True Martial World

Chapter 349: It’s mine, I can’t hide

The wind whistling, the ridiculous, above the long sky, the city **** of Tai A, and the shepherd boy looked away.

Tai Acheng, at this time in the nostrils of the tortoise, he felt that the nostrils of the tortoise were like two huge craters, spewing a hot and violent airflow.

The middle-aged scribes felt that in his life, 90% of the time was spent in the wild, but he did not know that God had such a horrible behemoth. This has to be said to be a sad thing.

"Human, do you seem to have something to say to me?" The shepherd boy took the bamboo flute and stood up from the head of the tortoise. He smiled and looked at the middle-aged scribe. "You are very good, under the pressure of the dragon turtle, It can still be taken for granted, and it is extremely rare for your cultivation!"

At this time, the middle-aged scribe was holding a long sword, and the clothes on his body were screamed by the wind.

"The dragon turtle is really spirit..." The middle-aged scribe gently shook his head. "It turns out that when I walked the gods, I heard people mention the Taikoo true spirit."

"The ancient relics, useful for the blood of the ancient sacred beast, but it is extremely thin, so it is called the relic. And the ancient and the true spirit, the blood in the body is much richer than the ancient relics, and even manifested the ancient sacred beast, The form that the beast has, so it is called the true spirit."

"The dragon tortoise is the descendant of the dragon turtle..."

The rumored dragon tortoise is a kind of mythical beast. It grows to be the leading tortoise. It is one of the nine dragons.

The dragon tortoise is huge and powerful, and can bear a star!

"Yes, although I was born in this place of partiality, but you have a lot of knowledge." Shepherd always smiles.

"You...not human?" The middle-aged scribe looked at the shepherd boy and asked, he had long suspected.

The shepherd boy shook his head gently. "No, I was born in the abandon! The appearance is the same as that of human beings. The only difference is that we can communicate with the wild animals."

Abandoned! Communicate with the wild beast!

Many warriors on the wall have never heard of this race.

But middle-aged scribes know that in this world, there is more than one race of human race, the scale of other races, and some even more than humans!

"The abandon... This is the case, I can ask you, why do you want to kill me too?"

"Because I have to do one thing..." The shepherd boy shook his head slightly. "I don't want to destroy Tai A. However, it is unfortunate that these countries around the gods have prevented me from doing this, so I can only destroy it." It!"

The shepherd boy said this in an understatement. On the wall of the city of God, people listened to their hearts. In order to do one thing, they must destroy several countries! ?

You must know that among the great powers around the gods, there are hundreds of millions of creatures! He just said an understatement, it is necessary to kill it all! ?

"What do you do for yourself, killing hundreds of millions of creatures?" The middle-aged scribes sank and clenched their swords.

"How about that?" The shepherd boy scorned Piccolo. "Born by all things to support people, there is no one to report the heavens! Human beings bear the gift of nature, but the consideration is always self-interest."

"You are infinitely demanding, hundreds of millions of human beings will ask for more. Do you want to survive, do you not kill other creatures every moment, and kill more than you humans themselves?"

"The world is not benevolent, everything is a dog, in front of a higher heaven, human beings, no difference with pigs and dogs, you slaughter other creatures, because you are strong, there are other creatures that kill you, because they are stronger, this can It is said to be part of the law of the survival of the inferior."

"Don't say it's you, even the big world will collapse... It's the heavens."

The shepherd boy said frankly, the middle-aged scribes heard a glimpse of the heart. Although he did not want to admit it, he had to say that the shepherd boy said that there is a certain truth.

In the face of higher heavens, how about killing hundreds of millions of creatures? The impact of two stars will kill hundreds of millions of creatures!

However, who can say that the stars are cruel?

"So, we have nothing to talk about." The middle-aged scribe sighed.

"The annihilation will always be extinguished..." The shepherd boy said faintly. "If you wait to leave, you may live. I appreciate you. Your life should not be there."

"I can't leave... it's mine, I can't hide." The middle-aged scribe took out a long sword, a four-foot sword, and the cold mangage seemed to solidify the sun.

At the wall of the city, the seven-star tower owner also sighed and took a spear from the space ring.

Everyone has foreseen the hardships of this war. This is a deadly battle. Many of them are destined to die here!

"Yi Yun, I will take you away!"

Just when the sword was arrogant, Yi Yun’s ear came to the air of the yang.

"What?" Yi Yun stunned, and at this time, Cang Yan's hand has seized the shoulders of Yi Yun, not only Yi Yun, but also the knives, Yang Gan, including the white dragon of the Yunlong Shenguo, Fenglin, Qianshui And others, there are law enforcement agents, elders, ready to take them away.

