True Martial World

Chapter 426: negotiation

The Shentu family came here this time, and the atmosphere was completely different.

As a big family in the Tianyuan world, the heirs were arrested, and even they had to be squandered by Ling, and divided by the capital punishment, which is simply playing the face of the Shentu family. However, the tragedy is that they have to come.

The Shentu family was in the first place, and the Lin family also publicized the accident. The conspiracy was revealed and the Shentu family had no face. Now many Shentu family elders, thousands of mother-in-laws, and Shentu Nantian’s most important genius They all fell on the hands of the Lin family.

Coupled with the testimony of so many Tianyuan family, the Shentu family can only smear their teeth and swallow their stomachs.

Shen Tu Nantian these people must bring them back, otherwise it will not only let the Shentu family themselves chill, but also let other people in the Tianyuan community criticize them for being cold and bloodless.

As for the revenge on the Lin family, that is the next thing.

On the stage of the Lin family's performance, the Lin family and the Shentu family came face to face, and they seemed to be able to see the spark between the two sides.

This performance of the martial arts is full of chilling temperament, Lin family has completely smashed the face with the Shentu family, the Shentu family came, Lin Laotaijun did not even arrange the living room, but the place to be faced, arranged in this martial arts field.

The length and width of the theater are all hundred feet, and the tables and chairs are placed in the middle, and the elders of the two families are sitting.

Around the Yanwuchang, they are full of young children of the Lin family and the Shentu family. The geniuses of these younger generations are also in a **** for tat.

The juniors who can be selected to help the negotiations are themselves a kind of glory from the family. However, at the same time of the temperament, these juniors frequently cast envious and complicated eyes on the side of Lin Laotai.

There, there are two people standing, one is Lin Xin, the arrogant woman of Lin’s family, and the other is Yi Yun.

They already know that Yi Yun is Yun Yantian, who changed his identity for some reason.

They stood around the martial arts field. And Yi Yun stood on the side of Lin Laotai Jun, juxtaposed with Lin Xinyu, this identity gap can be seen.

Lin Fenggu is sitting not far away. Looking at Yi Yun with a sullen face, her confinement has just ended. Now, when she comes out to negotiate, she will see Yi Yun standing on the side of Lao Taijun.

This made her extremely depressed, Lin Laotai Jun Mingming has learned about the relationship between Yi Yun and the desert. But it is also so popular with Yi Yun.

The atmosphere of the venue was dignified, and it can be said that it was a sword.

In particular, the background of the military field is to make people suspect that the two parties may fight at any time.

Yi Yun can feel that this negotiation, in addition to those elders who are really responsible for the negotiations, he is invisible, it has become the focus of the field.

Paper can not hold the fire, the people of the Shentu family, also know that Yun Yantian is Yi Yun, this is the kid. The plan of the Shentu family was completely destroyed, and the Shentu family was thrown out.

The elders of the Shentu family also converge on hostility, but many juniors have looked at Yiyun with murderous eyes without any scruples.

"It's him!"

A face-lifting teenager, staring at Yi Yun, like a viper, across the martial arts field.

His skin color is sallow, giving him a feeling of illness, but his low-hanging eyes are very sharp. The whole person is like a vulture.

"If you can destroy the enemy of Shen Tu Nantian, if you can fold it in my hand, it will greatly enhance my prestige in the family. Unfortunately, he is too young, or he is mainly engaged in the wild, and his practical ability is not worth it. As mentioned, there is nothing to be proud of in defeating him."

Thin teenager. Gently rubbed the tip of his nose with his thumb.

This person is called Shen Tuya. In the Shentu family, Shentuo is a strong competitor of Shentu Nantian!

Although it is said that Shen Tu Nan Tian is basically the heir to the Shen Tu family, there are always accidents, and the teeth that are younger than Shen Tu Nan Tian have a reputation for being horrified.

Unlike the plain and gentle Wentian Nantian, Shentu tooth bloodthirsty and killing, he began to perform family tasks at the age of twelve, the first mission will be a small gang of grasshoppers, hundreds of people do not stay alive.

After that, the teeth were more embarked on the extremes of killing, and the people killed were even more difficult to keep the whole body.

"Tooth, don't care!"

When I heard the teeth, the elders of the Shen Tu family leader whispered.

Shen Tuya stared at Yi Yun, and put out his tongue and licked his mouth. He said, "I have a number of things in my heart. I will definitely do things well!"

At this time, Yi Yun, standing next to the old Taijun, he clearly felt that a venomous look stared at himself.

