True Martial World

Chapter 339: Tiger fall Pingyang

Many of the military's legal totems are made by continually hunting and killing wild animals, killing a wild beast, and the sacred animal prints may not be perfect. The martial art of the condensed method of totem is not high, and may even be thousands of The second attempt can barely condense the totem of the law.

Moreover, in terms of the totem of the form of the beast, the more high-level wild animals are, the harder it is to condense. This is not only a more difficult problem of killing high-level wild animals, but also because even after the wild animals, The animal prints of high-grade wild animals are also more difficult to condense.

For example, the purple blood warrior, even if he really killed the ancient relics, can not condense the totem of the ancient relics.

Not to mention that the three-legged Jinwu is much stronger than the Taikoo relics!

The vast arena is quiet, whether it is the warrior of the Taishen City or the warrior of the Yunlong 72 Tower, including the ten southern countries, the audiences and famous places of other small forces, all feel incredible.

"How can Yiyun have a golden totem?"

An elder of Taishen City asked about Cangyan. Although Yi Yun’s associate is a master of Shuiyue, he should still know more about the cultivation.

Cang Yan stunned for a while, and this said, "I don't know... In fact, I took him to choose the totem secret, and later... He, he chose a book called "The Beasts..."

""The Beasts of the Beasts!"?"

As the elder of Tai A Shencheng, of course, I know what the concept of this set of exercises is.

It is not only incomplete, but also extremely difficult to cultivate. Since ancient times, the Tai’s Kingdom has never been practiced.

Yi Yun practiced "The Record of the Beasts"! ?

The elders of Tai’an City, who were present, many people have read the Catalogue of the Beasts. Think about it carefully, Yi Yun has just applied the totem of the law. Really fits in the "Beast of the Beast" in many places.

is it possible?

Yi Yun actually practiced the totem secret that they could not practice.

Many elders looked at Cang Yan and cast their eyes on the inquiry. Cang Yan is also blinking, completely speechless.

He has blocked Yi Yun from studying "The Beasts of the Beasts" in a hundred ways. However, in the end, this kid actually practiced the "The Beasts of the Beasts"! ?

This simply subverts Cang Yan's perception of the world.

"It’s a monster... I have to ask him after the contest, how to practice it."

Cang Yan was thinking, at this time, the voice of the Lord of the Ayutthaya was heard in his ear.

"I am too God to be such a person, it is the greatest blessing, if the shepherd boy really brings a catastrophic beast to the Tai's Kingdom. Maybe it is also a chance for the reincarnation of the Tai God Kingdom. It’s been too long, and there’s some suffocation in the country. If you let go of life, Nirvana may not be a good thing, and Yi Yun may be an opportunity for Nie’s Nirvana...”

"In the future, there is a possibility that he can make the great emperor..."

Tai A Shencheng City Lord. The voice solemnly said this.

Not only the pale face, the presence of many elders, but also the voice of the city of Tai A Shencheng, they are all shocked.


The entire Tai God country has been for millions of years. The Emperor has never been born, and the strongest person is just the peak of the sage.

The sages are between the great emperors. Across the gap, people are sighing.

Yi Yun. May become the great emperor?

If so, Tai A Shen Guo is likely to complete a leap!

A great emperor. Not only can it guarantee the prosperity of the kingdom of the gods, but if the blood of the emperor is integrated into the bloodline of the royal family, it will also make the royal family of the Tai's kingdom more powerful.

In addition, the Great Emperor will create a lot of martial arts, inheritance, the value of these things is self-evident!

We must know that the tomb and the tomb of the sword are left by people suspected of being the great emperor. Unfortunately, the tomb of the tomb is not a complete inheritance of the great emperor.

They were originally opened, and many valuable inheritances were lost. The only remaining tomb carvings of the tombs of the tombs seemed to be only the original masters, and they could not be regarded as inheritance, but even so, the tomb of the tomb In addition, the array of methods in the Tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb of the Ayutthaya, and the other great powerhouse of the Tai's Kingdom of God, based on this, established the Taishen City!

It's just that the incomplete inheritance has such great value. If it is a complete inheritance of the great emperor, its value can be imagined!

If there is a great emperor in the country, it will inevitably raise the overall strength of the Tai A Shen Kingdom to a higher level. When the emperor sits in the town, the number of sages in the country will increase sharply.

Even in the near future, it is not impossible to have a second emperor!

"Great Emperor, is it really possible? Yi Yun will become the Great Emperor?"

Cang Yan looked at Yi Yun and felt unbelievable. For him, the emperor was like a distant legend.

Do you witness the rise of a great emperor and even become one of the emperors?

Thinking of it, Cang Yan feels like a dream.

If you can become a master, even if it is only one of Yizhong’s more unremarkable masters in the future, Cang Yan will feel extremely satisfied. He can’t be a great man in this life, but if he can have a great student, he is really this life. No regrets.

At this time, the city of Tai A Shencheng said: "Yi Yun may not be able to fight again. This war, we admit defeat, Yi Yun battle to this extent, is already Yingjie in Yingjie, for the Tai A God country to compete Face, but also vying for a valuable seat, Yi Yun has merits, after the end of this war, I will personally reward Yi Yun."

