True Martial World

Chapter 190: Double array

For Tianyun Ziyangshen, it is very difficult to kill a person.

Heaven and Earth medicine is not the same as the wild animals, they have congenital deficiencies.

After the ancient medicines were made into ancient medicines, after the death of the gods, although the life will become very long, but it is difficult to escape the fate of being picked and captured.

Some ancient medicines, even the Tianyun Ziyang ginseng is not as good. Even after they become the ancient medicines, they have no ability to smash the water, or they pick them up and devour them.

This type of drug is too difficult to grow into a Taikoo drug.

These drugs, unless they are geographically concealed, have not been discovered during this period, and can give it a thousand years to absorb the essence of the world.

Either there is a powerful wild beast guardian, some ancient and wild beasts, will guard an ancient medicine for thousands of years, until it matures and swallowed.

In this way, they have the opportunity to become an ancient medicine.

At this time, Tianyun Ziyangshen wants to confuse Yiyun with illusion is very simple, but it is not easy to kill Yiyun.

It must at least **** the essence of heaven and earth for thousands of years, pure air, to be able to evolve the illusion into a real killing.

However, although Tianyun Ziyangshen is difficult to kill, it is immersed in the most horrible illusion, so that the other side is confused, until the spirit collapses, it is still possible to become a madman.

If you are lucky enough to die in the process of going crazy, then this human body can be used as a nourishment for **** flowers.

Tianyun Ziyangshen began to accumulate strength, and it slowly condensed the pure Yang vitality between heaven and earth.

It has to solve the problem of Yiyun, otherwise Yiyun may come to find the blood-yang flower three times and five times, and even attract the power of the human race. In that case, even it will suffer.

Now at midnight near the day of the Taiyin, the pure yang of the heavens and the earth has fallen to the lowest point.

The ability of Tianyun Ziyangshen. At this moment, it will be weakened by 30%, but not to mention that it will weaken 30%, even if only 30% remain. Tianyun Ziyangshen will not think that a young man who is a middle-aged person in purple blood can pose even a little threat to himself.

Not to mention the purple blood. Even the peak of the Yuan base is no good. The greatest survival of Tianyun Ziyangshen is to hide itself into the surrounding environment. Unless it is the Terran sage, no one can detect its existence.

Just as Tianyun Ziyangshen was accumulating strength and intending to launch illusion to attack Yiyun, it suddenly found Yiyun bending down and placed two things on the ground.

It is a two-foot-sized disc, one black and the other blue.

These two discs look very old. The outside is engraved with a dense rune, like a turtle shell, which is inconspicuous.

Although Tianyun Ziyangshen has intelligence, but it is a little bit of understanding of the techniques of the Tao, the absurdity, the practice of cultivation, and so on.

Practice, system, and array are almost exclusively human skills.

The human race is inferior to other races in terms of longevity, physical strength, and affinity for heaven and earth. However, the Terran can firmly occupy a place on this ancient continent, relying on the creativity, learning ability and inheritance of the Terran.

Let an elixir understand the things of the array and the symbols, which is obviously impossible.

Tian Yun Ziyang Shen did not know what Yi Yun’s two arrays used for. Although intuitively, a teenage human race kid can't threaten himself. However, as a natural medicine for the ancients, it still secretly noticed the two arrays that Yi Yun put down.

It is not worried, as long as launching a powerful illusion attack, let Yi Yun's knowledge break, so no matter what Yi Yun put down the market, it does not matter.

Night, deep as water, even the stars are covered by clouds, Yi Yun has been silently calculating the time.

More than midnight. There are only a few dozen breaths of time.

Yi Yun slowed down his breathing and adjusted everything to his best.

slowly. The surrounding yin is getting richer and thicker.

Even the two arrays under Yi Yun’s hands are faintly chilling. At your fingertips, it is like two pieces of ice.

These two arrays are also integrated into the midnight of the day of the sun, and the atmosphere radiated by the array is gathered together with the strength of the heavens and the earth.

Two arrays, one engraved with the sky and the other, the engraved with the dead.

The two arrays are all created by the great squad of Tai's Shencheng. In addition to the purchase of the Tianzhu bead, Yiyun's dragon scale runes are spent on these two arrays!

