True Martial World

Chapter 305: The beginning of the birthday party

When the people in Tai'an City were gathered together, Yi Yun was in the tomb of the sword. I don't know the day and night of the martial arts.

Originally, Yi Yun thought that he had entered the tomb of the sword that was connected with the source of the tomb. At this time, he entered the tomb of the sword and realized that the kendo here should be a light road.

However, the real to the tomb of the sword, Yi Yun found that here is completely different from the knife tomb.

In the tomb of the knife, there is a knife mark in the road, and there are thirty-two words in the knife path. Each word contains the true meaning of the knife.

In the tomb of the sword, there is no such thing. Here is a strange stone wall. Sitting in front of the stone wall, closing your eyes, it seems to fall into the illusion of layers.

In the illusion, there is a rushing river, a waterfall that flows down the river, a shadow of the blood of the corpse, and a sword light that flies.

It seems that the person who left the tomb of the sword cast the scene he saw in his life into this stone wall. The people of the later generations, sitting in front of the stone wall, can realize these scenes.

"This is the owner of the sword tomb, what I saw when I saw it!"

Yi Yun opened the energy field of Amethyst, and crossed the aura in his mind.

The owner of the sword tomb saw these scenes and realized his sword meaning, so he left his sword meaning in these scenes and let future generations come to enlighten.

Yi Yun spent ten months in the Pure Yang Jian Palace. Although he could not comprehend the sword of the owner of Chun Yang Jian Palace, it gave Yi Yun a deep understanding of Kendo.

It’s easier to try the hardest, closest to the original kendo, and then comprehend this relatively simple kendo.

If the sword left in the pure Yang Jian Palace is a mountain that is difficult to climb, then the kendo in this sword tomb is like climbing the stone steps of this mountain.

Yi Yun first-order first-order, picking up the stairs...

time flies. Yi Yun did not know how long it had been. He had been sitting in the tomb of the sword. Entered a completely ethereal state, God and I forgot.

Yi Yun’s mind has been echoing the shocking sword marks in the Pure Yang Jian Palace.

This huge sword mark, like the engraved in the sea of ​​Yi Yun, slowly overlaps with the virtual shadow in the tomb of the sword...

I don't know when, Yi Yun had more rusted broken swords in his hand, and the sword was in his hand. There was a sense of coldness in the hand, which made Yi Yun’s mind clearer...

He gently swung his sword and his movements were slow. It's like cutting a gossamer that is invisible.

A sword and another sword seem to be erratic, but in the world of illusions, Yi Yun seems to have broken the waterfall, separated the river, and intertwined with the illusory sword and sword...

When Yi Yun forgot me to understand the sword. Tai'a City has been very lively.

In the Central Tower, there is a place for visitors, called Jinxiu Pavilion, the birthday banquet of the Taishen City Lord, which begins here.

This Jinxiu Pavilion, although it is a hall located in the Central Tower, has entered. But I can see the bamboo blossoms everywhere. These flowers and bamboos are all rare in the world. Between the vegetation, there is a green water, flowing quietly, like an emerald belt.

If you have a drink in this green bamboo forest, you can put the wine glass in the running water. Everyone can take it at any time, and the name is “flowing water”.

Outside the bamboo forest, there are a small table that is exquisitely placed. The table is only one foot high. It can only sit on the table. There are all kinds of exquisite spiritual food on the table. These foods are treasures in the treasures. expensive. The food is rich in vitality, and after eating it, it will be of great benefit to the repair.

Tai A Shencheng City main birthday banquet, qualified to sit on this small table, are important figures from all major forces.

For example, the main city of Taishen City and the seven-star tower owner, their location is located near the central water, which is also the center of the entire hall.

Around the small table, there are pavilions one by one.

In each pavilion, there is a big table, from the juniors of all countries, young and handsome, just sitting around here.

In addition to being the landlord's Tai A Shen Guo, other forces are basically only divided into one pavilion.

Those who can sit here are young people who have reached their peak.

The pavilions of the Tai's Kingdom of God chose the relatively superior trials of Tai's Shencheng, such as the top 30 talents of the Tiandi people's three rankings, as well as the leading figures of various years.

