True Martial World

Chapter 304: Strong gathering

Yi Yun’s return to the Tai’s City of God was spread throughout the city of Tai’a in just half a day. ≤,

The newcomer has no concept of the name Yiyun, but for the two-year trial, especially for the enemy of Yiyun.

This name is unforgettable!

"This guy is not dead!"

At this time, in a small courtyard, there were several gloomy people.

Three people sat in the chair, they were Li Hong, Yang Dingkun, and Yang Yuefeng.

Yang Dingkun and Yang Yuefeng are two brothers, both from the Chu Wangfu, Yang Dingkun, Yi Yun and Li Hong, when they fight against Yi Yun, the result is a big loss, "The Law of Truth" has been lost, and the family is punished.

In the field of his most proud wilderness, Yang Yuefeng was torn off by Yi Yun.

However, the most hateful of Yi Yun is not these few people, this time in the corner of the small courtyard stood a whole body scar, a young man with a weak arm.

He is Yang Haoran.

Ten months ago, in the stars of the stars, he was suddenly besieged by a group of strange fish that had been rushed over. The whole body was bitten and bloody, and it was really a piece of meat, which was torn from the body!

Thinking about that experience is a nightmare!

With a sigh of anger, he rushed out of the cold pool and finally survived.

He can escape from the tiger's mouth, the whole person's surface flesh and blood are gone, only the **** broken muscles, terrible!

One of his arms was also torn off by a big fish.

The lack of one arm is the greatest pain of Yang Haoran. How can the martial arts martial arts be incomplete?

The treasures that make the arms reborn are not without, but they are extremely expensive, even if they are Yang family, it is very difficult to get.

And even if you get it, the reborn arm is just the mortal arm and needs to be re-trained.

This is hard and painful. Can be imagined!

Yang Haoran hates, hates that strange fish, hates it all!

Originally, Yang Haoran was bitten too badly. The disaster came from heaven, and he did not think about why he was suddenly attacked by strange fish.

However, after the injury, he recalled the terrible nightmare, but remembered that in the water that day, he first heard a loud noise. Then he saw the light of the vitality.

In this light, there is an arrow flying to himself, and above the arrow, there are some green things, like grass leaves.

The arrow did not shoot at him, but was not far from his side, but the one that followed the arrow was the terrible fish!

Yang Haoran recalled the scene at the time, he was more and more determined what happened. The volatility of the vitality is definitely a warrior, not a wild beast.

The blade of grass on the arrow, Yang Haoran also slowly remembered, that is the lure grass he used to use!

All of a sudden, Yang Haoran figured it out.

The strange fish is someone else deliberately ruining the water, deliberately maiming themselves, as for the arrow...

Among the group of people, only Yi Yun used bows and arrows!

Yang Haoran’s anger was brewing at that time. He wants to pay for the blood of the cloud!

However, Yi Yun disappeared afterwards, and may even have died in the falling star, which made Yang Haoran's anger slightly relieved.

This is easy to eat and eat.

Although he did not revenge himself, Yang Haoran was not reconciled. However, if Yi Yun is really coming back, Yang Haoran also has no way to take Yi Yun.

He has no evidence, even if there is evidence, it is impossible to sue Yi Yun, because Yang Haoran first introduced a mutant three-eyed spider.

In fact, because of this, Yang Haoran is suffering from the township family of Chu Xiaoyu. And the tremendous pressure brought by the hidden family of prisoners.

Although Yang family has royal blood, but at the same time facing two big family, but also some can not stand, coupled with Yang Haoran physical disability, he even has a tendency to be abandoned by the family.

This puts Yang Haoran in a state of extreme pain.

In the past few months, Yang Haoran has been self-sufficient and has no energy to consider how to retaliate against Yi Yun.

Fortunately, as time goes by, Yi Yun is more and more likely to die.

However... just today, Yi Yun is back!

And he didn't have any damage except for a little wolf!

But looking at yourself, it’s like a broken dog!

In this comparison, let Yang Haoran want to be crazy!

"Awesome, don't be impulsive..."

Yang Yuefeng took a shot of Yang Haoran's shoulder.

After Yang Haoran’s physical disability, he was somewhat mad and abnormal. Yang Yuefeng was the most qualified of all, and these people were also faintly headed by Yang Yuefeng.

"You, we are all in a camp. This time, Yi Yun came back. I don't know how much strength has grown. If he grows up in the future, this is too much for the city, and there really is no place for us."

