True Martial World

Chapter 128: Heaven has eyes

The person who led Jinlongwei was named Sun Jingrui, and Sun Jingrui was also the elite of Jinlongwei. He was tall and tall, and his age was only 234 years old. He was very powerful.

The one-horned giant rhinoceros under his seat is also very powerful. The two-storey giant beast is standing in the crowd. People subconsciously go backwards. This behemoth is too oppressive.

"The little old man welcomes the adults, and makes the adults work hard along the way."

The old patriarch of the Lien clan, and several ethnic groups, including members of the reserve camp of Zhang Dali and other soldiers, rushed out of the crowd and came up to salute.

Sun Jingrui looked at the old patriarch of the Lien clan and looked at it.

On this road, Yi Yun did not tell his relationship with the Liberal tribe's rule. Sun Jingrui only knew that Yi Yun and Liencheng were incompatible with each other, but they did not know that these people who were following the ceremony were supporters of Lianchengyu. Dog legs, otherwise, he won't give a good face.

After the ceremony of the old patriarch, he raised his head and slammed into the five giant beasts behind Sun Jingrui. He hoped to find the figure of Lianchengyu.

Yi Yun is a member of Jinlongwei. His unicorn behemoth ranks fourth in the ranks. Because the one-horned giant rhinoceros is huge, he is far away from the old patriarch.

Although the distance is far, it is reasonable to say that it should be clear.

Just, today's Yi Yun, wearing a flying fish suit, waist with a geese-winged knife, a heroic and prosperous, Fengshen as jade, he just changed the body of the line, even if it is Zhang Tan, know that the person in front is easy Cloud, but it took a while to dare to recognize.

People rely on clothes and horses to wear saddles and wear different clothes. The temperament is completely different.

Therefore, the old patriarch, did not recognize Yi Yun, should say. Because of this dress, the teenager who rides the behemoth. It’s a world of difference with the muddy legs, so he didn’t even associate with Yi Yun.

The old patriarch hurriedly glanced at Yi Yun, and he was only a moment of emotion for Yi Yun's extraordinary and young. He felt that Jinlong Weizhen is a generation of people, and it is really enviable to see people, young and promising!

Then, his gaze. They are concentrated in several large baskets carried by the one-horned giant rhinoceros. According to experience, the candidates of the Lien clan are not qualified to ride the one-horned giant rhinoceros. They can only sit in the basket, from the bottom to the bottom. On the way, because of the angle, there is nothing in the basket.

As for the soldiers in the basket, the reserve camp members. At this time, they look at me, I look at you, I don't feel how to be good.

Lian Chengyu became like this. They were also brushed down in the first round, and they died in disastrous defeat. In the face of the villagers, they really had no face.

If they have relied on Yiyun before. You can also glory in the status of Yi Yun dog legs. I can't wait to see them, so their identity is very embarrassing now.

The old people did not recognize Yi Yun. However, some people have seen Yi Yun, such as Zhou Xiaoke!

Because Zhou Xiaoke has been looking for Yi Yun's figure, even if Yi Yun is far away, she noticed it.

She saw Yi Yun wearing a flying fish suit, a small mouth like a trick, that ... that is ... ... Yi Yun brother! ?

Zhou Xiaoke clung to Wang Aunt's hand and couldn't believe it.

At this time, Sun Jingrui waved his hand and smashed down two large baskets from the one-horned giant rhinoceros. The baskets landed heavily and made a dull sound.

A bag of food, tarpaulin-packed meat, rolled out of the basket.

The old patriarch, seeing these foods, suddenly smashed!

When the people around the Lien's tribe saw it, their eyes were straight.

They are completely stunned.

food! meat!

God, is this a dream?

For people who are hungry for the chest and who are starving to death, suddenly seeing food and even meat, the temptation to them is fatal!

Hungry people, in order to eat it bit by bit, that is anything that can be done.

The old patriarch immediately shook with excitement. "On the top of the ambassador, these foods are... are they for us?"

Sun Jingrui faintly said: "Yes, it is for the Lien tribes. You Lien tribes have also contributed to the country of God. They have cultivated a genius. Not only has the Guoshi been enshrined, but it is still possible to become a human race in the future. This is the airlift of your Lien clan! You Lien tribes have merits, and because thousands of adults have heard that your tribes are hungry, so give some food to you!"

When Sun Jingrui spoke, especially when he said that the words "the title of the nationalist" were used, the old patriarch heard a shock in his heart, excited and trembling, and tears.

Book the national sergeant... I am not mistaken!

The old patriarch really wants to shout.

"Jade jade... was sealed as a national war!!"

