True Martial World

Chapter 109: Blood talent

The contest was over. The candidates, whether they were successful or failed, each returned to their place of residence.

As for the people, no matter how unconvinced they are, they can't change the results of the game, and they can only disperse.

But the battle did not stop.

When Yi Yun finished his dinner and walked out of the dining hall of the Dow family, he met a group of children who were waiting to block him.

The leader is a 13-year-old girl with a group of younger brothers and young girls behind her, all looking like teenagers.

The little girl is their boss, basically the same as the school big sister in Yi Yun’s impression.

It seems that children from different worlds are also in the rebellious period when they are in their teens. At this time, children are easy to come up with some gangs, green gangs, Hongbangs, teenagers and the like.

The little girl squinted at her hair, licking Yi Yun, saying nothing, her eyes were full of hostility.

They came to demonstrate.

In fact, in the eyes of the little girl, Yi Yun is an age group and an IQ level.

Do not say anything else, just say height, 12-year-old Yi Yun is one inch shorter than this little girl.

Where do children know what purple gas is coming from, and things like metamorphosis, their more intuitive perception of strength is the height of height.

Those who are tall and tall, look great and dare not provoke.

And the height is small, the deterrence is low, and it is good to bully.

Of course, a few little girls who took the lead know that Yi Yun is very powerful. The people they bring are absolutely impossible to beat, but. Yi Yun's relatively short heads allowed them to establish psychological advantages invisibly, but they often teamed up to bully.

It is difficult to describe the psychology of these children. They feel that their idols have been insulted, and always have something to show their courage.

Although the people who really "insulted" their idols are Jinlongwei. However, they did not have the courage to block Jinlongwei, but they could only block Yiyun.

They just have to make a gesture to prove that they are very supportive of Hu Wei. As for what they want, they don’t know it.

Yi Yun is speechless, and with such a group of children who don’t understand anything, he really has the feeling of being a dog.

Yi Yun just released a little momentum, and pushed these children away. He strode out of the crowd. Leave those children to dare to speak.

In fact, after the end of the contest, Yi Yun found that he often received the hostile eye of the Dow people.

Yi Yun alone, under the pressure of the three sons of the Dow tribe, is equivalent to rushing to someone else's home to hit the face of others, how can the Liberal tribes be friendly to him.

What's more, Yi Yun did not show real strength from beginning to end. All the results of the competition were judged by Jin Longwei, the Tao tribe. The judgement of Jin Longwei was not convinced at all.

Yi Yun didn't want to pay attention to these people, just wanted to leave the crowd quickly. Yi Yun suddenly noticed that not far away, a shadow in white. Smiling at myself.

In the sunset, the shadow of this girl was dragged long. Her dress was also coated with a faint golden shimmer. The layer of shimmer twitched like an elf flying in the sunset.

The girl just smiled, didn't talk, saw Yi Yun looking, she turned and left.

And Yi Yunxin has a spirit to follow.

The two went all the way and soon disappeared into the city of the Dow tribe.

The scenery changed, Yi Yun and the girl came to the back hill of the Tao's tribe. At this time, the setting sun just fell, and the afterglow was all over the sky, burning the red sunset.

"You seem very unpopular..."

Lin Xinyu’s long opening turned and turned to Yi Yun.

Yi Yun smiled helplessly. "I came to the Dow tribe this time and set their limelight. They certainly didn't welcome it, and... not convinced."

"The results of Jinlongwei's assessment are still authoritative. You don't have to pay attention to those people... um... I said good before, and continue to fight with you today." Lin Xinyi agreed with Yi Yun last night, continue today. Compare.

"it is good!"

Yi Yun can't ask for it. Lin Xinyi is a master. Yi Yun doesn't know what Lin Xinyi's realm is. Just knowing that she can show something at random can benefit him a lot.

Lin Xinyi gently wiped a hand on the space wrist wheel and pulled out a sword.

sword! ?

Yi Yun’s eyes brightened, and he was the first time he saw Lin Xin’s weapon.

In the past, he and Lin Xinyi had a trick, and Lin Xinyi was playing with Yi Yun with his palm.

"Tao Yunxi is a sword, Hu Wei is also a sword, their sword is the ancestral home of the Tao family, but I feel that the two swords, the quality is not as good as Lin Xinyi's hand One handle!"

Lin Xinyu's sword is very soft, like a swimming silver snake. The coldness of the forest is far away, but it seems to have pierced Yiyun's eyebrows, making his eyebrows cold.

"Sword name cold water, this is my sabre, I usually use the sword against the enemy, I have a special talent for the sword, this talent, people call it 'sword heart'."

"Sword Heart is a kind of blood talent, blood talent is not everyone can wake up, and in the future, you will have your own blood talent."

Lin Xinyi’s words opened a new door for Yi Yun.

Blood talent? Jianxin?

Yi Yun does not know what the blood talent is, but his heart has a strong interest in it.