Cang Yan looked at Yi Yun. At this time, Yi Yun, because of the use of the gold Ufa phase totem, his face was pale as paper, without a little blood, his hand holding the sword with a knife was shaking, although this time his meridian did not Fragmentation, but the pale face can feel that the energy in the body of Yi Yun is almost exhausted.

With this golden Ufa phase totem, only a little bit of time, even drained the vitality of Yi Yun.

Now Yi Yun, has been seriously overdrawn, even if the trick in the 32 words of the knife, he is afraid that it will not be able to send out, and then fight, there is no point.

Yi Yun used the sound to kill the knife to support the ground, breathing in the mouth, barely regulating the blood in the body.

Although there is a blood of healing medicine, but Yi Yun has already drunk a lot, and now it can absorb it.

Drinking it also has an effect. But it is absolutely impossible to restore his strength to a level enough to win this league title.

"He seems like... no..."

Not only the face, but others also found the situation of Yi Yun.

"The last time he didn't look too good. But still a sword killed Murong Guang."

In the player's seat of Yunlong Shenguo, someone quietly discussed.

At that time, Murong Guang thought that it was easy to get rid of Yi Yun. However, it was easily killed by Yi Yun, and the scene was really fresh.

Once I was bitten by a snake for ten years, I was afraid of the well rope. In particular, Yi Yun would almost kill Murong Guang, and let these Tianjiao people be chilly. In the face of Yi Yun, they have no confidence, no one wants to follow the footsteps of Rong Guang.

"Hey! This time he definitely consumes more! His method of totem is more terrible than that of the sword. He is only a purple blood peak. It is not bad to stand up after using this trick! Now Yi Yun , but it is the end of the strong, not enough fear!"

A purple boy looked at Yi Yun and said proudly.

At this moment, Yi Yun on the gods' table was suddenly shaking, and the weight of his whole body was pressed against the sound knife, allowing him to spit out a blood.

The shocking blood stained the icy purple tungsten steel floor.

"Yi Yun!"

Chu Xiaoyu and others. Seeing this scene is extremely worrying.

"He spit blood, haha!" The purple boy who spoke before, saw this scene laughing, his eyes sparkling with excitement. He looked back at his companion and his expression was also very proud.

"I said it, he can't. You don't believe it!"

Others looked at each other and then someone nodded: "Yes. Yi Yun should not be able to do this. This is our opportunity."

"Hey! Just said the seven-star tower's main voice. This Yiyun has such a trace that it may become the great emperor. In fact, I don't believe that he can become a great emperor, but even if he became a great emperor, it is not in our youth, it is not in our hands. on?"

"That's right, beat the young emperor, I am excited to think about it. In the future, we can all say that we can defeat the young emperor, hahaha!"

Under the encouragement of the purple boy, many Yunlong Shenguo teenagers were so excited that they couldn’t wait to beat Yi Yun.

"Yi Yun, I challenge you!"

The purple boy's big model went to the gods' desert, and looked at Yi Yun's eyes with a sly look.

At this time, Yi Yun’s ear rang the sound of the glory of the sky: “Yi Yun, don’t be challenged by him. This person seems to be a fool. In fact, he is very strong. Among the ten remaining people in Yunlong Shenguo, he I am afraid that I can rank in the third and fourth. Now, you can't be his opponent. You can admit defeat. If you don't want to speak, I can admit defeat on your behalf."

Cang Yan is afraid that Yi Yun is young and prosperous, and rushes to fight against this shameless person. In that case, the other side is in the middle of the heart. Once they fight, the other party will definitely display various means to seriously damage Yi Yun.

Although there is a glory in the face, Yi Yun will not have the worry of life, but Yi Yun as the first person of the Tai A Shen Kingdom, was beaten by such people, Cang Yan will feel very upset.

Yi Yun was silent and did not answer.

This purple boy, because of his age, is afraid to be stronger than Junyue!

Now Yi Yun, who is better than Junjun, is too reluctant.

"I am Murong Fei, remember my name, because you will be defeated by me. Even if you achieve great achievements in the future, you can't change this fact. It's like the woman I've been to, even if she is in the future." I was also used by me, hahahaha!"

The purple boy laughed happily.

He guessed that Yi Yun might surrender, but how can he surrender?

If Yi Yun surrenders, then he can't beat Yi Yun, and he can't be the person who defeated the young emperor.

He can ignore whether Yi Yun is suffering or not. Anyway, he will overcome Yi Yun and become a fact. In the future, he will boast of capital regardless of his family or his circle.

The character who is known as the young emperor is defeated by him, and it is cool to think about it!

[A few days in Japan, I encountered an earthquake. Although the magnitude is very small, but the 30-story building is shaking, I still feel a little shocked. There are indeed many things in Japan during these days, and there is an incomparable code word. The state of meditation, in fact, I have worked very hard, but in the gap between the work to update, the brain is not clear enough, the heart is not quiet, time is not much, the efficiency is very low. 】

... (to be continued.)

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