True Martial World

Chapter 427: Murder and will

"It’s just the pain of the flesh and blood..." The elders of the lord looked at Shen Tu Nantian deeply. "Nantian... You are too strong, and today's setbacks may not be bad for you."

The elders of the main event can only be so comforted. Shen Tu Nan Tian clenched his fists, and his nails were almost stabbed with flesh and blood. However, he still could only say: "Nantian knows."

He has no way to tell the chief elders his experience in the dungeon. It is not good to spread the words except to make him more shameful.

Moreover, people in the family who are stunned by his position will understand that his meridians are damaged and their achievements may be affected in the future, so their ambitions will also expand.

This feeling of grievance makes Shen Tu Nan Tian’s intestines entangled together. It’s really hard to say!

"You saw the news of the female emperor's secret!"

Lin Laotai Jun said coldly, at the same time, alongside her, Lin’s parents always took out the soul contract.

This soul contract, in which the rune of the engraving is more complicated, its quality is also higher, it is used to restrain the Shen Tu family, to ensure that the Shen Tu family took out the jade, the content is true.

Also bound to the Lin family, to ensure that Shentu Nantian and Qianshou mother-in-law have no life.

The chief elder of the Shentu family screamed coldly. He cut his fingers with a dagger, and the blood bounced like a flying target on the soul contract.

"For you guys."

Then, a jade slipped from the hands of the elders of the main event. This jade slipped faster. It was like a white electric light. It contained the spirit of the chief elder of the Shentu family, and it made a strong blast in the flight. The power is amazing!

There is no doubt that this jade can be a threat to the lives of the general sages!

This is a contest between the Shentu family and the Lin family. Even if it is negotiation, it is also a sword!

Lin Laotai Jun grabbed her hand and took a sneak peek. A soft white mang wrapped her veteran. She easily took Jade Jane into her hand.

After confirming the contents of Yu Jian, Lin Laotai nodded, and she took another look at the soul contract. This soul contract has burned itself and quickly turned into a fire, in which a faint can see a **** ghost. The head was burned out by the fire and slowly died.

Once the contract is reached, the soul contract will self-immolate, the ghost head will be destroyed, and the curse will naturally be lifted.

This proves that there is no problem with the content of jade.

Since the negotiations have been completed, Lin Laotai is not polite to say: "Send customers!"

She didn't want to let the people of the Shentu family stay in her family's time.

"The cause and effect have been reported, you have gotten cheap today, and I will come back later in the Shentu family!"

The elders said, turning to the floating boat.

Behind him, many Shentu family members began to leave, and above the clouds, the overwhelming pressure of the overwhelming, slowly faded away.

At the moment when the pressure is about to disappear, Yi Yun, who has been standing next to Lin Laotai, suddenly feels a deadly chill across his heart.

That huge murderousness, at that moment, swept myself!


Yi Yun's face was white and he held his breath.

He clearly felt that in the distant cloud, there seemed to be a pair of ruthless and indifferent eyes, and he gave him a deep look.

It’s this eye that makes his hands and feet cool and his limbs cold!

Shen Tu ancestors!

This shepherd boy is in a state of full prosperity, plus an old guy who has not really defeated the Taikoo shrine. He now looks at himself with a special look!

What kind of look is that it is piercing the heart, as if before this look, when he returned to the mortal, he stood naked in the snow and ice.

The bitter chill, and the feeling of no defense, makes people panic!

"Yi Yun!"

Lin Laotai, who has been guarding Yiyun, has reached out with lightning and resisted the back of Yiyun.

A warm and mellow energy merged into the body of Yi Yun. For a time, Yi Yun’s face was much better.

"It's okay." Lin Laotai asked with concern.

"Nothing... Thank you, Lao Taijun." Yi Yun shook his head, and one of Shen's ancestors' eyes was so that he had a thin sweat on his forehead, and even the sea of ​​spirits became sorrowful due to high tension.

This is the strength of the top power of Tianyuanjie...

"This old monster! It turned out to be a junior."

Lin Laojun Jun hated and glanced at the dark clouds that had disappeared in the distance.

The last look of Shen Tu’s ancestors contained the will of Shen Tu’s ancestors. Although he could not shoot Yi Yun to kill here, he used this look as a warning of killing.

Can make Shen Tu ancestors so, obviously, this time, Shen Tu ancestors have moved the real anger!

The Lin family and the Shentu family are big families in the Tianyuan world. If the two sides really fight desperately, it is definitely the end of both losses. No one wants to see it.

In this case, Shen Tu ancestors endured this tone.

The surrender of Shen Tu's ancestors was a last resort, but letting such a person retreat is a great price in itself!

