True Martial World

Chapter 441: Graffiti sword


Lin Yu fell to the ground and looked like he was bounced off by the formation.


Lin Yu took a deep breath and suddenly felt soft.

He trembled out of the space ring and took out a barren relic, put it in his mouth, and then avoided the area where the leopard woman and the scorpion were, and walked over to grasp the time and adjust the interest.

After using the blood of the blood, Lin Yu will have a period of stagnation of blood, but fortunately he is the third to pass, and then there are other geniuses going through the light bridge, this time, he can just meditate Recovery, after all, the Shentu family fell out with the Lin family, even if there is a guardian of the female emperor, they must be careful.

Lin Yu closed his eyes. He was calm at this time, but the excitement in his heart could not be tolerated. He knew that his performance had been recorded by the filming array. After that, Lao Taijun saw that it would naturally Know your own gap with Yi Yun.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu looked at Yi Yun across the bridge and a sneer at the corner of his mouth. I really don’t know what the guy’s end will be. The death should be no suspense. The question is how to die?

However, this does not matter. After successfully passing the light bridge, Lin Yu has no interest in Yi Yun. A dead person has no comparative significance with his future future.

"This Lin Jia Xiaozi is also a bit of a skill."

The rest of the trials, I saw Lin Yu a few more eyes.

Seeing Lin Yu’s passing, Lin Fengyue, who has never said a word, raised his eyelids and said: “Next, let me come.”

Lin Fengyue is the man of the younger generation of Lin Family. No matter strength or prestige, it is much stronger than Lin Yu.

At the beginning, Lin Yu almost didn't get the quota of the female emperor's trial, but Lin Fengyue's quota was not controversial.

Lin Fengyue's performance did not disappoint. After a minor injury, he also passed the light bridge. After the third eye of the ancient wild animal opened, two attacks did not completely escape and suffered some bruises.

This achievement makes the audience secretly screaming. The Lin family is not the first-class family in the Tianyuan world. This little-speaking Lin Fengyue is obviously stronger than the imperial beast!

After Lin Fengyue, the geniuses of the other major forces also came forward, but there were also geniuses from the second-rate family or Zongmen who gave up after weighing the balance. They don't want to end up as miserable as the first Xu family fat man.

"It seems that we can't go, don't be boring, but... although I can't get through, but just kill the kid's reward, maybe we can still score a point." There are a few small geniuses who are giving up after leaving. On one side, while discussing, I stared at Yi Yun.

It’s hard to get into the secrets of the female emperor, but even the first level can’t pass. These people’s hearts are unwilling, thinking that they can kill Yiyun, and they have a little reward, which is also a comfort.

However, Yi Yun did not seem to notice the poor eyes of these people. He kept staring at the ancient wild animals on the light bridge from beginning to end, and did not know what he was thinking.

With more and more geniuses on the field, several consecutive people have barely passed the price after paying some damage, but more are giving up or failing.

The less the injury, the more attention is paid.

These geniuses are competitors in this female emperor's secret, and these geniuses will have been shorter and shorter. The test of this level is the opportunity for them to observe the strength of their opponents.

At this time, Lin Xiaodie suddenly flew to the light bridge as if it were a butterfly. Her awkward posture and agile body immediately made many people shine.

The leopard woman has recovered almost now. She raised her hand and stared at Lin Xiaodie's licking her nails. The girls of similar age will compare each other.

"Yi Yun, you are good at it."

Yi Yun’s ear suddenly came to Lin Xiaodie’s vitality, and at this time, Lin Xiaodie had begun a battle with the ancient wild beast.

Yi Yun stunned for a moment, just smiled, indeed, his situation did not look too good...

Lin Xiaodie's age is smaller than Lin Fengyue's, but in the face of this ancient wild animal, she is also calm and fearless, letting her attack on the ancient wild animal, she is like a butterfly flying in the flowers.

