True Martial World

Chapter 396: Almost collapse

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Shen Tu Nantian almost forced himself to look down on Yi Yun. He held his breath, his brain was blank, and his eyes were slightly convex.

At this point, he saw with his own eyes, in front of Yi Yun, the five elements of the scorpion moon had been torn apart, and another central bone, bursting into gray and white bones!

This means that the power of the wilderness in this wild bone has been cleaned up by Yi Yun!

Shen Tu Nan Tian only saw Yi Yun grabbed it, and from the pile of broken bones, he grabbed a small yellow turtle.

The little turtle had short limbs and struggled desperately, but it was full of seals and struggled.

Don't look at this little turtle looking a bit cute, in fact, it is a ferocious wild animal named the spirit turtle, which usually lurks in the ground halfway, the body is covered with dust, and even grows vegetation. It will last for months or even half a year, and it will go into a semi-dormant state. Only after it thinks that the delicious prey is close to it will it suddenly burst up and swallow this prey!

This kind of spiritual tortoise is one of the essences of the scorpion's monthly blockade in the five elements of the bones. Now it has been grabbed by Yi Yun, and it has been suppressed by the seal and thrown into the jade box that is carried with you. It's as easy as it is, just like catching a turtle in a pond.

Another group of small arrays, was broken by Yi Yun!

How... how could it be! ?

Shen Tu Nantian felt that the whole body's blood was pouring into his face, and his entire face became red. There was no such thing as a gentleman and a gentleman like a jade.

He has just been in the hands of all the parents of Lin, and vowed to say that Yi Yun is just a cockroach to kill the mouse, but he has not finished talking, he was stunned by a loud slap!

"Broken... It’s broken again. It’s not running now. This junior named Yun’s is really breaking this battle, it’s no coincidence.”

A forest parent is old, surprised and excited.

The first time it was a coincidence, they all believed that it was the most reasonable explanation, but the second time it was a coincidence, obviously impossible!

This is really unbelievable. They also believe that the Xuan Jing hand that a junior has displayed is unlikely to break the five-line skeleton, but the facts are in front of him.

Abandoning the way, the profound and profound, even these elders, do not dare to say how much understanding of the wilderness, there are always phenomena that they can not understand, and the areas that have not yet been involved.

The more you learn, the more you feel that you know less!

"This kid, hahaha, doing beautiful!"

At this time, the suicide was also proud and proud.

"Elder Sue, you have a good apprentice." The elders of the Lin family, except for a few people such as Lin Xinyu's grandmother and six uncles, most of the other people, even if they agree to the marriage of the Shentu family and the Lin family, they have no good impression of the Shentu family. After all, the Shentu family and the Lin family have been fighting for the past few years.

Under this circumstance, Lin’s juniors can play the face of the Shentu family, and they feel comfortable.

To be honest, watching Shen Tu Nan Tian in the middle of the Lin family, the source of the Lin family is half-master, they are also very uncomfortable in their hearts, just worried that Shen Tian Nan Tian will become the aunt of the Lin family in the future, can not offend, only to bear the temper and the virtual and the snake It’s gone.

"This, cough..." Su robbery touched his beard, a look of shame, he opened his mouth and wanted to recognize this credit, but even if he was thicker, he couldn’t really The achievements of the cloud at this time are attributed to his own merits.

"Actually... my apprentice is only halfway, only after a few months. As for the real pointing, he taught him a little mysterious hand two months ago. He taught a whole day, he can have This achievement... to be honest, has nothing to do with the old man."

The name of Su Yun’s collection of Yi Yun is a registered disciple. This is something that everyone knows. The name of the disciple itself means that the real core inheritance of Master cannot be obtained.

Obviously, the Soviet Union did not teach Yi Yun what the truth is, and even should say that at the beginning, the Soviet Union did not want to really accept Yi Yun as a disciple.

In this case, it is impossible for the suicide to squint.

He has some regrets that he was only a disciple of Yi Yun as a well-known disciple. This is not to say that he has no eyes on his back!

"Haha, Sue Chang is too modest. Anyway, Yun Xiaoyou is a talent discovered by Elder Su, even if he is not my Lin family, but if he can grow up in my Lin family in the future, it will be a great event!"

At this moment, an old man with a squeaky voice sounded, the person who spoke is the Linjia Laotaijun!

In the Lin family, Lao Taijun is the principal of the internal affairs. Apart from a few ordinary people who have been concentrating on the past and not paying attention to the world, the words of Lao Taijun are things that the Lin family can no doubt.

The suicide is very clear. The words that Laotaijun said are actually concealing the meaning of wanting to attract Yiyun.

In the Lin family, there are also many children with foreign names. They are recruited into the forest family because of their outstanding talents, and enjoy the same treatment as the children of the family.

After a few years, they may become in-laws with the Lin family's children, and they will really become a member of the Lin family in the future.

