True Martial World

Chapter 183: Blood flower

Day after day, Yi Yun is like a hard gardener. He collects various elixir in Yaoshan, and his dragon scale runes are constantly accumulating.

Ten days later, Yi Yun had two thousand dragon scale runes.

Not only that, because the long-term wearing of the silver shirt cultivation, Yi Yun's physical strength has made great progress, his body is getting more and more perfect.

At this time, in the depths of the mountain, Yi Yun is advancing rapidly in the bushes. Suddenly, in a few dozen miles away, Yi Yun faintly sees Huaguang rising.


Yi Yun’s heart was moved, and the mental power was linked to the amethyst, and he fixed his eyes.

I saw the brilliance of the energy, fluttering and tumbling, it seems that there is a lion and tiger shadow in the light and shadow, screaming, extraordinary momentum.

Because the distance is too far, Yi Yun can't look at it, but there is no doubt that it is a treasure medicine!

Only high-order herbs can transmit energy fluctuations to such a distant place. What's more, the energy brilliance is strong enough to evolve into an animal shape, absolutely no.

Yi Yun looked up and saw the sun in the sky. It was the time when the yang was the most popular in the afternoon.

Some herbs will come out at the midnight every afternoon and midnight, when the yang and yin are the strongest, and they will breathe the essence of the sun and the moon and the strength of the heavens and the earth.

This kind of medicine has something extraordinary!

"I don't know what level of medicine is that. With this medicine, I can consider re-entering the Temple of the Waste!"

Yi Yun thought this way, the body broke out with a powerful force, he wore a silver shirt, stepped out in one step, and the stone crashed.

Carrying two hundred tripod weights, running on the mountain, Yi Yun is like a wild animal!

These days, Yi Yun clearly felt that the weight of his shirt was gradually reduced.

"Maybe, it's time to consider adding the weight of the following silver shirts tomorrow."

Yi Yun is planning to do this. After entering the micro-level Dacheng, Yi Yun knows every change in physical strength.

He felt that it is more appropriate to bear the weight of two hundred and twenty feet.

The body travels through the winding mountains and sings in the ears. Yi Yun followed the guidance of Amethyst and came to the cliff above a dozen feet high and looked up at the top of the cliff. Yi Yun can see the undulating lion and tiger shadow.

This treasure medicine grows on the cliff!

However, this cliff is steep and steep, and the largest protruding stone on the cliff. Also, the size of the washbasin, the distance between each stone is messy, and the apes are hard to climb.

Yi Yun carefully looked at the cliffs. The position of every raised stone on the cliff was reflected in Yi Yun's mind. He quickly calculated an optimal climbing path.

There is only one chance, because the protruding stone can only withstand his heavy body at most once, and every time he borrows a stone, the stone will be broken.

And he must use this momentary force to break into a stone.

Yi Yun took a deep breath. Energy condenses to the extreme, and jumps up!


At the moment when Yi Yun jumped, the ground under his feet collapsed. Yi Yun grabbed the first raised rock and borrowed power on the rock.

The rock was suddenly broken by Yi Yun, but at this moment, Yi Yun had caught the second raised rock!

Under the blessing of the body and the law, Yi Yun is perfect for controlling every power.

He was immersed in this mysterious state and jumped up dozens of times in one breath. Finally climbed the cliff of more than a dozen feet.

Jumping on the cliff, Yi Yun gasps and gasps, and the muscles of the whole body are shaking gently.

Just continuous high-intensity exercise made Yi Yun’s muscles protest. A feeling of soreness in the stock, such as the tide generally hit.

However, Yi Yun does not have time to pay attention to this. He looks around, the cliff top of this cliff is very flat, with some gravel and fallen leaves, and in the middle of the cliff top. There is a huge skeleton, the skeleton is mostly buried in the soil, and the surface is almost weathered.

This looks like a beast bone that has been dead for a long time, and there is not much heaven and earth on the bones, just like ordinary animal bones.

The rich potency and the illusion of the lion and tiger that Yi Yun saw before disappeared, as if it were just a common cliff where a beast was buried.

Yi Yun looked at it for a while, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

This herb also knows to hide itself.

Some herbs are like summer babies. When there are no people, they scream in the grass, and they are very happy, but once someone approaches the grass, even if your footsteps are very light, they will be discovered by the scorpion. Then it is not called.

Every summer night, people can hear the sound of screaming in the grass. There seem to be dozens of hundreds, but if you don’t use any tools and want to find one, then you may not find it for an hour. get.

It is like this, it is too difficult to find a medicine.

Facing this huge animal bone, Yi Yun indulged for a while. In the field of Amethyst, it can be seen that although the animal bone is very weathered, there is still very little energy left inside the animal bone.

This is not an ordinary animal bone, but a wild animal bone, or even a high-grade wild animal!

Yi Yun’s mind crossed this thought, the high-grade wild beast bones, but the weathering is so powerful, there is not much energy left, which makes Yi Yun have some associations.

Is it...

Yi Yun touched his chin. At this time, the herb has astringent power and hidden himself. However, this has no effect on Yiyun.

Yi Yun mouth corners a circle, the mental power is connected to the amethyst, and soon his vision becomes a white one.

