True Martial World

Chapter 354: Spies (2)

Chuzhou City was sealed up, and people began to look for the barbarians from house to house.

Hundreds of uninhabited rocks were distributed, and the Shentu family, including the people of Chuwang, were looking for it. However, a few days later, a deserted family could not find it.

Some people suspect that Shen Tu Nantian is not nervous.

"I said yes, there is! I can't feel wrong. I have seen the purest **** wilderness, and I have taken the blood Dan of pure blood, and I have a vague sense of the existence of the desert. Now that I have sensed it, there must be a hermit lurking here, and you will continue to check!"

Shen Tu Nantian is extremely confident in his own judgment. The rock is not a panacea. When the strength of the abandonment reaches a certain level, he knows how to hide his breath. In that case, the shadow stone cannot be found. This is not surprising.

The more powerful, the purer the blood, the more valuable it is.

This time, the Shentu family came to several top masters, not afraid of the high strength of the abandon, but afraid that his blood is impure.

"Let me... take the blood of the high-ranking wilderness, use alchemy, and use their bodies to pay homage to the people who died that year."

Shen Tu Nan Tian gently touched the space ring, his eyes flashed a trace of cold, he used to kill the wild people as a wish, as long as the killing of the desert, then the wild beast will not form a super beast, it is not afraid It is.


"Is alchemy with the blood of the abandoned family..." In a small courtyard in the Chu Wangfu, Yi Yun sat on a bench and watched the leaves of the leaves fall from the centuries-old trees.

This looks like the courtyard where the former Chu Wangfu woman lived. There is also a swing in the yard. I don't know where the son-in-law went, and now I share it with Yi Yun and Jiang Xiaorou.

Now in Chuzhou City, there are many people coming in. Although the Chu Wangfu is big, it is almost full. Like Yi Yun, it is not easy to be able to be separated into a single-family house.

"You are very reluctant to use the wild blood alchemy?" Chu Xiaoying sat opposite Yiyun. These days, facing the animal tide, Chu Xiaoyu occasionally talked to Yiyun to ease the pressure.

She has not many friends in the city of Tai A, the prisoner is one, Yi Yun counts the second.

"How much is it, the abbots seem to be really like humans, using the blood of the abandoners to make alchemy, it feels uncomfortable..."

Yi Yunzhao discretionary words, although Shen Tu Nantian said that the wild people can not be seen as people, they should be regarded as a kind of wild animals.

Chu Xiaoyu said: "The cruel people are cruel and killing countless people. The shepherd boy looks like a neighboring teenager, but the bones are cruel to the extreme. The ancients said that they don’t share the hatred of the heavens. They use it to hate their flesh and drink their blood. 'To describe, so I think, it’s nothing.”

Chu Xiaoyu said that it is not unreasonable. Yi Yun thinks of a word from the previous life. "The ambition of hunger and hunger, and the laughter of thirst for the blood of the Huns", now Shen Tu Nantian’s hatred of the abandonment is probably similar to that of the famous Yue Fei. ......

"Right, you have to be careful about Yang Yuefeng and Yang Dingkun. They also returned to the Chu Wangfu. The Chu Wangfu is their site." Chu Xiaoyu suddenly remembered the feud between Yi Yun and the Chu Wangfu disciple.

"Well... I know, I will be careful."

In the Taishen City, due to the rules of the city of God, Yi Yun and Yang Yuefeng and others have hatred, but they can not each other.

But when I came to the Chu Wangfu, Yi Yun had to beware of some.

Fortunately, regardless of Yang Dingkun or Yang Yuefeng, they are only juniors in the Chu Wangfu, and they will not influence the decision of the Chu Wangfu people in their own will.

Yi Yun was thinking, suddenly heard a commotion from outside.

Ok? what happened?

Yi Yun condensed the gods and heard that some people were talking loudly. It seems that they caught the abandonment of the barbarians and prepared to go to Shentu Nantian for help.

"Catch the abandonment of the abandonment?" Chu Xiaoyu also heard the two people's arguments, a happy heart, stood up.

And beside Chu Xiaoyu, Yi Yun has a slightly changed face, how can it...

He flashed and rushed out of the small courtyard!


"This is a savage traitor? How could it be so weak... Nantian Gongzi is not saying, should the barbarians be strong?"

"Haha, let it be, it’s so bright, it’s definitely not wrong. We will report the news."

Both of them were the guards of the Chu Wangfu. One of them ignited a radio note and sent the message directly.

It was a hundred meters away from Yiyun’s small courtyard, and Yi Yun’s one was here.

And seeing the scene in front of him, Yi Yun was stunned.

Two five big three thick Chu Wangfu guard, surrounded by a green girl, the green girl, turned out to be her sister - Jiang Xiaorou! ! is it possible! ?

Yi Yun heartbeat stagnation, can't believe it!

"I... I am not a traitor, I am not..." Jiang Xiaorou curled up in the corner, and there was a fallen bamboo basket beside her. The fresh vegetables and eggs in the basket were scattered.

