True Martial World

Chapter 369: Ending from Tai

The vast sky, the magic of the law has faded, the Galaxy is once again splendid, the entire Chuzhou City, has been like a ruin, centered on the Chu Wangfu, as if a horrible storm strikes, the surrounding buildings collapsed, and the Chu Wangfu, It was almost turned into dust, and even the wreckage could not be found.

The shepherd boy holds a magical sword and holds a bamboo flute, standing under the moon.

The breeze is coming, he is hunting in the green shirt, and the wind is perfect.

His eyes were wide, overlooking the elders of the Shentu family. The deep eyes were just like the endless starry sky above his head.

"He was hurt and he was very hurt and he was on the verge!"

"Whether the dead wheel in his body, even the wound in his chest, has been infected by the corpse, began to flow out of black blood!"

At this time, the state of the shepherd boy can be seen clearly, but even so, no one dares to go forward.

Before the shepherd boy killed the six Shenshou family elders in succession, and added thousands of ghost emperors, the shock to the people was too great, especially when they thought that they would kill the shepherd boy, but they were killed by the shepherd boy!

So even if the shepherd boy knew that he had already injured his life, the elders of the Shentu family did not dare to shoot.

Even if Su Lao and Mo Lao are not stunned, the pressure is too great.

Perhaps they swarmed up and could leave the shepherd boy who was seriously injured at this time, but there is no doubt that they can't have a few people left, and maybe even everyone should be buried with the shepherd boy.

No one wants to make such a sacrifice.

At this moment, people saw that the ten claw marks on the chest of the shepherd boy had faint black fog.


After the black fog emanates, it burns in the air and quickly turns into ashes.

Seeing this scene, people are in a tight heart. "He is using the power of the wild to force out the dead body!"

"It's not good. You can't let him be poisoned. Otherwise, if he recovers completely, we are not his opponent. Maybe it will fall here today!"

The shepherd boy was actually healed in the air, completely ignoring them, which made many of the elders of Shen Tuo grievous, simply when they did not exist.

They know that if they do not attack the shepherd boy at this time, they will lose the best fighter.

But now, no one dares to shoot the shepherd boy. Everyone knows that the first few people who go up will die.

Seeing more and more black fog scattered in the chest of the shepherd boy, with the sound of the cockroach, there is a pure white flame burning in the chest of the shepherd boy.

If you go on like this, there is really no chance for them to fight without them!


The illusion of the bones flashed through a cold light, and the shepherd boy held the illusion sword, the long bone sword of the bone, under the moon, like a white ivory.

"How to do?"

The elders of the Shentu family asked Su Lao and Mo Lao.

Su Lao, Mo Lao's face is ugly, and now they are riding a tiger.

"What can I do? Can't wait for him to recover and kill us all? We protect the son from leaving."

When I heard Mo Lao’s words, the other elders of the Shentu family were all wronged in their hearts, saying that it was the protection of Shen Tu Nantian’s departure, which was actually a runaway.

With so many people, they have made a big squad, and together with a tens of thousands of ghost emperors, they have been beaten by the shepherd boy. This has become a big joke.

But now, no matter how the cowboy poisoning did not recover from injury, there seems to be no other way.

"Withdrawal from Chuzhou City!"

Su Lao said that the elders looked at each other and accepted the fact. They raised their vigilance and stepped back in the void. They continued to retreat for a few miles, and then took Shen Tiannan and quickly evacuated.

From the beginning to the end, the shepherd boy stood by and watched without a sword.

He is indeed on the verge of death, not because of the corpse of the Wan Gui Emperor, but because of the deadly wheel that Shen Tu’s ancestors left in his body ten years ago!

Just now, he used the blood of the abandonment to kill the tens of thousands of emperors, which made his body's deadly skywheels eager to move, and there was a tendency to suppress.

Under this circumstance, even if the elders of these Shentu families are forcibly killed, the shepherd boy will pay a great price, which will not only make him seriously injured and nursed back, but also may hurt his life.

If you really hurt the source, even if you have been nursed for decades, it is difficult to recover.


"The Shentu family has retired!"

The warrior of the Tai's Kingdom of God, after seeing the Shentu family retire in the Chuzhou city for dozens of miles, turned and fled, and soon disappeared into the night...

This scene makes everyone feel cold in their hearts.

The shepherd boy alone retired the Shentu family and listened to the content of their previous conversations. It seems that the shepherd boy experienced the war of ten years before the war, but the strength is not reduced!

As a result, the Shentu family seriously underestimated the strength of the shepherd boy.

The warriors of the Tai's Kingdom are all extremely nervous. They are worried that the shepherd boy will shoot at them. If they are angered, they will move to Chuzhou City and kill them. I am afraid that few of them will survive.

It is a very simple matter to destroy a city by a great emperor.