Yi Yun is slightly biased and is seeing Shentu.

Shen Tu's teeth twitched slightly, and his mouth burst into a smile.

"This guy..." Yi Yun slightly frowned, and he was really concerned by the Shentu family.

In fact, I don’t say the hatred that Yi Yun has pulled down. It’s just that he stepped on the incident of Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​and he has made many Shentu family children have a strong interest in stepping on Yi Yun.

Especially those who have a heart for Shen Tu Nan Tian’s status.

Just then, suddenly, a burst of pressure overwhelmed!

No one knows where this pressure comes from, just that he feels a lot of heavy weight, like a mountain pressing down.

this is……

People were shocked that many of the weaker juniors almost crouched on the ground.

People looked up at the sky and saw a cloud of clouds gradually coming together. This overwhelming pressure seemed to come from the dark clouds.

Shen Tu ancestors!

Linjia Laotaijun took a deep breath and she knew that Shentu’s ancestors came! Also, such an important negotiation, how can he not come to pressure?

Otherwise, once Lin Jiasheng gave his heart and killed all the people in the negotiations, the Shentu family was greatly hurt.

When the pressure of the overcast clouds came from overwhelming, on the main peaks of the Lin family, there were also several powerful energies that rushed to the sky and ushered in this pressure!

Two momentum, confrontation in the sky, for a time, squally hunting, the clothes on the show are all blown up, hair dancing.

This is the elders of the Lin family!

This negotiation, which is said to be a negotiation, is actually a contest between the Shentu family and the real top people of Lin Family!

The young people in the field, watching the wind in the sky, the hearts of the people stirred up for a time, with the Lin family too elders to bear this pressure for them, they suddenly felt much better.

At this time, Lin Laotaijun spoke up: "What about the secret of the female emperor?"

"What about people?" asked the chief elder of the Shentu family.

"Bring up." A Lin family elder patted the palm of his hand.

Soon, there were several guards of the Lin family, and many of the elders of the Shentu family came up, and the two people who walked in the front were the Shentu Nantian and the Qianlong mother-in-law.

They were chained, unkempt, messy, and stained with blood on their faces. It was like a dead prisoner before the sentence.

As soon as I saw the appearance of the Qianshou mother-in-law and Shen Tu Nantian, the people present in the Shentu family were all squirting.

The elder of the main thing was also browing two times, and the expression was suddenly gloomy: "What do you mean by this?"

The thousand hands of the mother-in-law and Shen Tu Nantian, the two people are really miserable, just hitting the face of their Shen Tu family!

"We want to imprison them, and naturally we must ban their cultivation. It is just to let them eat a little bit of pain when they are held up. Not so, some people think that my Lin family really wants to come, want to go. The place to go." Lin Laotai Jun said coldly.

What Yi Yun did was acquiescence to Lin Laotai Jun. She was not willing to put Shenna Nantian in this way.

At this time, don't say that the Shentu family people, that is, the Lin family people see these two people, they also feel that the heart jumps, this Yi Yun, the start is really black!

On the elders' seat, Su Ruojiao couldn't help but twitch twice, and resisted the smile. Looking at Shen Tu Nan Tian and the old woman now, this kind of virtue is not good enough.

My own cheap apprentice, it’s really a tough guy...

Toss well! He has long seen that the thousands of mother-in-laws are not pleasing to the eye!

"Little bitter?" The chief elder of the Shentu family turned black. He stepped forward to the front of the thousands of mother-in-law and Shen Tu Nantian, and grabbed their wrists with lightning.

"Well?" The elders carefully sensed, and the thousands of mother-in-law and Shen Tu Nan Tian were injured, and the meridians were damaged!

These injuries are not light, but if the Shentu family takes the best medicine, it is not an irreparable serious injury.

However, this is obviously not what Lin Laotai’s so-called "small bitterness" can describe.

"Do they have anything to do with you?" asked the elders.

Shen Tu Nan Tian and Qian Qian’s mother-in-law looked at each other and both of them hated Yi Yun.

Shen Tu Nantian gnawed his teeth and said: "The tiger fell Pingyang was bullied by the dog. That Yi Yun was a despicable and shameless person. However, he did not dare to really treat us. It was just some bitterness and did not hurt the origin. ”

When Shen Tu Nantian spoke, his heart rose and anger, let him eat the seven days of Yin Dan, but he said that it was just some bitterness, how wrong!

This hatred, not wearing the sky!


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