True Martial World

Chapter 191: Breaking the arrow of the night

Yi Yun no longer tries to get close to the Tianyun Ziyang ginseng. If he is close to it once again, it will inevitably cause suspicion.

At this time, the distance from Yiyun to Tianyun Ziyangshen is eight feet away, Yi Yun guessed, this should be the limit distance that Tianyun Ziyang Shen can accept.

Yi Yun clenched the thousand army knife and still killed the illusion.

The beasts of the head and head are killed by Yi Yun, and the blood is emptied!

Yi Yun in the illusion world has been stained with blood all over the body!

Slowly, even Yi Yun’s eyes are red. His original black and clear scorpion is filled with a bloodthirsty tyranny. He seems to have completely immersed himself in the world of killing and gradually lost his heart.

Tianyun Ziyangshen can make people permanently immersed in the illusion world. If you can't wake up slowly, you may consume all the energy until you die.

Yi Yun gradually became crazy, and the thousand army knives in his hands were waving wildly. It seems that the whole cliff must be opened by him!

At this time, Yi Yun took off the too long bow in his hand!


Yi Yun bowed his archery and shot the illusion of the Taikoo beast that did not exist in front of him.

One by one illusion, hit by the wind arrow, burst!

This is the last preparation of Yi Yun, taking off the too Cang bow, allowing Yi Yun to launch an attack on the Tianyun Ziyangshen in the shortest time. Otherwise, when the Qianjun knife is switched to the Tai Cong bow, it is inevitable that a short pause is needed. In the face of the ancient medicine, any pause will inevitably lead to failure.

Yi Yun deliberately slowed down the speed of the arrow at this time. Every arrow is shot, only one-third of the speed limit of the Yiyun limit. This kind of arrow is like a toy in Tianyun Ziyang. There is no threat at all. .

Tianyun Ziyangshen is waiting. In its view, Yiyun is already finished. When this human being is completely in the illusion world and gradually becomes crazy, then it is only a matter of time before he exhausts his death.

After removing this hidden danger. It can continue to cultivate **** flowers in this drug mountain, and slowly absorb the pure yang.

After thousands of years, it can complete evolution and become more powerful. At that time, it can escape the drug mountain blockade of Tai'an City.

The big battle of the Gengzi Yaoshan was laid down by the first city owner of Tai's Shencheng. The Tianyun Ziyangshen has been banned by this drug mountain for thousands of years, which is a cage for it. It has long wanted to escape.

When the earth is big, it can go to the infinite gods, find the land of the spirits, find more pure herbs, devour their power, and grow and evolve for themselves!

It is a pity that there is only one blood flower.

If there are two **** flowers, or other pure yang herbs, you can help Tianyun Ziyang ginseng to absorb more heaven and earth, perhaps as long as the millennium. It can escape from the drug mountain array.

Tianyun Ziyang Shen uses his own ingenuity to think about his future, and at this time, the heaven and earth vitality suddenly changed slightly.

The two arrays, which were placed not far away, suddenly made a soft bang and a flame burned.

The source of this flame is the starter of the sky!

Tianyun Ziyangshen certainly does not know the starter, and does not know what this burning flame means.

For the sake of caution, the perception of Tianyun Ziyangshen extended to Yi Yun, the master of the array. It saw Yi Yun still using Tai Cang bow. And at this time, Yi Yun's eyes are red, the pupil has lost the focal length, and the speed is obviously slowed down. It seems that I have to completely lose my heart.

The change of the front of the market seems to have nothing to do with Yi Yun.

In fact, once the market is launched, there will always be a result.

At this time, the owner of the array is aware of the problem, and the big array will still work, but it may gradually get out of control. Can no longer play the original power of the array.


The starter on the Tianyin array is burning violently.

This array of disks, which had been gathering in the range of dozens of miles, was in the yin of the heavens. At the moment when the starter burned, this suffocating turbidity opened up, forming a suffocating vortex that spread to the surroundings.


The vortex rotates, releasing a gloomy volatility.

The icy atmosphere was centered on that volatility and began to expand in all directions. It seems to be strangling everything around you, and the power is getting stronger and stronger!

At this time, this is the moment of the strong atmosphere between heaven and earth. This volatility of the stagnation that is about to erupt, is to push this yin to the extreme.

The **** flower that is too close to the spirometer of the yin, even if it is buried deep underground, is suppressed by this breath, and its red and bright luster has disappeared, and it looks like ordinary red wild fruit.

