True Martial World

Chapter 157: Go to the gods

"Yun, that gods barracks camp... Do you have to go?"

Jiang Xiaorou bit his lip and looked at Yi Yun with a complex look.

Yi Yun did not tell Jiang Xiaorou about the death rate of the Shenhuang military camp, but Jiang Xiaorou, still inquired about the situation of the gods barracks.

A 15% mortality rate combined with a 5% disability rate is really worrying.

"I won't have anything to do." Yi Yun said seriously.

After listening to Yi Yun’s words, Jiang Xiaorou’s lips moved and wanted to say something. In the end, he did not say anything.

In the end, she just hugged Yi Yun, she knew that Yi Yun had the life he wanted, and he decided that he had no way to change.

A rushing wild horse is destined to go to his grassland...

Jiang Xiaorou brought all the energy to Yi Yun, and he also sewed a close-fitting bag to Yi Yun, embroidered a word "soft" on the back, embroidered the gods of the great wilderness to pray, and put the Soviet Union The life-saving paper left by the robbery was also sewn inside, hoping that it would keep Yiyun safe...

In this way, Yi Yun embarked on a journey...


The third day, also the date of the appointment, the day was just bright, Yi Yun carrying a half-human high animal skin wrapped, waiting early on the campus of the Jinlongwei military camp.

Not long after, Song Zijun's figure appeared in Yi Yun's field of vision.

The two nodded and said nothing, looking at the direction of the gods.

The figure is like a two-barreled javelin.

When the first 缕金芒 appeared along with the vacated Yaoyang, the distant horizon showed a green shadow, which became bigger and bigger, and quickly obscured the sky of the school yard.

Yi Yun looked up and secretly. This is a floating boat, originally in the clouds. Yi Yun also saw Lin Xinyu riding.

This military floating boat is much larger than the one in which Lin Xinxin sits, but it is a bit less delicate.

The floating flying boat is a kind of air transportation tool that the Tai A Shen Guo Kingdom can boast, especially the floating flying boat that can cross the gods. It is called the Shenzhou. It is the gold iron used by many masters of the reorganization of the Tai Afghan Kingdom. In the material, there are arrays of wizards engraving large arrays, with super defenses and many offensive magic weapons to resist the attack of flying wild animals in the wilderness.

Tai A Shen Guo is famous for its Shenzhou fleet. It is all composed of Shenzhou, and it is one of the symbols of the national strength of the Tai’s Kingdom.

Shenzhou slowly lowered the height, and the rounded belly of the teardrop shimmered in the cold metal luster in the morning light. Some places imprinted the mysterious and simple runes, shrouded the floating boat in the sacred and sacred halo.

Seeing such a mighty floating boat, Yi Yun couldn't help but feel the blood, this is his first time to ride such a giant flying weapon.

He pinched the selection voucher for the squad in the hands of the gods.


The floating boat roared. Hanging in a hundred meters in the void, stopped the momentum of landing.

A black iron chain with a bucket full of buckets fell from the belly of the floating boat, and it was rushing to the front of Yi Yun and Song Zijun.

Heavy chains splattered with dust.

At the doorway of the shuttle belly opening, stood a bald and thin middle-aged man, his hands crossed in the sleeves, condescending, looking at Yi Yun and Song Zijun on the ground.

"But the Jinlong Weitian Capital City Division selected the Shenwu military camp students? Show me your credentials!" The voice of the full voice was introduced into Yiyun's ear. It seems to be ringing in my ear.

Yi Yun and Song Zijun answered. Shoot the selected documents in the hand.

After the bald middle-aged people carefully watched their credentials, they nodded. "Good. Come along the chain."

Yi Yun and Song Zijun quickly climbed along the chain, and found that the chain was slippery, but it was coated with a layer of tung oil.

It is also a small test to think of it.

However, these tests are not in the words of Yi Yun and Song Zijun. The two men secretly breathe a sigh of relief, just like a flexible ape monkey climbed up a few times.

Among them, Yi Yun, when climbing, was almost as flat, so that the middle-aged leader in the top of the audience couldn't help but look at him more.

As soon as they entered the floating cloud, the team leader took them to the northeast corner of the flying boat and carefully explained some of the details in the floating clouds.

When the leader of the week left, Yi Yun looked around and looked at it carefully.

Inside the floating boat, I looked at it and I have already sat for more than twenty people.

I want to come, they are all selected people in the neighboring cities. There are so many people just near the city of Tiandu.

These people, one by one, are fascinating and arrogant.

Some people, even on the flying boat, do not forget to practice, they meditation one by one, or exhale, open the sound, punching, hunting, without a trace of relaxation.

This makes Yi Yun not to take a breath, and sure enough to be selected into the Gods Wild Army Camp is an extraordinary generation!

Yi Yun did not say anything to people. He sat in his position and began to meditate.

Shenzhou quickly flew out of the Tiandu City area. Near Tiandu City, there were more than a dozen people who boarded the Shenzhou. Then it flew more than a dozen cities in succession and received more than 100 people.