Tai's God City's genius training strategy is similar to raising a donkey. No matter what, there is competition. Many testers, in order to resist this competitive pressure, only pick up the group and form a gang.

They and Yi Yun are already deadly enemies. When Yi Yun grows up and even ranks in the forefront of the world, their days are not good.

Li Hongdao: "Yi Yun has already reported to the elders. I heard that he described himself. He was trapped in a place and was trapped for ten months, so he never returned..."

"I have been sleepy for ten months? Hey... Look at the way he came back, and most of them have experienced a great disaster. This little animal is a hard life. He will definitely rush to the list this time. Let’s take a look, he can What is the ranking, and then decide how to deal with it in the future."

"The list of the land..." Yang Dingkun gnashed his teeth. "If he dares to challenge me, it’s a pity..."

After the last disciple left, Yang Dingkun’s ranking was already in the top forty.

This ranking, for the two-year trials, is still very far away, like prisoners, Chu Xiaoyan, their ranking is seven hundred to nine hundred.

In Yang Dingkun's opinion, Yi Yun wants to challenge the top of the list by a hundred, but it is also destined that he has no chance to fight with Yi Yun.


"Bad boy, where have you been dead for ten months!"

In the central tower, Cang Yan pinched the hair of Yi Yun. "Oh! The boy grows taller."

Cang Yan is short, but now he is a little shorter than Yi Yun.

Yi Yun has some helplessness. He has already listened to this old man for a long time.

Regarding the interpretation of Hell, Yi Yun did not dare to say that he entered the deepest layer of Hell.

The pure yang of that place is too rich, Yi Yun is separated from the pure yang fire by Amethyst, in order to deepen, otherwise even if the sage enters, it will consume a lot of vitality.

Yi Yun had to say that he was inhaled into an unknown space. This will explain why his identity nameplate will lose contact.

This aroused the interest of Cangyan, he has already planned, and after a few days he teamed up with Jiange and explored Hell.

This makes Yi Yun have some headaches. He felt that the old man, the so-called "unknown space", he could not find.

Cang Yan also asked a lot of questions about this "unknown space", Yi Yun gave some vague descriptions.

This kind of place was originally illusory, with the repair of Yi Yun. It is normal to not know its existence. Cang Yan will naturally not ask what Yi Yun is because of a little doubt.

"How, when do you rush to the list, see how you have achieved this ten-month practice?" Cang Yan would like to see what strength Yiyun is now.

"I don't want to rush to the list for the time being."

"Do not rush to the list? What are you doing?" Cang Yan holding a beard, some dissatisfaction.

"I am going to visit the tomb of the sword."

"Sword Tomb!?" Cang Yan’s eyes sighed. "Are you not sure that your tomb is very good? Why go to the tomb?"

Cang Yan is speechless, this Yi Yun, really can not make people worry.

He has not yet realized the tomb of the knife, and he remembered the tomb of the sword. "What crazy is your kid, you shouldn't think about abandoning the sword for a sword, or... do you want a sword to fellow practitioners?"

Thinking of this, Cang Yan really wants to open Yi Yun's head and see what the kid is thinking about.

The martial arts person, who can study through a weapon in his life, is already incredible.

With the two weapons, the head is in the water, and the effort is not good.

The Taisheng Kingdom has never done this since ancient times. Of course, if someone has a bow or a hidden weapon, this is normal. Generally, the bow and the hidden weapon are only auxiliary. For long-range attacks, when it's critical, it can be awesome.

"I just want to see if I can get some inspiration from the tomb." Yi Yun said vaguely.

However, even if Yi Yun explained this, Cang Yan still calmed his face. "Kid. Last time you asked the Totem Secret Method, you chose the "Beast of the Beast" for Lao Tzu, and now the "The Beasts of the Beast" is not yet a word. You don't consider honestly changing a set of totem secrets, and telling Laozi the sword tomb, you are really capable!"

Cang Yan is also worried that Yi Yun learned too much and too much, and too esoteric, and finally wasted time.

However, no matter how Cangyan said, Yi Yun insisted that he went to the tomb of the sword, which can increase his knowledge and get some inspiration.

