True Martial World

Chapter 108: Was beaten again

The re-election of the election of the Kingdom of God has not yet ended, and the test of the Purple Blood Warrior has become more intense.

Purple blood warriors, although it can be said that they are guaranteed to pass the election of the Kingdom of God, but they must compete with each other in order to obtain more resources and higher status in Jinlongwei!

Yi Yun watched the performance of the cloud-deficient **** warriors.

The Purple Blood Warrior is indeed more powerful than the **** warriors, especially the last one of the Dow's tribe, Hu Wei, who pushed the atmosphere in the field to a climax!

Hu Wei’s demonstration is also the “Tian Xuan Jiu Jian”!

And the same use of the scorpion is the male sword in the male and female double-strand swords of the Dow tribe.

The sword is three feet long. In the hands of Hu Yu, this sword seems to have life, an amazing momentum, brewing on Hu Wei, every sword, all the swords are stirring, for a time, the central Jianguang is heavy. Just like a silver curtain, splashing water does not enter.

Hu Wei’s sword is too fast, so fast that people can’t see it clearly.

Sometimes, Hu Wei slowed down the speed of the sword, but even if he slowed down, his sword strokes were also invisible. This feeling is like Zhang Yuxian’s demonstration of swallowing, and he clearly saw his movements. But I don't know what his sword is.

The warriors of all the tribes in the cloud have all admired, even a few Jinlongwei members, nodded slightly.

When Hu Wei’s "Tian Xuan" nine swords demonstrated the last move, he shot nine swordsman from Hu Wei and went straight to the sky!

These nine swordsmanship, as far away as a golden sword, is full of brilliance and extraordinary!


The golden sword broke. The clouds in the sky have been cut.

Around the Dow tribe people. An exclamation was made.

If the swordsmanship that Tao Yunqi had issued before was a firefly, then the light of the golden sword of Hu Yu is the moon. It’s just a cloud.

"This is a metamorphosis!"

In the crowd, some warriors said, "It is extremely skillful to release the vitality of your body and condense into a physical form. Only the best of the purple **** warriors can master, you see the nine golden swords, It is directed at the cloud. If it is shot at the Black Iron Rock, it is afraid that it is a black iron rock of the size of the house. It will be cut like tofu! The Yunzi son does not show his own attack power!"


Yi Yun’s heart moved, he remembered, when he played against Lin Xinyi last night, when he was last boxing, his movie was a glimpse of the dragon and tiger!

At that time, I didn't pay attention to it, but Lin Xinyi lifted it up, and that was the real metamorphosis!

The real metamorphosis is not just a seemingly powerful force, it is really able to greatly increase the attack power of the move!

The battle of **** and purple **** warriors is often a fist to the flesh. However, as the martial arts repairs are getting higher and higher, the battle between the warriors and the warriors begins to evolve into more and more competitions!

For the Gaowu world, the metamorphosis is only the foundation.

And for the warriors in the wilderness. The metamorphosis can be said to be a spectacle.

Look at the reactions of the people around, one by one is excited, excited cheers!

Ordinary people. There is a chance to see the metamorphosis, not to mention that Hu Wei has a very high popularity in the Dow tribe. Those who cheer are basically his admirers.

Hu Wei’s acting is over.

The people of the Dow tribe are all red. Like drinking a sacred wine, can not conceal the joy, was previously covered by Yi Yun, their prestige, the Tao people of the tribe felt uncomfortable, and now Hu Wei played, they immediately raised their eyes.

Moreover, the first son, Hu Wei, is close to the perfection of the refining body. It should be able to take this final step in the near future, which is what the Tao tribe people expect.

It should be known that the entire Dow tribe has not produced a genius that has reached the realm of "successful refining and pulse like a dragon" for hundreds of years.

"Husong Gongzi is too powerful!"

"Of course! The son immediately reached the perfection of the refining body, the pulse is like the dragon's realm, and the cultivation is also in the middle of the purple blood. It will soon enter the late stage of the purple blood. Can it be powerful? Hu Xiaogong, will definitely surpass Yi Yun!"

