True Martial World

Chapter 159: Shengxian Avenue

A boulevard, at first glance, has been leading to the city center. This is the main road from the south gate to the center of the city. However, if you enter the city from the south gate, you must pass this avenue and you can leave your statue here. Its glory can be imagined!

The bald man said: "This road is called Shengxian Avenue! The warrior of the gods barracks, whoever broke the ancestors' record in a certain test in the city, can leave the name on the sages and have special stone carvings. Master, carving a stone sculpture for you, placed on the sage platform!"

"It is a great glory to leave your sculptures and names in the city of God. I don't know how many people dream of it!"

"However, this is too difficult. In the last two hundred years, no newcomers have left their names and statues here. If anyone has this ability, there will be such a hope in the future to become a human sage!"

"For this reason, this avenue was named Shengxian Avenue."

"Become a sage!?"

Hearing this word, the young Junjie is very excited, the Terran sages, all of them are the ones who turn their hands over the clouds!

At that time, the founding emperor of Tai’s Kingdom was a sage! Of course, the founding gods of Tai A are among the sages.

They don't have to be the sages of the sages, even if they are only the bottom-level characters of the sages, they can't, no matter where they go, they will be admired by countless people, even those of the ancient family, they must respect you!

Young people who will come to the gods barracks camp, which one does not dream of becoming a top warrior? This sage avenue makes them excited.

Many people also refuse to move forward. They stopped to observe the texts on these metal tables.

The bald men did not stop, let them see. These things are here, one is to commemorate these ancient legends. The second is to motivate future generations and let these young people take a look.

"Well? Qingfeng 630 years, Zhou Tianping with 13 years and 124 days of bone age, the three lists at the same time into the top thousand, breaking the record of ancestors, hereby remember, to encourage future generations!"

"Qingfeng Emperor, it is already the Emperor of the Emperor 100,000 years ago, and there are three thousand in the top three? What does the Three Lists mean?"

Tai A Shencheng has always been mysterious. Even some teenagers from a small family do not know the rules in the city.

"The three lists are the three places of heaven and earth! This is the world's third list, it is very important in the Tai'an City, you will see it later!"

The bald man said, keep going.

And more than a hundred young handsome men, all the way to see, their eyes, mostly gathered on the metal platform on both sides of the road.

Those outstanding figures who are engraved on the metal table. Let them be envious.

"Well? Jingchu Wang Li Wei, this is not the commander of the Fourth Army! General Li was also special training in the gods barracks, and he was still on the sage."

The discovery of a teenager. Suddenly caused a lot of people to pay attention.

Jingchu Wang Li Wei, but the idol of many young warriors, see the name of the idol here. They are getting more excited.

If... your name can be engraved.

This is the idea of ​​many people at this time, of course. They also know how hard it is to achieve this idea.

The bald man carries everyone. Coming to the rustic housing complex at the back of the city, everyone has a token.

"Burn your spiritual mark on the token. For the next six years, this token is your status symbol!"

Yi Yun took this token and started it quite heavy. The slap-sized token has a few pounds of weight.

The front of the token is the grammar of the array, and the back of the ancient scripture is written.

Yi Yun imprinted his spiritual imprint into the token, and immediately, a golden rune illuminates from the token and sparkles.

"Well? This is..." This golden rune is like a scale, which makes Yi Yun somewhat surprised.

"This is a dragon scale rune. The dragon scale rune is the most basic thing for the practitioners here. Without the dragon scale runes, nothing can be done."

"All the expenses of the practitioners in the city of Tai A, including resources, exercises, relics, and cultivation sites, must be purchased with dragon scale runes! Slowly, you will know the importance of dragon scale runes."

The bald man explained on the side.

"It turns out that the dragon scale rune is considered to be the coin of Tai A Shencheng..." Yi Yun counted the number of dragon scale runes on his own token, only a total of ten.

The bald man said: "From today on, you will live here. The stone house behind is your residence. This stone house is the most inferior stone house in Tai's City. It is free for you. The food here is also free. And, of course, the last food."

The most inferior residence, the most food?

The young Junjies present are the pride of the sky. The words "inferior" and "most" are heard a bit harsh.

A teenager couldn't help but ask: "Where is the best place to live? What are the benefits? If we want to change there, what requirements do we need to meet?"

