True Martial World

Chapter 197: Yi Yun's reason

"The younger generation took this medicine, it really depends on luck, specifically this..." Yi Yun took the rhetoric and repeated the excuse that he had compiled before his mind, and determined that there was not much omission.

"The younger generations have been diligently collecting medicine in the Gengzi Yaoshan. Late last night, the younger generation was on the top of a mountain, and saw the sky a few hundred miles away. There was a faint flash of lightning, which seemed to be there. rain."

"But... the thunder and lightning when it rains, it is usually blue-violet, but the thunder, there are some **** colors, although I can't see it because it is too far away, I feel that I still haven't read it wrong."

"I have had some indescribable senses and intuitions since I was a child. I have always felt a little strange when it comes to thunder. I seem to have something unusual happening. I immediately rushed there and wanted to explore it. ”

"I am running fast. When I arrive, the lightning has stopped. I saw the nearby earth and stone, and there are obvious traces of being thundered."

"I carefully perceive it and find that there is an unusual yin and yang around me. I don't know what happened. I just remembered that the records in the classics are often born in the heavens and earth, which will arouse the vision of heaven and earth. I think, now I have encountered This vision may be related to Tiancaibao?"

"So I searched carefully around, it can be said that I dig three feet, a blade of grass is not let go, then I found this **** flower..."

"At the time, it was buried deep underground, and it was already incomplete. The pulp was mixed with the mud, but I still recognized it."

"I found a sacred medicine, I am very happy, I took out the jade box that I carried with me, I want to seal this **** flower. I don't get the drug loss, but at this time. I suddenly feel the surrounding scene. Great change, I seem to have passed through the time and space tunnel, suddenly came to the sacred wilderness, the thunder in the sky again, there are a lot of wild animals rushing from all directions!"

"I panicked in my heart and took out a thousand army knife to fight. I felt that something was wrong in my heart. How could a good scene suddenly become like this?"

"I have been different from ordinary people since I was a child. I quickly calmed down. I felt around with my heart. I suddenly felt that the beast that rushed in all directions did not exist. Everything was just an illusion."

"I realized that there seemed to be something to shoot at me! I couldn't find that thing, but I guess it might be a bad one."

"At this moment, I suddenly felt a headache. It seems that something has gotten into my mind, and I almost lost my heart. I suddenly realized that if I can’t hold it, I might be finished, I will keep it hard. The last line in my mind is clear, with too many bows. I try my best to shoot an arrow."

"I have specially modified this arrow. The arrowhead is inlaid with a scorpion bead I exchanged before."


Hearing this, the woman surnamed Wang suddenly plugged in. Of course, she knows the weakness of Tianyun Ziyangshen. This is really a coincidence. Yiyun’s early preparation of an arrow just restrained Tianyun Ziyangshen!

"Yeah..." Yi Yun was embarrassed and scratched his head. "I heard that the death rate of the gods camp is very high, and the younger generation is very afraid of death, so the first dragon scale rune is used to prepare these self-defense things. I didn’t expect it to come in handy so quickly. It’s really lucky.”

Seeing Yi Yun’s appearance as a boy next door, and mentioning the word luck, Wang’s woman heard the eyelids jump straight, and he exchanged Tianzhuzhu for the reason that he was just afraid of death...

You are a child in the middle of the purple blood, and the self-defense is going to be exchanged for the Tianzhu!

Simply... speechless!

However, it is outrageous that this day, the beads really come in handy, and this luck is too bad!

Yi Yun is not afraid to say the Tianzhuzhu. As for the Tianyin array and the dryness, he will not say it.

He went to the Mabao Tower to buy something, Zhao Qingcheng did not know what it was.

As for whether someone will check later, Wanbao Tower is not a computer of a previous life, and there is no such thing as a storage system. One million things, who knows who bought these things.

"You shot this herb like this?" asked the woman surnamed Wang.

"Should be it. At that time, the clearness in my mind was like a small boat in a huge wave. It could disappear at any time. I spelled everything and shot it. As for the direction of it, it was completely following my own feelings. I don't know what to shoot, just feel that I don't shoot, I may be dead."

"The next step is a big bang. I was pushed by the air waves and almost passed out."

"I strongly supported my consciousness and didn't lose it. I started searching around. I guess there was something wrong that attacked me. I want to see what it is."

"At that time, I had become a scorched earth around me, and the blood yang flower was buried underground again by the earth and stone, and it became even worse. I used a perceptually careful search, and every piece of earth and stone was turned over, then ...... In the depths of the ground, I found this thing like a radish root. It looks very inconspicuous, but I know that it is the unspeakable thing!"

Yi Yun's story, the true and false of the compilation, the things inside, in fact, have roots.

