True Martial World

Chapter 310: captain

"What happened to Yiyun?"

Seeing Yi Yun's slight stagnation, Chu Xiaoyu asked.

"Nothing, just some people are paying attention to me." Yi Yun did not care much.

"Attention to you is also reasonable, your performance in the newcomers qualifying last year, it is estimated that these people in Yunlong Shenguo already know."

This time, the opponents of Tai’s City are mainly the 72 towers of Yunlong, while the ten countries in the south are fighting against other small forces.

Yi Yun and Chu Xiaoying walked to the position and sat down. All the participants of Tai A Shencheng gathered together and made four large tables.

And the old man of Cangyan is in this group of people.

Yi Yun glanced at him. He also saw Wen Yu, Prison Bull, Yang Gan, and Demon Knife...

There are also Li Hong, Yang Dingkun and Yang Haoran who are hostile to Yi Yun.

Although Yang Haoran broke an arm, his strength was in the top of the city of Tai A, and he was also ranked high, so he was naturally chosen.

However, Yi Yun did not see Luo Huoer...

"Well? Luo Huoer did not come?" In Yi Yun's view, Luo Huoer's talent is so bad, then her own strength should not be bad.

"Luo Huoer said that she has no talent in the battle, so she will not come to shame the Tai'an City."

A person who knows the inside story said on the side.

Yi Yun listened to his heart, this kind of words, may it be Luo Huoer’s gimmick?

Yi Yun didn't have time to think about it. At this time, Cang Yan spoke up: "I have heard it. I am talking about the rules of this war."

"We and Yunlong Shenguo, all the people who played, are divided into eight groups, four groups under fifteen years old, four groups over fifteen years old, each group. Choose one main lord, the rest are pioneers. ”

"Each group leader will have two seats in his hand, and the main player will be defeated. The seat will be taken away! So the position of the main player is extremely crucial. As for the pioneer... the main role is to protect the main players, and the main will block some challenges. You can also test your opponent's strength."

"Everyone has only one chance of failure. Once defeated, they can no longer fight."

"In addition to defeating the other party's main players, you can get the seats outside the parliament. If you can be in the group under fifteen years old, the group of fifteen or older, and the group will fight for the first place and defeat all opponents, then you can get extra seats!" ”

Cang Yan introduced the rules in a few words, and everyone can understand that only the Lord will be the easiest to make meritorious deeds.

Others, who said that it is good to be a pioneer, said that it is not good to be cannon fodder and pathfinder.

"Now, I am announcing the list of masters!" Cang Yan took out a scroll and was present young Junjie. They held their breath.

This contest is too important for them, far from the previous impact on the list, the impact of the list can be compared.

"The group under fifteen years old. The main candidate: Chu Xiaoyu! Prisoner! Yi Yun! Li Hong!"

Cang Yan paused every time he read a name. When he read the name of Yi Yun, Yang Haoran pinched his fist. This kid became the master!

However, although hate Yi Yun, but Yang Haoran also knows that Yi Yun is the master, it is reasonable.

Among these four people, Li Hong is the weakest. But there is no one else who can choose. It is impossible to let Wen Yu and Lu Jie come to be the master.

Li Honghao is also the first among the three-year trials of Tai A Shencheng.

"The following is the group of fifteen or older. The main candidate: the demon knife! Huayue! Fang Hai! Yang Haoran!"

After Cang Yan read the names of the four masters, people were stunned. How is this going?

Yang Gan's strength is second only to the demon knife, and the ranking in the list is extremely outstanding, not even the main player.

How did Huayue, Fang Hai and Yang Haoran do it?

"I am the Lord, haha, I am also the Lord!"

Yang Haoran is ecstatic in his heart. He feels that if he does not have a broken arm, he should be no problem when he is a master. However, after the broken arm, the Lord will be basically impossible.

Now, Cang Yan chose him as the master. This made Yang Haoran, who was gray in his life, finally cheered up some spirits.

The people still haven't figured out what the Lord will be, and Cang Yan has taken out another reel. "The Lord will set it down, and then the respective pioneers..."

After Yang Haoran got his own list, he was dumbfounded.

There is no reason for it. The people on his list are worse than one!

Basically, they are all kind of talents. With the age advantage, they can hardly rush into the list of people in the 30s and 40s.

This kind of person, it is white that is cannon fodder!

He is a master, leading a group of cannon fodder as a man?

Then he is not a cannon fodder?

Yang Haoran looked at other lists again. It turned out to be like Yang Gan. Among the trials of the age of fifteen and over, the strongest of them were all in the group of the knives.

The other groups, all assigned to the cannon fodder, and even if it is cannon fodder, his cannon fodder is also the worst!

He suddenly understood that he was actually abandoned.

Tai A Shencheng high-level, all the bets are pressed in a group of monsters, Yang Gan and other characters, have not been able to be the main, just to ensure the victory of a group of monsters.

