True Martial World

Chapter 350: go away

Cang Yan is sure that Luo Huoer is of extraordinary origin, and Luo Huoer himself seems to be in a low status in her family.

In this case, her family should not let her alone come to Taishen City without Luo Huoer's unprotected.

Luo Huoer should have any means to save his life. If this life-saving means is not enough for the shepherd boy, then Luo Shaoer should be able to disclose information to the family a few months ago, so that people can protect her. .

At this time, the Tai's Kingdom of God, already like a drowning person, any possible life-saving straw must be seized.

Although it is said that it is extremely unlikely that Luo Huoer will save the Taishen City, it is better than no hope.

I mentioned this to a little girl from Luo Huoer. The sages of Tai’s City, such as the sword songs, no one can pull this face down, so this task is gloriously falling on the thickest face of the face. It is.

"Family? What family?" Luo Huer's eyes slid and turned, a puzzled look.

Yi Yun also stopped at this time, looking back to Luo Huoer and Cang Yan, Cang Yan apparently expected that Luo Huoer would be stupid, he coughed, smashed his hand and said: "Luo girl, this time Don't make a joke with the old ones. The life of so many people in Tai's City can be gambled on it. If it is not the case, the old man will not lose his old face to mention these with you..."

"People are dead, we old guys, anyway, for a few years, they will catch up, but behind us, there are hundreds of millions of people, among them newly married couples, just born children ......"

"You don't want to look at these people, you are so dead in the beast. At that time, there will be many human tragedies..."

Cang Yan said sincerely, Yi Yun listened at the side, and had to admit that Cang Yan had a lot of speech skills. Now it seems that Luo Huoer turned his head and turned into a big rebellion.

And... This is the transmission array of the Taishen City, and it is necessary for two law enforcements to make the control start. If Luo Huoer has nothing to say, I am afraid that Cang Yan will not let Luo Huoer go.

The hard-lived left Luo Huoer in the Tai'an City, the family of Luo Huoer will not die.

Luo Huoer apparently realized this. She bit her lip and said: "Chouyan predecessors, I don't want to help you... but... I can't help, you guessed it well, I did come up with a A lot of power, but you think that I have a master who is personally protected and wrong..."

"You think that since I was born into a big force, why should I come to the place of Tai's Kingdom?"

Luo Huoer asked a question, Yi Yun stunned, and he was strange.

"Actually... I came to flee, the family is in the midst of war, and the storms are so tumultuous. So a few years ago, the family members of the family were assigned to family divisions around the world to prevent the family from being shattered and passed down."

"And the Tai A Kingdom of God, there is just a branch, so ... I was brought here. If it is the family's heyday, if I go out to practice, maybe there are masters to protect me, but now... where is it? As for the secret division of the family in the Tai's Kingdom, even if they are willing to expose it, they are afraid that they will not be able to stop such a beast..."

Luo Huoer said something, Cang Yan listened, the whole person has been stunned for a long time.

After a full amount of interest, Cang Yan sighed as if he had become more old.

"Is it... So, is it really going to kill me?"

Cang Yan shook his head, although he did not have any hope in Luo Huoer, but when he learned that Luo Huoer couldn’t help him a little, Cang Yan still felt a heavy heart.

Once Tai A Shencheng fell, Cang Yan could not imagine how the A-God Congress, the once-popular imperial capital, one after another prosperous state, will be extinct and eventually become part of the gods?

When I think of it, Cang Yan is very heavy.

"Let's go." Cang Yan waved his hand, no longer difficult to Luo.

Luo Huoer bit his lip, inexplicably feels awkward, although this matter is actually not related to her, but she still blames herself.

After thinking about it, Luo Huoer seemed to make a great deal of determination. He took out a jade slip from the space ring and stuffed it into the hands of Cang Yan.

"Cangyan predecessors, this is the father left to me, a avatar jade Jane used to save his life when you are in danger. You may be useful if you keep it. I am gone. Now the Taishen country has something wrong, the family division may be Take me out of here..."

The family of Luo Huoer was originally a passenger of the Tai’s Kingdom, like a bird that fell on a tree.

When the tree is going to fall, the bird cannot go to hold the big tree, it will only fly away.

The light of the transmission array flashed, and when Yi Yun left, the mood was extremely heavy.

He doesn't know how the Taishen City will be, Cang Yan, Jian Ge, Tai A Shencheng City Lord, what will they do if they stay here?

And Yi Yun himself, although he returned to the Taiguo Kingdom. However, if the Taishen City falls, is there a safe place in the Kingdom of God?

