True Martial World

Chapter 352: The dawn of hope

In Jiang Xiaorou's boudoir, Yi Yunbu placed a simple sound-insulating energy layer and told Jiang Xiaorou about the original book of the animal.

Jiang Xiaorou listened more and more shocked, Yi Yun said, it is like a fantasy.

A dragon turtle with a high altitude? How big is that?

When Jiang Xiaorou lived in the cloud, she heard about the animal tide more than once, but she never encountered it. Today, she heard the animal tide from Yi Yunkou, but I did not expect that this is actually a super beast that is enough to destroy the entire Tai A Shen Guo Kingdom.

How big is the kingdom of Tai A, Jiang Xiaorou has a clear concept in the past year, so a vast country is going to destroy the country? This sounds incredible.

"Little Sister, I just said, you can't tell others, you should go back to the military camp with me, bring Zhou Xiaoke, Wang Auntie, Zhou Dashu... This is probably the limit number that I can take away. ”

Four places, Yi Yun believes that law enforcement can still be accommodating.

Yi Yun does not know how to go to the cloud, and what will happen to his fate. Then a huge country of God, tormented to a barren land like the cloud, is it necessary to become a cloudless tribe in the future?

It is ironic to think about a big **** country and finally become a tribe.

"Only four people?" Jiang Xiaorou listened to his heart, those who were left behind, what should they do?

She knew that she couldn't change all of this and just nodded: "I... I know..."

Jiang Xiaorou, along with Yi Yun, lived in the Jinlongwei military camp. Now the Jinlongwei military camp has become a temporary residence for the Taijia Shencheng Tianjiao.

The beast tide is on the way, Yan Longlong and other Yi Yun’s Jinlongwei old boss have been transferred to the front line for arming.

For a few days, the atmosphere in the military camp was extremely suppressed, and people were waiting for orders to come, as if they were waiting for the trial of fate.

And this day... The order finally came, but it was not to go to the cloud, but... to rush to Chuzhou City.

Go to Chuzhou City?

People are not clear, so I don’t know what they can do in Chuzhou City at this time.

Chuzhou City is not close to the cloud shortage, but it is closer to the gods. Is it too arrogant?

People can't help thinking this, this is the result they most want to see.

Yi Yun slightly frowned after learning the destination. He heard of Chuzhou City, which is the territory of Chu Wangfu, the largest city in Chuzhou where Chu Wangfu is located.

Yi Yun’s impression of Chu Wangfu is not good. Yang Yuefeng and Yang Dingkun, who used to have hatred with him, are from Chuwangfu.

In any case, the order is the order, Yi Yun follows the crowd and flies to Chuzhou City.

Jiang Xiaorou and others were also brought to Yi Yun.

Next, it’s a boring journey. These days, they are all running, don’t know what the future is....

The flying boat passed the transmission array again and again, and Chuzhou City was just around the corner.

At this time, on the deck of the flying boat, people saw another flying boat flying in the air, in parallel with them.

This is a floating boat that people have never seen before. It does not belong to the Tai Afghan Kingdom, nor does it belong to other major forces.

The main body of the flying boat is dark and the surface is engraved with complicated red runes. With the flight of the flying boat, these runes are rhythmically flashed again and again, revealing a mysterious and ancient feeling.

Obviously, the red rune is a mysterious array of methods. However, the law enforcement of several proficient arrays responsible for the trip to Tiandu City cannot see through these formations.

The flying boat is about a hundred feet long, and the volume is not too big, but when you notice the keel of the flying boat, a law enforcement that is proficient in the wild is shocked.

"It's the keel of the ancient ribs!"

The shape of the main keel is a girders, and a lateral meniscus keel is formed around the girders.

This form is just like the sternum and ribs of a person.

If there is a giant Taikoo relic, take its sternum and ribs together to make the keel of the flying boat, the quality of the built flying boat can be imagined!

However, in fact, the corpses of the Taikoo relics are extremely precious, and there are relics of the bones. They are all used to refine the bones. Who is willing to use it to make a flying boat?

What's more, it is like a flying boat in front of you. It is a kind of Taikoo relics with a body length exceeding one hundred feet. It is a horrible existence that is going to ruin the earth and destroy the earth. If you want to hunt such a giant beast, you may not be able to do it!

