True Martial World

Chapter 351: Tiandu

Tiandu City, the largest city in Jingzhou, Taizhou.

Tiandu City is close to the cloud shortage. When Yiyun came out from the cloud, the first stop was Tiandu.

When the floating boat floats above Tiandu City, Yi Yun stands next to the porthole and overlooks the bustling city below.

Unexpectedly, I walked out of the cloud and went through the heavens to the Tai A Shrine. After a year and a half, he returned to the capital, and then returned to the cloud through the heavens.

This is really from, back.

The only difference is that Yi Yun’s current strength is no longer the same.

However, it is a pity that in the face of the huge beast that is enough to destroy several gods, Yi Yun is still powerless.

The floating flying boat landed on the high platform of Tiandu City. Such a huge flying boat, even in the prosperous city of Tiandu, is rare. People have stopped and watched this huge flying boat, full of novelty.

Tiandu, still a thriving scene, at this time in the morning, Yi Yun can see the early traders on the street, see the owner of the shop is preparing to open the door, see the old man with a goatee, sit Sunbathe under the tree.

More and more people are going to the streets, or leisurely, or busy, starting their day.

They still don't know the news of the beast.

Do not say that it is the capital, even if it is the Imperial City, I do not know the news.

Now, knowing that the beast has erupted, Tai A Shencheng is unable to resist, and only the royal family, the capital family, and many hidden families are clear.

This news cannot be made public, otherwise the world will be chaotic.

The hundreds of millions of civilians in the city of Tai A, there is no possibility of evacuation. Under desperation, they may attack the army. A siege between Tuen Mun and major cities.

At that time, the people can't escape. The Kingdom of God will also be paralyzed.

At present, everything that the Tai’s Kingdom can do is to block the tide of the beast at all costs. It is really unstoppable, and they have to transfer the hopes of the future of the Kingdom of God to the cloud.

As for the people of the country of God, they can only let it go.

"Yi Yun, I am leaving..."

After the landing of the flying boat, Luo Huoer said to Yi Yun, she has received news from the family branch. I have to leave the Kingdom of God.

"Go well." Yi Yun nodded.

"Goodbye." Luo Huer looked at Yi Yun, what he wanted to say, after all, he simply said these four words. By her side, Xiao Xiaodong, also looked at the eyes with a pair of black lacquered eyes. cloud.

"Yi Yun brother, you have to live."

Xiaodonger said.

"Well. Yes." Yi Yun Zhan Yan Yixiao.

The current situation really makes him a little sad.

The old people are different, the country is facing disaster, and the predecessors of the teachers are alive and dead...


Luo Huoer left, Yi Yun was alone in the streets of Tiandu, stepping on the thick bluestone road under his feet, the morning dew. Also on these bluestones. The moss in the cracks of the stone is also extraordinarily green.

These are the bluestones. I don't know how many people of different colors have witnessed how many prosperous sufferings, joys and sorrows, and each of them is like a thick history book, bearing the long history of Tiandu City from the time of construction to the present.

However... such a history may be cut off soon.

The laughter and flowers on these streets will no longer be.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun is not.

There are more and more pedestrians on the street. Yi Yun saw an old woman pushing a pancake cart to sell pancakes and saw a little girl picking sugar candied fruit on her toes.

It's hard to believe that these simple people, maybe a few months later, will become a pile of white bones...

Poor them, still do not know that the disaster is coming, this has to be said to be a kind of sorrow, as the sorrow of all beings.

"I want to go back home, my home is here."

Yi Yun said to the law enforcement not far behind him.

"Well?" Law enforcement made a sigh of relief. I didn't expect Tiandu City to be Yiyun's home. The army had military discipline. At this time, the orders they received were collectively on standby, waiting to stay, or withdrawing from the cloud.

If the army is dispersed, not only may there be an accident, but it may also leak the news.

Originally, law enforcement did not want to agree. However, Yi Yun’s identity was special. He thought about it and said: “Go early and go back early, remember, don’t reveal the news of the beast! This is a military order!”

"I know." Yi Yun nodded. Although he couldn't bear to see these civilians dying in ignorance, even if they told them, they didn't help. The city did not abandon them. Many sages and lords were fighting and sacrificing them. At the time, manpower is hard to turn against the sky!

"Enforcement makes adults..." Yi Yun hesitated, and said, "If I want to evacuate the cloud, can I bring a few people..."

Yi Yun could not leave Jiang Xiaorou here, and Zhou Xiaoke, he could not bear the lovely little girl buried in the belly of the wild animal.