"We... don't fight?"

Thousands of water fat people trembled and said, his voice is obviously awkward, he is a teenager after all, why have you experienced such scenes?

In the face of the shepherd boy, facing the huge dragon turtle, the fat man said that he is not afraid of the fact that it is a fake, the existence of this level, not waved himself, it will become gray!

The fat man is very tangled.

On the one hand, he actually didn't want to stay in the city of Tai A, if it could smear on the soles of his feet, it would be best.

But he really let him escape, he can't pull this face again, after all, there are still many people on the city!

"You have been sent to death in vain. It doesn't make any sense. The city owner yelled at me before. If you can't keep it, I will take you out of here!"

No matter which force, the younger generation is the future, how could it be sacrificed in vain.

If their country is destroyed, with the younger generation who may grow up in the future, there are still a few points that may be rebuilt in the future.

Yi Yun, Bai, and Feng Lin are silent. Everything has emotions and rationality. They are not willing to escape, but they will only die without meaning.

It was a fat and fearless look of a thousand fat people. He bit his teeth and said: "We are also warriors. How can we leave our predecessors to fight here, we can't go!"

Thousands of water fat people are righteous and sorrowful, Cang Yan is not angry with the white water and a thousand eyes, others become old, how can you not pay attention to just now, fat face is scared?

"Then you stay, let others go."

Cang Yan is too lazy to talk nonsense with this timid fat man. At this time, you must race against time, otherwise you will be afraid that these arrogant people will not be able to go.

Thousands of fat people suddenly became dumb, and he opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

Yi Yun looked dignified. At this time, he still had a heart to ridicule Qianshui. He worried: "Chouyan predecessors, let us go, are you ready?"

"Hey!" Yi Yun said half, Cang Yan interrupted Yi Yun's words, "The crow mouth, can live, who wants to die?"

"In these years, Tai A Shencheng has accumulated a large number of barren relics and strategic reserves. With the large array of tombs and tombs, it can still be blocked for a while. Our sages and lords cannot retreat. Tai A Shencheng is an intercepting animal. The fortress of the natural danger, lost the kingdom of Tai A, the animal tide into the hinterland of the Tai Afghan country, there is no more barriers, you can go forward."

"Although I want to sneak out, but I have lived a lot of age, I have to have this old face. The kingdom of God has made my sages realm. I have not lived for a few years, and this is not a disadvantage! You are different. You survive and are the greatest value to the kingdom of God!"

When Cang Yan said it, she suddenly smiled heartily. "******, the dead bird is in the sky, not dead for thousands of years. What is it, what is it, then, Laozi is not necessarily dead!"

Cang Yan said that he felt like he was talking about his last words and fanning his own mouth. "Mom, how to say the more outrageous, according to the plan of the city, we are still very likely to survive! Now , you are going!"

Cang Yan said, with an elder of Yunlong Shenguo, began to arrange the evacuation of young pilots.

Now, it’s really not the time to be emotional. Although there are big guards in the city of God, who knows, can this big array bear the impact of the dragon and the true spirit?

Staying, you may even be distracted by the owner of the Taishen City and the Seven Stars Tower. When you have to take time to protect them, it will be worth the loss!

"On the first floor of the central tower, the short-distance transmission array has been set up. After the transmission, there will be floating boats waiting for you!"

Not only Yi Yun, Bai and other Tianjiao, but other trials of Tai A Shencheng are also arranging evacuation. More than 95% of the people, such as the one-year tester like Wenyu, had already arranged to leave as early as a month ago.

Originally left Yi Yun, Bai and other Tianjiao, is thinking about letting them see the scene of the animal tide when possible, and more experience.

It’s just that the development of things has exceeded the expectations of the four major sages, and the experience in the animal tide has become an impossible thing.

The transmission array is in front of us, and the original testers left the transmission array one by one. Luo Huo’s sneaky crowds are in the crowd. She leads Xiao Xiaodong, and she wants to get into the transmission array with her head down. .

And just as she walked to the front of the transmission array, she suddenly heard a dry cough.

"Luo girl, please stay."


Luo Huoer was shocked and turned his head to look at it. Cang Yan was smiling at himself.


Luo Huoer felt that the old man’s smile was somewhat unpleasant.

"Sorry, the city owner specifically told me that you can't leave the girl."

"Why?" Luo Huo is speechless, anyone can go, but he can't go?

Cang Yan is also helpless. If it is not a last resort, how can a group of sages go to a girl?

"Luo girl, it is a last resort to do this. If you say it... Luo girl should have a way to ask the family for help..."

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