True Martial World

Chapter 196: Drug delivery

"Sister Wang is good."

Yi Yun walked into the servant with his medicine, and his face was filled with a sly smile.

Wang surnamed woman looks bad, but Yi Yun is used to it.

"Wang Sister reads a book..."

Yi Yun has a little meaning to find words. Wang surnamed woman can block all the words of the person with that face.

The woman surnamed Wang did not speak. The books in her hand were dropped on the table, and I looked at Yi Yun coldly.

"Hey..." Yi Yun didn't know what else to say. He took the medicine and put the medicine on the table. The two jade boxes of Xueyanghua and Tianyun Ziyangshen were also Naturally placed inside the medicine.

"It’s really early to come back!" The woman surnamed Wang glanced at the fluttering medicine, and said with a sneer, her voice was sharp and sounded harsh.

"Well... because there are some extra gains, I am worried about the loss of medicine, so I came back early, and... I have something else to deal with."

Yi Yun is telling the truth, of course it sounds like an excuse.

"Oh!" The woman surnamed Wang is too lazy to dismantle Yi Yun. For this kind of nature lazy, self-defeating teenager, she feels that it is a waste of words.

"You applied for a seven-day continuous collection period, thirty-five dragon scale runes a day, even if you come back in advance, I will deduct all the dragon scale runes, one will not be less!"

When applying for the continuous drug collection period, the rent to be paid is more, because the usual drug collection only takes one day, while the continuous drug collection period can be collected around the clock.

In general, the trials are to practice in the city of God at night, and few apply for this.

"This is natural." More than two hundred dragon scale runes, Yi Yun does not care much.

Seeing Yi Yun’s indifferent attitude. Wang surnamed women feel that Yi Yun is incurable.

She picked up the medicine of Yi Yun in one hand, and she did not expect the woman of Wang. There is a big gap in the medicine.

The woman surnamed Wang grabbed some herbs and wanted to dry and weigh. At this time, the woman’s finger of Wang’s name encountered a hard thing.

Pill box?

With the sensitivity of the refining pharmacist, the woman surnamed Wang suddenly identified what this hard thing was. She gave a slight glimpse, and the slender fingers twitched, and the pill opened with a bang.

Inside the pillbox, there was a red scorpion that had been broken and looked like plasma.

this is……

In the eyes of Wang’s woman, there was a hint of doubt in the eyes. And just for the next second, the color of doubt is directly solidified.

As a refining pharmacist, although she did not know what the herb was, she intuitively felt that it was a rare herb of at least the order of the heavens.

That kind of breath, she won't feel wrong!

The woman surnamed Wang picked up the blood-red thing and vaguely distinguished it. It should be a fist-sized fruit, just because it was seriously damaged. The red pulp in the fruit has flowed out.

"Is this..."

Wang surnamed a woman with an unbelievable look on her face. She dipped a little bit of fruit pulp on her finger and gently tasted it on her lips.

The blazing yang, and the **** atmosphere. Let the woman surnamed Wang have completely confirmed her own guess.

Blood Yanghua!

And it is the result of the **** flower!

Tianjie Zhongpin Herb!

The woman surnamed Wang looked up and looked at Yi Yun incredulously. "You... actually got a **** flower?"

Since the woman surnamed Wang took over the handicap office. For the first time in these decades, she saw the trials picking up the heavenly herbs. And she is still a mid-level product, she is of course surprised!

"Yeah. Good luck..." Yi Yun scratched his head. As a heavenly herb, **** flowers are hard to find, but in the long history of Tai'a, there are also many trials that are different from ordinary people. I have passed the heavenly herb.

Among the best, such as Zhong Yi, even more than one.

Therefore, for this strain of blood Yanghua, Yi Yun does not need much explanation.


Hearing Yi Yun said, Wang’s woman’s eyelids flicked, and the heavenly herbs, even if she went out to pick it up, it was not easy to find, and Yi Yun’s luck was just an understatement.

This **** flower is a relatively hidden type in the heavenly herb. How can it be found only by luck?

