True Martial World

Chapter 184: Mysterious herb

Yi Yun clenched the thousand army knife, the whole body energy surging, like a cheetah ready to go.

At this time, around Yiyun, the original cliff has already disappeared, and replaced by a cemetery!

The desolate graves, the ancient and mottled tombstones, look like the sights that Yi Yun saw when he first came to this world.

Why is this happening?

After Yi Yun came to this world, he has seen many powerful people with terrible power, and also saw many magnificent and magnificent city, including all kinds of weird spiritual plants and wild animals.

A lot of things have challenged Yiyun's cognition and broke the imagination of Yi Yun.

But no matter how beyond imagination, Yi Yun has never seen such a weird thing, this is really the first time!

The last second is still at the top of the cliff, and the next second comes here. Is this a time-space tunnel?

At this time, Yi Yun’s graves were broken one by one, and a body was crawling out of the grave.

These bodies are ragged, with no eyes and no sorrow.

Yi Yun saw the scalp numb, this kind of thing, completely beyond his cognition!

A corpse, after seeing Yi Yun, the eyes began to take red light, it seems that Yi Yun's flesh and blood, attracted them.

They roared and rushed to Yiyun!

Yi Yun's body is full of blood and blood, feeling the power of his own body, and encountering such a strange event, Yi Yun does not think about other things, what is in front of him, will be killed!


Thousands of army knives smashed out, and the long blade swept the seven feet of the void. In front of Yiyun, three corpses rushing in the front were cut off!

In front of the thousand army knives, steel is like tofu, let alone a rotten flesh?

Yi Yun rushed out, thousands of army knives swept across the square, free to smash out, even the horse can open, hacking people are even cut three or four!

The bright knife smothered. A body was swept and black blood splashed.

This feeling is really similar to cutting watermelon!

However, more bodies are still emerging from the grave. A tomb can actually produce four or five, or even a dozen bodies.

These bodies, like **** them, can’t be killed.

Yi Yun’s knife has been covered with blood and carrion. The handles have become very greasy, but such killings seem to have no end.

and many more……

Suddenly, Yi Yun’s mind flashed a glimmer of light, and the surrounding chaotic environment seemed to be quiet.

Time has become extremely slow in an instant, and Yi Yun’s mind is very clear at the moment.

Picking medicine from the cliffs, the scene mutated into a cemetery, and then rushed to a group of corpses, and they continued to kill.

The changes in all these are very different.

If something is abnormal, it must be a demon!

Yi Yun was shocked. He looked around again, and the bodies were still rushing to themselves, but look at the bodies carefully...

Very surprised, Yi Yun gave birth to a feeling of deja vu.

The corpse...liked to know each other? ?


A carrion clawed to Yi Yun, and Yi Yun looked at it with no eyes, no evasion...

This claw, grasping the flesh and blood of Yi Yun, directly worn through the body of Yi Yun!


Very painful.

However, Yi Yun seems to be a demon, and he stands like this. Suddenly, his chest was caught by the carrion, but he closed his eyes.

The mental power is connected to the amethyst, and then the eyes are opened, and the vision of Yiyun becomes a piece of whiteness.

Only the vision of energy. No illusion, direct to the essence!

The carrion has disappeared, it should be said that they did not exist!

All of this is an illusion.

Why do you know each other? That is because Yi Yun’s past life was in film novels. I saw a lot of carrion crawling out of the graveyard and attacking the hero's scene.

This scene is arguably the most common routine.

This memory condenses in the mind of Yi Yun, and it emerges at this time and becomes the illusion of attacking Yi Yun!

In other words, what Yi Yun sees is actually something in his memory, so he will be so familiar.

However, why is this so?

Who made these illusions?

In the drug mountain of Tai A Shencheng, once a trial person enters the medicine, the entrance will be closed, and generally no outsiders will enter.

So... will it be made by **** flowers?

Should not, in the book "God of the Gods", there is a detailed description of the blood Yanghua, blood Yanghua has no such ability.

The ability of the blood flower is to stick out the leaves when it is safe, and to breathe the pure yang. When the danger is approaching, it will put the leaves away and hide themselves.

This is really a very simple ability, and it can't even be called a power. After all, the elixir is no more than a wild animal. Those beasts and beasts can easily kill a tribe, and the ancient relics are even more likely to be destroyed. a city.

However, the elixir is generally not dangerous.

Even if it is a high-level elixir, once it is picked, it is just waiting for the treasure of heaven in the furnace.

The problem is that it is not easy to pick a high-grade elixir!

If it wasn't for the blood yang flower to make such an illusion, what would it be?

