True Martial World

Chapter 329: Jade girl eighteen sword

"Yi Yun, I really didn't expect that my trip to the city of Tai A, the first battle will be with a 14-year-old child like you."

Feng Lin looked at Yi Yun and slowly took off the palace.

Feng Lin is a slender figure, and is the arrogant woman of Yunlong Shenguo. Although she said that she has a tight-fitting suit in the palace, she does not reveal the slightest spring. However, the scene of **** on the court still makes some energies too strong. The teenager is watching the blood.

The teenagers of Yunlong Shenguo immediately cheered, and they shouted the name of Fenglin.

In the 72-year-old tower of Yunlong, Fenglin has a very high popularity. She is the object of admiration in the hearts of many male trials.

Unlike Qianshui Fatty, Fenglin didn't feel the slightest feeling for these cheers. She just looked at Yiyun. At this time, she has become a pair of dresses, tight-fitting suits, and perfectly set out that Fenglin has developed quite mature. The figure.

She slowly took out a wide, high ice-blue metal tweezers from the space ring.

The top of the ice blue metal cymbal has a slender hilt and the hilt is more than a foot long.

This is the sword.

It’s just that this sword is much wider than Feng Lin’s waist. It’s just like a door panel. It’s really out of tune with Feng Lin’s body.

Yi Yun took a deep look at this weapon. "It's... a strange weapon, but... you seem to be a lot older than me."

Yi Yun feels funny in his heart. This is the pride of the sky. He likes to be old, just a few years older than others, but he is called a child. However, it seems that this girl is the leader of these people. She is probably used to the young leader, so she is mature.

"My sword is not a strange thing..."

Feng Lin said, with one hand pressing the sword, she seemed to touch the organ. With the sound of "咔", the sword smashed, and a smaller sword was separated from the main sword. Separate on both sides.

A total of eighteen swords, like a peacock, turned into a semi-circular shape, and each sword had a hilt.

"Well? This is..."

Yi Yun looked at the ice-blue fan-shaped sword in front of him. This weapon looks very dazzling.

One person, with 18 swords? This cloud dragon **** country, so like to use more swords?

Feng Lin smiled slightly. "My sword is different..."

She said, gently pumping out a sword, which is made of ice blue and unknown metal. The sword itself is also a sword about four feet long. The sword is less than three fingers wide and above the blade. It has a blue pattern, like broken ice, very beautiful.

Feng Lin said: "Usually I am fighting with people. It is enough to go out to the fourth sword. Today, I am fighting with you. My cultivation is suppressed in the early days of Yuanji. I don’t know if I can get the first few swords? Maybe It’s all right."

Feng Lin said, the figure swayed, and the incredible scene took place. After the wind, the water vapor smashed her shadow, and it seemed to illusion a lot of illusions.

Then, these virtual shadows turned into entities, one by one came out from the wind, these girls, like the wind Lin, exactly like multiple births.


Yi Yun’s heart is a glimpse. What is this practice and avatar?

A person, divided into several at a time?

Yi Yun knows that this is not an afterimage formed by speed, but a real entity!

Every windy, dressing and dressing is no different. They have come to the fan-shaped sword before they pull out a sword.

In a twinkling of an eye, there are nine winds in front of Yi Yun, and each wind Lin is a sword in his hand.

"When you fight with you, start with the Nine Swords!"

Nine winds, together with a sword, a row of ice blue long swords flashing cold ice, the scene is very beautiful.

"Yi Yun, this is the water system copy mirror." Cang Yan's vitality, suddenly sounded in Yi Yun's ear.

"Oh? Water system mirror?" Yi Yun's heart, the law of the five elements of the water system, this is a law with many changes, different warriors, to understand the water system rules, and finally realize the conception is likely to be completely different.

For example, the image of the water used by Fenglin is now used.

Or water system treatment, water system defense, water system attack, and even water refining method alchemy.

Every kind of artistic conception, through enlightenment, can produce a top-ranking strongman, or an auxiliary talent that the major forces are vying for.

At this time, nine winds, surrounded by a circle, will be surrounded by Yiyun.

Yi Yun knows very clearly which wind Lin is the body, but even if it is recognized, it does not have much meaning. The water system image is not used to confuse the opponent, but is used directly to kill the enemy.

"Jade girl nine swords!"

Nine winds are moving together! Their movements are neat and uniform. Among them, four swords stab the head of Yi Yun, Yi Yun slashes the knife and blocks the four swords together. At this time, between the four girls, there are four swords like snakes. Sting out!

The other four girls, behind the four girls in front, they collaborated and attacked, the sword is very sharp!

Yi Yun used the old trick at this time, and could not force himself. He launched the micro-body method, and the body moved sideways, avoiding this second attack.

At this moment, another wind is like a light smoke.

This wind Lin is the body of Feng Lin!

"Autumn sword!"

Feng Lin’s sword smashed out, her vitality, forming a shadow of the autumn water in the sky, the setting sun slanted, the evening glow, the blue lake of the blue waves, like the sprinkling of gold, the beauty is beautiful!