The old people in the back heard the news, and they were all excited as if they were young and 40 or 50 years old. It seems to have returned to the bridal chamber night of the young marriage.

Guoshi, that is a nobleman!

Although they are in the middle of the wilderness, they also know what the aristocracy is, and the generals of Jinlongwei said that even Cheng Yuyu not only sealed the Guoshi, but also became a human race in the future! That only the princes will be qualified to be called the lord!

It’s a heavenly eye!

The people around them are also very excited. They know that as long as they become a national scholar, they can have a land and they can go to the city to live a good life.

Originally, it was said that it was too difficult to enshrine the national priests. They had to continue their hardships in the Great Wilderness for a period of time. Unexpectedly, even Cheng Yuyu was in place and became a national priest!

"Lian Gongzi is really amazing."

"That is of course, and don't look at who our son is. When the son was born, it was the red glow of the courtyard. The sky was a vision! Even the son, but the **** of the sky, is destined to be rich!" ”

A woman with a surname, the eyebrows danced, said that she was connected to Cheng Yu, and also had some in-laws. Can she be upset?

"Whether it is rich, did not listen to what the adults said, even the son will be sealed in the future! Even the son of the son of seventeen years old will become a purple blood warrior, and in the future do not know the realm of cultivation!"

"Let the family develop! I dreamed last night, dreaming of the golden rice in the land. I got up this morning. I saw a nest of magpies and flew to the door of the company. I kept calling, I said Well, is this festive coming! This is the great joy of Guangzong Yaozu, and we are following it!"

There are women who say it. Many young girls are also full of hope for Lianchengyu to become a national priest. They are doing a lot in the country's seal, but they are much hungry than being hungry.

Sun Jingrui, who sat on the horned giant rhinoceros, was a bit stupid when he heard the public's arguments. He did not expect that the Dow tribes and the public would be the reaction.

He touched his chin and turned his head and looked at Yi Yun.

Sun Jingrui originally thought. Yi Yun is here, wearing a flying fish suit, equipped with a geese-winged knife, riding a one-horned giant rhinoceros. Who is a national priest is not at a glance, but also use him to say it?

Now Sun Jingrui understands that, together, these people have not recognized Yi Yun!

Sun Jingrui suddenly wanted to laugh. Yi Yun this kid, there is no sense of existence in the Lien clan.

"You are too miserable." Sun Jingrui's expression is what this means.

Yi Yun saw Sun Jingrui's mind and gave the latter a helpless look.

This does not blame the people of the Lien clan and the stupidity of the old people. This time the Lien clan went to participate in the election of the Kingdom of God, saying that there are ten people, actually in their hearts. Only one is connected to jade. Everything else is to make up the number.

They never thought about it, and which soldier was preparing to camp members. Or Yi Yun, may pass the election of the Kingdom of God.

So just now Sun Jingrui said that the book is sealed by the Guoshi, they will only think of Lianchengyu, and it may only be a jade!

Especially in the hearts of many people, Lian Chengyu is still a purple blood warrior! Can other people compare with him?

Moreover, they do not even know that the flying fish suits and unicorn belts on Yi Yun are the symbols of the national sect. With the insights of these great people, they only think that Yi Yun is a Jinlongwei warrior like Sun Jingrui.

The preconceived idea naturally led to this misunderstanding.

"On the adult, Lian Chengyu is the grandson of the little old man, um... Did he come back with you?" At this time, the old patriarch, like a jar of wine, was full of excitement.

Sun Jingrui looked at the old man in a strange look and nodded: "Come back..."

"Ah? What about the other people?" The old patriarch felt a little strange. Since Lianchengyu came back, why didn't he see anyone?

"You want to see him..." Sun Jingrui looked at the old man with sympathetic eyes.

"Of course..." The old patriarch felt that something was wrong, but he quickly thought of a reason to explain the situation. He said: "Is it an adult, is it that Yucheng is also retreating at this time? Also, after all, as a nationalist Take the country's money and resources, it is necessary to contribute to the country, not to practice well, then live up to the expectations of the adults, humiliate the name of this country, and practice is important, I am not in a hurry, just wait for the end of the jade practice. ”

It seems that even Cheng Yu is too hard, and the people around him are also admired. It is no wonder that even the son has such great achievements. The talents of the people are high, and they are diligent and hardworking. When they are on the road, they are retreating. It is naturally amazing.

Sun Jingrui shook his head. "There is no retreat. I said, some of you guys who are shrinking in the basket don't carry people out. What are you doing?"

Sun Jingrui shouted at the people of several Lien clan reserve camps that were shrunk in the basket.

An ugly wife always wants to see her in-laws.