"Yi Yun, you have to be careful, offending the Shentu family. You should pay attention to walking in the Tianyuan world in the future. However, as long as you are in Lin, it is absolutely safe, and my family will protect you."

Lin Laotai Jun said to Yi Yun.

At this time, many of the elders of the Lin family had left with their disciples, and Lin Laotai was surrounded by a few people including Lin Xinyi and Yi Yun.

Yi Yun sincerely said: "Thank you Lao Taijun."

"This is what it should be, you will offend the Shentu family. The big reason is also because of my Lin family. This time, thanks to you, otherwise I am dizzy and almost touched their way. The female emperor can make the red-eyed wolf into a bone, which should be hurt. And the side effects of Shouyuan, if I agreed to the Shentu family, then I will hurt my heart and hurt the Lin family. You Yun can be said to be the benefactor of my Lin family!"

The original marriage was very beneficial to the Lin family and the Shentu family. However, because of the problem of relic, only the Shentu family was of great benefit, but the Lin family was confused and thieves, but also the family heir, the future destiny. Can be imagined.

"The old lady said that he was heavy, and the younger generation did not dare to act." Yi Yun said, he said.

Lao Taijun smiled slightly and was very satisfied with Yi Yun’s attitude of being active but not proud.

"Yi Yun, I heard that you have never had a marriage match. If you are interested, you can choose a favorite girl at the Lin family..." Lao Taijun said this, Yi Yun heard some speechless, and he touched his cheek. Said: "The younger generation is still small, this matter is not urgent..."

Obviously, Lao Taijun still wants Yi Yun to take root in the Lin family.

Not far away, Lin Xinyu’s grandmother didn’t feel the heart: “Old Taijun, how are you...”

She is anxious about the things of Yiyun and the abandoned people. Such an unidentified person with impure motives is mixed in the Lin family. Does the old Taijun want him to take root in the Lin family? Then she did not say anything before it!


Lin Laotai’s brow wrinkled and glanced at Lin Fenggu.

Lin Fenggu did not speak at all. Although she hated Yi Yun very much, she did not dare to violate the wishes of Lin Laotai.

Lao Taijun turned to Yi Yun and changed his smile with a smile: "It's not too small. There are a lot of people who are married at the age of fifteen. The warriors of our generation, although they are married later, it is okay to get engaged early."

"And on the road of martial arts, some exercises are double-built and the entry is faster. I also have such exercises in Lin Family. You can choose them at will, or you can choose the Taoists according to your wishes. As long as you choose, I will help you personally. Take this red line."

There were not many people around, and Laotaijun said this without any refusal. She heard that Lin Xin’s pretty face was slightly red. She had no human affairs and suddenly heard that Laotaijun had no cover. There are some problems with this kind of problem.

"The ancestors are really on the marriage of Yi Yun..." Lin Xinyu said to himself, Laotaijun personally acted as a matchmaker, even if the family's genius juniors may not be able to enjoy this treatment.

And the old woman’s marriage, is there any reason for it?

Moreover, in the family, no girl will like Yiyun...

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi quietly looked at Yi Yun, now, Yi Yun has grown into a Lang Lang teenager, the childishness on his face is no longer, but a little more wise and introverted.

Coupled with his outstanding talent, bright future, which girl is not tempted?

Thinking of a celebration party a month ago, many of the young girls around Yi Yun, Yan Yanyan, red and green. These young girls are obviously not only instructed by their elders, but also come to contact Yiyun, but they want to be close to Yiyun.

Thinking of this, Lin Xin’s mouth showed a faint smile. When he met Yi Yun in the cloud, why did he think that he would become such an admirable teenager?

"Yi Yun, think a lot. If you want to do it later, you can come to the Lin Family's Tibetan Classics to take a look and choose the method you want."

The person who was sent by Lao Taijun’s family law hall has used the fastest speed to find out what happened to Yi Yun in the Chu Wangfu House a few months ago.

After listening to the description, Lin Laotai Jun has confirmed that Yi Yun only risked his life to stop Shen Tu Nantian because of his friendship with his sister.

This incident, not only did not reduce the impression of Lin Laotaijun on Yi Yun, but let Lin Laotai Jun feel that Yi Yun is a person with a strong sense of righteousness, such a person, more trustworthy.

On the contrary, if even the sister's life is not taken care of, and a person who has a great meaning and a sinister appearance, this kind of person needs to be wary.

Because they may be unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals.

Yi Yun is a talent worthy of being trusted and cultivated, so Lin Laotai Jun, thinking about being able to hold Yi Yun’s heart, especially if Yi Yun can find a favorite girl in Lin’s family, then it is better, this girl , will slowly occupy a place in the heart of Yi Yun, so that even more afraid of Yi Yun fell to the aristocratic side.

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