True Martial World

Chapter 442: Imprint of the Emperor

"No injury!"

Seeing that Gong Sunhong passed the test without any injury, many people appeared on the scene.

This "grassing sword" is not only gorgeous, but also amazing and powerful.

"The glimpse of the sword is a move of attack and defense. It has both speed and fierceness."

Everyone knows that Gong Sunhong is talented and wants to see how he passed the trial. He did not expect Gong Sunhong to use such a means. He took it by himself and added his strength. Therefore, it is very easy to pass this trial. .

"If Gong Sunhong used the slashing sword to attack this ancient wild animal, he should not take any risks, but even then, he did not do this..."

"Ghosting swordsmanship" is just a sword, and it is nothing to be broken. If these people are Gongsunhong, they will never be able to try to attack the effect of the ancient wild animal, but Gongsun Honglian did not try, obviously he should have judged Out, the "ghosting sword" attack, but also can not help this ancient wild animal.

When people are talking, it is very sudden, a beam of light descends from the sky, this beam is directed at Gongsunhong!


Gong Sunhong, a glimpse, did not dodge, let this light beam hit his body, because he judged that this light is not murderous.

"call out!"

The beam hits Gong Gonghong's arm and condenses into a purple mark that looks like a small tattoo.

"Is that the...the imprint of the emperor!? Is this the imprint of the emperor?"

When the leopard saw this purple mark, she was shocked.

She said this, suddenly caused the crowd turmoil, many Junjie, regardless of their own injuries, stopped meditation, have looked at Gong Sunhong's arm.

Among the jade slips of the Shentu family, there is a description of the emperor's runes. After the opening of the female emperor's secrets, younger generations can obtain the imprint of the emperor if they perform well in a certain trial.

Every imprint of the emperor is extremely precious. After collecting a certain number of these runes, you can open the treasure of the female emperor and use the runes to redeem the treasures in the treasure of the female emperor!

The ancient female emperor is not afraid to cultivate genius.

Some of the younger generations, who are not qualified by her standards, but who are still talented, will also be given appropriate support and rewards.

And the things that the ancient female emperor left in the secrets of the female emperor, each one is not allowed, if one can be exchanged for one...

Thinking of this, the rest of the world is envious.

Even Gong Honghong, who has always been a light-hearted man, can't help but smile. He has ambitions. He even wants his future to be limited to the fire.

However, only one emperor's imprint is too little. According to the records of the Shen Tu family's jade, the things in the treasure of the female emperor are too difficult to obtain.

The Shentu family also had juniors who received the imprint of the emperor, but they did not see the real treasure of the female emperor. They only saw the list of the emperor’s treasures, and the number of emperor’s seals needed to exchange those treasures also made them suffer. The number of imprints of the female emperor is only enough to redeem something that was insignificant to the female emperor.

In any case, this is a good sign. Only in this first trial will you get an imprint of the emperor. After the trial, you should get a new imprint of the emperor. If you can really open the treasure of the emperor, then Opportunity is not something that ordinary people can imagine!

"This Gongsunhong...hey..."

The young Junjie who passed the light bridge couldn't help but shake his head. It was also a genius, or the gap was too big. Gong Sunhong got the scene of the imprint of the emperor, so that they had dissipated most of the original through the joy of the light bridge.

However, Gong Sunhong’s strength makes them have nothing to say. Compared with their trials, Gong Sunhong is indeed a level higher than them.

When all the trials were concerned about the imprint of the emperor on Gong Sunhong’s arm, not far away, Yi Yun did not squint. He kept staring at the ancient wild beast on the light bridge and its third eye. ......

Before Yi Yun retired for half a year, with the pure yang of the female emperor, the amethyst was used to transform the body, so that his pure body is getting closer to perfection.

The body of pure yang, placed in the Tianyuan world is also a top genius. At that time, a predecessor of the Taiyang Kingdom, who had a pure yang body, only used twenty days to cultivate the "Tai A Sheng Law" and achieved the sage. This time became too A permanent record of the city.

This is just an ordinary pure yang body, and if it is a perfect pure yang body, it is even worse.

Even if it is placed in the Tianyuan world, it will be shocking and even physique that can affect the pattern of the great power of the Tianyuan community!

In the cloud shortage, Yi Yun’s own martial arts talent can be said to be terrible.

Later, he went to the city of Tai A, a trip to the gate of the star, Yi Yun's martial arts talent has been greatly improved.

Now, Yi Yun to Tianyuanjie, with the amethyst energy on his body's subtle transformation, the body is close to the perfect pure Yang body of Yi Yun, even if the amethyst is abandoned, it can really be called a martial genius!

In the secret of the female emperor, Yi Yun only passed this entry test by his own strength, and he did not feel any difficulty.

However, this is not satisfied by Yi Yun, the ancient female emperor can be famous, her realm, beyond the imagination of the world, want to enter the ancient female emperor's eye, just pass, or a beautiful pass, in fact, is not enough!

Gong Sunhong has passed beautifully, what about it?

Just a stamp of the Emperor, Yi Yun also read the description of the Shen Tu family's jade, want to truly exchange the treasures of the female emperor's treasure, a stamp of the emperor, is nothing.

In the view of Yi Yun, a young genius who won the first place in the three-year ancestral hall of the fire sect. In the present Tianyuan world, every major force can pick out a few, in the era of the ancient female emperor, it is even more Grab a lot.

If the ancient female emperor only wanted to choose such a person to be a descendant, she had to show such an intention in her own time, and there were many people who would break through the threshold. Some of them would certainly be superior to Gong Sunhong!

But this is useless.

Therefore, Yi Yun affirmed that Gong Sunhong’s performance would not satisfy the ancient female emperor.

Perfect dodge does not enter the eyes of the female emperor, there must be a more perfect way to pass. Just like... kill this wild beast!

When this thought came into his mind, Yi Yun was taken aback.

Because it is obvious that the huge ancient wild beasts on the light bridge in front of you are not easy to deal with by Yi Yun. It is not only easy to cloud, even if they add up all of them, even if Lin Xinyi is at the age of sixteen, Her strength has doubled, and it is not the opponent of the ancient wild animal.

However, according to the analysis of various aspects, there is only one way to pass the satisfaction of the ancient female emperor. Otherwise, she will lose her meaning by arranging the secrets of the female emperor.

Faced with a wild beast that is far beyond the 16-year-old junior level of strength, it is basically impossible to kill in front. It is inferred that there should be weaknesses in the ancient wild animals in front of us.

This first introductory trial may not be a test of the body, nor a test of actual combat, but a test of the observational power of each of the light bridge testers.

Find the weaknesses of the ancient wild animals!

Although Yi Yun has a good understanding and a keen eyesight, he does not think that his ability in this aspect can make the geniuses of the ancient times unattainable, and he cannot satisfy the ancient female emperor.

So... Yi Yun had to use the big killer...

The ancient female emperor arranged the secrets of the female emperor. No matter the array method or the various arrangements, it is impossible to leave the energy that drives them... energy!

In the energy field of vision, the light bridge in front of you and the ancient wild animal, it is completely different.

This means seems shameless, but... Yi Yun likes it.

"Cough... How can I have this idea?"

Yi Yun touched his nose. "Predecessors of the Emperor, I can't help it, I don't want to cheat, but... Amethyst is already part of me, and it is also a part of my talent. If I got your inheritance, I think my hands, it will not be humiliated."

That Yi Yun believes that the process and means of doing things are not important, as long as they do not violate their own bottom line, and the result is fundamental.

At this time, the voice of the indifferent voice of the female emperor came with a tone, and it disappeared from the ancient wild animal, and there are two quarters of an hour!

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