The law enforcement made a slight brow, "Do the people you want to bring are warriors or mortals?"

He has roughly guessed that Yi Yun wants to bring more than half of his family.


"Okay..." Law enforcement is not an accident. Yi Yun is a civilian, and his family is naturally a mortal.

"You can bring, but ... only a few people, you know, we are very troublesome if we withdraw from the cloud and bring mortal words."

"Hmm... thank you."

Yi Yundao thanked him and went to the Yunyun Mountain Villa.

I have to see Jiang Xiaorou, Yi Yun is like an arrow.

Jiang Xiaorou is the only relative of Yi Yun to this strange world. When Yun Yun and Yi Yun still have no power, on that hard day, he is dependent on Jiang Xiaorou.

At the Yunyun Mountain Villa, a hundred miles away from Tiandu City, Yiyun arrived at half an hour.

Seeing this big house seems to be more glamorous than when Yi Yun left.

The door of Zhu Qi, the bright bronze nails, and the two mighty big stone lions that are squatting at the door look very powerful.

"Stand up, who?"

The two family members of the gatekeeper did not recognize Yiyun at all. They called Yi Yun, but Yi Yun did not answer them at all. He flashed and went directly to the interior of the villa.

The two family members were still standing in the doorway, and the people disappeared in an instant. They looked at each other and almost thought that they had just been blind.

Inside the mansion, there is a red brick and green tile, a plant with a hundred years of trees covering the sun, and a pavilion towering between the mountains and rivers, all kinds of garden scenery, beautiful.

Yi Yun didn't want to look at these things. He knew Jiang Xiaorou's place of residence, and he listened to the sounds. Within a hundred meters of the circle, even the sound of the worms and the sound of the clouds was heard clearly.

He quickly locked the position of Jiang Xiaorou, and the figure flashed again. Yi Yun came to an elegant garden.

In this small courtyard, Yi Yun saw that a green girl was holding a flower pot and was watering the flowers.

Yi Yun recognized it at once, this green girl is her sister Jiang Xiaorou.

After a year and a half of time, there was exquisite food and care in the Jooyun Mountain Villa. Jiang Xiaorou became more and more slim, and no longer had the appearance of green scorpion. Her skin became more smooth and delicate, like a gelatin jade and a full body. Full of youthful atmosphere.

"Little Sister!"

Yi Yun screamed. At this time, he felt a lot of emotions in his heart. He thought that after he went to Taishen City, he would become the dragon of the people, and then he would return to his hometown, and seal his sister to a county magistrate, or the wife of the commander. Stable through the days of the aristocratic lady, if there is a chance, then ask the sister for some panacea, repair a certain martial arts realm, youthful resident.

However, I did not expect that although he shined in the city of Tai A, but failed to return to his hometown, he returned to the capital, actually came to escape.

It’s really making people.

"Cloud... Yuner?" Jiang Xiaorou saw this sudden appearance, a teenager who was half a head taller than her, could not believe her eyes.

Although Yi Yun grew taller and his body was stronger, but he grew up from a young age, even if the cloud became more and more, Jiang Xiaorou could recognize it at a glance.

However, she couldn't believe that Yi Yun would suddenly go home, and no news was received before.

"It’s a cloud!"

Jiang Xiaorou was overjoyed. She lost her flower pot and walked a few steps to Yi Yun’s body.

"got taller."

Jiang Xiaorou touched Yi Yun's face, his eyes were moist, and when Yi Yun left, there was no Jiang Xiaorou Gao. Now, besides his face is a little childish, the others are completely adult.

For Jiang Xiaorou, she actually didn't care how much Yiyun had achieved. What martial arts had reached, as long as Yi Yunping came back safely, she could look at Yi Yun more and she would be content.

"Little Sister, I have something to say to you." Yi Yun hurried.

"What is so urgent?" Jiang Xiaorou is a sensitive woman. She suddenly came back, and she was overjoyed. But think about it, the trial of the city of God is not over yet, Yi Yun suddenly crossed the distance of a few million miles away, and there was no news before, which is somewhat unusual.

Now I saw the expression of Yi Yun, and it seems that something is wrong. Jiang Xiaorou’s look is solemn.

"The house said." Yi Yun pulled the hand of Jiang Xiaorou, even if it was a person from the Yunyun Mountain Villa, Yi Yun could not take it all away. He could bring only a few places...

[The transitional plot is not easy to write, it’s a bit late]

... (to be continued.)

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