Yi Yun will push his spiritual strength to the extreme, and the vision of Amethyst will become clearer!

All the disturbances no longer exist, Yi Yun finally saw, in his energy field of view, there are two energy light groups.

A group bigger, with a basin size, is blood red, burning like a flame, this is the energy of blood Yanghua!

Yi Yun had just planned to pick the blood Yanghua. In fact, he had not gotten his hand, and suddenly he met the cemetery, and there were endless bodies.

Not far from the blood Yanghua, but there is still a little energy light to make Yi Yun heart shocked.

The energy light is a long strip, only one foot long and the thickness of the wrist.

Its energy light is very concealed, and it is much lighter than the energy of **** flowers. However, it is such a dim energy light that makes Yiyun feel scared!

Because of the energy contained in it, its purity is completely beyond the imagination of Yi Yun!

Only in the Temple of the Waste, the energy that Yi Yun draws from the three lions can be compared with the purity.

What the **** is this?

Is it the same as the purity of the ancients of Taikoo, is it...

Yi Yun’s mind suddenly crossed a thought. This thought made his heart beat faster and his breathing was short.

Will it be an ancient medicine?

On the top of the herb, there are also different ancient medicines such as the ancient medicines, the undead medicines, the wild animals and so on.

These precious herbs, even the Terran sages, will be tempted!

In the city of Tai A, there are the elders of the **** city from time to time to leave the city of Tai A, to find medicine in the drug mountain, to their level, the fourth-order herbs of heaven and earth are useless, they are looking for, is naturally too ancient medicine!

Taikoo medicine is difficult to pick, but for the elders of the city, with their cultivation and means, as long as they discover the ancient medicine, they can always pick it.

The key is... can't find it!

Even if it is the Taishan City of Medicine, there are too few Taikoo medicines to be encountered.

And the key is that many ancient medicines have become fine, they have all kinds of means to hide themselves and confuse the enemy, so that you don't even know if you walked by it!

The saints of the human race are of course keen, even if it is Zhong Yi, who has absolute talent in perception, it is difficult to compare with the saints of the human race.

The problem is that the ancient medicines have been far away after the human sages entered the medicinal mountains, and there is no chance for the sages to find and pick them.

It is also because of this reason that even a human sage, it is not easy to take an ancient medicine!

Yi Yun’s mind flashed through this kind of thought in a flash, and his heart beat so badly!

calm! I want to be calm!

Yi Yun warned himself, he knows that this is a peerless opportunity in front of himself.

If you can get this medicine, there will be great benefits waiting for yourself!

But it is easy to take this medicine!

Yi Yun’s cultivation is too weak. It is very easy to pick up the treasures for the human sages. It’s hard to get here!

However, it is good to fix yourself low!

Since this ancient medicine has become refined, it probably has some wisdom, it should be able to distinguish the strength and weakness of the drug collector.

It is because Yi Yun is weak, it did not take Yi Yun seriously, dare to show up in front of Yi Yun, and even use illusion to confuse and tease Yi Yun.

If the Terran sage is here, how far has it gone, and use these illusions in front of the Terran sages, that is to find death.

The other side is the enemy, this is the biggest advantage of Yi Yun!

Of course, the ancient medicines do not know, Yi Yun has Amethyst to find its position.

"what should I do?"

Yi Yun’s brain is running fast.

He no longer went to see the ancient medicine, and the other party became a good one. If he looked at it, he would be discovered by it, and it would make it vigilant.

"Pretend to find the location of it, from a long time!"

Yi Yun is planning this way, and seems to be stunned in the illusion, not distinguishing between the north and the south.

At the same time, Yi Yun has always maintained an energy field of vision. The lingering light in his eyes has always quietly observed the ancient medicine.

Yi Yun found that the ancient medicine has been swaying nearby, seems to be optimistic about the play.

This guy!

I was teased by a herb, how can I feel comfortable in Yi Yun’s heart.


Yi Yun suddenly discovered that the blood flower had quietly shifted its position. In a corner of a very hidden mountain rock, it was drilled back into the land and deeper.

Yi Yun suddenly understood that this ancient medicine suddenly confuses himself with an illusion, in order to take away the blood flower from his own hands.

It’s no coincidence that when you take a **** flower, it’s too old.

Maybe it is to protect the **** flower, and maybe even, this **** flower is simply the accidental discovery of the ancient medicine, and it will be raised and kept absorbed by itself.

Some ancient medicines will raise some high-level medicines and slowly take their energy essence for their own growth!

It is like some ancient wild beasts, which will protect a plant for thousands of years, until the result of the flowering, and then swallow it.

Yi Yun suspects that this ancient medicine is such a situation!


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