes are more profound, such as the night, the air is ethereal, there is a kind of good temperament, and the sword is not yet sheathed, hiding the sharp.

After boarding the carriage of the Shenji business, they set off to the seven-star business.

"This treasure hunt conference is mainly held by the seven-star business. The seven-star business is in the sand sea of ​​the funeral, and the power is spread over seven cities. It is a rock that is difficult to shake."

"In addition to the local businesses, there are other forces that have received news in the past few days. The Yuguang City is now very lively." On the carriage, Ji Shuiyan told Yi Yun about the news of the Shenji business.

Many large forces have gathered together, which means that the treasures that will appear in the fair will be richer and more valuable.

"God machine business is coming!"

As the carriage stopped, Yi Yun walked out of the carriage and looked at the seven-star business in front of him.

The architecture of the seven-star business is very grand, and the pavilions are towering into the clouds. On one of the tall towers, many graceful figures are dancing, and hundreds of musicians are playing on both sides.

In the pavilion around the tower, many people have already sat.

A servant led Yi Yun and Ji Shuiyan into the pavilion. Just sitting down, Ji Shuiyan looked at the opposite side and his brow was slightly wrinkled.

"Yi Gongzi, the opposite is the person of Tianyan Commercial Bank." Ji Shuiyan said.

Yi Yun looked at her sight. There were a lotus pond between the pavilions on both sides. In the pavilion on the lotus pond, there were several people sitting, one of them, one young and one young, dressed in a gorgeous dress, respectfully sitting. In the first seat.

"That should be Huayu's master." Ji Shuiyan said to a man on the first place.

The man's appearance is thirty or forty years old, but his hair is gray, his skin color is gray, his eyes are deeply sunken, and he has a feeling of lack of essence.

At this time, another middle-aged man sitting next to Hua Yu’s man suddenly turned his head and looked at Yi Yun.

Yi Yun saw that this middle-aged man in a black suit and a fan of a fan showed a smile on himself.

"Who is this person?" Yi Yun asked.

Ji Shuiyan shook his head: "I have never seen this person."

However, she also saw the smile of the middle-aged man, just like the snake was watching the prey, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

But here is the treasure hunt conference sponsored by the Seven Star Commercial Bank. So many forces are present. It is expected that Tian Yan Commercial Bank will not be afraid to do anything. 8)

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