True Martial World

Chapter 158: Central tower

"What is the colorful murderous bird?" Yi Yun asked the people around him. These days, he also met several friends.

"That is a flamingo, with a trace of blood from the ancient wild beast and the Zhu bird. The fissure fire beast is a fire-riding beast with it, eating a fissure beast, helping it to evolve and rob, it is a wild beast, strength. differ greatly!"

Beside Yi Yun, a young girl with a fat body said.

This young boy named Xu Zheng is a friend he met on the road.

Xu Zheng touched the chin of the fat, and licked his lips and said: "There are wild animals with ancient blood. Oh, this is a big supplement. If you can catch it, you can refine it into a wild bone relic. Put it on the market, but it’s worth the price. I don’t know how many people will buy it.”

These days, Yi Yun also knows about the division of the strength of the wild beast.

The weakest is the ordinary wild beasts. The difference between them and the beasts is that they can control the strength of the heavens and the earth, just like the difference between the **** warriors before the human qi dynasty and the purple blood martial artists who broke through the qi.

After the ordinary wild beast, it is an elite-level wild beast, a beast-level wild beast, a beast-level wild animal...

Further up, there are rumors that there are ridiculous wild animals, too ancient wild animals, those, is not the scope that Yi Yun can understand.

Whether the wild beast is strong or not, the most important criterion is the blood. In general, the wild animals with the ancient blood will be stronger.

If you can kill a relic of the Taikoo, then take their bones and blood, refining the relics, the medicinal herbs, it is really worthless.

Of course, these are too far away for Yi Yun. He is now difficult to win even ordinary wild animals, let alone the ancients.

Until the day was dark, the flying boat cabin was noisy. After Yi Yun listened, he looked into the distance, and the scene there made him completely shocked.

He had heard before that the gods barracks camp was located in a city that stood in the gods. It is the **** city of the Tai God Kingdom!

Listening to the truth is a false vision. Now, when I really see this city, Yi Yun knows why it can be called "God City"!

On the gray abandoned plains, which are known for millions of miles, the city rises from the ground, and it is built on a huge stone pillar with a solitary peak!

The city is a black fortress.

The foundation pillar below is a solitary peak that has been flattened. It has dozens of miles, tens of thousands of meters high!

A city built on a stone pillar at a height of 10,000 meters, looking from afar, it is like a black dragon flying in the sky of 10,000 meters!

It is hard to imagine that the Tai’s Kingdom of God has actually established such a city in the gods, even if the Terran is here. Also feel a little bit!

The flying boat is flying closer and closer, slowly. Yi Yun also saw the outline of the corner of the city. Yi Yun only felt a magnificent momentum, like the emperor, impacting his body and mind.

Yi Yun chest filled with an inexplicable blood, full of blood.

The city is described as majestic. They all look very pale.

The entire city has a height of 10,000 meters, and there are tall buildings in the city, so many buildings have already fallen into the clouds.

The walls around the city are also connected to the sky.

The front of the city. There was a huge school field, and the dark brown blood seemed to infect the school ground, revealing boundless chill and blood.

There are some ancient woods next to the school ground, thick and tall, like a giant green.

The whole city, surrounded by lonely peaks, the rock wall is as smooth as a mirror, there is no road at all. There is only one strip of black iron rope that falls like a bucket. One end of the rope is tied into the rock wall and the other end is connected to the plain below 10,000 meters.

Looking from the top down, the iron rope was thick and sturdy, and the other end became thinner and thinner, eventually disappearing into the sea of ​​clouds, making people feel scared.

These iron cables are the bridges that are placed in the void and the passage from the desert of God.

Such a way of building a city, of course, is inconvenient to enter the city, but there is one of the biggest advantages, that is, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The wilderness often erupts in the beast tide. In this beast, there is no shortage of beast king-level wild beasts. If it is an ordinary city, it has long been submerged by the beast!

However, the city built on the 10,000-meter stone platform is the Lonely Peak Jedi. As long as the cable bridge is closed, the average wild animal cannot be attacked.

The floating boat landed on the school ground in front of the city.

Such a huge floating boat, the stadium has stopped dozens of ships.

On the big school yard, one of the **** soldiers was guarded here.

Yi Yun, Song Zijun, and more than a hundred people in the airship, followed the thin bald head and walked down the floating boat.

As soon as the fly boat, Yi Yun immediately felt the incomparably rich and violent world.

The strength of the heavens and the earth here is ten times more than that of the cloud. The concentration of the heavens and the earth is very important. It is this point that makes the gods become the holy places of cultivation.

Really standing on this school field, Yi Yun really felt the majestic atmosphere of the city in front of him.