Lin Xin said: "You can only break through the purple blood with peace of mind, blood talent, you don't need to pay attention to it, it is still in the field you can't touch..."

Lin Xinyu talked and took a sword flower. "The weapon is part of the body of the warrior. At first, he came into contact with the warrior of the kendo. He took the sword. In the end, he took the sword. The third step is to use the sword." !"

"You are optimistic today, this is "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian"!"

Lin Xinyu said that the sword in her hand moved, and the speed of her sword was not fast, but one stroke and one style all provoked the power of the heavens and the earth, and the movements were perfectly connected.

Lin Xinyi's sword method. It is "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian"!

Yi Yun was really shocked. He didn't seem to find a way to practice Lin Xinyi.

"Dragon ribs and tiger bones" Lin Xinyi will. "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian" she will also, and these two exercises are not the main practice of Lin Xinyi. Her main practice is called "Xuannian Heart Sutra"!

However, even if she is only minor in "Dragons and Tigers" and "Tianxuan Jiujian", she has also reached a very high level!

On the "Dragon Band Tiger Bone Boxing", Lin Xinyu's comments made him benefit a lot.

On "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian", her sword is perfect, even Yi Yun, a person who does not know how to know the sword, can feel the mystery.

Especially in the field of view of the source amethyst to Yi Yun, Yi Yun can see all the surrounding heaven and earth vitality gathered from Lin Xinyi, forming countless spots.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Around Lin Xin’s body, he flew nine golden swords. This is the metamorphosis that Hu Yu once showed!

However, Hu Jin’s metamorphosis, just for a moment, shot into the sky.

Lin Xinyi’s metamorphosis, the nine golden swords are like elves, and they flow around the heart of Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi stabbed a sword, and the golden sword flew out, and the sword was recovered. The golden sword was also recovered.

This means makes Yi Yun stunned.

think carefully. Lin Xinyi’s age is one year younger than Hu Jin’s. It’s really hard to imagine, Lin Xinyi’s talent level.

"I really sit down and watch the sky."

Yi Yun said to himself, he first realized that "there is a limit to the practice of the martial arts. There is no limit to the martial arts," and the purple gas is coming to the east. These two achievements. Let Yi Yun also could not help but be a little proud.

However, compared with Lin Xinyi, what is this?

Lin Xinyi, the realm of "there is a limit to the practice of the martial arts. There is no limit to the martial arts." Lin Xinyi must have already reached it, otherwise she will use the tone of the comment. Mentioned in the notes?

Lin Xinyi casually studies the practice of half a year, can achieve such a rumor, his own path, but also long!

Lin Xinyi dance sword, Yi Yun see sword.

The same is "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian", Hu Yu's "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian" is far worse than Lin Xinyi, as for Tao Yunqi, then there is no way to read.

Yi Yun two people are human beings, the soul is strong, and the savvy is extremely high. Although Lin Xinyi does not say a word, it is only a sword, but compared with Lin Xinyi’s swordsmanship, Yi Yun recalls Tao Yun’s swordsmanship, and all kinds of flaws. It’s floating in the mind of Yi Yun.

"This set of "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian", as well as the ancestral home of the Tao family, did not play an effect in Tao Yunqi's hand. If the sword is divided into several realms, then Tao Yunyu should be the sword. The realm of the kendo is just the beginning of the kendo..."

Yi Yun commented in his heart that there is Zhu Yu in front, Yi Yun has been able to evaluate Tao Yunyi's swordsmanship.

On the realm of martial arts, Yi Yun is far less natural than Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi's swordsmanship, now Yi Yunlian, one tenth of them can't comprehend, but this is one tenth of them. Let Yi Yun have his own opinion on "Xian Xuan Jiu Jian" and swordsmanship.

A lot of things can only be said to be unspeakable. Everyone's understanding is different, so Lin Xinyi did not say much, just a demonstration.

Now, these insights take root in Yi Yun's heart. In the future, as his strength improves, there will always be a day to grow into a towering tree!

The martial arts martial arts are greatly affected by the environment.

I often go to the master with a trick, even if I can't find the North by the master, then I have been abused for a long time, and I am also a half master.

However, I often used the grass bag to make a move, even if I had to kill those grass bags, but for a few years, I was still a straw bag.

Yi Yun and Lin Xinyi have been practicing martial arts until they are close to dawn.

Lin Xinyi left quietly, and Yi Yun also quietly returned to the Dow tribe.

After a few more hours, it is the last round of the election of the Kingdom of God, which is the final moment.

This battle will determine the final result.

"I don't know what the final round of questions is?"

Yi Yun thinks like this, his heart is full of expectations!

He meditated for half an hour, and then fell to the bed and fell asleep.

He entered deep sleep, and as long as he slept for one or two hours, his spirit could return to its peak state... (to be continued...)

The 109th chapter of the blood talent (two:

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