Then, it seems that no one is going to come up again. The Shenzhou is flying higher and higher, and has been flying into the clouds. The array of methods is full of force, and it is like a thunder.

Yi Yun could not help but open his eyes and look out the window.

The scenery of the Tai's Kingdom is extremely magnificent!

Being able to enjoy the mountains and rivers, it is also a kind of exercise and accumulation for those who come out of the wild tribes like Yiyun.

Outside the flying boat, Yi Yun soon saw a mighty Pentium River. This river is hundreds of miles wide. There are dark shadows in the river. The shadows are suddenly coming out. It is a giant that is many times larger than a whale. The beast, which jumped out of the water, bit the giant bird that was flying in the air, and immediately dive into the water.

Yi Yun can not help but be surprised, these ferocious water beasts, see nowhere.

In the infinite desert, he also saw the strange birds covering the sky, the wings spread hundreds of feet, and the floating flying boats were all ups and downs.

I have also seen in the vast ocean, there are infinite islands to find out the head of the water, spit out the gods, is a huge giant.

All kinds of strange and strange animals make Yi Yun stunned and his eyes wide open.

The Tai's Kingdom is vast and innocent, and the floating ship does not fly for a few days, and it will rush into a huge fortress.

There are magnificent arrays in the fort, and the boundless spar accumulates like a mountain, and the energy bursts into the sky.

This is the ultra-long-distance transmission array of the Tai's Kingdom.

Otherwise, the Taishen Kingdom is too vast, and the gods are ridiculously far away. It takes a long time to fly by floating airship. It can only rely on this large array of ancient powers to make transmission.

Yi Yun counted a few times, and his big squad entered three such magnificent bastions, and carried out three long-distance transmissions, and did not know tens of millions of miles of distant roads.

In this way, they arrived at the vast wasteland near the gods.

Jingzhou, originally in Jingzhou, is squatting with the cloud, and is close to the Lien clan, but the gods are at the other end of the kingdom of God, from Jingzhou to the gods, to cross the majority of the Tai's Kingdom!

The road is too far.

The sun is like blood, and the afterglow of the setting sun is thrown on the floating boat.

On the top of the floating clouds, there were a few places where the potholes went down. Even though there was a large array of treasures in the extraordinary gold iron to protect the Shenzhou, the people encountered two attacks on the road, leaving a little trace on the metal.

"God is desolate! God is gone!"

In Shenzhou, I don’t know who snorted, and people went to the hall and looked out.

Yi Yun's eyebrows were picked and looked out through the glass window of the flying boat. He suddenly saw the distant distance and the fog dispelled.

A wild breath seems to come to the surface.

The snoring sounds the world.

Under them, the dust of the sky is flying, and many huge behemoths in the dust are rushing, and the sound of hooves is thunderous.

On the far horizon, the black forest stretches, and a giant tree is like a celestial pillar.

The clear bangs in the sky, like the raptors of Yunshan, swooping and swooping, claws like swords, grabbing a lion-like beast from the confused dust, blood traversing the sky.

Farther away, there is a cloud-filled mountain ridge, which has a radiant glow, which is like a fairyland. But in this fairyland, there are black spiders spitting from time to time, capturing the beasts passing by...

Some of the peaks are bare and dead, and the hills are shrouded in a huge shape of a lion and a tiger lying down, and the sound of sleep is like a thunder.

The floating boat arrived here, and has been careful to shuttle in the higher air.

Under the flying boat, the mountains stretched and the mountains were endless.

From time to time you can also see large dark swamps and hot, rotten deserts.

In these places, you can see snow-white bones like mountains.

"This is the gods..."

Yi Yun took a deep breath and the gods were vast and terrible.

"Look, that's not a fissure beast!"

Someone suddenly said, Yi Yun looked down, saw the wilderness under the flying boat, a corpse like a hill, there is a magma-like stream of fire in the gap between the bones of the corpse, which seems to be a cracking fire beast.

But now, this fissure fire beast was killed, the internal organs were exposed, and a colorful winged giant bird smashed it and was swallowing flesh and blood.

Yi Yun eyelids micro jump, but he knows that the fissure fire beast is also in the cloud, but in the cloud shortage, the fissure fire beast is famous, but in the gods, it has become a prey of a colorful murderous bird.

God's wildness is a step-by-step killing machine, which is heart-rending. Compared to the cloud, it is not a level.

In fact, the cloud shortage is a barren land. The sky and the wildness of the cloud are very thin, and there is no breeding ground for heaven and earth, and there is no strong wild animal.

As for the wild beasts, the ancients of the ancients, then there is no more.

The powerful wild beasts of the cloudlessness have gone to the ruins of the northern part of the Valley of the Wilderness. The ruins of the wilderness and the cloudlessness are already two places.

However, the gods are different. This place is really true, gathering a lot of wild animals.

Clouds can still survive the hardships of ordinary people, but there are no ordinary people in the wilderness. There are few people here. In the legend, there are some secret gods. They have special blood heritage, mysterious and powerful! (To be continued.)

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