On the array of Tianyin array, there is also a lavender symbol, which is a very cheap starter.

This symbol is connected with Yi Yun's mind. As long as his mind is moving, the starter will start the Tianyin array for the first time.

When the layout is in place, the night is thicker, and the time has quietly approached the midnight three.

The atmosphere of the Taiyin is so strong that even Yi Yun feels the faint ice cold, which seems to infiltrate the bone marrow.

Yi Yun instantly tightened his muscles, seemingly walking aimlessly, in fact, getting closer and closer to the **** flower!

And it is at this time.


Yi Yun ears, a roar!

Yi Yun soul sea giant shock, the headache is extremely incomparable, this is the spiritual impact from the Tianyun Ziyangshen!

This time, the mental impact is ten times stronger than the previous one. It can be seen that this day is a purple yang ginseng. It is a combination of enough strength and wants to defeat Yi Yun’s soul sea in one fell swoop!

However, Yi Yun swallowed a Qing Shen Dan before the Shangyao Mountain. This Qing Shen Dan is of course also ready for Yi Yun. It is not expensive, but it is enough.

Yi Yun clearly felt that in the moment of his own pain in the soul of the sea, a force of pure heart flowed out from his own Dantian, straight into his soul sea, like a clear spring, so that his mind was instantly clear. Many, the pain is also reduced.

Yi Yun knows that Tianyun Ziyangshen’s masterpiece is an illusion attack, how can he not prepare in advance?

Yi Yun originally had the energy vision of Amethyst. At this time, with the power of Qing Xin Dan, he recovered the Qingming almost instantly!

But now it is still not the time to start the Tianyun Ziyangshen, Yi Yun is very clear, even if he is within ten feet, the etheric bow bow archery, almost can not shoot Tianyun Ziyang.

Yi Yun can shoot everything in the ten miles, or move the target regularly, but for things that he will dodge, Yi Yun has not yet turned the arrow.

Tianyun Ziyangshen is too fast!

Yi Yun's arrow can't catch up with it. There is only one possibility in shooting it, that is to calculate the next move of Tianyun Ziyangshen!

Yi Yun is waiting for the last opportunity.

At this time, the world around Yiyun has slowly changed.

From the cliff to the vast wilderness, a wild sigh of relief came.


The earth trembles, and the behemoth that rushes on the earth like a hill, with the momentum that seems to be able to smash everything, it is shocked to Yi Yun.

This is the illusion attack that followed the spiritual shock.

Yi Yun completely lost the incomprehensibility and hesitation of the first illusion attack.

He recognized the scene in front of him, this is the scene of the gods he saw when he first looked into the sky of the flying clouds.

When the mind was moving, Yi Yun pretended to be confused by the illusion. He carried a thousand army knife and rushed toward the giant beasts.

After all, the illusion is only an illusion. There is no fear in Yi Yun’s heart. It seems that the powerful wild beast is just a shadow in front of Yi Yun.


Thousands of army knives fell, one can kill the powerful wild beast of Yi Yun in reality, but it was split into two halves by Yi Yun!

Knife shadow waving, cold light Sensen, Yi Yun holding a thousand army knife open big, big blood splash!

One after another terrible behemoth, opened by Yi Yun!

And Yi Yun seems to be chaotic left and right, but in the dodging and dodging, slowly approaching the ancient medicine!

Ten feet!


Eight feet!

Close to a little bit, Yi Yunping sucked, and the distance was calculated again and again.

He pretended to fall into illusion, but in fact he was brewing a kill!

And when Yiyun was close to the seven-footed Ziyang Ziyang ginseng, this ancient medicine was finally alert!

Although it completely despise Yiyun, the nature of the ancient medicines makes it habitually away from humans.

It quietly stepped back a bit, but did not retreat too much, otherwise its illusion, can not continue to attack Yi Yun.

Seeing the retreat of the ancient medicine, Yi Yun’s heart sank slightly, and also dispelled the intention of quietly approaching Tianyun Ziyangshen in the chaos.

Taikoo's drug, if it is natural and cautious, even if it is a person who has no threat to himself, they will subconsciously keep a distance.

In this way, it is unrealistic to think that the distance from the ancient medicine is close to one foot.

Yi Yun still relies on bows and arrows to make this fatal blow!


... (to be continued.)

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