True Martial World

Chapter 155: Jooyun Mountain Villa

After an hour, Yi Yun came to his fief with Jiang Xiaorou, Zhou Xiaoke and many entourages, following the guides of Jinlongwei.

As the city, Tiandu City directly belongs to the princes of Jingzhou. It is the fief of the princes. As for the seal of the aristocracy, it is outside the city.

Yiyun's fiefdom, about a hundred miles away from Tiandu City, is a very good location.

In this land, the tribes of the Lien clan were amazed.

Yi Yun’s fiefdom is not a wasteland with nothing. On this land, there is a house.

To be exact, this is called the manor.

This garden has a small circle, but it doesn't sound very big, but it is spectacular when you look at it. The piece of the house is like a row of scales. It also has a rockery pond and a water wind pavilion. It really looks like a garden in Jiangnan.

Such a big house, not to mention less than a hundred people, even thousands of people, can live.

Yi Yun knows that if the palace of the mortal country is just a few miles away, it can already accommodate thousands of houses and tens of thousands of houses. The eunuchs will light up the lights of each house and ride horses.

"Guo Shi, although the most noble aristocrat, but placed in the Tai A Kingdom of God, the end of the nobility is also not allowed!"

Yi Yun feels that the territory of Tai A Shen Guo is too big to be measured. Therefore, all aristocrats have a land, but the aristocrats of Tai A Shrine are not hereditary. The so-called Shizi only inherits the property and does not inherit the title.

If there is no title, there will be no land. If the children and grandchildren have no ability, how many seals will soon be allowed to come out.

Therefore, the descendants of the princes and nobles often practice hard, and they are actually more stressed than ordinary people.

After all, I am used to the days of jade food. I am used to a decent life, once I can't maintain this kind of decent. So for them, it is not just a lack of material. There are also psychological pains caused by shame.

The main entrance of this house can accommodate four or five carriages in parallel, the door of Zhu paint, the copper ingot on the door has the size of a fist.

At the door are two large stone lions, next to the stone lions, each with a piece of stone carved with flying fish.

Yi Yun took the people into the manor.

A piece of blue brick red wall, glazed tile, a hundred years old tree with thick and thick trees, a pavilion, Qionglou, spacious training field. Jasper's general pond...

All kinds of sights are fascinating.

Lien's tribes are all stunned. They have seen such a house, don't say it, they have never heard of it.

In the cloud shortage, everyone lived in a few thatched houses, and the walls were made of adobe.

Amazing houses with bricks and mortars are already luxury homes.

And Yi Yun’s house. The bricks of the house were all made of good clay, and after grinding, the bricks made were not only strong, but also smooth to the touch.

The wood used to build the house. They are all good old pines, as for snow fir and golden nanmu. Yi Yun's level is not enough, not affordable. It is not enough.

The tribes of the Lien family do not know the cost of these houses. If you know it, you have to be shocked by your chin.

This is the world of warriors. The materials used by mortals to build houses, although they sound precious, are nothing compared to the treasures used by the military.

Yi Yun's two weapons, one heavenly bow, one thousand army knife, just come out one, are much more valuable than this big house!

For a time, the Lien tribes, like Liu Yujin’s Grand View Garden, were both new and excited about everything around them.

They really want to touch and see, but they are afraid of breaking.

"Great, so beautiful!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhou Xiaoke was very happy. When she saw the clear pool, she couldn't help but roll up her trouser legs, take off her shoes, play in the pool, and a pair of small feet swaying, making people dazzling.

She went to chase the butterflies in the garden, teased the koi in the pool, and enjoyed it alone.

Other children of the Lien clan, seeing Zhou Xiaoke, are very envious. Yi Yun moved with his entourage and brought a lot of children, because the children are the most innocent.

Their minds are relatively simple, and they are cultivated to grow up, and it is easy to give birth to Zhuangzi. In fact, what is loyal, Yi Yun does not care, as long as they do not harm the hearts of people.

On the way to the Central Plains, these children were smashed by their parents and came to Yi Yun’s house. The little boy was going to be a little girl. The little girl was Yi Yun’s jealousy. To understand the rules, not like the tribes. casual.

In accordance with the rules of the Tai's Kingdom of God, they entered the country's seal of land, and the registered household registration was “trusting the master”. Except for Jiang Xiaorou, who had a relationship with Yi Yun, the others were slaves, including Zhou Xiaoke.

So now, they are very cautious and don't dare to play as much as Zhou Xiaoke.

However, Yi Yun carefully selected these people, but they would not regard them as slaves.

When he left the cloud shortage, Yi Yun did a character test for every person who took away. Those who had problems with the character were arrogant and bullied. Yi Yun left them in the wilderness and gave a little meat. It is self-defeating.

