True Martial World

Chapter 338: Razer on Jinwu

The vernacular sound just fell, and the thunder of the beast behind him is getting stronger and stronger. The thunder field around the white, also began to growl, seems to be spewing out all the energy.

It’s awkward!

The force field formed a Thunder enchantment around the white body, guarding White.


The thunder beast roared, and the snoring sounded into the eardrum. Even the audience, the audience far away from the stands felt the powerful energy in the sound. This kind of energy seemed to shake their five internal organs. Six 腑, let them all over the body, and they are extremely uncomfortable.

"very scary!"

People are shocked, the light is the snoring of the beasts, so that they are so unbearable, if it is standing in the position of Yi Yun, the front bears the impact of this beast, then what?

Just then, White suddenly reached out and grabbed the neck of the beast.


The more roaring of the beast, the violent shaking of its figure, in this sway, it is slowly shrinking.

As the figure of the body shrinks, the power of the Thunder in the Thunder beast is getting stronger and stronger, and the lightning has changed from purple black to pure black!

When people thought that Bai had to sacrifice the beast and kill Yi Yun, he suddenly gave birth to a surprising scene. White actually put the beast into his chest.

call out! The thunder beast, did not enter the white body, with the sound of "嗤啦", after the beast entered the white body, the clothes on the white body were completely blasted, the strong hurricane, the pieces of the clothes, and the white The head blows upright.

what! ?

People were amazed, and many people couldn’t help but stand up.

At this point, look at the white chest, clearly in front of the white chest, a virtual shadow of a beast, like a tattoo on the white skin.

When you see these scenes, people are completely speechless.

White actually swallowed the thunder beast! !

The thunder beast's tattoo spreads on the white body, like a tiger's scorpion, a lightning bolt. Slowly climbed the white neck, face, white as if changed a person, this white appearance, it really sees everyone scared.

at this time. The thunder enchantment of the white side is further shrunk, and finally all the energy is condensed to form a thick long snake shadow.

This snake is getting more and more solid and more and more powerful. It has a length of seven or eight feet and is all black. There are six heads, and the snakes on the whole body are like lightning.

"Six-headed Razer!?"

In the audience, someone exclaimed, this is the white law totem!

The white law totem is actually a six-headed thunder snake. This is a terrible horror in the thunderstorms. In the wilderness, even the characters of the middle and late human races may not be able to deal with six headed snakes.

But white, he actually has six tossing snakes.

Generally speaking. The forensic totem of the beast is corresponding to the wild beast that was killed by the warrior. one look

What kind of magical totems can be condensed when you kill a wild animal.

And if you want to condense the totem of the law, you must have the wild beast that you killed yourself. It is useless to kill others. Even Amethyst cannot violate this law.

Now, White has become the totem of the six-headed Razer.

This proves that he is afraid to kill six snakes in isolation!

It is also possible that Bai has killed a large number of three-headed Razers, so that the original is a three-headed Razer. After an evolution, it became a six-headed snake. If the six-headed snakes evolved again, it would be the nine-headed thunder snake of the ancient age.

However, even the three-headed Razer is also the early figure of the male master. A powerful wild animal that can't be dealt with.

How could White kill three Razers?

With the appearance of six headed snakes, in the sky, the lightning condensed to the extreme, and black clouds gathered.


Lightning tumbling, more and more black clouds, through the open dome of the arena. People can see the dark clouds becoming more and more cheats, and the silky water vapor will appear.

Not a moment, the arena actually rained!


People felt the cool rain on the face, they were shocked.

Lei Shengyu, when Bai sacrificed six torpedoes, the lightning that he released was too strong, which had affected the sky and caused rain in the sky.

It is incredible that a Yuan-based warrior can influence the sky.

"Is this the whitest of the strongest state?"

People look at the white, they are secretly scared.

"Ha ha ha! It hasn't been so happy for a long time!" Bai laughed. At this time, his upper body showed strong muscles. His body was covered with tiger stripes and thunderbolt tattoos. The chest was roaring black tiger beast, and the back was rising. The six-headed Razer, the black light sword in his hand, also condensed countless black lightnings, making the white look at this time, like a thunder and war god!

Seeing this white, Yi Yun took a deep breath and showed a dignified color.