Members of the Lien's tribal warrior reserve camp, helplessly explored their heads, and by the way also bumped all the way, Lian Chengyu, who had already spit foaming.

The people of the Lien clan, strangely seeing the soldiers preparing the camp, carried out a half-dead man, hanging on the edge of the basket, the man holding a pair of eyes, eyesless, foaming at the mouth, soft body collapse It's like a dead dog hanging on the market selling meat.

And how he looks, how... like...even into jade?

The people of the Lien clan are all dumbfounded!

Many ethnic groups are completely embarrassed.

The audience is silent!

After a quiet silence for a while, there was a trembling voice. Uncertainly said: "He...he is a son?"

"Impossible! How is the son even like this!" Some people refused to believe.

However, the old patriarch, as the grandfather of Lianchengyu, even if Cheng Yuyu became like this, he could not recognize it.

"Chengyu! Chengyu!" The old patriarch panicked, he can see that this is not a general injury, and even the spirit of Chengyu has gone wrong!

"What happened to Cheng Yu?" The voice of the old patriarch began to shake. "Isn't you married Guoshi? You talk!"

"The patriarch... Lian Chengyu did not seal the national sergeant..." A warrior carrying Lianchengyu prepared for the man, some silently said, "Liancheng jade was beaten by people, the meridians were broken, the martial arts were completely abolished, and they have lost. Jinlongwei is qualified."

"What!?" The old patriarch’s head slammed and the whole person almost fell! "Liu Tie, what are you talking about! I am an adult, I just said that Cheng Yu was sealed as a national!"

Asked by the old patriarch, Liu Tie was not so polite. He handed the Liancheng jade on his hand and said: "Liancheng jade has been abolished! The patriarch accepts the reality... As for the Guoshi, you are in front of you, you I didn't see it myself!"

Liu Tie said, using his eyes to indicate Yi Yun.

People's eyes, this moved to Yi Yun.

At first glance, some familiar, look carefully, they are completely shocked.

It was the silence of the whole audience. For a while, some people said with uncertainty: "Yi Yun! He is Yi Yun!?"

"Yi Yun, is it that he is the national scholar who said that the adults? How is it possible?"

People’s hearts were shocked and inexplicable. Before that, it was said that Lian Chengyu’s wife, who was a singer’s singer’s surname, seemed to be greatly stimulated. She shook her head in a strong voice and said incoherently: “Impossible! Impossible! He is just a muddy leg, he is just a Mud legs! How could he seal the country, impossible!"

This said, Sun Jingrui frowned, he did not say anything, Liu Tie, but his eyes moved, suddenly jumped out of the basket of the one-horned giant rhinoceros.

"Mom got a bit, you said who is muddy legs!?"

Liu Tie fell to the ground, three steps and two steps, facing the woman with the surname, a slap in the face!


A shrill sound, the woman screamed and was directly thrown to the ground.

"Don't dare to insult Yizi, you are tired of it!" Liu Tie said, stepping forward, the fat face of the woman is a kick, and the result is a pig-like scream. The woman’s face has been trampled into a dye house.

Everyone was shocked. Liu Tie was very satisfied. He patted his hands and turned his head to Yi Yun. He immediately put on a charming expression of nodding his face. "Yi Gongzi, please take a ride."

Look at Liu Tie's son, I just can't wait to kneel on the ground and give Yi Yun a Ma Shi.

Liu Tie wants to understand, although Yi Yun does not accept him as a dog's leg, but he can't be discouraged. He wants to show his determination to be a dog's leg, completely breaks down with the original ruling class of the Lien clan, and solves what Yi Yun wants to do. Let Yi Yun feel relieved, so maybe he may become Yi Yun’s dog leg afterwards.

Yi Yun looked at Liu Tie, and he was speechless. This is the normal state of the Lien clan warrior reserve camp. One by one, there is nothing to do, but it is a good hand to slap the horse. It can only be said that it is a temperament. What kind of master? It determines what kind of slaves are there.

Yi Yun jumped from a one-horned giant rhinoceros!

His body is light and the location is not shocked. Only the geese-winged knife makes a soft metal light. This voice makes the surrounding people, as well as the family of the Lien clan, a tight heart, and subconsciously steps back.

Looking at Yi Yun, it is even more imposing. He is like a sword that is unsheathed. People can't look straight.

The sense of oppression caused by the British spirit, extravagance, and identity and strength made the family members of the Lien clan sweating their foreheads.

Today, they have confirmed that Yi Yun is really a national priest! Since then, he has been a nobleman, and with them, it is already the gap between heaven and earth!

(4,300 words, ask for a monthly pass.)

... (to be continued.)

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