This is done to avoid some confused people coming in.

Some people's minds are bad in nature. They won't be grateful because you brought them out of the wilderness. When Yi Yun is there, they will of course be trapped in the tail, but once Yi Yun is gone, it is hard to say.

Yi Yun joined Jinlongwei, and he is destined to train and fight in the future. It is normal to stay at home for several years.

If you put some wicked people at home, then they betray themselves, erode the interests of Zhuangzi, and all kinds of damage are normal. Even they may do something about Zhou Xiaoke and Jiang Xiaorou. It is simply Yi Yun. Unthinkable consequences.

So in the end, Yi Yun went out of the wilderness and only took less than 100 people from the Lien clan.

Yi Yundao: "In the future, you will regard this Zhuangzi as the same place as the Lien clan. This is our new village, but it is a beautiful village. Just play it, don't be restrained."

Yi Yun said casually, those children listened a little scared, Yi Yun smiled, picked a few children he was familiar with, let them take the children to play.

At the beginning, everyone was shrinking, and slowly let go, and it was very popular.

They chase each other in the cloister, hide and seek in the rockery, play in the pool...

The patches of water that are picked up are like the pearls in the sun...

For the children of the wilderness, everything in this mansion is fresh, so that they are very excited and can't put it down.

Looking at the children's innocent smiles, and the smiling smiles of the adults, Yi Yun is also very pleased, can bring happiness to these kind and simple people, really good.

"In the future, this Zhuangzi will be called Yunyun Mountain Villa!"

Yi Yun said this, Jiang Xiaorou stunned and turned to look at Yi Yun.

Facing the sun in the west, Jiang Xiaorou’s face was full of intoxicating blush, “Ruoyun Mountain Villa... very nice...”

Of course, she knows that this Rouyun Mountain Villa is composed of a word from her and Yi Yun.

In the Yunyun Mountain Villa, there are clouds and mountains, and Yunrou Mountain is green. Don’t have a mood, giving people unlimited imagination.


In addition to the house itself, this manor has thousands of acres of good land. These farms not only grow crops, but also grow mulberry and grow tea.

Next to the Liangtian, there are large rivers that are diverted into the fish ponds to irrigate and raise fish.

Not far away there are animal pens and horse stables, which can feed the owner's mounts and raise livestock and poultry.

It is no exaggeration to say that this manor, as long as stocks some salt and iron, then completely cut off the connection with the outside world can also be maintained step by step, clothing, food and shelter can be self-sufficient.

Yi Yun let Jiang Xiaorou preside over it, divide the thousands of acres of fields, according to the population, almost one person more than ten acres, one hundred people, is probably the optimal proportion of Yi Yun Fengtian to feed.

The Lien tribes brought by these Yiyuns have since become the tenants of Yiyun.

Originally, Yi Yun had to pump a few of their harvests, but Yi Yun would not be confined to this place in the future, nor would he pursue the food that these mortals depend on for survival. So he simply did not smoke at all, and all the grain products were returned to these. Seto own control.

To this end, Lien's tribes are grateful to Yi Yun, such a master, where to find?

In the past, in the Lien clan, most of their labor was paid, and only a small amount of food was received from the Lien clan headquarters every month.

At that time, the cultivated land still belonged to all the tribes, but now the cultivated land of the Yunyun Mountain Villa is completely Yiyun alone. Yiyun rents them freely for them to cultivate, and provides them with clothing and food shelters. They are also willing.

When the arable land was divided, the tribes of the Lien family could not describe their mood.

In the Great Wilderness, they have seen such a wide, fertile land, some old farmers who have been farming for a lifetime, immediately burst into tears and kneel down to kiss the land. For the peasants, the fields are life. They have deep feelings for the fields that the average person cannot understand. There are land and food, and that is the greatest gift of heaven.

As the sister of Yi Yun, Jiang Xiaorou is the hostess of the house.

A large manor, a hundred people, whoever raises fish, must plan for farming, the account room should also be clear, and the family regulation system should be perfected.

This can be a tedious job, Yi Yun wants to practice, no time to do, so the responsibility falls on Jiang Xiaorou.

Jiang Xiaorou has the intelligence that is completely incompatible with her age. Yi Yun only invited a person who has been a housekeeper in the city to teach Jiang Xiaorou a few days. Jiang Xiaorou will manage everything in the manor.

This makes Yi Yun sincerely glad that he came to this world, can have such a sister, care for him, take care of him, share everything for him.

After Yi Yun settled his home, he returned to Tiandu City and entered Jinlongwei Camp.

Yi Yun is a **** **, naturally can not stay in the house, he wants to continue his military career ... (to be continued.)

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