True Martial World

Chapter 368: Blood of the abandon

The silver blood of the shepherd boy drooled down and fell into the fairy soil under his feet. It was absorbed by the fairy soil and did not drip onto the ground.

Looking at this **** fairy land, the elders of the Shentu family are all in a tight heart.


This island wonderland is the field of shepherd boy.

Many warriors have their own fields, and it is not unusual to have them in the field. However, the field of shepherd boy is obviously extraordinary. He has taken advantage of this field and has withstood seven masters, plus the combination of Wan Guidi!

"He was hurt and shed blood... The blood of the abandon is more precious than our human beings. Once it bleeds, it is not hurt!"

The blood of the abbots can be alchemy, which shows that their blood is precious.

Wan Ghost Emperor looked at the blood of the cowboy's mouth and smiled. "If you didn't guess wrong, we just made a joint blow. It has already made the deadly wheel in his body go, and my ghost bell should also hurt him." God!"

Wan Guidijun is very confident in his own attack on the evil spirits. He does not believe that when the shepherd boy is in a stalemate with him, he can still take the attack and be safe and sound.

"It's over, I'll wait for it!"

"Broken his field, you can kill him, use his wild blood to make alchemy, we can all divide!"

The old men of the Shentu family looked at each other and made up their minds.

The blood of the wilderness is precious and precious. Even if they can't let them break through the realm, they can develop their potential of life and let them prolong their lives.

The seven elders took the shot together, and various laws were fired. The power of the gods was soaring, like the colorful tides, and the field of the shepherd boy surged.


All the attacks fell on the field of Xiandao.

The field is violently trembled. On the island of Xiandao, the petals of peach blossoms are falling, such as **** rain, and the shepherd boy stands under the peach tree for a thousand years, and his face is indifferent.

Until the island was torn apart by powerful forces, there was a shocking crack on the ground.

People thought that the field was broken, and at this moment, the shepherd boy suddenly held the illusion sword, and on the palm of his hand, the illusion sword was stained with his silver blood.


The silver blood burns and turns into a white and innocent flame.

This flame shepherd boy used it before, and this time, with his blood as the guide, the power of the flame is no longer the same!


Behind the shepherd boy, there seems to be a thunderous roar of the sacred beast. This power is blessed on the shepherd boy. He is smashed out of the sword, and the order of the heavens and the earth is collapsed. Those elders who fight together to fight the spirit of power can not stop.

The gods collapsed, all the attacks were turned into nothing, and the shepherd boy’s sword of the flames drove straight in, like a broken bamboo!


An elder of the Shentu family screamed and was directly cut off!

The white flames swallowed, and the blood of the elders and the sea of ​​knowledge were burnt into a gray!


The other elders saw this scene, and they all had their liver and gallbladder. They thought that the shepherd boy was already the end of the strong, so they dared to join forces again. Now, after this injury, the strength is even more horrible!

In the face of shepherd boy, they all have fear, this aristocratic emperor is simply unfathomable!

The shepherd boy held the illusion of the sacred sword and stabbed it to the Wan Gui Emperor.

Wan Guidi’s heart was shocked. “You are not willing to waste the blood and fight with me! Is it just to save a human being? Is it worth it??”

The shepherd boy did not say a word, the long sword was white and turbulent, burning the void, these flames, spontaneously formed a pattern of lines.

This is the ultimate rule of the flame, the formation of the law of the pattern, representing the origin of the heaven and earth avenue!

"The young master gave me a promise, then I promised to her, and must do it!"

The shepherd boy said this indifferently, this sword, the shepherd boy made every effort, the white mangd as jade, illuminating the entire night sky, has been extended to the horizon, endless, even the Galaxy was concealed and disappeared because of this light.

The burning of the white flame formed an ethereal sound, echoing between the heavens and the earth, as if from the long river of ancient times.

In the face of this landslide tsunami, Wan Guidijun looks pale, he knows that he must go all out, otherwise he will be killed by the shepherd boy!


In his body, he roared like a beast, and the whole body was dry and spoiled. The flesh was bulging. For a time, the dead air broke out, and the ghosts cried. In the body of the Wan Gui Emperor, a red cockroach rushed out. And rushed to the shepherd boy.

At the same time, the Wan Gui Emperor took out the ghost clock in his hand.

The bell roared like a **** of the magic mountain, flying to the shepherd boy!

The law of the totem is inseparable, carrying the soul attack of the Wan Gui Emperor. At the same time, all the elements of the Wan Gui Emperor are poured on the big clock, and the two are one, which is already the strongest means for the Wan Gui Emperor to display. !

He believes that the shepherd's sword is sharp and it is impossible to break his killer.

Seeing the ghost clock and the **** attack, the shepherd boy flashed a trace of coldness, and he slammed out his palm. At the same time as his palm was released, he smashed the palm of his hand with the power of the wild, shattering the blood vessels, silver. Blood is swaying!