Wang surnamed the woman carefully listened, and after Yi Yun finished, she looked at Yi Yun with a very strange look.

According to Yi Yun, Yi Yun’s luck is indeed against the sky!

Yi Yun said before, seeing hundreds of miles away, there is a faint **** lightning from the sky, it should be a day of robbery.

Most of the ancient medicines can slowly complete the evolution, but some ancient medicines, under all kinds of strange opportunities, there will be a relatively small probability, causing a small range of catastrophe.

This day, I don’t know when it will come, and it will often make Taikoo’s drug unprepared.

Once they have passed through the robbery, they will make their evolution more thorough. However, if the robbery fails, it will be wiped out.

Yi Yun said that with the faint blood of Lei Guang, it is recorded in the classics that Tianyun Ziyang participated in the catastrophe.

It’s also the time when a Taiwanese drug is the weakest!

At this time, the ancient medicines, regardless of hiding ability, attack ability, and escape ability, will be greatly reduced.

It stands to reason that after the catastrophe, the ancient medicines will be hidden and slowly healed.

This day, the purple yang ginseng should be like this, but Yi Yun appeared at this time, and found the blood Yanghua that it is captive.

Listening to the description of Yi Yun, Wang surnamed woman believes that this day is very sudden, the Tianyun Ziyangshen should be a response, and the result is a big injury.

At this time, the **** flower that can help it recover quickly is too important for Tianyun Ziyangshen.

How can it tolerate Yi Yun to take **** flowers? Therefore, it will dismiss Yi Yun regardless of serious injuries.

Originally, there was no problem. Yi Yun was young and young, and it was low. Even if Tian Yun Ziyang was seriously damaged, it should not be an accident against Yi Yun.

This Yiyun can be biased, and the mental strength is different from ordinary people. His young age, the repair of the purple blood in the middle of the district, can be rid of the illusion, let Tianyun Ziyang participate in the tiger, and have to increase the spirit of attack, the result More and more overdone your own pure yang.

The most incomprehensible for Wang’s woman is that she can’t believe that Yi Yun, who is in the illusion attack, can only shoot out the Tianzhuzhu arrow that he prepared in advance, and kill the Tianyun Ziyang. Participate!

This is simply too outrageous!

However, when you think about it carefully, a master refining Tianzhuzhu, in the case of Yiyun’s use of too Congzhu to make every effort to shoot, has been hit hard and seriously overdrawn, Tianyun Ziyangshen, is not impossible in the gutter. Overturned!

Wang surnamed a woman for a long while, Yi Yun said, although it sounds bizarre, but think about it, this story has nothing to say.

And in addition to this, it is impossible to explain why Yi Yun can capture the Tianyun Ziyang ginseng.

is it possible?

A kid who is less than thirteen years old, caught an ancient medicine!

This is ridiculous, what makes the refining pharmacists with a lot of beards so embarrassed?

The only thing that is somewhat mysterious is the intuition of Yi Yun.

But this is not surprising. Some people in this world are naturally instinctual. When they are in an extreme state, they will have an incredible sixth sense, guiding them to avoid evil.

This kind of intuition can save lives in many cases.

Wang surnamed woman stared at Yi Yun and moved her dry lips: "Do you know... what did you dig into?"

Yi Yun thought for a moment and said: "It should be a fortune medicine. In fact, there are some speculations in the minds of the younger generation. Before the younger generations saw some of the gods, there is a description of the herb, which is very similar to the herb I took. The younger generation knows that it is of great importance and they will come back in advance..."

After listening to Yi Yun’s words, Wang’s woman opened her mouth and really didn’t know what to say. She had heard Yi Yun said before. He’s “because of some extra gains, I’m worried about the loss of medicine, so come back early. "".

At that time, she only thought that Yi Yun was making a mess. She did not think that Yi Yun said it was true, and she even got a Tianyun Ziyang Shen back! !

Is this the so-called "extra harvest"?

This is called "extra"! ?

What a joke! !

" are waiting here, I... I will report to the elders!"

The woman surnamed Wang said this sentence, very difficult, as if she could not speak. For the woman surnamed Wang, the trialer picked up a Taikoo drug, which is definitely a major event!

Since the establishment of Tai A Shencheng, I have not known how many years have passed, but this is probably the first time!

She didn't know what to do at all. In the manual of the handyman's office, there was no reward for labeling the ancient medicine, because there was no need at all!

Thinking of this, the woman surnamed Wang remembered it. When Yi Yun first came to the servant office, he asked if he would get any reward if he guessed the ancient medicine.

At that time, she thought that this young boy was abnormal and belonged to an idiot.

Now she suddenly feels that the idiot may be himself.

This world is really crazy! (To be continued.)

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