True Martial World

Chapter 395: Broken and broken

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The Soviet Union’s lungs were blown up by the Soviet Union’s robbery, but she did not have to refute it. She couldn’t understand how Yi Yun had broken the scorpion month.

"Nan Tianxian, how is this done? Didn't you still have confidence in Xunzi Yue? But now I have a small squat, and broke his squad!"

The original Lin family juniors can win the Shen Tu family's juniors, but also the palace dress women are willing to see, can be Yi Yun, who does not know which corner of the horns, can compare Lin Ziyan, which makes her how reconciled?

Shen Tu Nantian frowned, and he was also unclear. "My grandmother is not safe, I think this may have another reason. Let me ask about the month and confirm my thoughts."

Shen Tu Nantian said, passing the voice to the scorpion moon.

At this time, Xunzi Yue was standing in the middle of the square like a wooden stake. At the moment when Yi Yun broke, he felt his heart was caught by people.

"Member, what happened?"

The voice of Shen Tu Nan Tian sounded in the ears of the blind man.

When Xunzi Yue woke up like a dream, he took a deep breath and stared at Yi Yun in front of him. His forehead was bulging. "This kid broke my array..."

"Crap, I asked him how to break!" Shen Tu Nantian said dissatisfied, "Do you repeat this with me?"

Yanzi’s face sank, and he thought for a while, and said: “It is reasonable to say that it is impossible for him to break the trap that I set in the bones with Xuan Jing’s hand. However, my array is not mysterious. There are no loopholes, and if luck is against the sky, it may be broken."

Even a clever lock, let a lame locksmith open, he used a wire to slap a few times, and sometimes the cat can touch the mouse and lock it. This probability is low, but not without it.

According to Xunzi Yue, the Xuanjing handprints displayed by Yi Yun just fit their own prints, and the result is such an effect.

Shen Tu Nan Tian took a deep breath. "I originally suspected this situation. Are you sure?"

"OK!" Yanzi nodded, looking at Yi Yun's gaze, with a hint of stern color, "There will be no second time, the five elements of the bones, not the Xuan Jing hand can be broken."

The scorpion’s gnashing teeth said that he had full confidence in his own lineup.

At this time, Yi Yun has moved to the second group.

In this group of small arrays, the central bone is the soil property, the soil energy, which is considered to be an energy that Yiyun does not touch much, but this does not hinder Yi Yun from breaking.

With the energy vision of Amethyst, all the traps are completely exposed in front of Yiyun, and there is no such thing as the shape, and Yiyun's control of each and every energy of his own is accurate to the point where even the Soviet Union is too far away.

"The soil skeleton..."

Yi Yun stared at the bone. In the energy field of view, he could see that the trap in this bone is very different from the previous trap.

The five elements of the scorpion month, the twelve groups of small arrays are different, which increases the difficulty of breaking the line. The absurd apprentices who are not strong enough have broken a group of battles. The mental power is not consumed at all. When the second group is broken, it has to start again. It is not easy to break through the four or more small arrays.

"I still want to break?" Yan Ziyue looked at Yi Yun coldly. "I see your good fortune, how long it will take."

Feeling that Xunzi is full of killing eyes, Yi Yun looked up and looked at the blind man month. He took a mask and looked expressionless. Only the two blood lines under his eyes looked a little indifferent. A fascinating taste.

Yi Yun no longer pays attention to the moon, and bows his head and breaks his heart.


"My grandmother, I should have just been an accident." Shen Tu Nantian turned to the palace dressing woman and smiled a little. "I don't know if my grandmother has ever heard of the lock of Tiangan, the ten days of A, B, D, and so on. The ground support, coupled with the gossip, the five elements, a total of tens of thousands of combinations, only one of which is correct, to be fully touched, can open this day to dry locks."

"A person who doesn't understand anything, just find a combination in the sky and make a mistake, maybe it's the right one, so that the dry lock is also open this day."

Shen Tu Nantian said, opened the fan, gently swayed, and looked like a chest.

He is not self-confident and does not fully believe in the words of Xunzi Yue. Shen Tu Nantian has his own judgment. He is convinced that Xuan Jing’s skill in this level is in the hands of a fifteen-year-old boy. It is impossible to break open. Five lines of bones.

This is enough to support Shen Tu Nan Tian's point of view.

In the seat of the honour, there are no shortage of masters of the heavens in the high ranks of the Lin family. They also recognize the statement of Shen Tu Nan Tian. The situation that Shen Tu Nantian said does exist.

"The world may not have such a clever thing." Su Ruo said coldly, although he did not have any confidence in Yi Yun, but seeing Yi Yun’s achievements has been so degraded by Shen Tu Nantian, he is the master of Yi Yun’s name. Naturally unhappy.