In the end, Cang Yan finally stunned Yi Yun, and the swearing swear words: "Good! I will let you enter the sword tomb once! But I ugly said that in front of you, after you came out from the tomb, I will go to the list." If you can't enter the first five hundred, no! The first four hundred! No! Three hundred! If you can't enter the first three hundred, you can honestly give me a single repair method, then re-select a set of totem secrets, and give less in the future. I want to think about it!"

The pale and discouraged said, he saw it, Yi Yun's cultivation is still the peak of purple blood, which is a little worse than Chu Xiaoying and the prisoner.

Even if Yi Yun talent is better than Chu Xiaoyu and the prisoner, the strength exceeds the sum of the prisoner and Chu Xiaoyu, then he rushed to more than 500 people and also topped the sky.

We must know that the top 500 who can rank in the top of the list are basically the trials of the peak of the early days of the Yuanji, the purple blood to the Yuanji, but the gap between the big realms, the peak of the purple blood, with the peak of the initial stage of the Yuanji People can fight, the difficulty can be imagined.

However, more than 500 people are not enough.

Cang Yan feared that Yi Yun had any adventures, and suddenly rushed into the 400, then let this kid get it.

Therefore, Cang Yan deliberately set the goal of the first three hundred, in order to dispel some unrealistic ideas of Yi Yun, to avoid him so high.

Cang Yan did not expect that Yi Yun actually promised to the goal that he deliberately made difficult. "Good!"

"Hey?" Cang Yan originally thought that Yi Yun would jump, but he did not expect him to agree directly.

This kid, so confident?

Cang Yan was a little dumbfounded, and immediately he snorted twice, and his mouth was filled with a smile that was not good.

This kid still doesn't know what strength the top three is in the list. In him, there are a lot of trials in the middle of the yuan. They can't enter the top three, and they are arrogant and have you bitter!

Cang Yan thought so, I felt very reliable, and it was a good thing to let Yi Yun suffer some setbacks, saving him every day thinking that he would do anything.


The birthday banquet of the Lord of the City of Tai'a is getting closer and closer.

This afternoon. Above the city of Tai A, there is a giant floating flying boat. The flying boat is two hundred feet long and covered with black scales. It is like a huge air monster.

When it passed over the city of Tai A, it cast a huge shadow.

this is……

The trials of the Tai's God City looked up at the flying boat and looked awkward. The flying boat was not a standard flying boat in the city. It is also much larger than the standard flying boat.

Faced with this air monster, many people can't help but give birth to a sense of awe and smallness.

Some people noticed that on the side of this huge flying boat, a strange sign was engraved. It was like a cloud, and there was a flying black dragon in the cloud.

"Yunlong Shenguo!"

Seeing this sign, some well-informed people said with shock.

The Yunlong Kingdom is bordered by the Tai's Kingdom, the Tai's Kingdom is in the east, and the Yunlong Kingdom is in the west. The common northern border between the two countries is the vast endless gods.

No matter the national strength, or the foundation, the area, the population, the Yunlong Kingdom is in the middle of the world.

When the two great powers come together, it is inevitable that there will be battles for many reasons such as resources and land. However, under the threat of the gods, the two countries have to maintain harmony, at least not dare to have a large-scale war, so that they can resist God. The ultra-large-scale animal tide that occasionally broke out in the wild.

Therefore, Yunlong Shenguo and Tai A Shenguo. It can be said that the relationship between competition and cooperation coexists.

People did not expect that the giant flying boat of Yunlong Shenguo would fly to the Tai'an City.

This flying boat is definitely the royal flying boat of the Yunlong Kingdom. The messenger of Yunlong Shenguo appeared in the Tai'an City, and the movement of such a flying boat is also a manifestation of national strength. It also means that the person sitting on the flying boat must be the great figure of Yunlong Shenguo!

"The distance between Yunlong Shenguo and Tai'a Shencheng is not short. What do their messengers come to in Tai's City?" Someone said subconsciously.

"Well? Is it a birthday feast for the urban master!"

A person flashed a flash of light, and when people heard it, they felt that it was possible.

This should be the case. Recently, the great event of the Taishen City is the sacred feast of the city.

"It’s strange, Yunlong Shenguo’s relationship with my Tai’s Kingdom is not very good. The lord’s birthday banquet, they even sent envoys to worship?”

Some people who are interested, I have noticed a little wrong place...

At this time, above the giant flying boat, in a luxuriously decorated hall.

A fat man wearing a yellow robe, holding a one-meter long roasting animal leg, is biting a bite, this stovepipe is half-baked, and with a **** red blood.

