True Martial World

Chapter 353: Minami Tenko

The magnificent Chu Wangfu, the palace towers are stretched into pieces, especially the main hall Chuwangtai, which is towering and magnificent.

At this time, the sun sets, in the midst of the red sky, this sturdy Chuwangtai is plated with a golden brilliance, giving people a feeling of fairyland on earth.

Yi Yun followed the law enforcement. Before going to Chuwangtai, he saw the Shentu family's flying boat, which was parked in the square in front of the Chuwangtai, surrounded by the guards of the Shentu family.

These guards, each face is resolute, Confucius is powerful, the atmosphere is restrained, and the strength is difficult to estimate.

They are like a wooden stake standing there, motionless, and they are wearing a uniform system of the Shentu family armor, it seems that there is a majesty.

Yi Yun and others walked by them, and they also did not squint, obviously disciplined.

This made Yi Yun feel secretly shocked. He roughly estimated that the strength of these soldiers is not weaker than the instructor of Tai Ai Shencheng, but in Taishen City, the person who has reached this strength is already very free, and the status is Very high.

However, in the Shentu family, such people can only be soldiers and guards.

This is the difference between the big forces and the small forces. Although the same people are cultivated, the small forces will have more moisture, but they will lose more opportunities and resources, and their horizons will be narrower. Therefore, some people would rather serve the big forces, even if they Just be an ordinary soldier.

"The Shentu family has such military power, and the discipline is so strict that it is much stronger than the Tai A Shen Guo."

Yi Yun said secretly, he is more confident in resisting this beast.

Stepping into the gate of Chuwangtai, the main hall is solemn and solemn, all of which are grounded with pebbles. It is not only hard as steel, but also has beautiful patterns on the surface, which looks beautiful and noble.

Yi Yun saw that in the lobby, a young man dressed in a Chinese costume, wearing a green shirt and a headband hair band, his skin was white, the heavens were full, and his face revealed a healthy rosy color, faint, Yi Yun noticed that there was a hint of purple in this person's eyebrows.

Purple gas is coming from east, this is a natural and luxurious atmosphere.

The young man's dress looks very simple, his breath is calm and restrained, without any sense of publicity, but it makes people feel handsome.

On the side of the young people, the two old Chinese men wearing gold crowns are respectful to the young man.

Yi Yun noticed that although the two old men sat in the chair, they only sat for a third, and the waist was quite straight. This is a humble performance.

Yi Yun did not recognize the two old men, but looking at one of the old men, wearing a golden robes, Yi Yun knew his identity.

Jin Hao, said to be awkward, in fact, the same as the dragon, but the claw is less than a dragon, that is, four claws, so the golden dragon is also called the four-claw golden dragon.

In the Tai's Kingdom of God, only the people who seal the king can wear the four-claw golden dragon costume. Like Chu Xiaoying's father, Guogong, as the Duke, he is lower than the king of Chu, and he can't wear such clothes.

In other words, this old man wearing a gold jacket is Chu Wang himself!

The young man who can make the King of Chu so respectful, he was born in the Shentu family, and even in the Shentu family, he is afraid that his identity is not low. Yi Yun noticed that the king of Chu was from the heart. Respectful, not just because of the power behind him.

Except for the three people sitting in the hall, the rest stood.

Yi Yun saw that among these standing people, there are young girls wearing uniforms. These young girls are obviously born in the Shentu family, and may be the juniors of the Shentu family.

There are also many older followers and family members. All of them are headed by the young people in Tsing Yi.

"Southern Son, this is the younger generation of my younger generation, you see."

The king of Chu pointed to Yi Yun and others. The young people in Tsing Yi glanced at them casually, and their eyes stopped on Yi Yun.

"Not bad..." Nan Tiangong smiled and nodded. "When the country is in distress, you are born in this troubled world. It is unfortunate and fortunate. If you can survive, this will be your chance. Take care."

Nan Tiangong's faint evaluation, the sound is like the same clear spring, and many of the heavenly arrogances of the Tai's Kingdom have been flattered.

These days, these young girls have slowly learned how vast the world is. They live in a glimpse. In fact, they are very shallow.

Originally for the characters of the Nantiangongzi class, the genius of this small group of countries, I am afraid that there is nothing to pay attention to, it is insignificant, I did not expect that Nantian Gongzi actually evaluated a good sentence, but also gave them a lot of encouragement.

"This Nantian son has no shelves at all."

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to encourage us. It's an honor." Several young boys and girls, using the tone of the air to talk about it.

There are even girls who look at Nantian’s eyes with a hint of admiration and obsession.

Such a demeanor, superior strength, strong background of the sky, naturally easy to evoke the heart of the girl.

"This time, my family of Chu Wangfu, the sages of the Tai's Kingdom, and these arrogant teenagers, all listen to the Nantian son!"

