True Martial World

Chapter 129: Yi Jin returned home

Yi Yun followed the yanyan knife and walked a few steps forward, and was walking to the front of the Lian’s tribe.

In the face of Yi Yun, the old patriarch’s body is shaking. He understands that Jinlong Wei seals a national priest. It’s difficult for them. Since they are Feng Yiyun’s national sergeant, it proves that Yi Yun’s strength is terrible and far exceeds him. Imagine!

Even Yu Yun also got a one-horned giant rhinoceros as a mount, so that the trained horned giant rhinoceros, its value of the old patriarch dare not think about it!

The wilderness has a heartfelt admiration and fear for the strong. At this time, the old patriarch faces Yi Yun. If it is not because of the previous identity gap, but because he has to hold strong support for the face, then the old patriarch may be afraid I have to go down.

"Liancheng jade...I am disabled."

Yi Yun said in an understatement.

The old patriarch’s head slammed, almost subconsciously trying to rush to fight with Yi Yun, but he only impulsive for a moment, but suddenly realized what, suddenly stopped the pace.

The body of the old patriarch was shaking, behind him, the old people were facing Yi Yun, or they were unbelievable or glaring.

As for the people, all of them were shocked.

Even Cheng Yu, was Yi Yun disabled?

Did Lian Chengyu not break through the purple blood? How could it be disabled by Yi Yun, how easy is Yi Yun, how many days to practice, how can this be?

"Hello, my heart, I have managed to support you, but you have such awkward hands!" Yi Yun, an old man's angry anger, seems to be a typical example of a wolf-hearted dog.

Yi Yun sneered, "Do you feed me? Wrong, we have supported you! You are old, the parasite of the Lien clan! Instead of you parasites, treat your food and clothing parents as slaves! The world was originally your life and death, and I didn’t know how many times I wanted to put me to death. Why don’t you ask him why he is so worried? Is it right that he kills me, I am killing him, is it wrong? It’s a joke!”

Yi Yun said a word. Block all the old mouths of the family.

Yes, if Yi Yun is still the poor boy who has no hand-binding power, then even Cheng Yu has already put Yi Yun in a smashing corpse.

At this time, an old family seems to be stimulated. Excited to jump up, " framed the jade is not! You can't be an opponent of jade, impossible! You must have used some disgraceful means, you..."

However, his words have not been finished, Liu Tie has rushed up. One foot tripped the old man!

Many of the Lian’s tribes have no martial arts at all. Where is Liu Tie’s opponent.

The old man fell off an old bone and lie on the ground.

"Mom got a bite, and licked your dog's eyes! You even said that Yi Gongzi wants to be smashed into jade!? Even Cheng Yu in front of Yi Gongzi, count as a fart!"

"Do you know how stupid you are? I thought that the strength of Yigongzi is not strong? Yigongzi is playing against Lianchengyu on the ring platform. Even the jade is like a chicken and a dog. It is beaten, it is not a game. The battle is the beating of Yi Gongzi to Lianchengyu!"

"Don't say it is Liancheng jade. Even the top genius of the Dow's tribe, Dow's three sons, used the taboo power of the Dow's tribes. It's not the same as Yi Gongzi's full-fledged teeth! Dow's tribes Do you know what? You certainly don't know, that kind of power is beyond your imagination!"

Liu Tie smiled coldly and looked at the old eyes of the Lien tribes. They looked contemptuous and embarrassed. His expression seemed to be saying, you are so stupid, and you don’t know what to scream here.

"I actually said here that Yi Gongzi was harmed into jade, Xiaoye, I really didn't laugh. Wake up idiots! Your baby's baby is even jade, and you are reluctantly judged a yellow-order five products. What is Huang Duwu? It’s not unusual to catch a whole lot of the whole wilderness!”

"But Yi Gongzi, was rated as a five-level product, a high level of a realm, Xuanjie five products is what you know! This is the Jinlongwei high-level evaluation, absolutely authoritative! What is the Xuanjie five products? That is the future lord, the character of the vassal worship!"

"When Yi Gongzi played the martial arts. It shattered the cup of a hundred feet away, and also ignited the purple gas east! You know if you are purple? Don't know! You don't know how many hundred miles of purple Xia, that is a beautiful! This is Yi Gongzi practicing, causing the world to resonate, to have a vision! You idiots, do not understand the earthen buns, called a wool!"