Wang surnamed woman looked at Yi Yun deeply, but her heart was a bit unscrupulous. This kid, taking a medicine for three days to fish, two days to dry the net, but he can even pick up the blood Yanghua, which makes those diligent What is the human condition of sputum cultivation?

It’s not fair!

"If you are lucky, you will find such a medicine!"

Wang surnamed woman said uncomfortable, the average person makes it impossible to take **** flowers by luck, but Yiyun is such a keen person. If you are lucky, it is normal to pick a **** flower.

"Don't be too happy, this kind of luck is not always there! And this blood-yang flower is badly damaged. Can you dig a medicine? You can't dig it like this! I will give you one-third of it. Purchase price!"

The woman surnamed Wang said coldly, constantly running Yi Yun.

In terms of the price of herbs, she has a lot of voice, but she is not willing to give more dragon scale runes to Yi Yun, it is better to give those who are not good at talent but who are trying to cultivate.

When Wang’s woman spoke, she reached out and opened another jade box.


With a soft bang, the green cover bounced open, revealing a dry, cracked, similar thing to the radish root.

"It is also a damaged herb!" Wang surnamed a woman is a little angry, Yi Yun medicine is simply a violent thing!

So many good medicines have been ruined by him!

"You don't have long eyes? You won't be careful when you dig the medicine! Do you know that once this medicine is damaged, it will..."

The woman surnamed Wang is arrogantly reprimanding Yi Yun. However, she just said half of it, and the voice behind her is stuck in her throat.

It was like a screaming hen, who was suddenly smashed and grabbed his neck.

Wang surnamed woman's eyes wide open, once again, carefully looked at the jade box inside the dry and broken, its ugly radish root herb...

She took a full amount of time, and slowly, her body was stagnant, her eyes straightened, and her brain completely lost her ability to think.

This... this is...

The woman surnamed Wang feels that her heart seems to have been pinched by a person. Her breathing is stagnant, her blood flow is disordered, and she is stunned!

A ridiculous, totally unbelievable conclusion that appeared in her mind.

Too... too ancient medicine! ! ?

A 12-year-old child, picking up a piece of dry stuff, turned out to be... an ancient medicine! ! ?

This is impossible!

The woman surnamed Wang shuddered and reached out. He took the green jade box and carefully looked at the herbs in the pill box. Every tiny root hair was not let go.

She seems to look at it, but it is more and more affirmed her previous conclusions.

This is an ancient medicine, compared to the classics, it should be Tianyun Ziyangshen! !

A small child, picked up Tianyun Ziyangshen! ?

Wang’s woman’s neck seems to be rusting, and the movement becomes extremely slow. She is very difficult to remove the line of sight from the Tianyun Ziyang ginseng, and her eyes turn to Yiyun one inch and one inch.

This is dreaming...

The woman who surnamed Wang surnamed this thought, can be so real feeling, how could it be a dream?

As a human race, the main warrior, how can she not distinguish between dreams and reality?

She opened Zhang Gan’s mouth and asked Yi Yundao: "This medicine... is it you...take it?"

Yi Yun nodded, "Hmm..."

"How... how did you get it?"

"Oh... lucky..."

Yi Yun whispered, and the woman surnamed Wang heard this explanation, but almost vomited blood.

Is there any more explanation than this?

"Do you think that I am an idiot?" Wang surnamed a woman gnashing her teeth, and a pair of eyes looked at Yi Yun. At the same time, she covered the jade box lid of the lotus flower in one hand, in order to prevent the loss of the medicinal properties of Tianyun Ziyang.

Of course, Yi Yun does not expect to be so easy to fool Wang’s woman.

As for how to collect Tianyun Ziyangshen, he actually prepared a set of rhetoric.

To this end, Yi Yun in the past few days, but checked all the information about the Tianyun Ziyang ginseng in the library, and on the understanding of the herb of Tianyun Ziyangshen, some have not seen the refinement of Tianyun Ziyangshen. The pharmacist is also better than Yi Yun.

After all, there are too few herbs in this class of Taikoo medicine. Some refiners have seen other Taikoo medicines, but they have not seen Tianyun Ziyangshen. (To be continued.)

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