Chu Wang respectfully said that this time the Tai A Shen Guo, the wind and the wind, and finally see the Shen Tu family such a life-saving straw, naturally must respect the Shen Tu family.

"Yeah." Nantian Gongzi faintly said, "I applied for the Tujia family to come to Taishen, this time, to clean up the animal tides that the shepherd boy picked up, and to settle the grievances. The second one is also to discuss some things with the Tai A Shen Guo. ”

When Nan Tianzi spoke, he turned his hand slightly, and a red gems appeared in his hand.

He picked up the jewel and swayed it all the people in the room. The jewel exudes a fascinating glow, watching it, and even feeling that his spirit is unconsciously trapped.

Many days of arrogance are scared, and I dare not look back.

"This is..." Chu Wang stunned, I don't know what Nantian is doing.

"Amazing Stones!" Nantian Gongzi faintly said, "The Terran is no different from the deserted, and the appearance can hardly distinguish the difference, and this reflection of the rock can feel the atmosphere of the abandonment, lest we have the **** of the wild! ”

Nan Tiangong said that the king of Chu changed his face. He smiled and said: "How is this possible? My Chuzhou City is far from the gods. Besides, these people are the geniuses cultivated by the Taishen City. It’s a desert..."

"Impossible?" Nantian Gongzi chuckled and stood up. "How many abandoners have you been exposed to? You just think about it, the traitors of the abandonment, cruelty and killing. On the way, I have already determined that your Chuzhou City, has been mixed into more than one abandoned!"

"I guess that the plan of the abandonment of the beasts to destroy the Taishen Kingdom has been prepared for a long time. As early as a few years ago, I was afraid that the abandoned people would be in the Tai's Kingdom and sent a lot of spies!"


When I heard that Nantian’s son was so determined, the people in the hall looked at each other, and the Tai’s Kingdom of God was mixed with the abandonment of the abandonment? And still a lot?

The abandoned people who originally thought of them basically equated with the shepherd boy, which is synonymous with powerful, mysterious, **** and cruel.

As for the other wild people, they never thought about it.

"But..." Nan Tian Gongzi turned his head. "I am surprised. With the strength of the shepherd boy, it is enough to destroy you. It is enough to rely on one's own strength. I don't understand why he has to send a fine in advance. I am afraid he The purpose of attacking the Tai's Kingdom is not that simple!"

Nan Tiangong was slightly indulged, revealing some thoughts.

Yi Yun listened to his heart. When he was in the city of Tai A, he saw the shepherd boy with the mighty beast to attack the city. At that time, the shepherd did say a word: "I want to do one thing...not to destroy Tai A, but unfortunately, these countries around the gods have prevented me from doing this, so I can only destroy it!"

This Nantian son, according to some clues, but also analyzed this point, he does have some skills.

Nan Tiangong said again: "You, remember, the blood of the abandon is silver! If you find someone with silver blood, report it to me immediately!"

"Although the deserts look like human beings, they are not human at all. They are essentially wild animals, cruel and bloodthirsty in the bones of the deserted people. They have no concept of pity, killing people like weeds!"

"So, you don't have to look at the abandoned people. The abandoned people are deadly enemies with human beings. Just like human beings are also deadly enemies with wild animals, it can be said that they are incompatible!"

"The silver blood of the deserted people has a great effect on us humans. The high-grade abandoned people have a much larger value than the ancient ones! And then, the blood of the king-level abandon, the ancients and the true spirits Can't catch up! And the king-level abandon is not the strongest in the abandon!"

"The most important point is that the blood of the abbots is gentle, and it will not wash the meridians like the blood of the ancients. who discovered the abandonment and reported it to me, there will be blood of the abandon I can give you some. So... I said, this war is a big chance for all of you, you understand why!"

Nan Tiangong’s remarks were made, and the young Junjie who was present was listening to the heart.

High-grade abandoned people, the value of their blood is more than the ancients?

Moreover, there are king-level abandons that are more than Taikoo true spirits.

What is the concept of Taikoo true spirit, when the shepherd boy led the beast tide to attack the city, the giant tortoise, so that everyone is shocking, that is the Taikoo true spirit!

To what extent is the value of Taikoo and the true spirit not comparable?

"Well, today, stop here, among us, there is no spy, from now on, close the gate, first check the rape!"

Nan Tiangong said, a confident smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Shepherd boy, this enemy who once smashed **** hurricanes in the Western Regions and even killed his father and mother, together with himself.

Now, he will be a shepherd boy, he knows, what is blood debt compensation!

[This is a chapter of more than six o'clock update. I don't know why it was swallowed by the starting point. There is a background, but the front is not found. The editors are off work. I have to change the 354 chapter updated at 9:30 to the content of the 353 chapter. Genuine reading is no problem. In other places, the order of the chapters may be chaotic, and the background of the starting point really makes me drunk. 】


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