Liu Tie said that he had enough strength and the voice spread throughout the audience. It seems that the person who led the purple gas is his own.

In fact, for Liu Tie, showing off his insights in front of these short-sighted people is indeed a very fulfilling thing.

Anyway, Liu Tie is making up his mind. In the future, he will wholeheartedly safeguard the authority of Yi Yun, and at the same time serve the people around Yi Yun. In this way, Yi Yun is happy, maybe he will bring him a great waste!

Not far behind Liu Tie's body, Yi Yun was speechless. The tea cup that he shattered at that time was at most ten feet away. The purple gas came from the east, but it was only a few miles away. In this Liu Tie mouth, it was exaggerated. Ten times more than that.

However, there are no concepts about these numbers. They are shocked by what Liu Tie said.

This kind of vision, without Liu Tiejiao's description, can all feel its vastness and horror, so how can it appear on ordinary people?

In addition, Yi Yun has been enshrined as a national sergeant, so now no one doubts the strength of Yi Yun. He is the dragon among the people. Once he jumped into the dragon gate, the big genre has already become, these little people, now even looking up at Yi Yun I can't look up!

Those who originally hated Yiyun did not dare to speak, and they were not qualified at all.

The people around the Lien clan are even more chilling.

The atmosphere was quiet for a long time, Yi Yun walked into the crowd, his eyes glanced at the audience.

"Your Liancheng Yuzi, who wanted to kill me several times, enslaved the people, innumerable people, and guilty, so he didn't care what he got, he deserved it!"

"Lian Chengyu takes your food, exchanges for training martial arts resources, and fights for his own wealth. He promises you, and the promise of moving into the city is actually a lie, so that it is a matter for the national sergeant. Years, you have already starved to death."

"Lian Chengyu called for a strong man, smelting poisonous bones, so that the young people of the Lien clan were dying, and they were given an overdose of blood to make them die faster!"

"After that, he pushed all the blame on me, lied that I was evil, infected the plague, inciting the people, besieging my sister, burning my house!"

Yi Yun said this indifferently, people remember this. Half a month ago, Yi Yun said the same thing on the platform of the Liberal clan's selection of places.

Only at that time, not many people would believe in Yi Yun.

Today, Yi Yun repeated his words again, almost intact, but this time, the results are completely different!

No one has ever believed in Yiyun.

This is the deterrent brought about by strength!

The weight of a person's speech is multiple. It is not whether he looks at his voice when he speaks, nor whether he swears if he has a swearing swear, but looks at his identity, status and strength!

The true king, the words that are spoken are the rules, the rules!

Who can not believe? Who dares not believe?

And Yi Yun has already reached this position. Is it necessary for him to lie with these ants-like characters?

Therefore, Yi Yun’s words are beyond doubt, and people have understood that they used to be fooled into jade!

Lian Chengyu regarded them as fools, and became a stepping stone for him to climb up.

The higher the company climbs, the more people in the Liberal tribe will be trampled!

Perhaps those who are very close to Lianchengyu can really benefit from Liancheng Yufei Tengda, but these mud legs are destined to be abandoned!

Realizing this, the people of the Lien clan were angry and stunned. Yi Yun’s words were like a loud slap in the face, and they didn’t react for a long time.

At this time, Yi Yun has no longer want to pay attention to these people. What he remembered, his eyes swept away from the crowd, and soon, Yi Yun found the person he was looking for.

In a corner of the crowd, a handsome, handsome man, holding a 12-year-old girl.

They are Wang Aunt and Zhou Xiaoke.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoke, a small face red, she looked at Yi Yun, want to come forward to recognize, but a little dare.

Because this time, Yi Yun and Zhou Xiaoke's impression of Yi Yun are completely different.

He is no longer the elder brother who is dressed in linen and amiable, but gives her a feeling of being above the top. Comparing Yi Yun, and then looking at his own ragged clothes, Zhou Xiao can feel a little self-defeating.

At this time, Yi Yun was beckoning against Zhou Xiaoke.

"Small, come over."

"Ah!" Seeing Yi Yun suddenly beckoning to himself, Zhou Xiaoke is like a frightened little rabbit.


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