Devouring the black beast, blending the energy of the black beast into itself, and then offering the totem of the six-headed snake, the white of the peak is too strong.

To deal with white, you must go all out. But to go all out, it means that there is no way to fight again after the battle.

"Yi Yun, make a move! The original I am in this state, the most anticipated is the sword that you defeated Feng Lin! I really want to know, how much damage will I have to take the sword?"

White did not say whether the sword would defeat him, but rather how much damage would be caused. Obviously he thought that he could withstand the sword! Only hurt, won't lose!

A sword that will be killed by Feng Lin, but white is full of confidence. Next, how arrogant!

But no one will say that white is arrogant, because he has strength, and capital has said this!

"Unfortunately, you can't use that sword. I am sorry, but I will still beat you with the strongest state. Let's make a move. Maybe you can bring me some surprises, at least not let me down. !"

White hand-held black light sword, Jianfeng pointed to Yi Yun!

Yi Yun sighed softly, he touched Qiguangjian, and smiled helplessly.

"That sword, I really can't use it. I originally hoped that there is such a possibility. I can win this championship. After all, the A-God country has grace for me, so I have been retaining my strength. Some moves can be used without it, otherwise I will consume too much, and there is no way to face the battle behind. But"

Yi Yun said that he had a slight meal here. He used his fingers to wipe the Qiguangjian. Jianfeng actually cut the tiger's mouth of Yi Yun, and blood flowed on the sword.

Yi Yun's blood, like a hot magma, flows after the Qiguang sword. It started to burn and burned.

"But facing you, I really have no choice, no matter what! I don't think so much, just a fierce battle with you!"

Yi Yun said here, the eyes in the eyes of burning.

He stared at white. Bai also stared at Yi Yun.

"Oh? Could you still think that you have the capital to fight with me? The next blow, I will go all out!" Bai Lang said.

Yi Yun smiled. "I will go all out. I think the attack I will use all my strength will at least make you "not too disappointed"!"

If Yi Yun said it in white, it hit white.

White haha ​​laughed. "Good! I am looking forward to! Remind you that I am hitting this, you may be killed!"

In the white talk, there is a murderous body in the whole body.

The warrior of Tai A Shencheng. In particular, Wen Yu and Chu Xiaoyu, who met with Yi Yun, held their breath and reached the peak of the white. It was so terrible that they could not afford the courage to resist.

In the elders, Cang Yan is even more focused, lest Yi Yun out of what is wrong, in his view, when the sage is young, may not be able to compare the present white!

rain. getting bigger.

Water vapor has permeated people's horizons.

Bai and Yi Yun, the two celestial patriots of the same generation, are less than twenty feet apart. Separated by layers of rain curtains, stand and stand.

Just then, the white shot!

The black sword in his hand waved like a black lightning in the rain, completely cutting the heavy rain curtain!

The power of a sword, shocking the world!

The whole **** is deserted. The thick purple tungsten steel floor was completely opened by this sword, cracking a huge sword mark!

Bai Na’s fierce swordsman, along with six thunder snake totems, rushed to Yi Yun!

Yi Yun's hole shrinks. At this moment, he also has a sword. It is still a move in the tomb of the sword. It only contains a trace of pure Yang Jian, and it is also the strongest sword that Yi Yun can bear now.

However, it is not enough to rely on this sword.

At this moment, in the Yi Yun body, a clear sound!

This sound is clear, it is like wearing Fengming in the past nine days, let the rain spread, let the thunder bang, in front of this sound, but all are covered up!

"what sound!?"

People were amazed, the voice was too loud, like it was ringing in their ears, and it was always in the heart, but it was not harsh, but there was a power of sorrow!


The pure yang flame burns, as if after a round of explosions in the next day, it has formed a virtual shadow of Tanggu Fusang. People have not reacted yet. Only a ray of light suddenly illuminates, like a sword, going straight into the sky. The dark clouds in the sky are separated!


It was the high-pitched, clear-eyed, people watching, a Jinwu that burned the pure yang flame, rushed out from Yiyun, and went straight up along that light!

This Jinwu, with a wingspan of tens of meters, almost obscured the entire gods.

Under the burning of pure sun flame, the surrounding raindrops and water vapor steamed instantly!