Tianyun Ziyangshen, after all, is an ancient medicine, and in such an environment, it has not been greatly affected.

However, such a disorderly and full of yin vortex still makes the Tianyun Ziyang sensation feel a little uneasy.

It wants to leave here as soon as possible with the **** yang flower, but seeing Yiyun has to be completely mad, it does not want to fall short.

If this man can't be solved with a bang, then even if this man is stupid, he is afraid to realize that things are wrong. Once he returns to the city of Tai A, he will report to the top of the city of Tai A, his good days. At the end of the day, in the future, the sages of the people may often visit the Gengzi Yaoshan, so it will always be fearful, not to mention cultivating the blood and Yanghua, and absorbing the pure air of the heavens and the earth.

As long as you stick to the time of more than ten interest and solve this human being, it can safely leave here. Whenever this happens, it has nothing to do with it.

Tianyun Ziyangshen's plan is perfect, but at this time, the change is sudden!

The sigh of the yin that gathered in the Tianyin array suddenly shot an adult's arm thickness and strangled all the vortex arrows!

This vortex arrow seems to be just an unconscious attack caused by the overflow of energy in the state of no lord.

The arrow of the whirlpool did not shoot at Tianyun Ziyangshen. If it was shot at Tianyun Ziyangshen, it could be avoided.

But on the contrary, it shot to the **** flower!

At this time, the spirometer of the yin is too close to the blood yang flower, and the blood yang flower has no self-defense ability. This attack, the blood yang flower must be strangled by this yin, no suspense!

This is definitely something that Tianyun Ziyangshen can't accept.

Tianyun Ziyangshen needs to constantly absorb the pure yang to grow up, and finally escapes from Taiyi Yaoshan, which is too important for it.

It not only helps Tianyun Ziyangshen directly absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth, but after the millennium, Tianyun Ziyangshen can also directly absorb the blood Yanghua, and complete the final evolution. How can it allow this vaginal vortex to destroy the **** flower? In that case, it will take at least a thousand or two years to escape from Tai Ai. For so long, it may have been discovered by the Terran sages!

Tianyun Ziyangshen can no longer use illusion to attack Yiyun, and it is desperate to rush to the **** flower!

The whirlpool of pure Yin, which was gathered by the Yin dynasty, was dangerous, but it did not threaten Tianyun Ziyang.

However, just in the moment when Tianyun Ziyangshen rushed to the **** yang flower, Yi Yun, who always seemed to fall into the illusion, suddenly tightened his body!

His eyes burst into two sacred moments in an instant, as if the eagle eagerly stared at the movement of Tianyun Ziyangshen!

Everything he has carefully arranged is to wait for this blink of an eye less than one percent!

For Tianyun Ziyangshen, the accurate arrow is meaningless. It is too fast and will evade all attacks. The only possibility to hit it is to calculate his next move!

This is the only chance for Yi Yun!

After entering the realm of micro-Chengcheng, Yi Yun's grasp of details and changes reached a certain level, and his mind instantly calculated the trajectory of Tianyun Ziyangshen.

Too Cang bow has already been well-patched, and the black and shiny bowstrings are tight, and there is a hidden and unobtrusive charm!

Yi Yun has been clasping the bowstring and pretending to shoot the shadow of the Taiko behemoth. In fact, he is waiting for it, but this is a fatal blow!

The energy of Yi Yun's whole body, such as the tide, generally poured into the Tai Cong bow. The Tai Cang bow used Tai Cang iron fine to create the bow body, and the dragon's general clear sound, Yi Yun's fingers suddenly loosened.


As if the sound of the air rang out, the bowstring of the too cang bow suddenly slammed forward, and a huge force was transmitted to the chasing arrow. The majestic power of the arrow smashed the air, and the naked eye was stirred up in the night sky. Follow the strange trajectory and go straight to the Tianyun Ziyangshen!

This arrow is the ultimate attack that Yi Yun can achieve!

The chasing wind arrow flew over a stern line, and the gorgeous arrow smashed the dark night!

Tianyun Ziyangshen, eager to save blood and Yanghua, almost hit this arrow!

It didn't think of it, Yi Yun, who was almost finished, a child who was only in the middle of the purple blood, who was only 12 or 3 years old, he would suddenly burst at this time, like the crouching tiger, so Shocked!

Attacking the blood-positive flower with Tianyin array attracts the full attention of Tianyun Ziyangshen, and at the same time calculates the action track of Tianyun Ziyangshen.

All this is done perfectly!

... (to be continued.)

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