True Martial World

Chapter 304: Green and yellow are not connected

The highly anticipated newcomer qualifying ended successfully. In the end, Lu Jie defeated Wen Yu with a slight advantage and won the championship of the newcomer.

When the qualifying session was over, people were excited to talk about the war.

The arena leads to the streets of major residences.

Yi Yun was returning to Tai’s City at this time. He walked on the road and saw the bustling crowd, a slight glimpse, “Well? So many people?”

When Yi Yun looked at these newcomers, the new people saw Yi Yun also stunned.

The reason is that Yi Yun’s selling is really too good.

Because of the big occasions such as the newcomers qualifying, many people are dressed in glamorous clothes, and Yi Yun wears the tattered and dirty clothes of the obvious small one. It is unkempt and the knife is broken. It looks like a beggar. Tai A Shencheng is really out of place.

Who is this goods?

Many people have this idea in their hearts. If you don't know that there will be no idlers waiting to enter the city, I am afraid that some people will throw money at Yiyun.

At this moment, not far away, a group of people surrounded by Wen Yu, Lu Jie, Prison Bull and Chu Xiaoyan came out.

The world of warriors is respected by strength, and four people come out, just like being star-studded by the stars.

In particular, Chu Xiaoyu and the prisoner are even more respected. Even if the streets are crowded, people have given way to them.

Seeing the sudden emergence of Yi Yun, the prisoner and Chu Xiaoyu were stunned. Heiyaпge

Because this is nearly a year, Yiyun has changed too much, and they did not recognize it for the first time.

After staring at Yi Yun’s face for a long time, the prisoner and Chu Xiaoying looked at each other and showed an unbelievable color.

Really him!

“Yi Yun! Haha!” The prisoner’s bold laughter, the prisoner and Yi Yun were originally ordinary friends, but in the fall of the stars, they have experienced life and death together, and the life of the prisoner is also saved by Yi Yun. .

This friendship is naturally different.

The prisoner directly squeezed out the crowd, striding into the front of Yiyun, struggling with the shoulder of Yiyun.

"I know you won't die so easily, haha!"

Yi Yun can come back alive, and the prisoner is happy from the heart.

Yi Yun is also a hearty smile, said: "Life is big... walked around the ghost gate."

After nearly a year of loneliness, goodbye to these familiar faces, Yi Yun’s heart is also filled with emotions. When he was chased by Jin Wu’s legacy, he was almost dead.

"Yi Yun, you are finally back!" Chu Xiaoyu also went to Yiyun. Ten months ago, Chu Xiaoyu was a little higher than Yi Yun. Now, she has to look up at Yi Yun.

During these separate periods, she felt that Yi Yun’s whole person had undergone tremendous changes, not just appearances, but from other aspects, but what exactly was different, Chu Xiaoyu could not tell.

"Yi Yun, have you been practicing for so long, what is it for repairing?" asked the prisoner.

"Purple blood peak!" Yi Yun is not hidden.

"Haha, then you can be slower than us. I have started to condense the Yuanji prototype with Xiaoxiao. It is a threshold for a foot into the yuan. Within two months, we should be able to truly break through the realm. !"

Speaking of cultivation, the prisoner’s eyes are shining, and they are eager to try. In the past 10 months, he has made great progress, especially the purple blood peak to the half-step Yuanji’s repairing leap, let the prisoner’s “Shenli Niu Wanggong” "Go into the next layer."

Every step of the "Shenli Niu Wang Gong" has a qualitative leap.

Now the prisoner is full of confidence and wants to play once.

"Easy brother, when do we go to the arena to practice!"

The prisoner knows that Yi Yun is definitely strong, but he is now expanding his self-confidence. Seeing his peers like Yi Yun is really itchy. He thinks he will not be able to lose Yiyun, but it will not be as big as a year ago. It is.

Seeing the prisoners, Chu Xiaoying and Yi Yun talking very happy, the new people around are a bit dumbfounded.

They didn't even think of it. This kind of person, even the prisoner and Chu Xiaoyu are friends.

"Yi Yun...will not be the first place in the last newcomer qualifying..."

Some newcomers have heard of Yi Yun’s deeds and have some impressions on the name that was almost forgotten by the Tai’an City Trial.

"It should be him, but this person... The last rookie qualifying, he defeated Chu Xiaoyu? Really fake?"

People listen to each other, this guy is completely different from the masters they imagine!

He doesn't seem to have a masterful style at all. Will he be better than Chu Xiaoying and the prisoner?

Many newcomers, seeing Yi Yun's eyes are somewhat puzzled and doubtful, the strength of Chu Xiaoying and the prisoner, many of them have seen it with their own eyes, it really called a horror.

