True Martial World

Chapter 330: Sword

Around the Shennian Terrace, all the audience, eyes can not look at the platform, I am afraid to miss any wonderful scene, the atmosphere of the entire arena seems to solidify.

In particular, the warriors of Tai A Shencheng are even more nervous. They are too A-Shencheng, and only Yi Yun can now play.

Up to now, the battle between Yi Yun and Feng Lin can be said to be evenly matched, and the results of the battle are unpredictable.

"You are amazing!" Feng Lin looked at Yi Yun, revealing the color of appreciation. "Unfortunately, the repair has limited you, and you are destined to fail in this battle!"

Feng Lin said this, Yi Yun has not said anything, and under the gods of the dead, the military of Tai A Shencheng suddenly stunned. "This wind Lin, really bragging, her 18-year-old girl, still Not being broken by Yi Yun!"

"That is, 18 people did not win one game, what is she still looking good!?"

Because Yiyun has been connected to the battle, the military of Tai A Shencheng has full confidence in Yi Yun. Although the result of the battle is very unclear, people still expect Yi Yun to make a miracle at the last moment.

The warrior who has Taishi Shencheng has stood up and snorted against the windy Lin on the stage. However, Fenglin was unmoved and turned a deaf ear.

Feng Lin continued: "Yi Yun, your accomplishments in the knife method are shocking. The understanding of "Tai A Sheng Law" is far superior to that of the same generation. Unfortunately, you have not broken the Yuanji, and the strength is insufficient. When you let me cope with my jade girl's eighteen swords, the energy is tempered."

Feng Lin said the weakness of Yi Yun’s battle just now. Feng Lin’s eighteen people attacked together, and there was almost no attack. The offensive was really like a storm.

Yi Yuncai dealt with the first round, and the second round followed!

This made Yi Yun have to make a strong effort, which caused great pressure on his body and meridians.

If Yi Yun is a Yuan Jijing, it will not be like this.

Even the warriors of the Taishen City have to admit that what Feng Lin said is true.

However, the facts are different. Yi Yun does not necessarily have no other hidden moves. At the last minute, the enemy will win!

In the audience, there was another warrior from Tai’an City who began to cheer for Yi Yun.

At this time, Feng Lin held it with one hand and held the long sword handle that spread the top of the sword.

"Well? Is it..."

Yi Yun’s heart moved, and after Feng Lin’s swords were scattered, the nine swords were left and right, and the hilt was facing upwards, as the peacock opened.

In fact, in the most right of the sword, there is a hilt. Before, Yi Yun thought that the hilt was only the handle of the sword, but now it seems that this is not the case.


With a clear sound, Feng Lin pulled out a giant sword at the top of the sword!

This sword, the sword front is up to one meter five or six, and the blade is as wide as the palm of the hand, much larger than the other eighteen swords.

Such an epee should be suitable for the use of the strong man, Feng Lin holding, some awkward.

"This 19th sword, called the goddess sword, is also my last sword..." Feng Lin said, throwing the sword into the air.

At this time, Feng Lin shines all over, like countless broken silver.

In this light, a light and shadow girl, from which she was born, she arms her chest and her body is distorted, with a pair of wings behind her.


The light and shadow girl's wings are unfolding, and the wingspan is nearly three meters, covering the whole body of Fenglin.

The girl stood up from the light and shadow, she was like a hatching from the light, and the last "Heavenly Sword" floated in front of this light and shadow girl.

She slowly grasped the sword of the goddess, and the sword pointed straight to Yi Yun!

This two-winged girl, more than two meters tall, this sword is suitable for her to hold!

"French totem?"

Yi Yun’s hole is shrinking. From the beginning of the war to the present, Feng Lin did not sacrifice his own totem. Yi Yun did not think that Feng Lin’s legal totem is a girl’s appearance, and looking at the girl, except for the twin wings, almost It is exactly the same as Feng Lin.

"Call! Call! Call!"

With a soft bang, next to Feng Lin, one by one water mirror image appeared again!

A row of winds lined up, and in the sky, there is a girl's totem light with a double wings.

"Nineteen swords!"

Seeing Feng Lin’s legal totem, and seeing the wind's momentum, for a time, those who had just jumped up and hurriedly swayed the wind and closed the door.

In the face of such a wind, they all feel guilty.

"Is there such a legal totem?"

The warriors of Tai's God City are all face to face. They have seen the most popular totems of the beasts, and they have seen the totems of weapon forms, such as swords and swords.

However, the humanoid totem of the human form is rarely seen.

A person's legal totem is exactly the same as himself. It just has a pair of wings. It seems that it is a bit shocking, like a mythical legend!

The light and shadow girl with her wings is cold and indifferent. She seems to ignore everything and ignores Yi Yun.

Her wings flickered, a layer of light shrouded her, and only the sword in her hand, the cold light, the soul!

