True Martial World

Chapter 311: humiliation

"What you are asking is the guy who is tattooed all over the body?"

Yi Yun looked at Wen Yu, Wen Yu Xiao Yi Yun half-year old, looks a bit weak, Yi Yun and Wen Yu are not much contact, I feel that the other is a very quiet girl.

Wen Yu nodded, and she had a pair of watery spirits and black lacquered eyes. She looked at Yi Yun with hope. "Yes, Yi Shixiong, he is a python. Have you collected his information before the war?" ”

The opponent is too terrible, she can only hope that Yi Yun is a bit more powerful now. She is full of hope that Yi Yun has carefully studied the opponent. He believes that there are some grasps to win, only to take the challenge of the python.

How to say, Yi Yun is also the most powerful person in the rumored two-year trial, at least a year ago, he is like this, there is such a halo, he should be more reliable.

Wen Yu thought this way. However, Yi Yun apparently did not realize the thoughts of Wen Yu. He shook his head directly: "The python? Didn't hear it, is he famous?"

Yi Yun is not arrogant. He learned the news of the league competition last night. Although Cang Yan gave Yi Yun some information, Yi Yun mainly focused on the strongest of the Yunlong 72 tower.

There are a few of them who really let Yi Yun pay attention and even be alert!

As for this python, it is obviously not within the scope of Yi Yun’s attention.

When I heard Yi Yun’s answer, Wen Yu’s whole person was forced to do so. I didn’t know the other’s information, so I took the challenge.

She is really speechless. She is following Yi Yun in this contest. She is the one who wants to block the arrow for Yi Yun, and Yi Yun is the conductor. Whoever plays first and then who plays, Yi Yun has the final say.

As the main player, Yi Yun is very crucial, but he does not even investigate the opponent's information, and he is very embarrassed to take over the challenge of the opponent who does not understand the details.

This practice makes Wen Yu want to cry without tears.

She opened her mouth and couldn't say what she wanted to say. There is a very ominous premonition in her heart.

She turned to look at the team of Chu Xiaoyu and the prisoner. The two teams are opening their own small meetings to discuss their choices.

And even Li Hong. This basically abandoned team is also very cautious in selecting opponents.

Because Li Hong is inconsistent with Yunlong Shenguo in terms of opponent selection, he has to decide by lottery.

Only on your own side. Yi Yun only used one second to finalize the opponent.

At this time, the owner of the enemy, Yi Yun, who is supposed to be the enemy of the enemy, has already sat on the player's table and closed his eyes to look at him. Fortunately, he did not sit at the banquet of the birthday banquet, otherwise it is estimated that it should be eaten.

In such a situation, Wen Yu only felt that there was a unicorn giant rhinoceros on his 10,000-foot hoof.

At this time, the three younger brothers around Wenyu also came over, and asked uneasyly: "The master of the teacher, Yi Shi brother should be very powerful."

These three younger brothers. They are all in a group with Yi Yun.

They are still a bit worse than Wen Yu. They are about the nature of the number. They also know their own weight, so they are particularly nervous in the face of this battle.

Wen Yu smiled, she couldn't just attack the confidence of a few younger brothers. She said with a hard scalp: "Yi Shi brother should be good. After all, he is the champion of the last newcomer. The teachers are relieved. We will do our best in a while."

Wen Yu said that the three younger brothers seemed to be at ease, only facing the opponents of Yunlong Shenguo. They still feel empty.

"Oh! Kid, you are confident!"

Just when Yi Yun was meditating, he suddenly sounded a wretched voice, and Yi Yun didn't have to look at it. I know that this is an unscrupulous old man.

"It is the self-confidence of Cangyan's predecessors. If you give me such a soldier, let me go to the charge and see me."

"Hey, don't sell me, do you want to use my strongman as an excuse. What good is it for me? Don't worry about me, if you play well, the benefits that the city owner gives you can be much more than me! He is Rich in oil."

Cang Yan tweeted a few words and was serious. "Kid, don't underestimate your enemy, your opponent is not weak, that snake snake kid is a difficult thing, don't overturn the ship in the gutter!"

"Know." Yi Yun smiled, he was seeing the referee of this contest went to the gods, and announced the start of the game!

Several groups of matches are held simultaneously!

Yi Yun here, because it is a young group, so can not go to God.

They were assigned to the 8th station.

At this time, the python is like a cat watching a mouse. Looking at Yi Yun with great interest, he does have a proud capital. These disciples of Yunlong 72 Tower, talents emerge one after another, the quality is far away!

And his python is one of the many masters who still stand out from the crowd.

If it is not because these seventy-two towers are too strong, the seven-star tower master will not propose such conditions, let these juniors decide the future of Yunlong Shenguo.

"Sun Hao, you, solve the few small fish, have been forced to Yi Yun shot, then I played, have fun."