"Haha, Elder Su, the younger generation just published their own opinions. It is really the five elements of the scorpion month. It is not the Xuanjing hand that can be broken. Maybe it is in the hands of a master of absurdity, but it is possible, but in In the hands of a younger generation, it is hard to go to heaven."

"In this case, the younger generation just gave the most likely and most reasonable explanation... Hearty sister, what do you say?"

Shen Tu Nantian turned to Lin Xinyi, this time, the absurd tea party, Lin Xinyi from the admission to the present, almost did not say anything, Shen Tu Nantian wants to know with Lin Xinyu, so something is fine, the topic is to Lin Xinyi pull.

"What you think is reasonable may not be reasonable." Lin Xinyi said coldly, after all, it was the occasion where the top of the Lin family and the seniors of the Shentu family gathered together. Lin Xinyi would not lose the number of gifts. Shen Tu Nantian talked to her, how she I have to go back, otherwise it will inevitably be criticized.

However, when Lin Xinyu spoke, her mind was not placed on Shen Tu Nantian. She still looked at the center of the square, her eyes locked on Yi Yun’s hands. Every movement of Yi Yun, she could see clearly. Chu.

In the daytime, she seems to have returned to the night two years ago, when Yi Yun saw Lin Xinyi’s seal in the Valley of the Wild, he said the words...

Thinking of the scene of that night, Lin Xinyi was also feeling in her heart. She really couldn't believe it. At that time, Yi Yun said that the reluctant and almost idiotic dream words would be realized by him today.

The technique he used, the Xuanjing hand-printed, each one is simple and unpretentious, just like wearing a linen two years ago, the same simple Yi Yun himself.

He really became a ridiculous master, at a speed that he could not believe!

Who can believe that a small tribe mortal boy who met in the cloud shortage, his ambition to pursue martial arts and become a ridiculous teacher, is almost ridiculous to ordinary people, but ... has become a reality!

Lin Xinyi is witnessing the miracle that happened to Yi Yun.

This miracle has a special meaning for Lin Xinyi himself.

Because Lin Xinyi is in the doldrums of the gods, if she succeeds in the continuation of the pulse, this is a miracle in itself!

Things that are almost impossible to accomplish, but they have to complete, just like Yi Yun, practicing the desire that is impossible for ordinary people to realize.

Lin Xinyi certainly remembers that when she was young, she revealed her firm determination to continue the sequel, some aunts, and the cousin’s smile.

These ridicules and ridicules have made the heart of Lin’s childhood shackled, but now, it will not... She walks her own way and pursues her dreams. Why care about the eyes of others?

People always have dreams, otherwise what is the difference with livestock?

In Yi Yun, Lin Xinyi seems to have seen himself, the same efforts, the same persistence, and the dreams that are far away and difficult to achieve.

Since Yi Yun can, why can't he do it?

Lin Xinyi clenched his fist in silence, and the slender jade fingers became white because of the force.

"I will walk out of my own path, I wish you, and also walk out of your own path..."

Lin Xinyi said silently in his heart. At this time, Shen Tu Nan Tian was slightly frowning. His mind was sensitive. When he naturally found himself talking to Lin Xinyu, Lin Xinyi’s concern has always been on Yun Yantian. I just had a perfunctory response.

Shen Hao Nan Tian, ​​how proud of a person, from small to large, where is he not the focus? The girl who is willing to hang on to him is more likely to count. However, in Lin Xinyi’s place, he has lowered his posture, but he has been frustrated again and again.

For example, now, Lin Xinyi would rather care about a trivial little person, and they are too lazy to pay attention to their own words, which makes Shen Tu Nantian more hateful to this Yun Yantian.

He took a deep breath and forced the anger of his heart. His face still had a smile like a spring breeze. "The heart of the teacher, in fact, the game in the field is nothing to look at, this kind of coincidence will not happen second. It’s time.”

"This time, there is some special preparation for the Shentu family. I should make my heart and soul a new look. At that time, my heart and soul will pay close attention to the game. It’s not too much to watch the game. just……"

Shen Tu Nan Tian’s words have not been finished yet. At this moment, he suddenly heard a popping sound of “Peng” behind him. This sounded loud and made Shen Tu Nantian feel familiar.

He was talking to Lin Xinyu at this time. He still didn't know what was going on in the square. He found that the seniors of the Lin family in his sight, including the elders of the Shentu family, were all stunned, as if they were ghosts.

Especially the elders of the Shentu family, not only are they surprised, but their faces are ugly!

Including Lin Xinyi, a pretty face is also the same horror, but her horror in the beauty, but revealed a hint of surprise color.

Shen Tu Nan Tian only felt that his brain was screaming, as if he had been smashed with a hammer and completely stunned.

He turned his neck hard, twisted his head and looked at the center of the square...

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