"Yi Yun he..." Wen Yu, Chu Xiaoyu and others sitting on the players' seats are inevitably worried. A warrior, sometimes relying on the momentum that he exudes, can make people feel his terrible.

This is what Feng Lin is now.

The warriors of the Tai's God City were silent. Those who stood up, they all sat back in their seats and watched Yi Yun nervously.

Contrary to the audience in Tai'an City, the audience of Yunlong Shenguo has cheered, and most of them have no chance to see Fenglin's final moment of exerting her final strength.

The windy Lin in this state gives a feeling of a fairy fallen.

"You broke my image of the jade girl, it is useless. I am more energetic than you. The image of the jade girl can be born endlessly, and your strength can support it?"

Feng Lin’s cold voice sounded, the ice pattern long sword, and the sword front pointed to Yi Yun.

A total of nineteen swords, the movement of the sword front is uniform!

Pointed at the nineteen-handed sword, Yi Yun's face was dignified.

Feng Lin is indeed very strong, Yi Yun is very clear, and now his existing strength to display, has not won the wind.

Yi Yun is even considering whether he will also sacrifice his legal totem.

At this level, Yi Yun can't hide the fact that he has become a golden totem.

If Cang Yan and others explain it, although it is troublesome, it is not unspeakable. Just repeating the battle of the Golden Star and the pure yang spirit in the door of the falling star, and using the amulet that was robbed by him, explain **** himself. The death of Jinwuwu is also reasonable, but how he made it into the "Biography of the Beasts" is incredible.

However... Although Yi Yun’s legal totem is powerful, there is a problem, that is, it consumes too much energy!

Feng Lin said that it is good, Yi Yun's cultivation is indeed his weakness.

With a lack of strength, to support the Jinwu Totem, Yi Yun estimated that he can only make one or two moves.

Offering a golden totem, even if you defeated Feng Lin, Yi Yun is afraid that it will be difficult to recover for several days.

However, this final group final is a wheel battle.

After that, Yi Yun also faces other opponents of Yunlong's 72 towers, especially the boy in black, whose strength is extremely mysterious and makes people jealous.

In the state of being extremely weak, facing the black boy, it is very difficult to fight again.

Yi Yun found that it is extremely difficult to win a championship by one person.

No matter what, do what you can, the rest, it depends on God.

"Yi Yun, next, I will combine the nineteen swords to remind you that this move, with my current cultivation, is just a matter of comprehension. Once I use it, I can’t control it. It may take your life. You are a wizard, there is no need to take such a risk for a league, you are now confessing, still have time!"

Feng Lin holds a long sword, because the sword wind is blowing, her long hair is floating, and the wind is perfect!

Yi Yun looked at Feng Lin and took a deep breath. He touched the space ring and a purple long sword appeared in the hands of Yi Yun.

sword! ?

All the audience present, seeing Yi Yun pull the sword out, are suddenly stunned, Yi Yun is not using a knife? How can I pull out a sword?

Yi Yun looked at this purple long sword, four feet of swords and arrows, cold and comfortable.

This sword was chosen by Cangyan Belt Yiyun. It is the best quality sword for the trials.

This sword is called Qiguang, and even a strong person like Qin Haotian can hardly exert its full power.

"It is true..." Yi Yun slammed the sword with a palm, like a self-talk. "Some moves, it is difficult to control the power, although it is not a life-and-death confrontation, but it may also be life-threatening. After all, in the final showdown, go all out. Then, using a move that you can’t fully control, then the strength can’t be grasped...”

"You are like this, so am I..."

Yi Yun said this, the audience, all quiet.

What did Yi Yun say? "me either"?

Yi Yun said this, is not to say that he also has the same control, may have to take the wind and life of the move! ?

Feng Lin is so strong, Yi Yun may have her life?

Is it related to this sword?

real or fake?

Yi Yun has always used knives, which makes it hard to believe that he can use swords to make a more powerful move. After all, since ancient times, warriors have specialized in a weapon, swordsmen, and in the history they know, Very few!

"Have you used a sword?" Feng Lin's eyebrows are slightly stunned, and she looks at Yi Yun with suspicion. Before she knew some information about Yi Yun, Yi Yun was always a long knife when she was in Tai'an City. .

"I haven’t used it before, but now I have to use it. My sword is only vaguely understood. I can show how much power it has. I am not sure, and you are my sword. The first opponent against the enemy!"

After Yi Yun finished, Feng Lin’s eyebrows were wrinkled even tighter.

[Tomorrow will go out again, because the place where the silkworms live is relatively remote, there is no airport, it will get up at 5 or 6 in the morning, and it will arrive at two or three in the afternoon. A bit miserable. I said before, the author started the activity at the end of the month, and I have to go out for many days, so I will update tomorrow @@. 】


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