The first city of Tai A Shrine is Tai A Shencheng!

Although the Zhongzhou Emperor is the central city of the Taishen Kingdom, where it is magnificent and ambiguous, but in the hearts of all the warriors of the Tai’s Kingdom, this majestic city standing in the distant gods is the Tai’s Kingdom. The first city!

For millions of years, the Taishen City has cultivated a number of predators for the Tai A Shenu Kingdom. They cultivate, kill and grow here!

"How do you feel?" The bald head is proud to say that Tai A Shen Cheng is indeed the pride of the Tai God Kingdom.

Every **** warrior, standing on the wall of 10,000 meters high, overlooking the endless plains of God, this pride will inevitably arise!

"Go into the city!"

The bald head waved and waved and entered the city with many young heroes.

At this point, the sky has slowly darkened.

The faint glow runes flashed on the wall, and the radiance of the road brightened, allowing Yi Yun to clearly feel a vast wave of power fluctuations.

This is the master of the Taishen National Order Law for millions of years, and the patterning of the pattern on the wall of the city, instilling the strength of the heavens and the earth, until the formation of the big array, branding every inch of the city wall, every inch, let this The wall of the city became indestructible.

On the wall of the city wall, a statue of a sacred cannon engraved with a fine rune, quietly explored the Mori muzzle, facing the surrounding, the arrows of the smashing guns, the non-stop flow of purple energy, and the entire wall The big bursts merged together, emitting a vague vibrato.

Those sinister beasts like the crouching beasts in the night, although they did not face Yi Yun, they made Yi Yun feel a layer of fine goose bumps.

When the beast tide occurs, the biggest threat of Tai A Shencheng comes from the attack of the flying beasts. These guns are the nemesis of the flying beast!

It can be said that this is a giant city of iron and blood built with countless strong powers of the Tai's kingdom and the flesh and blood of the soldiers.

At this time, the city gate opened, Yi Yun followed the bald man, walked into the city of Tai A, there are not many pedestrians on the street, it seems a little empty.

After entering the city, the most conspicuous building is the giant tower located in the center of the city. This giant tower is the shape of a square pyramid. From above the waist, it has already broken into the sky, and the spire has been blurred in the clouds.

It looks like a huge pyramid.

Yi Yun looked far and wide, compared with the size of the surrounding buildings, and found that the pyramid is a bit exaggerated, it is a huge mountain.

The pyramids are layer by layer, covered with many hive-like entrances. It is faintly visible. There are some flying behemoths and flying boats that shuttle through these entrances. In front of the huge pyramids, these large behemoths are changing. It is as small as a mosquito.

"That is the central tower, the top is the gods of the gods, and the residences of the three elders, the lower floors, the elites of the Taishen city."

The bald man introduced a few words in an understatement, and then he stopped talking and went to the depths of the city.

The deeper the city enters, the more Yi Yun feels shocked.

The interior of this city is not worthy of praise in terms of fineness, but they are rough and majestic, exuding the scent of sputum and iron, as if they are sturdy and iron.

In some building materials, there are many ancient bones of the ancients, and Yi Yun can feel the turbulent soul of the beast.

Such a building is sturdy and sturdy, and it is extremely difficult to destroy these buildings even if the wild animals are actually attacking the city.

Even the ordinary houses on the streets are mostly guarded by the law. They look old and simple, and some of the beams of the houses are made of unknown giant beasts.

It’s amazing to use the bones of the animal bones.

"Well? What is that?"

A young man found on both sides of the road, there is a piece of black metal round table. These metal round tables are arranged neatly. Above the round table, there are stone carvings, all of which are human figures.

Below the stone carving, it is a line of text.

Just look for a round table, the text is

"Wande two hundred and six hundred and fourty-four years, sorghum on the heaven and earth stage, supporting three moments and twenty-four interest, breaking the record of ancestors, hereby remember, to encourage future generations!"

Heaven and Earth? What it is?

Yi Yun stunned, this "sorghum" is naturally a name, if it is good, the statue of the half man on the stone platform is called Gao Song.

This half-man statue is engraved with a juvenile appearance, quite a feeling of enthusiasm.

As for Wande in 2,164, it was the year of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Tai, and the Emperor Wande was already the **** of 50,000 years ago.

That is to say, this metal round table, as well as the half-human sculpture on the metal round table, has stood for 50,000 years. This person named Gao Song may have been old!

"Is it a record left by the warriors of the gods?"

Yi Yun wants to understand that this street, a piece of metal stone platform and a sculpture on the stone platform, all record the genius characters that have appeared in the city of God. Their brilliant achievements in the practice of the **** city are recorded in Here, the name is a history. (To be continued.)

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