Yi Yun is very clear, with his current strength, in this super-beast wave of several countries, he is like a small bubble in the big waves of the sea, not only can't do anything, but it can be shattered at any time.

It seems that... there is no way to go...

Yi Yun and Luo Huoer together, out of the transmission array, here has stopped a floating flying boat, a lot of young Tianjiao, all on the floating boat, ready to withdraw the Tai A Shen Guo.

Yi Yun saw Yang Gan and Yao Yao.

No one spoke, the atmosphere was unusually depressed.

Luo Huoer sat in the corner and was a little lost.

Yi Yun sighed and sat next to Luo Huoer.

The flying boat was started. In the strong air current, the flying boat vibrated again and again, and the body of Luo Huoer swayed with this vibration.

"Yi Yun... You said... Why do you have a war?"

When the flying boat flew, Luo Huoer suddenly said faintly, and she looked out of the window and looked ridiculous and confused.

If it is not a war, she will not leave the family. If it is not a war, it will not be a charcoal.

Yi Yun was silent for a while and said: "The killing between people and people is like preying on animals. The scene will always be so cruel. Real peace will probably never exist. Because life exists in this world, It is necessary to constantly hunt and eat other lives to survive. Heaven is like this."

"We are either a predator or a predator. We can't jump out of this cycle. Even if we die, the body may become food or nourishment and continue into this cycle... This is probably the nature of life..."

Yi Yun was impressed, Luo Huer listened, slightly stunned, she was just asking questions, just like talking to herself, but she did not want to, Yi Yun gave such an answer.

She did not think that Yi Yun, a fourteen-year-old boy, would say such things.

"Just casually." Yi Yun shrugged and said again, "We still think about it, how to live."

"Live?" Luo Huoer grinned. "I should... leave... In fact... I can talk to the family and take you with you..."

Luo Huoer is in the city of Tai A, and there are no friends except for some stupid winter children.

Yi Yun, the guy who originally thought that Luo Huoer felt very annoying, when it was now a matter of life and death, Luo Huoer felt that he was not so annoying...


Yi Yun felt a tremor, and for a time, he was almost intent.

If you can follow the Luohuoer to leave the Tai's Kingdom, it will be safe.

But... once I left the Kingdom of Tai, I don’t know what year and month to come back.

Think of Cang Yan, remembering the enthusiasm of the Tai A Shencheng city owner, Yi Yun feels that he can't do this kind of thing anyway.

He grew to the point of today, relying on the resources of the Tai Afghan Kingdom.

He now has to withdraw from the interior of the Kingdom of God, but if you leave a lot of people in disregard of the battle of life, but they are fleeing, it is really a white-eyed wolf.

What's more, Yi Yun and her sister Jiang Xiaorou are in Tiandu City, and Zhou Xiaoke and Wang Auntie are close friends. Yi Yun can't leave them and let them die in the beast.

Back to the Tai God Kingdom, there may be room for the peaks and turns. After all, so many people are working hard, how can he escape?

"No, I will stay."

Yi Yun still refused this proposal that made him feel a moment, Luo Huo licked his lips and finally said nothing.

She knows that people in the family branch must know that the animal tides that the shepherd boy has set off are much more terrifying than originally expected.

In this case, the family division should send someone to pick her up.

In the quiet atmosphere, the floating boat flies through the gods and flies to the hinterland of the Tai's Kingdom.

The flight of this road, through a large transmission array, one after another bustling city, was thrown behind the floating boat.

Yi Yun knows that once the beast booms, these cities will become ruins.

The residents in the city are basically unable to have the opportunity to evacuate, the city's transmission array, want to transmit tens of millions of people, that energy can not afford.

“Where are we going?” Someone couldn’t help but ask when a law enforcement passed.

"Tiandu City!" Enforcement answers.

"Heavenly? Why go to Heaven?" People thought that they would go to the Imperial City.

The Imperial City is the most powerful city in the world except the Tai A Shen Shen.

The law enforcement said: "Heaven is the closest city to the cloud. If the city of Tai A is unstoppable, the imperial city will not do it. At that time, we can only bring you into the cloud and hide into some hairless. Land, the cloud shortage is much safer than the gods."

Hiding into the cloud?

Yi Yun stunned, this is probably the last choice.

However, when the beast tide erupted on all sides, cloud waste is one of the gathering places of wild animals, is it really safe?

But no matter what, at least back to Tiandu City, he can see his sister Jiang Xiaorou.

His fiefdom is in Tiandu City.

In this troubled world, I can see Jiang Xiaorou first, and it is a blessing in misfortune.


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