But the person in front of him, the whole image is like coming out of the refugee camp. It’s hard to believe that it’s hard to believe. This person will be a super master. And even if he was very good a year ago, but now he has been missing for so long, I don't know what he experienced during this period. Will he still lead the prisoner and Chu Xiaoyu?

People can't help but flash through such thoughts.

At this time, Yi Yun has planned to separate from Chu Xiaoyu and the prisoner.

"Easy brothers, come to the arena! You must be notified when you arrive!"

The prisoner still does not forget to discuss things with Yi Yun. In his opinion, Yi Yun is back, and he must definitely rank.

Yi Yun said with a smile: "Good!"

"Haha, don't let me perfuse me, you still don't know, Qin Haotian, Li Wei, Qiao brothers, they have already left the Tai'an City. Now the arena, the first few are empty, everyone is staring at it. There are many senior testers who are expected to be the first, and they are very hot. Especially recently, because of the city’s birthday party, the rewards of the arena are much more!”

The prisoner said, referring to the crowd behind him. "These days are because of the newcomers qualifying, the arena is in a truce, or else, I don’t know how many people fight in it every day, many times more than usual!"

"Oh? Qin Haotian, Li Wei, have they left?" Yi Yun heard a slight glimpse, yes, they had already stayed in the city of Tai A for six years, is to leave.


After Yi Yunjin entered Taishen City, the names of Qin Haotian and Li Wei were so eloquent.

Yi Yun would like to play against Qin Haotian.

Although Yi Yun is now the peak of purple blood, because of the gap, it is basically impossible for Qin Haotian's opponent, but Yi Yun wants to know how much he is with Qin Haotian.

Now, they have left the city of Tai A, and they have no chance to challenge them.

This has to be said to be a pity.

"Yeah, or else they are pressing, we are even harder to rush to the list." The prisoner laughed, he did not notice the thoughts of Yi Yun, in the eyes of the prisoners, now they want to talk to Qin Haotian War, it is simply an idiot to say a dream.

"Now the overall strength of the arena has dropped a lot. Now the five-year trials are worse than Qin Haotian, so maybe one or two years, we can also fight for the top five in this world!"

Prisoners are very excited. If they can rush into the top five of Tai'an City in the fourth year, it is definitely a glorious history to be proud of.

Yi Yun sighed, yeah, Tai A Shencheng is not born every year, now Tai A Shen Cheng, a bit of green and yellow.

Yi Yun still likes to fight with those peerless geniuses. Qin Haotian is gone. It seems that there is only one Luohuo left, but Luo Huoer rarely appears in the arena. She does not compete for the list and the list. I don’t know how her strength is. ?

"Easy brothers, it's hard to come back, go, we must go to Shenyuelou to drink two cups!"

The prisoner wants to pull Yiyun to drink.

However, Yi Yun shook his head. "Next time, I have been away for so long. Now I am going back to Tai’an City. I must first visit the Master of the Moon and the Elder Cangyan."

These two people, one is his associate, one is not his master, but he also taught him a lot. As an elder, in love, Yi Yun must first visit them.


After half an hour, the central tower is sixty-nine.

"Miss! Miss!" Winter child took a small short leg and ran to the practice room of Luo Huoer.

"What's the matter?" Luo Huoer asked impatiently. She was a little surprised and liked to be surprised.

Winter boy gasped and hurriedly said: "That... that person you hate, he is back!"

Luo Huoer listened, disdainful, and absent-minded: "There are many people I hate! I can't remember myself. Which one do you say?"

"That is... that is Yi Yun!" Winter child wiped the sweat on his forehead with a chubby hand, said asthmatic.

"Yi Yun?"

Luo Huoer stunned, and the family’s heart that was being practiced in his hands stopped unconsciously.

Her expression changed again and again, and she stunned for ten seconds without speaking.

The guy who disappeared for nearly a year, he actually came back.

Thinking about it, Luo Huoer snorted and said: "A good person does not live long, and the evil will last for thousands of years. He knows that he will not die so easily!"

"Right right!" Winter nodded hard. "Do you want to see Miss, he is calling on the Master of the Moon."

Luo Huoer’s mouth sighed. "I saw what he did. In a few days, this cockroach had to move back to us next door. After that, I looked down and looked up, and some troubles!"

Luo Huoer said, and began to practice again.

However, she couldn't help but think about it. Thinking about it, she couldn't help but smack her lips, revealing a slight evil smile.

Although I have been watching Yi Yun not pleasing to the eye, at least, Luo Huoer does not want this guy to die.

"Miss, what are you laughing at?" Winter asked curiously.

"Do I have a smile?" Luo Huoer snorted and immediately snorted. "Laughs because this guy is back, I have fun things to play, see how I tease him, giggling!"

Luo Huoer smiled very happy, winter children squinted their heads, trying hard, like... Miss did not play tricks before, did not succeed?

Of course, she did not dare to say this.

... (to be continued.)

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