This palm of the shepherd boy has become a blood palm!


A loud bang, a palm of the hand slammed on the big clock.

The weight is unspeakable, and the 10,000-ghost clock containing the soul of 10,000 males suddenly trembles, and the thick bell body directly sinks down, forming a clearly visible palm print!

The blood of the shepherd boy's silver, left on the ghost clock, the metal that created the ghost clock, was melted by the hot blood and turned into molten iron.

Wan Gui clock, the blood of the shepherd boy burned through a hole!

At this time, the blood of the aristocratic emperor contains incredible power!


The flame is burning, there is a soul in the painful sorrow, this is the suffering soul of the seal in the ghost clock, burned by the white flame, and immediately smouldering!

Although the process is painful, it is also a relief for them.

More and more mourning, a blind time, I do not know how many souls have been burned into fly ash.

"You burn the soul of my ghost bell!"

Wan Ghost Emperor's eyes are red, but at this time, his body power was taken out, but he was unable to stop.

The shepherd boy screamed and pushed away the ghost bell with one hand. He had a magical sword and continued to kneel down.


Blood roared, biting into the shepherd boy.

Bloody is the totem of the 10,000-ghost emperor. It can swallow the soul and let it fly into the crowd. Then everyone who is swallowed by it will lose its soul and become a walking dead.

In the face of this bloody, the shepherd boy does not evade, even people with swords, rushed in!

His whole person turned into a sword mang, and it seems that at this moment, even himself has become a master sword.

The terrible sword meaning, the soul of the shepherd boy is protected, the body is the sword, the soul is also the sword, the road of the sword, the momentum is like a broken bamboo, and the world is lost!


The shepherd boy shouted, the illusion of the bones above the sword, the blood burned, and the surrounding avenues of the avenues of the surrounding flames swept over at this moment and poured on the sword.


This sword, pierced the **** scorpion, has been stabbed to the eyes of the Wan Gui Emperor! !

The bone sword and sword front flashed with the white light of jade, less than three feet away from the Wan Gui Emperor.

"You opened my blood on the front!?"

Wan Guidi’s expression was distorted, and his eyes were inevitable. He stretched out a pair of dry claws and slammed into the neck of the shepherd boy.

He is going to change his injuries and force the shepherd boy to return.

However, if the shepherd boy stabbed this sword, there is no plan to evade it. If the sword is out, it will drink blood!

The illusion of the sword is driven straight, no defense!


This sword pierced the left chest of the Wan Gui Emperor and pierced the heart!

The white blood flame broke into the body of the Wan Gui Emperor, and the explosion spread out. From the heart of the Wan Gui Emperor, he broke into the blood vessels of his body and burned his whole body and burned it into ash.

At the same time, the Wan Gui Emperor screamed, his ghost claws, also caught in the chest of the shepherd boy.

Ten blood holes, left in the shepherd boy, black and turbulent, like a smoky smoke, the paws of the Wan Gui Emperor are poisonous!

However, this claw, after all, did not catch the heart of the shepherd boy. The fire of the savage blood on the shepherd's sword, burning the eternal power of the Wan Gui Emperor, annihilated his vitality! It also made him unable to break through the protection of the shepherd boy's body.


The long sword swept, the Wan Gui Emperor, was cut into two by the shepherd boy!

After the corpse of the Wan Gui Emperor was opened, he lost the protection of vitality and was no longer able to withstand the burning of the blood of the shepherd boy's wild blood, and turned it into ashes directly in the air.

A generation of ghost emperors, just like this!

Seeing that the sky was gray and sloppy, completely disappeared into the void, the elders of the Shentu family were frightened.

terrible! !

This is the blood of the aristocratic emperor, the power of blood is so horrible, this is also the reason why many Terrans are desperately trying to get the blood of the abandonment.

However, the blood of the abandonment can not only be used for alchemy, but also for killing people!

The shepherd boy was pale, and the ten blood holes in his chest had silvery blood flowing out. At this time, the silver blood had already brought a trace of filth.

The poison used by the Wan Gui Emperor is also unusual. It is condensed and refined by the laws of the poisonous system. Even the blood of the aristocratic emperor can corrode.

"Shepherd boy killed a Terran Emperor!"

On the side of the Tai A Shen Kingdom, Chu Wang and others are fearful.

This is a horrible thing. Today, for Chuzhou City, it is destined to be a day to be remembered. There is actually a great emperor who has fallen into Chuzhou City!

The Terran Emperor is a legend to the Tai A Kingdom of God.

I usually see a rare sight, but now, I have fallen one!

And they witnessed the fall of this great emperor.

Look at the shepherd boy, his Tsing Yi blood, pale, and poisonous in the body, seems to have reached the limit, the oil is dry!

Can he fight again?

Chu Wang’s heart flashed through this question, although it was a hostile force, but tonight, the shepherd’s peerless style, but the Chu Wang heart was impressed.

This is a great person!


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