She originally went to the Chu Wangfu kitchen to receive some ingredients, ready to come back to cook for Yi Yun, but was stopped by the two guards. They are holding a stone that glows in red blood, and she insists that she is a spy of the desert.

"Hey, it will be installed!" A fraternal smirk, as a warrior of the Tai Ai Kingdom, knows the cause and effect of the animal tide, they can be described as hateful to the abandon.

There are no deserts, why are they so?

"See when you are loaded!" The guard raised his hand and a slap in the face of Jiang Xiaorou.

This fraternity is cultivated by Yuan Jijing. When he goes down, a big tree can be interrupted.

Seeing that the slap fell, Jiang Xiao softened into a ball, closed his eyes, and his heart was frightened and desperate.


Yi Yun's figure flashed, as a lightning bolt fell to the side of the guard. He reached out and grabbed the hand of the guard.

"You...what are you doing?" Yi Yunxin broke Yuanji, and his strength was far superior to that of his class. The pro-hander was caught by Yi Yun. His face changed slightly. He did not expect this boy to be so energetic. He used it. Darkness wants to get rid of Yiyun, but Yiyun's hand is just like iron casting. The more he breaks away, the more painful his wrist is.

He was a little scared, and he said guiltyly: "Do you want to cover the abandonment of the aristocrats?"

"Cloud... Yuner!"

Jiang Xiaorou opened his eyes and saw Yi Yun standing in front of her. She burst into tears.

"Yun, I am not a spy, I really are not..."

Jiang Xiaorou’s voice whispered, she was just an ordinary girl. She had thought that she would just take some ingredients and encounter such an attack.

"You are... Yi Yun?" A guardian recognized Yi Yun, Yi Yun's identity, still quite shocking.

"It turns out that you are Yi Yun... But what about Yi Yun? She is a savage savage, you can still cover it!"

Although he knew the identity of Yi Yun, the pro-defense was even more guilty, but he was almost lost when he was pinched. He still had resentment in his heart and attacked Yi Yun in his speech.

Yi Yun will protect Jiang Xiaorou behind him, his face is very unsightly. At this time, Chu Xiaoyan also came. "What the **** is going on..."

She naturally knows that Yi Yun has a mortal sister and heard the conversations of these people. It is difficult for her to believe that Yi Yun’s sister will be a desert, which is incredible.

However, she saw that in the hands of the two guards, there was a rock that was shining like a blood.

This means that there are indeed deserts around, and the distance is very close!

Yi Yun glanced at the reflection of the barren stone, feeling the red light shining in the rock, it was extremely dazzling.

He was silent, turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaorou, "Little Sister..."

"Yun, I am not a spy..." Jiang Xiaorou bit his lip, his face pale, and in the bright eyes of Jiang Xiaorou, Yi Yun can see his clear reflection.

He confirmed that the girl in front of her eyes was the little soft sister who came along with her. She was not disguised as a desert.

Holding the hand of Jiang Xiaorou, the feeling of intimacy and blending is not a strange wilderness, can be disguised.

"She is my sister." Yi Yun turned his head and looked at the two guards, saying one word at a time.

At this time, more and more people, many people heard the sound and rushed over here.

Many of them are the arrogance of Tai A Shencheng, including Yang Gan and Yao Yao.

One of the Chu Wangfu guards, holding his own wrist that has been pinched by Yi Yun, pointed to Jiang Xiaorou, and said to the people who came in all directions: "We caught a wilderness, that is her!"

Everyone's gaze fell on Jiang Xiaorou, and Jiang Xiaoru subconsciously stepped back.

She hasn't figured out what happened in the end, and the two fierce and sturdy brawny men just shook her in front of her with a red stone, and she insisted that she was a spy.

"She is a desert?"

Yang Gan frowned and looked at Yi Yun. For Yang Gan, how does Jiang Xiaorou do not matter, but Yi Yun’s attitude, he needs to consider some.

Yi Yun is silent, Jiang Xiaorou comes to mysterious, Yi Yun does not know what kind of family Jiang Xiaorou came from, just know that Jiang Xiaorou probably has a great background.

However... the desert?

Yi Yun remembered the bit by bit with Jiang Xiaorou, he still shook his head: "Impossible!"

When she was living in the cloud, Jiang Xiaorou once talked to Yi Yun about her childhood. Although she lost many memories in her childhood, she still remembers some fragments, including her previous life, reading and writing.

Those lives are described as not like the abandon with the wild animals.

What's more, the text of Jiang Xiaorou's meeting is also human's text, and Yi Yun knows that the wilderness has its own words.

Yi Yun’s earliest reading and writing was written by Jiang Xiaorou.

If Jiang Xiaorou was born in the abandonment, she was young, why should she learn the characters of the Terran?

"You said that it is impossible, it is impossible. The shadow stone will not make a mistake. If you don't believe it, we can verify it now. Before the Nantian son said, the blood of the abandon is silver, take a knife, let us see Look, the blood of this little girl is red or silver!"

The big man who had been swayed by Yi Yun suddenly had a flash of light, and proposed such a method. When people listened, they should all agree.

Yes, verify that the color of the blood is not enough?


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