However, at this time, the shepherd boy did not intend to pay attention to the warriors of the Taishen Kingdom. He forced the last corpse of the poisonous hand in the body, and held the magical bone sword to fly to the center of the world.

The illusion of the sword is flashing, the shepherd boy has three swords, and the three swords are trained in the general Jianguang, crossing the earth.


As if a white lightning smashed down, the heavens and the earth felt a violent tremor of the enchantment of the big squad, and it broke out completely in a moment.

Then, the shepherd boy was again a sword, and the secret room of the Chu Wangfu was also opened by his sword!


In the secret room, Yi Yun heard the sound of energy riots. He looked up and saw Jianguang open the dome of the secret room. A bright moonlight sprinkled from the huge gap that broke open in the dome. His face.

The long-lost moonlight, Yi Yun has never been seen since he was locked in this dark secret room.

Now, bathing in this moonlight, Yi Yun has a feeling of being a new person.

For ten days, he seems to have died.

Today, he is born again, he will make every effort to explore the supreme martial arts, control his own destiny, and control the fate of the people around him.

Under the moonlight, the shepherd boy was infected with blood in Qingyi.

He holds the magic bone sword, looks at Yi Yun without worry, and has no feelings in his voice. "Follow me."

After all, the shepherd boy no longer talks, turns and walks away, and no longer looks at Yi Yun.

Yi Yun only felt that an invisible force wrapped his whole body, and his body flew up.

Under the moon, the shepherd boy put away the long sword and went straight to the starry sky. His black hair danced and the style was excellent.

And behind him, Yi Yun followed closely.

The shepherd boy said nothing, and Yi Yun was silent. He never imagined that there would be such a day. He was imprisoned by the great power of the Terran, but the shepherd boy who was a deserted man saved him.

Recalling the scene of the shepherd boy in the wilderness, he rode the green cow and walked on the black swamp. The scenes are like dreams...

At that time, Yi Yun did not expect the shepherd boy to be such an identity.

The two of them flew silently, and their figures disappeared into the sky in tandem, hidden in the bright moon.

Until the two completely disappeared, the warriors of the Tai’s Kingdom of God grew a sigh of relief.

Many people, all behind, are all cold sweats.

The pressure of the shepherd boy is too great.

"Maybe I wait too small, so that the shepherd boy does not bother to kill us."

An old man smiled bitterly, and the shepherd boy passed by the city of Tai A, and after saving Yi Yun, the people onlookers were probably like a group of ants for a shepherd boy. When they walked, they encountered a group of ants. Except for the urchins, there was probably no one. Will go specifically to kill all the ants.

"He saved Yi Yun, but Yi Yun has become a waste." A human race sighs and sympathizes with Yi Yun, Tai A Shen Guo, most of them have sympathy, Yi Yun is abolished, many people are sorry No.

"Not necessarily! The strength of the shepherd boy is extraordinary, he may have a way to restore it to Yi Yun!"

However, many people shook their heads in this sentence. "The cold poison enters the body, the meridians are completely abolished, and you want to renew the meridians. I don't know what level of heaven and earth treasures, and I don't want the abandoned people to be willing to take this level. The gods are used in Yiyun, and it is not that Yiyun can afford these drugs."

"Even if you retreat 10,000 steps, these conditions are all satisfied, Yi Yun's meridians have continued, but will also delay a lot of time, and the renewed meridians may not have the original good, maybe still leave a dark wound In this way, Yi Yun may become a peak lord in the future, and it is difficult to become a sage, let alone the great emperor."

In the history of the Tai's Kingdom of God, there are some geniuses, but the original glory has never been done, but it has been seriously injured. Although it is hard to recover, the body and talent are not as good as before. The speed of cultivation is slowly caught up by the same age. Finally, the potential is exhausted and everyone is surprised.

There are too many such examples, and people suspect that Yi Yun may be like this.

Thinking of this, it makes people feel.

A generation of Tianjiao, so fallen, although he is still alive, but lost all the aura.

The more you fell from a height, the more you fell.

Originally used to being applauded, used to the life of the stars, the night, nothing, power lost, continue to gray life in hatred and despair. Their own strength is too weak, and they will never revenge. Living like this is not necessarily better than death.

"Everything has a fixed number. The arrival of the original Shentu family allowed us to see hope, but we did not expect it to be such a result. Now they have retired, I don’t know if they will come back..." Chu Wang looked at the piece of Chuzhou City. Ruins, heavy mood.

Although there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the Shentu family, even so, the warriors of the Tai’s Kingdom were afraid that they would leave.

Because the shepherd boy went back, it is likely to make a comeback, launch the animal tide, and then destroy the Taiguo Kingdom.

The Shentu family, though not sloppy, cruel and tyrannical, but at least, they are on the human side.

Counting on a group of wolves and tigers and leopards to help them, this is also a tragedy caused by too weak strength...


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