The fat man in Huang Yi rips the animal meat with his mouth, while admiring the view of the porthole outside the porthole, a group of Tai Ai Shencheng trials.

From his point of view, the bustling crowd below is like the ants who step on his feet.

"This is the trial of the Taishen City! I don't think so."

Huang Yi fat man's silly smile, stretched out the excessively long tongue, licked the blood of the wild animal with the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flashed a little narrow and playful.

Behind the yellow fat man, is a girl dressed in a purple luxury palace, like a princess.

She held a tall glass of wine in her hand and gently sipped the bright red liquid in the glass. There was a fascinating smile on the corner of her mouth. "God said ridiculously that this is the status of the Ayutthaya in the Kingdom of Tai, Our Yunlong 72 towers have the same status in Yunlong Shenguo. Don't underestimate them."

"Haha, feel free, anyway, this time we are following the birthday, not to fight, of course, if necessary, it is also a basic etiquette to see their skills."

Huang Yi fat man has a casual tone, the girl in the palace dress shook her head slightly. "It’s not a simple birthday. This time the seven-star tower owner personally came to the city, and the city owner of Tai Ai Shencheng, to discuss an agreement, it is said that with a recent sudden appearance Mysterious characters are related..."

"Haha, that's a high-level thing, I don't care. At the birthday party, I can eat my meat. Of course, I have to fight to get me!"

When the fat man spoke, he tore off a piece of chicken-sized piece of meat. He even ate it three times and two times. The leg of the animal that was more than one meter long, he didn’t take long to finish eating it. He used the oil hand in his clothes. I wiped it twice and glanced at the corner of the hall. "What do you say, white?"

In the corner of the hall, sitting in a pale black teenager, his legs are free to separate, his knees are bent, his hands are on his knees, a black and sharp sword, leaning on his legs. side.

His head was slightly lowered, his hair hanging down, covering his eyes, making people unable to see his appearance.

In this hall, he was very quiet, so quiet that he could not detect his existence.

"Oh..." In the face of the silent black boy, Huang Yi fat man swallowed a slobber, a little bit stunned, and he actually talked to this guy, but also arbitrarily arrogant...

At this moment, the door of the hall was pushed open, and a tall man walked in with a blank expression. He was wearing a thick fur coat, and the collar was raised high. Under his feet was a long-legged animal boot. The boots stepped on the ground and made a "beep, slap" bone.

"Come on, let's go down!"

In the face of this man, Huang Yi fat man and palace girl are respectful.

"Yes, the tower master."

The pale boy sitting in the corner slowly stood up.

The hatch was opened and four people flew directly into the central tower in an energy light.

"Someone flew out!"

In Taishen City, people are far-sighted, and they don’t know who they are. They should be the big men of Yunlong Shenguo...

People thought this way, but did not expect that in the next few days, from time to time there were unexplained floating rafts flying to the city of Tai A, many people came down and settled in the central tower.

Most of these forces have their own logos. Some of them are recognized. In addition to the Yunlong Kingdom, there is also the Tianguang Dynasty. This is a country that is smaller than Yunlong Shenguo, but it cannot be underestimated.

In addition, there are some independent families.

These independent families do not belong to any country, but they have deep roots and a family can compare the country!

Some families have time, no shorter than the Tai's Kingdom, and they also have the terrible power that cannot be ignored.

More and more people are really gathering!

This made the trials of Tai A Shencheng City be amazed. This time the city’s birthday party was so loud?

One day later, another big man appeared. The identity of this person made many Tai Ai city trials hold their breath.

He is the prince of the Tai God Kingdom!

There are countless children of the royal family of Tai A, and they say that the tester of Tai A Shencheng, the surname Yang, does not know how much.

These Yang surnamed Tianjiao, traced back, many have royal blood relationship.

But they are insignificant compared to being a prince.

Whether it is status or strength!

Today, the Prince is over 3,000 years old. He was chosen from thousands of ancestors of the royal family. He has extraordinary talents and the cultivation of the royal family. Now he is only one step away and can be a human sage. .

As long as he is sanctified, the Emperor will pass on the throne to him.

This Prince, in the status of the Kingdom of Tai A, can be imagined!

"The Prince is here, it’s gone!"

People are aware that this event may be the biggest event that they may have seen in their lives!

(5500 words, count two chapters in one, there is a chapter, before 12 o'clock)

... (to be continued.)

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