True Martial World

Chapter 425: Slander

Above the Yuzhu Peak, covered with verdant bamboo forest, between these bamboo forests, there is a loft named Yuzhu Xiaozhu, which is small in size but extremely elegant. This is the residence of Linjia Laotaijun.

In addition to the Lin family's efforts to extend the life and the elders who don't care about the world, the Linjia Laotaijun is the actual principal of the Lin family. The Yuzhu small building has become the symbol of the highest power of the Lin family.

At this time, in the Yuzhu small building, Lin Laotaijun sat in the chair of the Taishi, two small beggars around her, giving Lin Laojun a shoulder, Lin Laotai’s eyes are slightly stunned, it feels like falling asleep. It is. It seems that Lin Laotai is like a very ordinary mortal aristocratic grandmother, because people are old and insane, and they can fall asleep from time to time.

"Old lady..."

A palace-dressed woman pushed in the door and gave a ceremony to the old lady. She was Lin Xinyi's aunt.

"Oh? Fenggu..." Lin Laotai suddenly blinked, looked at the woman in the palace, nodded and motioned for her to sit down.

Lin Xinyu, the aunt of Lin Xinyu, tried to promote the marriage of the Lin family and the Shentu family. Although it was later proved that the Shentu family had no intentions, Lin Fenggu, who was not punished, was only reprimanded.

After all, there were too many people who had preferred the Shentu family before. Even the old lady himself, in the end, ordered Lin Xinyi to eat the relic.

To this end, Lao Taijun introspected for three days to remember this lesson.

"Lao Taijun, it’s about that cloud..."

Some women in the palace dress said that she still has a great prejudice against Yi Yun.

"Well?" Lin Laotai Jun slightly frowned, she had a hunch, Lin Fenggu would not say anything good, "What?"

"This is the case. I learned some information about him. His real name is Yi Yun, who was born in the land of Dongyi, and even in the backward land of Dongyi. He is also an ordinary civilian, and his origins are humble. Can't humble again."

"This is not the most important thing. What is important is that he has a different surname sister, his sister turned out to be... abandoned! And it is an important figure in the desert. When his sister’s identity was dismantled, this Yi Yun actually died. Covering his sister to escape, giving the barbaric spies, creating an opportunity for a sneak attack."

"Because of this. He was imprisoned, but this Yi Yun also had a relationship with the shepherd boy. A few days later, the shepherd boy personally shot and risked being besieged by the Terran, and saved Yi Yun, and paid a price for it. It!"

"So I suspect that Yi Yun is a spoiler of the abandoned family. He came to my Lin family and had no intentions!"

Lin Fenggu inferred that Lin Laojun’s brow wrinkled more tightly. "Where did you know?"

"This..." Lin Fenggu hesitated and said: "I went to the dungeon to visit Shentu Nantian, which was told by Shen Tu Nantian..."

"Shen Tu Nantian!" Lin Laotai Jun brow a pick. Shen Tu Nantian said that she would not be convinced naturally, but if he lie, it would be easy to be dismantled. After all, there is a suicide master who can ask questions and send people to the land of Dongyi. Clearly clear.

"There is a deserted sister..." Lin Laotai knew that this matter could not be wrong. As for what Yi Yun covers the abandonment of the wild, Lin Laojun believes. Most of them have the saying that Lin Fenggu or Shen Tu Nantian distort the facts and add vinegar.

"I was imprisoned in Yiyun. It is Shentu Nantian!"

Lin Laojun quickly wanted to understand the key. She knew that Shen Tunan had been to the land of Dongyi a few days ago. He knew the things of Yi Yun so clearly. It is obvious that Shen Tu Nantian is the party.

"It turns out that Shen Tu Nantian has a hatred with Yi Yun. No wonder Yi Yun wants to change his name and replace his name with a mask."

"Old Taijun is like a god, that's it!" Lin Fenggu hurriedly flattered, "So, in fact, Yi Yun is borrowing the hand of our Lin family to report the private enmity of Shen Tu Nantian. He is not alone for our Lin Jia. The motive is not pure!"