And the hidden herb was as conspicuous as Mars in the night, and was found by Yi Yun at a glance.

Yi Yun went to an open space and pulled out a thousand army knife.


Yi Yun cut three knives in an instant, and then the thousand knives were inserted into the earth and stone, and Yi Yun’s palm was forced to shoot on the shank.


A loud bang, earth and stone blasted!

After the dust settled, Yi Yun set aside a thin layer of soil under which a fist-sized red fruit was hidden.

The fruit is rosy and crystal-clear, with a fragrant aroma, and the surface of the fruit has a small shiny particle, just like the ripe pomegranate peeling off the epidermis.

It is incredible that such a beautiful fruit grows underground.

And around the fruit. With seven leaves growing, the leaves look squatting, the color is very dark, and it seems to be withered at any time.

But every leaf has a scent. In the middle of the leaves, there is a shiny blood line that lingers and scatters.

Yi Yun just sniffed a bite, and felt an inexplicable aroma rushed into the body, moisturizing all kinds of limbs. The blood of his entire body could not help but rush.

"This is a **** flower! Heavenly herbs in the herbs!"

Yi Yun remembers the record in the book "The Gods".

Bloody flower, growing in the ground, likes strong blood and strong yang.

In general, the seeds of the blood-yang flower will root on the body of the wild beast. When the blood-yang flower sprouts, it will grow by sucking the blood from the bones of the wild beast.

In just one or two days, it will **** the body of a wild animal into a skeleton of the air, and the energy is almost absorbed.

And these energies, it will be stored and slowly absorbed. Let yourself grow up.

When the energy of the wild beast is digested by it, at this time it will have a few leaves coming out from under the ground at the midnight of the afternoon when the yang is the strongest, and the power of pure yang is vomited!

As soon as someone approaches, its leaves will retract and the surface will look nothing different.

The only thing that has a little bit of exposure to **** flowers is the bones on the ground.

Because the blood has been sucked up by the **** flower, the bones look like ordinary bones, and no one will recognize them.

There are too many species of wild animals, even if you see a living wild animal. People are hard to recognize, let alone a severely weathered bone, which can recognize which kind of wild animal according to the shape of the bone. I am afraid that only those who have experienced experience are so rich.

"Huangyanghua. Good things, this year of **** flowers, I am afraid there are seven hundred to nine hundred years."

Yi Yun carefully picked this blood flower.

The **** flower is rooted and sprouted for three hundred years, flowering for three hundred years, and the result of three hundred years, the **** flower of the eye has already been the result. It has grown at least seven or eight hundred years!

Seven or eight hundred years of blood Yanghua, the value is absolutely three thousand dragon scale runes above!

Three thousand dragon scale runes, Yi Yun is very eye-catching.

But... **** flowers, Yi Yun are equally eye-catching!

Yi Yun is now looking at this **** flower, and he is hesitant.

Generally, the trials of drug collection can only be handed over if they take good medicine, because they basically have no ability to refine and refine their medicinal materials. Even if they have this ability, they do not have the magic weapon and conditions for refining medicine in the wild. Before, you must go through the search, you can not bring other herbs to prevent someone from using their own herbs to take the dragon scale runes, can not bring the magic weapon, in case someone opened a small stove on the drug mountain.

However, Yiyun has amethyst, which can directly absorb the drug without refining the medicine, so it is easy for him to blacken the medicine himself.

"If I **** the energy of this **** flower, it is definitely a big supplement for me!"

Yi Yun is very excited. Before he took a lot of yellow steps and mysterious herbs, he didn't move them. He turned over honestly.

The main reason is that they are not worth the loss. The energy of these lower medicinal materials is impure and impure. It has no big effect on Yiyun, and it is very likely to expose its secrets.

The drugs collected from the drug city of Tai'an Shencheng will be handed over to the refining pharmacists in Shencheng. The old monsters are very scary. What kind of medicines are all kinds of medicines? They know everything. If they are arbitrarily, they are very likely to find out.

In front of this **** flower, Yi Yun has three choices.

Drain it and the dragon scale runes are gone.

Do not suck, the blood of the blood Yanghua can not get.

If you only **** a part and the other ones are handed in, it is the best of both worlds, but it also increases the danger of discovering your own secrets...

But think about it, occasionally a part of the medicinal gas flow has passed away, it should not cause doubt.

Yi Yun hesitated repeatedly, still firmly resisted the temptation and ruled out the third possibility.

Although the possibility of being discovered is extremely small, but often there are non-wet shoes at the riverside station, I have not been found once, and maybe I will try it a second time.

This way, again and again, you may be more and more courageous.

Those magistrates and prefects who accept bribes are probably their own mentality at the beginning.

Yi Yun didn't want to lose big because of his small loss. His road is still long. It is not enough for Yi Yun to take risks.

Who knows what the old monsters do?

Therefore, only the first and second options can be selected!

Yi Yun is thinking, suddenly his face changes!

Ok! ?

Yi Yun was shocked and wary of Dasheng!

He suddenly pulled out the thousand army knife!

This is exactly...

Yi Yun looked around, the pupils contracted, and the mental power was concentrated to the extreme.

Why is this happening, is he not on the cliff? But now...

Here is exactly...where! ?


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