The python smiled and did not put Yi Yun in his eyes. He was one year older than Yi Yun, and he was even more high than Yi Yun. How can I lose?

"Haha! I have been itching for a long time. I can finally see some blood this time, but maybe I will kill that Yiyun!"

Sun Hao took a pair of mysterious iron claws and jumped on the ring. He was the backbone of the python gang. After the horse was followed by the python, the style of action was similar to that of the python!

"Who is the opponent? Come up!"

Sun Yan smiled, he put out his tongue, gently licking the blade of the black iron claws, his expression is very evil.

For the warrior, the momentum is very important. Sun Hao’s evil momentum makes him feel a little bit when he faces him.

"Easy brother, who are we going to go up?"

Seeing Sun Hao, Wen Yu’s heart stunned, even if it’s just a python’s hand, it doesn’t look like it’s so good!

This person, full of murderous, he is afraid to kill people, but also a lot!

The pilots in the field are all teenagers. Although they are strong and strong, they have really been on the battlefield and have not killed many people.

"Look at it, pay attention to safety."

Yi Yun said, he also realized that this Sun Yan is not a good child, but the martial arts martial arts, the enemy to face in the future, far more than a hundred times fierce.

These young seedlings of Tai's City must be killed before they can grow.

If you don't say anything else, you can say that the beast tide that may burst in the future is a baptism of iron and blood. I don't know how many people are going to die.

It’s better to die now than to die in the future.

However, Yi Yun’s command, when Wenyu heard it, made her angry. What is “looking at, paying attention to safety”?

Is this a statement that the Lord will say?

"Small earthquake, you go!"

Wen Yuqi screamed, the Lord will not matter, only she can replace it.

Xiaozheng was a short stature boy. After listening to Wen Yu, he bit his teeth and jumped into the ring.

In front of the small earthquake, Sun Xiaoxie laughed. "Oh, it’s really tender, let me taste the taste of your blood!"

When Sun Hao spoke, the whole body was murderous. As he became angry, the two claws of the wearer on his hand turned into a red and **** color. It seemed that he turned into a demon in a flash.

"What I am practicing is the law of killing! The more people kill, the more blood on my hands, the stronger my strength! So far, I don't remember how many people killed, how many wild animals, even in the contest. Among them, I am afraid of myself and I cannot restrain myself from the urge to kill."

Sun Hao smirked, and at this time, Xiao Zhen’s face was already a bit white.

He is a young master of the family. He lived a life of jewellery from a young age. How many times did he encounter such a metamorphosis among his peers?

In the downfall, Yi Yun looked dizzy.

This Sun Yan, in his opinion, is also the case, but his momentum gap with Xiao Zhen is really different.

This is because Sun Yan and Xiao Zhen’s growth experience is completely different. Secondly, because of the poor strength of these warriors in Tai’s Shencheng, the Shencheng warriors have no confidence when they face the Yunlong 72 towers. .

In this case, even if the strength is equal, it is a complete one-sided battle.

What's more, the strength of Xiaozheng was originally weaker than Sun Wei.

"Three strokes!" Sun Hao extended three fingers. "These three tricks, I have to open your right face! Then pick your right hand tendon and right foot tendon! I like to attack the opponent's right side, cut the right side into Rotten meat, the left side is still intact, very interesting, isn't it? Ah hahahaha!"

Sun Yi Zhang Zhiji, Xiao Zhen was said by him, the blood rushed, the heart anger rose, he thought he was the lamb to be slaughtered, so kneading.

"It’s too deceiving!"

Wen Yu held a small fist and his face was full of anger.

At this moment, Sun moved, and he was extremely fast. He immediately came to the front of Xiaozheng and grabbed the right face of Xiaozheng!

Xiao Zhen was shocked, but he was considered a leader among the newcomers. Although he was weak at the beginning of the war, he was so angry because of his anger. strength.

How can he be pointed by the other side, it is a shame!

His body flew back, at the same time, the long sword in his hand stabbed, and stabbed Sun's palm.

The steel claw is a short-range weapon, which is shorter than the sword. It is one inch long and one inch strong. As long as this sword stabs, Xiaozhen believes that the opponent must shrink his hand. Otherwise, his hand will be pierced by Jianfeng!

When Xiaojian’s sword was stabbed, Sun’s face flashed a sneer, his figure was incredibly distorted, and three claws appeared out of thin air.


Xiaozheng screamed, blood shot!

These three claws, tangentially on the right face of the small earthquake, his cheeks, nose, ears, eyes, all cut by the claws, three claw marks, deep visible bone!

Xiaozhen glared at his face, his hands were full of blood, his eyes were red!

The flesh of his right face hangs down, and Sun’s attack is too embarrassing! (To be continued.)

Go to the cloud. Come to the pavilion to get the view.]

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