"Heaven! What is this?"

People are shocked and inexplicable, the gods that rushed out, eyes like a crow, mouth like an eagle, tail feathers like a phoenix, three feet under the body, all the feathers burning golden pure sun flame!

"Jinwu!? Three-legged Jinwu!?"

Someone shouted out the name incredibly. This Jinwu was rushed out of Yi Yun’s body. It’s hard to be Yi Yun’s legal totem! ?

"How can it be!?"

The general warrior, the legal totem is the form of the king-level wild beast, and it has already been shocked as a man of heaven!

For example, white, that's it.

If it is a species of Taikoo, it is even more incredible. Generally, only the saints can have it.

After all, the warrior gets the totem of the law, and he has to complete the process of hunting himself. Generally, he can hunter the ancient relics, and only the sages.

Even if there is a human race, he will kill the ancient relics under the circumstance, and he may not have the ability to absorb it!

But three-legged gold!

It is a higher level than the ancient relics!

How could this happen to the purple **** warrior! ?

People didn't have time to think about it. I saw that the three-legged Jinwu rushed to the six-headed Razer. It screamed and stretched out the three-legged claws and grabbed the six-headed Razer.

It’s awkward!

The purple lightning roars, the pure sun flames swallow, and the thunder snake is golden, fighting fiercely in the sky!

The snake originally lost to the eagle owl, six headed snakes, and how can they rival Jinwu?

Just a little bit of time, three feet into the house, directly grabbed six headed snakes!

The six-headed Razer is actually like a real flesh-and-blood beast, spilling blood!

Yi Yun's sword, after killing six headed snakes with the three-legged Jinwu, with the three-legged Jinwu together, straight down!

At that moment, the heavens and the earth seemed to be aphasia. In the eyes of people, only this golden sword light was left, and the heavens and the earth, even the dark clouds in the sky, were also opened by this sword!


The thunder was broken, the fire of pure sun spewed, and it burned the world.

Yi Yun this sword, heavy on the white Thunder force field, the force field is like a piece of paper generally broken!

The white heart was shocked and the sword was attacked. However, under the horrible pure yang flame, facing the three-legged Jinwu of the sacred beast, he felt that his power was hard to compete.


Jianguang burst, white only feels a strong rush, he is like a leaf in the storm is generally weak!


At the side of the Taishen City, the main pupil of the Seven Star Tower shrank, and the body rushed straight up. Under him, those seats were directly broken!

At the same time, the white mad spit a blood, his body smashed, the sternum collapsed completely, the whole person flew out like a piece of paper, and the deadly pure Yang Jianqi still stuck to the white body, almost Take his life!

At this moment, the seven-star tower master appeared in the white side like a teleport, and the white was picked up.


The seven-star tower master is just a sleeve of the sleeve, the horrible pure Yang Jianqi, when not near the main body of the seven-star tower, has completely collapsed.

When people saw the scene of the seven-star tower being seriously injured, they could not speak.

The result of this war is so, Bai was defeated by Yi Yun! ?

In the end, the white is actually to let Yunlong Shenguo’s strongest seven-star tower master of the trip to the Kingdom of God, to save himself!

People feel as if they are in a dream, especially the warrior of Yunlong Shenguo, which is even more unacceptable.

White is like the **** of war in the Yunlong Kingdom, but it is defeated by a young man who is a few years old and whose realm is lower than him. Is this possible?

People looked up at the sky, the rain stopped, and Yi Yun’s sword, opened the dark clouds in the sky, let the rain cloud from the white thunder rain and rain!

One man can make a rain, but the other is a dark cloud! !

It is hard to imagine how far this war has come. It is hard to imagine that they are actually the younger generation of warriors!

What surprised people the most was that at the last moment of the war, the three-legged Jinwu.

The mysterious shadow that burned the golden pure yang flame was still imprinted on the iris of the surrounding audience, lingering.

That is three-legged Jinwu undoubtedly, but how does it appear, is it Yi Yun's legal totem?

People are looking at Yi Yun and feel incredible.

A purple blood warrior, how can there be three foot Jinwu practice totem! ?

The four thousand words chapter, wrote this battle in one breath

(To be continued.)


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