But even so, with the massive consumption of vitality and the increasing attack of the wild beast, she is still about to hold a fragrant time, the light energy of the wild beast has broken the calf, a trace of blood along the fair skin. Flowed down.

Every attack of this ancient wild animal carries a terrible riot, avoiding a frontal attack, but avoiding these violent riots. This is why many geniuses are scratched rather than seriously injured.

The calf was injured, and Lin Xiaodie’s movement was slightly restrained, so that she suffered several minor injuries in a row, which was quite embarrassing.

After a long time, Lin Xiaodie fell on the other side of the light bridge, with a slight unsettled look on her face. Although she passed the customs, she was very dissatisfied with her performance.

"This ancient wild animal is terrible. So far, no one can escape the attack and then avoid the fluctuations."

People are screaming, the secrets left by the peerless female emperor, now it is only the first level is so difficult.

At this time, Gong Sunhong slowly took away the jade on the Qingyan robes and stepped forward to the light bridge.

"Well!? Gongsun Hong shot!"

"I don't know what Gongsunhong can do."

Gong Sunhong moved, and everyone’s eyes were immediately concentrated on him.

As the first person from the young generation of Huozong, Gong Sunhong was very concerned about the rest of the family and the Zongmen in Tianyuan.

The power of the fire sect is more than that of many big families.

At the time of these genius exchanges, Gong Sunhong had stepped forward to the front of Guangqiao.

As the distance between him and the ancient wild animal gradually narrowed, the great pressure from the wild animals also came to the fore. In front of this ancient wild animal, it is like a mouse facing a tiger.

In the face of this ancient behemoth, Gong Sunhong was calm and calm. Suddenly, he had a sword in his hand. This sword was like a sham. Many people didn't see his sword pulling.

"Well!? Out of the sword? Gongsun Hongjian sword, is it necessary to keep up with the ancient wild animals?"

People are wide-eyed and unbelievable. People who said that there was no weakness in the ancient wild animals were Gongsunhong himself, but now, he wants to sword the ancient wild animals?

Although Gong Sunhong is very strong, no one believes that Gongsun Hong can really defeat this ancient wild animal.


The ancient wild animal roared and rushed to Gongsunhong, and the figure of Gongsunhong disappeared in the same place!

The next moment, on the sky around the ancient wild beast, a blue figure appeared out of thin air. These figures are all Gongsunhong, and they are all moving fast, making people dazzled.

"Thirty-six figures!"

Many people are surprised to say that these figures are not simply simple afterimages. Those who are not strong enough, they see these Gongsunhong are exactly the same, they can't see which one is true and which one is false.

"'The glimpse of the sword step!' The body of the sword is the same. Every step is like a sword that flies out! These figures are also made of swords. They have the same spirit as Gong Sunhong's body. They are not only the same. Can be used to confuse the enemy, and can really attack!"

"When the 'Ghost Shadow Jianbu' is completed, it can transform a hundred and eight swords and avatars, and even can form a large array by virtue of the avatar. The enemy will be desperate when they see it! It is all over the place and it will be overwhelmed! Now, Gongsunhong' The glimpse of the sword step is already thirty-six, and it’s really a shame! This talent is the first person to join the disciples of the fire.

The rest of the geniuses are amazed, no wonder that Gong Sunhong is so calm, he does have this capital.

"Do you want to sneak a sword?"

Yi Yun touched his chin and his eyes were slightly condensed. The Zongmen and the family in the Yuan Dynasty had their own unique aspects in terms of exercises, which made people open their eyes.

Although the ancient wild beasts are amazing in strength, most of their attacks are only attacks on Gong Sunhong.

Even if the sword is broken, Gong Sunhong himself has not been affected at all.

By the time the musk time passed, there was no Gong Sunhong on the light bridge, and the body of Gong Sunhong appeared on the other side of the light bridge.

His clothes are flat, and even his hair is not messy, perfect!


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