"So precious treasures, used to make flying boats?"

Several law enforcement agencies are very surprised. There are also a few ancestors of Taikoo relics in the Tai's Kingdom, but they are already placed in the Temple of the Wild, which is used by the trials of Tai A Shencheng.

How can it be so extravagant to use it to make a flying boat?

"What is the power?"

People are puzzled, but in this distress, if there is any mysterious force, it will undoubtedly bring illusions and hopes.

At this time, the black flying boat accelerated to Chuzhou City and opened them.

"They are also going to Chuzhou City?"

"Look, there is a word at the end of the fly boat!"

People stared at it and saw the tail of the flying boat. With the ancient carcass, they wrote two big characters of blood red - Shen Tu!

Shen Tu family! ?

Could it be that……

After people saw this last name, they held their breath.

If you return a few months, no one knows what the Shentu family is on this flying boat.

But now, because of the reason of the shepherd boy, they are all clear!

The Shentu family is an ancient family in the Western Region. The foundation is deep and unimaginable, far beyond the Tai's Kingdom.

The first appearance of the shepherd boy was in the Western Region. He once set off a vast beast in the Western Region. At that time, the Shentu family resisted the beast.

Although a beast tide, the Shen Tu family was badly hurt, but ... they have withstood it!

A family has blocked the shepherd boy!

"It’s the Shentu family!!"

"The people of the Shentu family came, yes, they have hatred with the shepherd boy, we may be saved!"

Thinking of this history, people are overjoyed, and the shepherd boy and the Shentu family can be said to be endless. Now that the shepherd boy has appeared again, the Shentu family has sent people to come!

The enemies of the enemy are friends. At this time, the appearance of the Shentu family will undoubtedly bring a glimmer of light to the desperate Taishen Kingdom!

"Hahaha, that's great! It seems that we got the order to go to Chuzhou City this time, mostly because of the Shentu family!" The usual law enforcement, this time also because of excessive excitement, and high-fiving.

Although even if the Shentu family join, the war will be extremely difficult and bloody, but at least, they can see the hope of victory.

On the flying boat, Yi Yun also breathed a sigh of relief. If you don't have to escape to the cloud, it would be better.

"Down the boat!"

After landing in Chuzhou City, no one took care of the majesty of Chuzhou City. People got orders and immediately went to the main hall of Chuwang Mansion.

This time, they got the exact news. It was indeed the people of the Shentu family who came to help them to fight against the animal tide.

"There is a true feeling everywhere in the world. In this wild world, human forces are still very united!" A law enforcement said sincerely.

"Who said no, we are weak, we must unite, we can prosper, it’s great!"

The law enforcement of the team leader was very happy. They took the Tianjiao of the Tai’s Kingdom and went to see the messengers of the Shentu family.

Not every Tianjiao has this qualification.

Only Yi Yun, Yao Yao, Yang Gan, Chu Xiaoyu and others were selected.

Many people, looking at the eyes of Yi Yun and others are full of envy, can see the messenger of such an ancient and powerful family, it should be a very glorious thing.

Not only can you broaden your horizons, but you can also recognize some big people and get the appreciation of big people. The road in the future will be smoother.

There are all kinds of unexpected benefits!

Of course, although they are envious, they are also convinced, that is, Yi Yun, who are qualified to represent the face of the Tai Afghan Kingdom. If they go, they are not shameful before those of the ancient family.

"After a while, I have taken care of it. If the Shentu family tortured you, we must take it seriously and give the Tai A Shenguo a long face!"

A law enforcement slogan, just above the order, especially Yi Yun, can be regarded as the most unique seed of the Tai A Shen Guo.

The arrival of the ancient family messengers, to give them a good impression, let them know that they are too proud of the country, the strong generation, the young generation of Tianjiao extraordinary strength, very cooperative value.

"Yes, got it."

Yi Yun nodded. He knew that the meeting of the Shentu family in the Chuzhou city with the Tai A Shen Guo was too important. It can be said that it is about the fate of the Tai A Kingdom!

Whether the Tai’s Kingdom of God can survive this level depends to a large extent on the attitude of the Shentu family.

[Today is even more, tomorrow, three more, involving the main story, written a bit slow]


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