As for others, it’s just because of the rules, and to make up the number...

"When I was cannon fodder!"

Yang Haoran clenched his fists, and his forehead blue-strength was tightened. He got the list and made his heart hate Yi Yun even more. If it wasn't a broken arm, how could he become a cannon fodder!

He forced the anger in his heart, and Cang Yan was here. He didn't dare to show it. He could only hope in his heart. He expected the two people he was looking for yesterday to be able to make Yi Yun disabled or even killed.

At this time, Yi Yun also got his own list, four pioneers, all of them are one-year trials, which is not bad except for one Wenyu, others are simply making up the number.

Cang Yan intends to give the people under the age of fifteen and stronger to the prisoners and Chu Xiaoyu to enhance their group's strength.

As for Li Hong, the strength of his group is not so good, and Yi Yun is half-pounded, obviously it is equal to giving up.

The reason why a stronger Li Hong is in the group is probably that the top of the Taishen City is afraid that Yunlong Shenguo will also adopt this kind of tactics. It is also cannon fodder. If its own cannon fodder is too bad, it will be won by the poor general cannon fodder. Then you lose.

In general, the senior officials of Tai'an City still have confidence in the age group under the age of fifteen, and they want to compete for several seats.

As for the age group over the age of fifteen, they only want to win a group, and the rest give up completely.

When Li Hong saw his own list, he was also very depressed. He looked at Yi Yun’s list again, and Yi Yun’s men were not very good.

However, Li Hong did not have any psychological balance. He guessed the plans of the senior officials of Tai's City. Most of them trusted Yi Yun, so they assigned Yi Yun some weaker pioneers. They wanted to rely on the power of Yi Yun to turn the tide.

Li Hong bit his teeth. "This old guy is too stupid! Take us all as cannon fodder and let Yi Yun be a hero, hehe! Heroes are not so good!"

Li Hong looks to the side of Yunlong Shenguo.

There, the viper boy was talking to someone, a look of laughter.

Seeing the calming serpent boy, Li Hongyin smiled twice. "The arrangement of Tai's City is just what I want. So my plan is not easier to implement, Yi Yun, you wait..."

At the end of the group, the birthday banquet also began.

Tai A Shencheng City is wearing a green shirt and sitting side by side with the seven-star tower master. He smiles and looks at the young people from all major forces.

At this time, the Seven Star Tower Master has already learned about the grouping of Tai A Shencheng. He smiled and said: "Yangcheng is really a good man. At this time, he laughs so calmly."

"To each other." Tai A Shencheng City Lord responded faintly.

"It seems that Yang Chengzhu has brought all the strong people together. This is smart."

The main words of the Seven Star Tower seem to be praises, but there is a clear meaning of ridicule.

This kind of tactic is not a glory.

Tai A Shencheng City owner smiled a little, as if he did not hear the ridicule of the Seven Stars, and pushed the boat to the water: "Thank you for praise, everything is for victory, so in terms of military use, there are naturally some strategies."

"Unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, any strategy is useless." The smile of the seven-star tower is getting colder. "You will see, my disciples of Yunlong 72 towers swept the audience."

"Oh? Then I will wait and see!"


The atmosphere in the field, the arrogance of the sword, a birthday banquet, is only symbolic on some dishes, there are few people moving chopsticks, everyone's minds are placed in the league competition.

Yi Yun took four people from his group and sat on the player's seat.

The people of Yunlong Shenguo are next to them.

At this time, a teenager with a tattoo on his body and a snake on his body walked to Yiyun.

"Yi Yun is right! You are the main player, I am also the main player, this is fun, two seats in your hand, I want it!"

Both sides of the game can be free to challenge, and the two parties will decide whether to accept it.

If no agreement can be reached, the lottery will be used to arrange the opponent.

Yi Yun had expected that this viper will target himself. As for who he is, he does not care.

Since someone is challenging, he will pick it up.

"Oh? Then see if you have the ability to take it!"

Yi Yun said this, behind him, Wen Yu's heart jumped, his face was a bit bitter, this is picked up, this is too casual!

"That... Yi brother, do you know who this person is?"

Because I want to play the league game, like Wen Yu and others, I have already prepared well in advance, and the information about the opponents has been very clear.

This tattooed teenager, nicknamed python, is very hot and strong.

He is already 15 years old and has been repaired as a breakthrough base. In the list of the Yunlong Shenguo, this group is under fifteen years old. He is definitely a very tricky guy.

Wen Yu didn't want to come across this sinister guy. She felt like she was in front of this guy, just like a mouse in front of a viper. However, they are the masters who directly agreed to the challenge of the python.

This makes Wen Yu feel like crying and tears.

(The second will be two or three in the morning, the current time difference is chaotic, I am sorry, I suggest you see it tomorrow.)

... (to be continued.)

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