"That must be! Nine golden swords, real metamorphosis, this is the true strength! Not the illusory vision. Also, who is Hu Zigong, this is good for those who are self-righteous." For a lesson, let them see the strength of our Dow tribe!"

People are very excited, and this time, Jinlongwei's examiner, spent a quarter of an hour, has already ranked the results of the purple blood soldiers.

The same is in the order of appearance, Hu Yu ranked last.

When Zhang Tan read about Hu Wei, all the people of the Dow tribe held their breath, which was a moment of honor for their Dow tribe.

They are waiting for Hu Wei to surpass Yi Yun!

The strength of their Dow tribes is ten times more powerful than the other dozens of tribes. How can it be covered by a flat boy like Yi Yun?

People are looking forward to, Zhang Tan opened

"Hu Wei, 18 years old, demonstrates the practice of "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian", rating grade"

"Xuanjie... no product!"

When Zhang Tan announced the grade of Hu Wei, the people of the Dow tribe first smashed and immediately opened the pot.

Hu Wei finally arrived at the Xuan order, but there is not enough grade, but the Xuan order is not!

From the Yellow ninth to the Xuan dynasty, it is a big gap. There are always some characters. It is estimated that he is a little bit of a yellow grading, but he is a subtle, and he looks a bit inferior.

Therefore, in the rules of genius evaluation, the class of no goods is added.

The mysterious order has no product, which means that it is barely enough for the mysterious order, but in reality it is not enough. It is plausible. To be precise, it is a transitional period from the yellow to the metaphysical.

Hu Wei, the young master of their Tao tribes, even the older generation of purple blood peaks, not inferior to the number of characters, symbolizing the highest level of their Dow tribe, he was only rated as yellow To the transition period of the Xuanjie?

Are you kidding?

Among the Dow tribes, Hu has a myriad of fans and supporters.

Now Jinlongwei has rated Hu Wei as a mysterious product, and his supporters can't accept it! They were still prepared to sneak up, but they haven’t picked it up yet, but they have been beaten again!

If the whole cloud is ridiculous, there is no one sacred order. Only Hu Wei is a mysterious order, and they can barely accept it. The assessment standard of Jinlongwei is too strict.

But now, there is already a guy named Yi Yun who has reached the top five products, and their Hu Wei is only a transitional period of the mysterious order, how can they accept it.


"How could Hu Wei just be unproductive! We are not satisfied!"

Someone was shouting. When Yi Yun had covered Tao Yunqi, not many people shouted, but now Hu Wei has been covered, but they can’t stand it.

The power of fans is terrifying, especially fanatics, who can fight with you for their idols.

So what about Zhang Tan, how about Jinlongwei thousand households, degrading their idols, they want to rebel!

"I don't accept it, Hu Wei is at least a six-story!"

A young girl shouted, excited and pretty face red, in the Dow tribe, do not know how many girls secretly love Hu Wei, in order to Hu Yu, they can go to streaking.

"Yes! At least Xuanjie six products, how can Hu Xiaogong be better than that Yi Yun!"

"That is what Yiyun is! He is a small tribe of civilians. It is not much high at all. If he can make five items, we will not accept it!"

There are girls who are attached and look very excited. How can their idols be worse than civilians? This is an insult to their idols!

Seeing that the Tao’s tribe’s girls were so excited, Yi Yun was speechless, and he was really lying and shooting. He competed with Tao Yunqi and Lian Chengyu on the same stage, and he had no relationship with the purple blood. How do you get yourself?

Yi Yun feels like Hu Min is a former Korean drama star, fans are hardcore.

Most of the time, fans will not reason with you. Who makes you a mysterious five-piece, and suppresses their idol?

Yi Yun looked at Hu Yu unconsciously, but found that although his fans were excited, Hu Wei was just holding a sword and standing in his position silently. He said nothing, no expression, like the surrounding Everything is irrelevant to him.

This is to make Yi Yun slightly different, this Hu Wei, a little meaning.

In the face of such a scene, he can also take it easy. This kind of temperament is not like a **** young man.

(The first one, today is really on the shelves, just a true Wu group of girls in the birthday, happy children's shoes, I wish her a happy birthday.)

... (to be continued...)

Chapter 108 is being beaten again (1:

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