"This little scorpion animal is unclear with the abandoned people. It is not necessary to betray the Terran in the future. I want to say that we should hurry out of the Lin family. In fact, as I mean, it is best to abolish his cultivation. Never mind!"

"But what... I know that the old lady is kind, although this small animal is bad, but it is a bit of kindness to our Lin family. We don't want to treat him."

"However, as long as he is driven out of the Lin family, the Shentu family will deal with him. At that time, we will not fall into the tongue, but it will also eliminate the aftermath."

"And this little scorpion animal is extremely greedy. He took away the space ring of the thousand hand mother-in-law and Shen Tu Nantian, and swallowed all the good things. It also included the saber of Shen Tu Nantian and the secret method of the ancient wilderness! If he was driven away, these things had to be left for him! Originally, Shen Tian Nan Tian and Qian Qiang’s mother-in-law were caught by my Lin family. It was also cultivated by my Lin family. The little cockroach provided only a little information. What made him good!"

"Lao Taijun also knows that the abandoned people have always looked at the Terrans. Once they start the war, God knows what this small scorpion will do to destroy things. If our Lin family still accepts this small scorpion, then we become a human race. Sinner!"

Lin Fenggu tried his best to express his own imagination and told the old Taijun all kinds of serious consequences, so that the face of Laotaijun sank slightly: "Is this all told Shentu Nantian?"

"Hey..." Lin Fenggu was in a stagnation, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer it. From the gloomy face of Laotaijun, she didn't know what Laotaijun was thinking.

"No... of course not." Lin Fenggu hurriedly shook his head.

"Shen Tu Nantian is inferior in character, but he is the party at the end. If you say something, there is still a reference value. You are not listening to him. Is that what you imagined?"

When the tone of the old Taijun changed, Lin Fenggu was shocked and hurriedly said: "But what I said is not impossible!"

Lao Taijun looked at Lin Fenggu, his eyes were cold: "You guys, in addition to chewing on the tongue, usually say bad things to others, hurt the talents, what else to do!?"

"If there are people in the family who have nothing to do except chewing the roots of the tongue, the Lin family has already been planted in the hands of the Shentu family! It is also possible to be annihilated after ten thousand years."

"I..." Lin Fenggu’s words seemed to be blocked, and he opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say. The old lady was very heavy in her life. Before she started anger, you didn’t even know what she was thinking. If it doesn't fit her thoughts, it will be terrible.

"You go to the wall for ten days!"

Lin Laojun’s voice was cold, Lin Fenggu wanted to say something, and eventually he swallowed his stomach and went down.

After Lin Fenggu left, Laotaijun’s face is still not very good-looking.

In the heart, she naturally tends to Yiyun.

She really likes Yi Yun. She is very young and has a good talent. The future is boundless, and her personal relationship with Lin Xinyi is very good.

Such people will provide a great boost to Lin Xinyi in the future.

Laotaijun does not mind that Yiyun has a stranger's sister-in-law, but he is afraid that he really has a relationship with the wilderness. It is like a jade, but he has a fatal embarrassment.

Therefore, even if the old Taijun reprimanded Lin Fenggu, but Yi Yun's things, she still has to find out that she will not believe her because of Lin Fenggu's words, but will not believe in Yiyun because of personal preferences.

"The order is passed down, let the people of Jiafatang come to see me."

Lao Taijun said to Xiao Yan.

Lin’s family court is responsible for implementing family law, and in many cases, it will be sent out to perform some tasks.

Laotaijun intends to let the people of Jiafatang go to the land of Dongyi to find out what happened at that time. What Yiyun did is out of the ordinary.

"Yes." Xiaoyan retired, and Laotaijun couldn't feel upset. Yi Yun took the things of Shen Tu Nantian and Qianshou's mother-in-law. She didn't care at all. She was afraid that Yiyun would be inclined to the feelings of the aliens. On the side of the desert.

On the evening of the same day, the people of the Lin Family’s Law Hall set off. The old Taijun did not summon Yi Yun, and Yi Yun had been living in Yuzhufeng.

Only three days later, the people of the Shentu family came.

They negotiated with the Lin family and brought the news of the female emperor!

... (to be continued.)

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