Like Li Hong, a three-year trial, the prisoner of the two-year trial, Chu Xiaoyu, including the top three of the newcomer, Lu Jie, Wen Yu and a short, teenager are among them.

"Well? Why didn't Yiyun arrive?"

The juniors of the Tai's Kingdom of God were assigned to six pavilions. Wen Yu, Lu Jie and the prisoner and Chu Xiaoying sat together. Lu Jie glanced around and found Yi Yun not.

This made Lu Jie somewhat surprised. As Yi Yun, he is qualified enough to sit here.

"I don't know, maybe retreat..."

Chu Xiaoyan said casually, he didn't care. In fact, for her, it didn't mean to attend this kind of party. She is not a person who likes noisy. She came here, but actually wants to see the forces from all sides. Young handsome.

"Well? It’s the people of Yunlong Shenguo!"

At this time, important figures of major forces have not yet arrived, and in the hall are the juniors of various forces.

Chu Xiaoyu saw about ten young people coming over. The leader was a fat man in yellow. The yellow fat man had an easy-going smile on his face. However, his eyes contained a kind of pride.

His eyes swept over and directly skipped Chu Xiaoyu. When he stopped, he stopped looking at the pavilion next to Chu Xiaoyu.

In the pavilion, sitting on the two geniuses of the Taishen City and Yang Gan!

When Yi Yunchu arrived at Tai'an City, the demon knife and Yang Gan were fifteen years old. At that time, they were already ranked in the top 100.

Now, one year later, the knives and Yang Gan have been practicing in the Tai's City for four years and become five-year trials. Their cultivation has reached the middle of the yuan as early as six months ago.

Coupled with the expiration of Qin Haotian's experience, leaving the Tai'an City, the demon knife, Yang Gan have entered the top five.

There are no such people as Qin Haotian and Li Wei, and now the Taishen City, in addition to Luo Huoer in the six-year trials, there is no genius to get the hand.

However, Luo Huoer never hits the list of the top of the list, no one knows what strength she has in addition to the absurdity.

Therefore, the five-year trial of the demon knife and Yang Gan, has been arrogant, people believe that the demon knife and Yang Gan two, will replace the position of Qin Haotian and others, in the near future, dominating the world.

As for Yang Haoran, Yang Dingkun and others, although they are also outstanding, they are much worse than the knives and Yang Gan.

Down, four-year trials and three-year trials are even worse.

In the three-year trial, only Li Hong was a single seedling, and this single seedling was defeated by Yi Yun at the level of the last newcomer.

This is a shame for three years of trials.

Before the start of the birthday banquet, the fat man of the Yellow Dragon in Yunlong Shenguo had already got a general understanding of the powerful role of Tai’s City.

So when he arrived, he noticed the demon knife and Yang Gan.

I felt the fat man in Huang Yi stunned and looked at the eyes. Yang Qian brows up. "This fat man, want to fight one!"

Yang Gan is proud and has no good temper. He perceives the hostility of the fat man in Huang Yi, and he is angry with his heart.

"This fat is not simple, he is watching your strength, his eyes are really annoying, just like the feeling of a businessman looking at the goods."

Beside Yang Gan, the demon knife said calmly, one of his hands, could not help but touch the short knife with him.

"Yang Gan, the birthday banquet of the city owner, is likely to have some impromptu performances. It is the time when the major forces are superior. Now Qin brothers have left the city and can support the scene. I am afraid that only you and me. So that Fat man will look at you!"

The demon knife quickly guessed the fat man's mind.

Yang Gan snorted coldly. "It turns out that this is also good!"

Yang Gan is not afraid of challenges. This young generation is arguing that he can't ask for it. He can especially try the young Junjie outside the Tai's Kingdom. He is looking forward to it!

At this time, the main entrance of Jinxiu Pavilion was opened. Under the guidance of some waiters, important figures of major forces finally arrived.

The two headed ones, one is a tall man wearing a thick fur coat and an ankle-footed military boot. He is the seven-star tower master of Yunlong Shenguo.

The other person, a middle-aged scribe wearing a blue gown, looks like a sleek, but two eyebrows like a sword, revealing a sharp momentum.

This person does not seem to have any sense of oppression. Instead, he is like a mortal world show, and he reads the sage book, but he has no power.

He is the owner of the city of Taishen!

... (to be continued.)

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