The bald man said: "The residence of Tai A Shencheng is divided into four classes: inferior, medium, superior, and central Shenta! Free accommodation in the lower residence, medium-sized residence, two dragon scale runes in one day. First class residence, one day five A dragon scale rune. As for the residence in the central tower, fifty dragon scale runes are received a day."

"The residence of the **** tower?"

Young Junjie, who was present, looked down to the center of the city, where the pyramids like the mountains made people feel deeply small.

Among the four residences in Tai's City, there are not many price differences between the inferior, medium and superior.

But when I arrived at the residence in the Central Tower, the price suddenly turned ten times, and fifty dragon scales began to run!

You can see the benefits of living in the Central Tower.

The bald man said: "The central tower of the Tai'an City is a huge incomparable world of heaven and earth! Taishen City itself is built on a spiritual vein, and the heavens and the earth are full of vitality, plus this one central tower The array of millions of miles of heaven and earth will come together to the Tai A Shencheng, and the Central Tower is the most concentrated place in heaven and earth!"

"The more the central tower is going to the top, the richer the world, the concentration of the top layer has reached an incredible point!"

"The price of the thirty dragon scale runes is only the price of the lowest room in the central tower. The higher the price, the more expensive it is!"

"Tai A Shenta, a total of ninety-nine floors, from the 50-story room, the price has become very exaggerated, more than 70 layers, can be said to be a sky-high price, the young Junjie who came to Taishencheng experience does not live at all. Up!"

"Can't live? Who can live in the 70-story room?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

The bald man said: "Tai A Shen Guoguo, there are many unfathomable princes, national lords, Grand Marshals, and some hidden old monsters. These people can only live more than 70 layers..."

That's it!

The young Junjies in front of each other face each other, and those people are beyond their understanding.

Also, Tai A Shencheng is the first city of the Tai Afghan Kingdom. This is a city that only belongs to the military. Young young people from all over the country can experience here, but Tai A Shencheng is not only theirs.

The perfect cultivation area of ​​more than 70 floors is of course a priority for those super-masters. Do you want to use them in the teenage little-haired children?


The bald man said again: "On the 95th floor or above, there is the Tianzihao room of the Central Shenta. This kind of room is only 20 rooms in the entire Tai'an City. This kind of residence has a huge dragon scale. Rune is also not eligible to stay, unless you demonstrate enough value, or have achieved amazing results, get enough glory points to enter!"

After listening to the words of the bald man, for a time, everyone felt a sense of sighing in the hearts of the people. The central tower is good, but the requirements are too high, especially in the upper rooms, they are not prepared for these children.

Listening to the meaning of bald men, they can live in the lowest layer of the central tower, it is already very good.

Some very good people, who live to tens of layers, are already awful.

"Let's stay first. Tomorrow, I will take you to cultivate the land. It is a chance to cultivate the land. You must take good care of it!"

The bald man spoke and turned away. The teenagers felt a moment and walked to their residence.

This inferior residence, at the very edge of the Tai'an City, this row of houses, there are more than one hundred, Yi Yun casually saw a few rooms, but found a problem.

“Well? It’s also a free room. What is the difference in living conditions?”

In some rooms, there is a polyfamily. The room is obviously richer, and some rooms have nothing in it. The heavens and the earth are just like the outside of the house. Living in such a house, it is naturally difficult to cultivate.

Yi Yun carefully perceived it and soon found several houses in the whole house with the strongest atmosphere.

The house’s wall reads –

House rating: medium.

Longquan Rune required for check-in: None.

"Well? Medium room?" Yi Yun stunned. In this inferior place of residence, there were five medium rooms mixed together and they stayed for free.

Who wouldn't want to live in a medium room?

However, the bald man does not specify the room number of each person, that is, who is eligible to live in a medium room.

Yi Yun has faintly guessed the reason why Tai A Shencheng is so arranged.

Yi Yun indulged for a while and walked toward the room. Just as Yiyun had stepped into the threshold, there was a cold voice coming from behind him.

"Sorry, these five houses are for us!"

Yi Yun turned his head and looked at it. A majestic boy with arms crossed on his chest and sneered at himself.

The young man who came to Taishen City was not old enough, but the person in front of him, regardless of his height or size, is almost like an adult.

When the boy is an adult, he is afraid to grow as strong as the tower. (To be continued.)


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