In the world of warriors, the relationship between in-laws is a very reassuring relationship, especially in the case that the two parties can work together to repair, the relationship is even stronger.

"This... the old man has to ask the apprentice, but I think he should have no reason to object."

Su Xi’s heart is a joy, and the old Taijun appreciates Yi Yun. That is a good thing.

But then again, such as Yi Yun, such a bizarre wild talent, the old woman is not going to recruit, it is not normal.

Yi Yunchu went to Tianyuanjie, and there was another enemy of Shentu Nantian. It really needed the shelter of the Lin family and provided the necessary environment and resources for his growth. This is a mutually beneficial thing.

"Heart, do you know this cloud friend?"

Laotaijun suddenly turned to Lin Xinyi and said, she naturally remembers that at the Yuzhu Peak, Yi Yun “topped” Lin Xin’s aunt and grandmother, Lin Xinyi’s “sparse pro-intimacy”, so that her grandmother could not come down. station.

Obviously, Lin Xinyi not only knows this cloud friend, but also has a great relationship!

This is naturally a good thing. After all, Lao Taijun is interested in cultivating Lin Xinyi as the true pillar of Lin’s future. The more arrogance she has with her, the better her future will be, especially in such abundance. The top genius of the aspect is even more so.

After all, Lin Xinyi’s natural pulse has not been healed yet. Even if he can be cured, who can guarantee that there are no sequelae?

It is necessary to know a promising savage master!

"Yes, Yun Yantian is a friend of the heart."

Lin Xinyi said calmly, and in the side of Lin Xinyi, Shen Tu Nantian listened to this sentence and his face became more and more ugly.

A trace of blood, covered his face, swallowed his face.


This was originally a word that didn't have much problem. It fell in the ears of Shen Tu Nantian, but it was extremely harsh.

He does not know why, he always feels that the word "infatuation" may itself have problems!

In particular, he clearly saw that in the second break of Yi Yun, Lin Xinyan’s eyes were happy!

If it is an ordinary woman, happy for the achievements of her old friend, Shen Tu Nantian is still barely acceptable.

But Lin Xinyi, she is a woman who is light and windy, and her mood is not indifferent.

Why did she rejoice in the success of the kid? This is not normal at all!

A person, only when he is in conflict with another person, or has a special feeling, will be happy with the person’s achievements. Otherwise, the human nature is selfish. After learning the friend’s achievements, he congratulates a few words. In fact, the heart may be saying, is this my ass?

Even if you are not doing well, you will have a hint of inexplicable embarrassment, thinking about what friends can do, but I can't?

This is the thinking of ordinary people.

Other Lin family children, even if they are related to Lin Xinyi, if they have any amazing performance on the stage, will Lin Xinyi be happy?

Take another step back. If it is Shen Tu Nantian himself, if he shows his extraordinary skill on the stage, how will Lin Xinyi react?

I am afraid that when I was asked, I couldn’t help but praise it. It’s already very rare!

Thinking of this, how can Shen Tu Nantian feel comfortable?

He was not a generous person. What's more, in this kind of thing, I am afraid that no man can be generous!

At this time, Shen Tu Nantian really came to the edge of the hairpin. If it was not on such an occasion, he almost wanted to shoot this Yuntiantian directly!

"Heart and sister..." Shen Tu Nantian’s voice sank a lot. He called Lin Xinyi and wanted to say something, but at this time -


The third bang!

Shen Tu Nan Tian’s heart was stagnation, and he turned his head and looked at the center of the square.

Among his eyes, he has already brought a scarlet of wild beasts.

He clearly saw that on the square, the third group of small arrays in front of Yi Yun also cracked open, and the suppression of this group of small bones has become a gray bone.

Yi Yun used the same method to make a grasp, and grabbed the virtual shadow of the third wild animal directly from the bone residue.

At this time, in the face of Yi Yun in front of Yi Yun, he was completely sluggish, and when Yi Yun broke the second big burst, he was already hit hard.

Now, for the third time, he has collapsed from self-confidence. He saw Yiyun enclosing the third wild animal into the jade box. The moon is like a lost soul, a stupid dumb Look, where is the temperament of a young generation of Tianjiao?

He was really scared, and everything that happened to Yi Yun now makes him feel like he is in a nightmare.

"The third!"

Shen Tu Nantian clenched his fists, and the two temples jumped and jumped, and the blue veins on his hands were raised. From the second break to the third break, this is a time!

Yi Yun on the stage, on average, breaks a group of small arrays every ten times. This is where the break is, clearly it is like a sand castle that pushes down the children!

(The first ps advertisement in the chapter is not sent by me. It is automatically added to the starting system. As for the 515 fan festival, I don’t make it. It sounds like it’s because of the double monthly ticket of May 1st. Ranked works, these months have a focus on the activities of the starting point, no matter how the rankings are related to wood, but the beginning of the system plus ps in this sentence thank you all the way support and understanding, this is indeed, Thank you everyone.)



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