True Martial World

Chapter 156: God Wild Army Camp

Early in the morning, the **** had just been called, and the recruits of Jinlongwei all came to the school yard to gather!

Yi Yun naturally has to live in the military camp. As a national scholar, Yi Yun’s dormitory is a single room, and the conditions are very good.

Yan Menglong stood in the center of the school yard and examined the soldiers in the recruit camp.

"Today, it is the first day that you become a soldier! From today, you will receive super training from one to six years!"

Jinlongwei of the Tai’s Kingdom of God, when retiring, is basically a cultivation of the late stage of the purple blood, and there are many people who want to surpass the purple blood.

The soldiers in the late stage of the purple blood can have a life span of more than one hundred and fifty years old, and can reach eighty or ninety years old in the prime of life.

Therefore, the service time of Jinlongwei is very long. It is not a big deal to take out the training in the first five or six years.

"You, will be divided into three batches, special training!"

"These three batches are: the third batch of Tiandu military camp, the selected ones stay in Tiandu City special training! After the completion of the training, you are the ordinary soldiers of the Tai A Shen Guo Kingdom, if you have merit, you can be promoted to the elite, Even if the merits are outstanding, it is not impossible to be a national priest! Everything depends on your own grasp!"

"The second batch of Zhongzhou military camp, the selected person entered the special training in Zhongzhou! Zhongzhou is the first big state of the Tai's Kingdom, and the state where the Imperial City is located. It is controlled by the Emperor of the Emperor. It is a great training to enter the Zhongzhou Special Training. The glory of the glory! But after the training in Zhongzhou, after the training is completed, it is the Jinlongwei elite. If there is merit, the book will be sealed!"

"As for the third batch of God's Wild Army Camp! Selected by the military, selected qualified people, voluntarily decided not to go, this third batch, the training location is in the wild! God is in jeopardy. It is a land of lore In the training of the gods, there must be a sense of death at all times!"

"God barracks camp. Also known as the death barracks, or death gantry! Training here, the mortality rate is as high as 15%, the disability rate is as high as 5 percent, adding up to 20 percent! Training here They are all elites in the elite, but if they are not careful, they will never be lost!"

"But if you can complete the training, it will become the elite soldier of the Kingdom of God, and even become the hero of the future of the Terran! The Gods Barracks Camp is the gantry of the Tai's Kingdom, jumping over. The future is brilliant, falling down, and broken!"

When Yan Menglong spoke, his eyes had drifted to the body of Yi Yun and Song Zijun. Only Yi Yun and Song Zijun were eligible to enter the Shenhuang military camp. As for the go, they decided.

God's waste...

Yi Yun muttered to himself. These days, he also knows about the situation of some countries.

The gods are not belonging to the Kingdom of God.

In fact, the gods of the gods do not belong to any country. It does not know how deep it is. Its area is much larger than that of the Taishen Kingdom. It’s still ten times bigger!

Describe a word. That is endless!

Deep in the depths of the gods, there are lurking real wild beasts and ancient relics. Those beasts, the strength is equal to the sages of the human race, and even the legendary emperor!

The gods are boundless, and the Taishen Kingdom is bordered by the gods, and only explores the small areas of the gods.

There are too many uncontrollable factors for the gods, and the danger is imaginable in the establishment of a military camp in the gods.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the gods barracks camp is the death dragon gate.

"Dissolution! Yi Yun, Song Zijun left!"

Yan Menglong’s speech is very brief. The three military camps are pyramid-shaped. The most concerned about him is the pyramid’s top-ranking **** camp!

"Yi Yun! Zijun! You probably guessed what I left for you to do." Yan Menglong folded his arms around his chest, his legs were slightly separated, and Da Ma Jindao stood on the stone platform, overlooking Yi Yunhe. Song Zijun.

Yi Yun and Song Zijun nodded.

"God barracks camp, voluntarily choose! If you choose not to go, you can also enter the Zhongzhou military camp. The death rate of the Zhongzhou military camp is no more than 2 percent. With your strength, it is absolutely top-notch in the Zhongzhou military camp. Trial, there will be no problem, in the future can also seal a good position, slowly rise to the baron, do thousands of households, then a few more wife, safe and secure to be your lord, do you think?"

Yan Menglong asked, Yi Yun and Song Zijun said at the same time: "Don't want to!"

Ping Anan served in Jinlong Weizhong for decades, then retired, married, and had children. He lived a rich and nostalgic life. After more than a hundred years, he died, except for a few bones, no matter what Yi Yun or Song Zijun, Do not want such a life!

People are alive, always have a dream, there is a pursuit!

Lin Xinyi already has such strength, but she still pursues her natural life, Yi Yun, naturally.

“Very good!” Yan Menglong nodded and admired. “If you choose the God’s Wild Army Camp, I want to tell you that there are countless elites in the God’s Wild Army Camp.”

