True Martial World

Chapter 328: Feng Lin

"Yi Yun, you are fine."

When Yi Yun stepped down, Chu Xiaoyu asked with concern, but Chu Xiaoyu soon realized that he seemed to ask a very meaningless question.

Looking at Yi Yun's appearance, it's just not good. It should be said that he didn't seem to have experienced a big battle at all, but like a casual activity, he was alive and kicked, and he quickly defeated the fat man of Huang Yi.

I thought that the process of the war had just won, and I couldn’t easily relax. From beginning to end, he only took a step forward, and only one shot, and the weapon was not a knife.

If you let go of the process of preparing the seven illusionary wolves and using illusion to confuse Yiyun before, then they will be in the process of making a match, but in a blink of an eye, this is definitely the fastest opponent of Yiyun.

Chu Xiaoyu really didn't know what to say.

This fat man is not a nameless generation. He was born in a thousand waters. The secret method of this mysterious family makes it difficult for many people to be jealous. In the Yunlong 72 tower, this fat man should be able to rank in the top three, and the demon knife and Yang Gan are both defeated by him. On the hand, but on the Yi Yun, this fat is like a sudden change into a straw bag, if you have not witnessed the confrontation between the demon knife and the fat man, Chu Xiaoying absolutely can not believe that this fat man is a top master.

In the elders, Cang Yan touched his chin and was very surprised. "Is this kid specializing in exercising his own mental strength?" He did not expect Yi Yun to really defeat the fat man in Huang Yi because he could not think of it. The reason why the cloud can win. It’s just that Cang Yan feels that Yi Yun often surprises him, so this time, there may be surprises. This is purely trust and expectation for Yi Yun.

But now, Yi Yun not only brought surprises, but this surprise is too outrageous, so that Cang Yan is hard to believe.

However, now is not the time to ask Yi Yun, Cang Yan touched the chin, suddenly remembered something. Turning around, I looked at the elders of Yunlong Shenguo with great interest.

Sure enough, the two white robe elders of Yunlong Shenguo saw the same son as the dead son, and their faces were ugly.

This is Cang Yan, and his mood at this time. It’s a cool word.

"Wind, how do you do this!"

The white robe elders of Yunlong Shenguo, at this time, angered with a heart, especially after seeing Cang Yan’s narrow, wretched and proud smile, he was even more sore.

Yi Yun won the final of the junior group. In the final of the final group, he also came to Yangwei, and several elders really couldn’t bear it!

"White feather elders, I don't know what it is, the illusion of thousands of water seems to have no effect on Yi Yun."

In the player's seat of Yunlong Shenguo, a palace girl said that she is the leader of all the contestants of Yunlong Shenguo.

When I first arrived in Taishen City, the palace girl and the yellow fat man stood on the floating boat, overlooking the trials of the Tai'an City, the fat man of Huang. Can be described as pointing to the mountains, the spirit of the wind.

Unexpectedly, when he was in the real contest, he was beaten into an idiot by a four-year-old boy.

Feng Lin really feels incredible, even if she is fighting with the fat man, she must be careful everywhere, relying on the "Qing Xin Mantra" of the family, with deeper cultivation than the fat man, and the accumulation of the illusionist experience. In order to win hard.

Yi Yun has nothing, how did he win?

"No matter what the reason, in the next battle, I definitely don't want to lose again!" said White Feather, uncomfortable.

Feng Lin took a deep breath. Said: "Do not worry, white feather elders."

When Feng Lin and Bai Yu talked, the Tai A Shencheng warriors in the arena had already boiled!

The brick of Yi Yun is really too deflated!

Before I saw the fat man's various arrogance, these Tai A Shencheng warriors had already sipped a fire in their hearts, and could not wait to step on his fat face.

But everyone knows. This fat man is very strong, even the devil knife is lost to him, let alone they go up, even Yi Yun is also enough.

But I didn't expect that the fat man jumped up and down on the ring. After all kinds of loading, he was stumped by Yi Yun. What else is more enjoyable than this?

Therefore, the warriors of the Tai's God City can't wait to rush to the gods, and throw Yi Yun into the sky.

In such a state of excitement, the cheers of the Taishi God City Warrior continued to show signs that the time of the small semi-column was not stopped.

It was not until the referee came to power that people slowly calmed down.

"Next, Yunlong Shenguo, who is going to fight?"

The referee simply did not ask Yi Yun, because Yi Yun has been standing in the center of the Shentai.

Seeing Yi Yun’s calm and standing on the stage, the warrior of Yunlong Shenguo, his face is not very good.

"This kid must have a method to break the illusion. The thousand water brothers are not good at actual combat. Plus, they are not willing to take his way. In fact, he may not have much more than the true skill. I will go up and solve him!"

A teenager in red, said to jump on the gods, but he just jumped up and was pulled by Feng Lin.

"Shut up!!" Feng Lin suddenly screamed.

"Sister, I", the red boy was stunned by Feng Lin for a while.

"Isn't it enough to lose people? Do you really think that Yiyun is weak? Or is it because he is young, he thinks he can let you knead? Don't forget, if you fight him, you must suppress it. Lost!"

Feng Lin said a word, the red boy was blocked and said nothing.

His strength, in this group of people is also in the middle of the line, he naturally does not dare to refute Feng Lin.

As the general leader, Feng Lin can arrange the opponents on the game. The original Feng Lin still thought, let the fourth and fifth of them go to Yi Yun, they should not play too bad.

However, since the elders of Bai Yu had already ordered the death, Feng Lin thought about playing in person.

This battle will definitely be solved by Yiyun. Otherwise, if it is even succeeded by Yiyun, even if they win, it will be shameful.

Before Feng Lin came to power, she glanced down at the corner of the player's seat. There, a pale black teenager sat on the ground. His head covered his eyes. Even if the fat man was defeated by Yi Yun, he did not seem to have much. Said.

Feng Lin took a breath and walked straight to the ring.

"I am fighting you!"

“Well?” Yi Yun’s heart was moving. In the energy vision of Amethyst, Yi Yun could feel that the woman’s body in front of her eyes contained ambiguous energy.

"This girl is very strong!"

Yi Yun is very clear, he easily won the yellow fat man, relying on Amethyst.

Unfortunately, the fat man's ability was made by Yi Yunke, and Yi Yun intended to give the fat man an illusion that he had already made an illusion, you can shoot it, and induced the fat man to approach him. In the end, the fat man thought It’s going to be a moment of victory, killing it with a single blow.

This fat man is considered to be miserable by Yi Yunkeng.

Winning this battle is easy, but Yi Yun will not look down on the warrior of Yunlong Shenguo because of this.

Among the warriors of Yunlong Shenguo, some people are terrible, and Yi Yun is not fully grasped.

For example, the girl in front of the palace is not a leisurely generation.

In the face of this palace girl, Yi Yun first pulled out the sound to kill the knife.

(To be continued.)

◆Let's go to the cloud. You can get the view.◆

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