The beauty of this sword is fascinating, but Yi Yun knows that this beauty contains deadly killings!

Yi Yunqiang gave a sigh of relief, and behind him there was a virtual shadow of the blood of the knife, as if the Shura **** came to the world, such a shadow, in sharp contrast with Feng Lin's Qiu Shui sword.

The knife path is thirty-two words - killing is the heart!

Yi Yun's whole body murderous outbreak, the knife light is stained with blood, the bright red energy is sprayed thin, and the autumn water falling in front of the eyes is directly rushed away!


Swords and swords, a sweet and clear sound!

The powerful impact force makes Feng Lin and Yi Yun body retreat at the same time, and Feng Lin’s mind is moving -

Jade girl twelve swords!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Three young girls flew out, and the sword screamed and flew out three long swords and fell into the hands of three girls!

These three young girls, who came straight to Yi Yun, were three swords, and they stabbed the easy cloud door!

At this time, Yi Yun just received the knife, seeing the uninterrupted attack of these water system mirrors, Yi Yun double eyes in the murder crashed, he bite his tongue, and then mention a bit of energy.

"Tai Ya Sheng Law"!


Yi Yun’s body broke out in the air, and after the cloud, he formed the virtual shadow of Tanggu Fusang.

Yi Yun took a knife and carried the power of the next day.

The knife path is thirty-two words - the king is on the horizon!

The flames burned, the pure yang was suffocating, and the sky above the arena was all dyed into a golden color by the fire of pure sun, as if a sun had fallen into the world!

"Peng! Peng! Peng!"

The three girls who were the first to bear the brunt, they made a loud noise under the next day. Their bodies exploded and turned into water vapor. Under the pure sun flame, they evaporated instantly.

Three long swords fell.

Yi Yun hit a hand and did not stop. He even took a knife and turned it into a stream of light. His goal was a fan-shaped sword standing on the ground!

He can see that Feng Lin’s jade girl’s sword array is the sword, and Yi Yun wants to defeat the “spot” of the sword!

Seeing the movement of Yi Yun, Feng Lin snorted!

Jade woman sword array - Wan Jian Qifa!

At that moment, Feng Lin’s sword shot thousands of golden lights, and every golden light was a sword!

The remaining six swords, in a clear voice, all flew away from the scabbard, and flew to Yi Yunfei!

Six swords, plus thousands of swords!

Yi Yun's pupil shrinks and the body retire!

Such a dense sword light, it is impossible to dodge, Yi Yun in the process of retreating, slashing.


The sword and the sword light collided, and the body of Yi Yun was punctured by the sword!

At this time, the wind Lin body came from behind Yi Yun.

Jade female 18 sword!

Feng Lin will run its vitality to the extreme, and eighteen mirror images will appear together. Together with the three mirror images that were previously destroyed by Yi Yun with the same day, they will be condensed again. As long as Feng Lin’s body is inexhaustible, the mirror will continue to flow!

Eighteen winds, of which twelve are swords, and the other six are made of sword fingers. The slender fingers are smashed with the long swords!

Wandao Jianguang, plus eighteen winds, before and after the attack!

At that moment, all the audience were concentrating on the mind and holding their breath!

Yi Yun no longer has the possibility of dodging. His mind sank into the amethyst, stimulating the power of the pure yang spirit, and the pure yang of the surrounding space all came to Yiyun in an instant.

Pure yang spirit, burst!


Among the amethysts, the purely burning spirit of the original quietly erupted completely, as if a sun was born in Yiyun, Yiyun ignited the body and the heavens and the earth, no difference attack in all directions! Tanggu Fusang virtual shadow behind Yi Yun’s body also broke out.

The flames burned, and the seventeen mirrors of Fenglin were all bounced off, and the Wanguang Jianguang was completely broken.

Even if Feng Lin’s body broke through the pure sun flame, her sword’s momentum was greatly weakened.

This sword of the body stabbed the heart of Yi Yun!


Sword gas into the cloud of the body of Yi Yun, and the fierce collision with the pure yang, Yi Yun body retreat, like a kite generally flew out, has been flying outside the Shende.

This sword of Feng Lin, the castration has been exhausted, after all, did not hurt Yi Yun.

Yi Yun gently presses the chest, adjusts the breathing and body strength, and looks up at Feng Lin.

At this time, Feng Lin, long hair is slightly messy, and the clothes are also damaged in many places. Even if there is protection of the body, her strong clothes can still withstand such a sharp knife.

Behind her, the seventeen mirrors all exploded and turned into a pool of water.

Yi Yun’s attack ignited the power of the pure yang spirit. Although he consumed a lot of money, he also broke the wind jade’s 18-sword array.

Around the Shentai, the audience was silent and the battle was too intense.

In comparison, the previous battle may be equally fierce, but after all, it is only a sword to kill, domineering more than enough, and beautiful.

Unlike this battle, the gorgeous light and shadow, like the aerial vision of the sky, is really feasting.

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