"The Gods Wild Army Camp is not just a Jinlongwei family. The first two of the three military camps I mentioned before were organized by Jinlongwei, but the last Gods’ Wild Army Camp was organized by the Tai’s Kingdom of God. Jinlongwei, a member of the barren army camp, only accounted for more than 10%."

"In addition to Jinlongwei, there are Qingyiwei, the four major legions, the Royal Guards, the big family and some royal members!"

"These elites in the army and family will enter the gods barracks!"

"When you get there, you will see what is genius, metamorphosis, drug washing at the age of three, eight-year-old refining body, or, with the special blood of the clan, born with the ability to make people jealous, even... There are also geniuses who are known as young sages!"

"God barracks camp, 20% of the disability rate, is not a joke, here are the top geniuses, many dead geniuses, their talents are more than you!"

After listening to Yan’s words, Song Zijun took a deep breath and clenched his fists. He understood that no one was worse than him, and even the vast majority of them were stronger than him!

Throughout the Tiandu City, he chose two people. He and Yi Yun and Song Zijun believed that they were better than Yi Yun, so he was mostly inferior among all the candidates!

The weaker the strength, the more dangerous it is. The death rate of 20% will probably fall on him!

Yan Menglong said again: "If you go to the gods, it represents Jinlongwei, and it represents the Jinlongweitiandu branch! Don't lose face to Jinlongwei, don't lose face to Tiandu branch, but the most important thing, What I want to tell you is... remember to come back safely, life is the most important!"

Yan Menglong did not confirm whether the two regret their decision, because he has already seen the answer in the eyes of the two.

God's wild army camp is a challenge and an opportunity!

When martial arts is one way, it is to fight with the sky. If you want to become a major event, you must go forward!

"Well, you go back to rest for two days. On the third day of the morning, there will be a floating boat, picking up the two of you to leave, yes, this is the blessed relic that promised you."

Yan Menglong spoke, a finger, two soybean-sized crystals, flew to Yi Yun's hand.

At that time, Yan Menglong said that the first place in the freshman school competition was not only with weapons, but also with a boneless relic.

"Xie General!" Yi Yun surprised to take over the two relics here, these two gadgets, too critical, before the Yi Yun in the wilderness valley accumulated fierce beast relics have been eaten.

The martial arts practice, can not break the medicinal herbs and relics, want to run the horse, we must graze the horse.

"Do it! Don't let Laozi down!"

Yan Menglong patted the shoulders of Yi Yun and Song Zijun, and turned and left, leaving Yi Yun and Song Zijun ups and downs.

Song Zijun breathed slightly heavy, clenched his fists, and his fingers trembled.

Yi Yun accidentally glanced at the reaction of Song Zijun and asked: "Afraid? Excited?"

Song Zijun turned his back on Yi Yun and spit out a deep breath. "Everything..."

"General Yan said that the geniuses who died in the death gantry, there are many people, are stronger than me! Or, my strength is not very good inside, not good, that 20% die On the remnant list, there will be my name!"

Yi Yun nodded, the weaker the strength, the easier it is to be eliminated.

"Too Afghan Kingdom 108, we are in Jingzhou, it is a small state. And this one Jingzhou, there are more than one hundred counties! My Song family, only Jingzhou South County A fairly good family, only one of the South County big families! I am good in South County, but it is only good. In the younger generation of South County, there is better than me, they just did not enter Jinlongwei, went to other local!"

"Well..." Yi Yunshen thought that the dominating Tiandu Jinlongwei new battalion was not a problem. This Jinlongwei branch, in Tiandu, only occupied a small place, not the whole of Tiandu. What's more, Tiandu is only a big city in Jingzhou, and it is nothing to be placed in the huge Tai's Kingdom.

This world is too big, a **** barracks camp, gathering the young elites of the Tai Ai Kingdom, what kind of scene should it be?

Yi Yun is looking forward to it!

Yi Yun and Song Zijun shared, and then Yi Yun went back to the Jooyun Mountain Villa, he had to arrange home matters.

In fact, there is nothing to arrange, Jiang Xiaorou has already done some housekeeping, he is only with Jiang Xiaojudao.

For Jiang Xiaorou, Yi Yun always feels uneasy.

Think about it, most of the people in the family are simple and kind, and they are carefully selected from the cloud. And because they have good for them, they are the love of Jiang Xiaorou, the hostess, and there should be nothing.

On the way back, Yi Yun also entrusted Zhang Tan, asking him to take care of the Yunyun Mountain Villa, and there was an altar, and he wanted to come to peace.

At the same time, Yi Yun also hired several martial artists to be the nursing home at home. Occasionally, he could also give pointers to Jiang Xiaoqin and Zhou Xiaoke.

I think it is helpless. Yi Yun hastily come to Tiandu, and has to go to the gods in a hurry. He has taught Jiang Xiaorou not to have time for Wushu, and Yiyun is not a brilliant master. If Lin Xinyi teaches Jiang Xiaorou, it is good. Up...

Lin Xinyi, I don't know how she is. She said before that the family had something to call her back, and she didn't know what it was... (to be continued.)

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